Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        


August 24, 2009

August 25th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for August 25th are Glorious.


Sidney Rosary

Tuesday August 25th

at 6:20pm for healing.

Please tune in and

pray with us!



August 24, 2009


Given April 20, 2009 - My Mom's birthday


John 3: 1-8

There was one of the Pharisees called Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, who came to Jesus by night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; for no one could perform the signs that you do unless God were with him.’ Jesus answered:

    In all truth I tell you,
    no one can see the kingdom of God
    without being born from above.

Nicodemus said, ‘How can anyone who is already old be born? Is it possible to go back into the womb again and be born?’ Jesus replied:

    In all truth I tell you,
    no one can enter the kingdom of God
    without being born
       through water and the Spirit;
    what is born of human nature is human;
   what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
    Do not be surprised when I say:
   You must be born from above.
    The wind blows where it pleases;
   you can hear its sound,
   but you cannot tell where it comes from
      or where it is going.
   So it is with everyone
      who is born of the Spirit


                    We are to walk as a "new man"
                that is what Easter is all about —
                to have the newness of life of living
                more the life of resurrection and
                bringing that life of resurrection to others —

                    To accomplish this we are to make
                a change in our ways to walk in
                the newness of life —

                    We may have gone to Church etc. —
                but the condition and motive of the
                heart is what matters.

                    When Jesus went to the cross — He
                went purely — He did the Father's will
                perfectly — He was consumed with conviction
                as a runner running a race —

                    We pray God give us a willing spirit
                to run the race for You — not to be
                held back because of bitterness and
                anger and self-pity, but to follow
                in Your footsteps to love and serve
                You for Your holy purpose —

                    What is the will of God for my vocation
                today? How can I purely do the job?
                What keeps me from doing the job with
                a pure spirit of love and furthering
                His Kingdom. What motive do I have
                for serving God — My motive should be
                for His honor and glory — for love of
                My Master — how can I make recompense
                to God for pitying myself and acting
                bitter — avenging others when I should
                have just served Him in my vocation —
                with great love for Him and others as
                He desires —

                Do I realize only in serving Him, in
                    living our lives as a sacrifice, an
                    offering will I be happy —

                    Pope John Paul II said — know what
                God wants and do it —

                    St. Therese showed us her little
                way of love — We are to love God for
                loving Him — We are to honor Him because
                He is God — We are to be on fire for
                love of Him as our best friend and when
                we have a friend we love — we try to
                give Him what He desires — Jesus wants
                this personal love —

                    Loving the Father and giving to Him
                as a good little child of the Father —
                Being a person who thinks they control
                everything may fail to see themselves
                as a little child - created by the Father —
                to love and serve God — to see themselves
                under another in authority is a grace
                which is necessary to grow in the
                spiritual life.

                    We must live for the Father's will as
                a small child pleasing daddy — we
                seek it — we run our lives by
                seeking the Father's will and living by
                it — It is our ruling stick.

                    We see Jesus sweating Blood in
                the garden —

                    "Not My will but Yours, Father"

                We see Jesus beaten

                    "Not My will but Yours, Father"

                We see Jesus crowned with thorns,
                    spit on, mocked

                    "Not My will but Yours, Father"

                We see Jesus carry the cross on His
                    back — the cross with our sins —
                    the cross He fell under —

                    "Not My will, but Yours, Father"

                We see Jesus stripped of His garments,
                    nailed — thru His hands and feet
                    and hanging on the cross 3 hours
                    to His death

                    "Not My will, but Yours, Father"

                Well what about those who are angry
                    inside and act bitter punishing
                    others for their anger —

                When we do not forgive and live with
                    an angry, hard heart — we
                    are miserable and nobody can
                    fix someone who is lashing out
                    in mean active or passive anger
                    for the anger in them

                Jesus is love —

                Jesus loved us so much — no matter what
                    the men did to Him —
                    He did the Father's will — not with
                    anger from the wounds of others —
                    but Jesus did the Father's will in

                Fr. Carter used to see himself as a
                    little child in Mary's arms —
                    he would say
                    "I am just a little child in
                    Mary's arms" — Fr. Carter loved —
                    Fr. Carter gave his life for
                    the Shepherds of Christ —

                He was persecuted, but he delivered
                    the messages —

                He did not worry about himself or
                    what others thought of him —
                    he supported every message and
                    he told people they must,
                    to be leaders, live by the rules
                    of the Shepherds of Christ.

                The Blue Books were as much his as
                    mine and he discerned them — lived
                    by them and told the people in
                    the Movement they were to live
                    by them —

                Fr. Carter loved —
                Fr. Carter supported me as leader
                    and messenger.
                Fr. Carter lived by the messages
                Fr. Carter defended me and the
                    messages —

                Fr. Carter spent time seeing what
                    Jesus wanted was carried out
                And he stood behind the building,
                    the Red Rosary book — praying
                    for it every day

                Fr. Carter was pure —
                He did it for Jesus
                He said Jesus told him
                    a little prayer

                If we don't have the right spirit
                    and motive in us our
                    actions will not render ourselves
                    pleasing to what the Father

                Help me to see through your eyes God —
                    (not my distorted vision focusing
                    on my selfish ways)


Prayer for Union with Jesus

    Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

    I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.

    I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

    When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994


                We are the children of the Father —

                Father give us Your love

                Holy Spirit make us holy —
                    not rebellious —
                    acting from our wounded selves

                    Help us to be pure

                Help us to bring about the
                    Reign of the Sacred Heart
                        in this world —

                The meek (not combattal and argumentative,
                    competitive) and tender Heart of
                    love of Jesus —

                God help us to grow in love
                    to be with you in love
                    forever in heaven

                This life is a work table to
                    learn to love and be holy

                    We must become people united to God —
                We are not trying to prove we are over
                others - in competition.

                    We see ourselves uniquely created
                by God and only we can contribute to
                the world as God intends — We uniquely
                love God and others

                    We know we are special
                    We are the Divine Creation of the
                        Father with a purpose —

                A person who does not recognize this may
                    be constantly trying to save - face
                    before people because of shame
                    and guilt from the past or negative
                    tapes they listen to which are
                    because of their distorted vision
                    of themselves, of others and of God —

                We can pray
                    to see through the eyes of God
                    to know with the heart of God
                    and to act as God acts in us —

                We were created for a purpose —
                    as servants of God
                    our whole life should be lived
                        to learn to love —

                    not to focus on making a name
                        and kingdom for our vain
                        purpose here below

                Because of the effects of original sin
                    man seeks dominance for
                    dominance sake —

                    Jesus sweat blood in the garden for
                our sins —

                    The person that lies to themselves
                about their past offenses and never
                took responsibility for this — lives
                a life of wearing a mask —

                    A cover-up to themselves and

                    We can't cover-up anything
                from God — He died for our sins —

                    We must thank Him for His gifts —
                We can pray all through the day —
                thanking God for all He has given
                to us — Sincerely and humbly recognizing
                our unworthiness and God's love and
                generosity toward us

                    Dear God let me see the beauty
                of the ordinary and usual —
                a beautiful flowering tree —
                a love coming from a child's heart as
                    they greet us
                a baby communicating - patty cake —
                    peek-a-boo — turning their head —
                    a smile
                the ocean — time just being with Jesus —
                the exposed Eucharist
                the Mass

                Help me not to act like I'm on a
                    "pity-pot" for some injury
                    I believe someone is doing to
                    me because of past anger and old wounds —

                    We can ask God to help us — all
                through the day —

                    We can pray for guidance to help
                        us recognize our blind spots
                        toward any evil we are acting
                        out in our lives —
                        think of the lepers — think of
                        dark spots on our soul

                We beg God to help us — We recognize
                    humbly — we are not the Power —
                    We are imperfect —
                    We rely on God

                Jesus came a helpless baby into
                    the world —

                We can be stuck 'real bad' when we
                    think we are perfect or
                    think we are to fix ourselves —
                    We need to be willing and
                        let God work in us —

                We seek peace, harmony love —

                I am connected to God in my
                    heart — we live to spread
                    the consecration and I am
                    connected with God in all
                    my thoughts —
                    I am the little child of the Father
                    I am under God

                We need to recognize our absolute
                    dependence on God —

                    We are dependent on God —
                    I seek understanding from the Holy Spirit —
                    I come with an open mind
                    I pray for my persecutors

                Did you ever see the poem footprints —

                Surrender to God's guidance
                Don't try to control things I shouldn't
                God is in control

                We pray to be free — to put our
                    trust in God

                We can be a prisoner of our
                    own making because of control

                To be free — we learn to accept —
                We pay a price to live in peace
                    and joy — we surrender our
                    mind and will to God and don't try to
                    control what we should be controlling —
                    We must give our mind and will to God —
                    It is a weakness of the human nature
                    to try to dominate for dominance
                    sake —

                We can be filled with bitterness,
                    self-pity, lie to ourselves,
                    that make our vision of
                    ourselves and others and God
                    more distorted

                Since we don't see real reality as
                    it actually is —
                    Reality is how God sees it —

                Much of our suffering is because
                    of our own actions — Self-inflected
               Negative — run on thinking — blaming
                    others — acting disharmoniously —
                    setting fires to control others
                    for our own power —
                    controlling money and things for power
                    to control people

                We may be an enabler, who will
                    not see our control that
                    is majorly hurting others
                    lives —
                    that we are trying to enforce
                    dysfunction on them —

                We may project pain of the past —
                    divorce, loss of control of
                    children — in transferring
                    that loss of power to trying to control others —

                We can look with a magnifying
                    glass at others and skip the
                    boulder in our eye about ourselves.

                We can think of how we suffer
                    at the hands of others and never
                    never recognize how we make
                    others suffer —

                To much run on thinking — mulling
                    over can make our situation
                    seem worse —

                I can control my own behavior —
                I can recognize my faults —
                I can change my reaction —
                I cannot be envious and try
                    to be even with what others did to

                    Many are blind
                    Pray for grace for them

                Think about trying to grow in
                    greater holiness ourselves —

                God help me to accept my powerlessness —
                God help me to focus on my recovery —

                We can make our life more
                    miserable by how we think —

                We can always be feeling cheated —
                    thinking grass is greener elsewhere

                Everybody is imperfect —

                We are to love and work together

                Our parents told us things —

                I remember telling a child she would
                    be a doctor —
                She is a doctor —

                If our parents told us we would marry
                    and live happily ever after is
                    it true

                Children need to cut the umbilical
                    cord to be independent and
                    live as God intends

                If a child grows up and still has all
                    the thoughts about themselves
                    mommy and daddy had — they
                    can be wrong today

                A child may be telling themselves
                    today — they need a rich husband
                    because mama told them that —

                And if they aren't rich — they can be
                    having great unhappiness —

                A person always accusing others
                    for their problems soon has
                    no friends —
                    projection —

                A man expecting a woman to bow
                    or wait on them —

                Resentment is a rebellion in a
                    sense against our own
                    way of life —

                We either have to surrender to
                    our way of life —
                    or quit — because living
                    with resentment — anger
                    discord — hatred is HELL








DVDs Available

plus shipping


The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima

Padre Pio-Miracle Man

The Man for all Seasons





John of the Cross

The Passion of the Christ

The Song of Bernadette

Pope John Paul II






The Nativity Story


The Passion of Bernadette





Mother Teresa

Jesus of Nazareth

Peter - Keeper of the Keys

Paul Contending for the Faith








Call Kathleen




Shepherds of Christ   P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250   1-888-211-3041





Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18

Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8

Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18

I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18

Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18

Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18

Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18

Infant of Prague w/glass - 24


Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24

Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24

Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24




I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24

I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24

Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24




Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28

Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24

Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24

Fatima w/glass - 11

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 12

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 15




Fatima w/glass - 18

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 18


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St. Padre Pio

St. Joseph

St. Therese




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St. Jude

Divine Mercy




Holy Family


St. Philomena




Pieta - Marble

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Holy Family




St. Anthony - 18

St. Francis - 18

St. Joseph - 18




St. Therese - 18

St. Rita - 18

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St. Rita - 12

St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12



Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250


Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182


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 Holy Family








 St. Anthony




 St. Claire




 St. Francis




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 St. Jude




 St. Padre Pio




 St. Therese



 Divine Mercy




 St. Philomena


 St. Philomena


 St. Joseph


 St. Francis


 St. Anthony


 St. Rita


 St. Therese


 Pieta - Color 15" $75  
 Pieta - Marble 15" $75  
 Holy Family


 St. Padre Pio - standing


 St. Padre Pio - sitting


 St. Rita



 Divine Mercy


 St. Claire




 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass


 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass



 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass



 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass



 Infant of Prague w/glass



 Our Lady of Grace w/glass



 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass  


 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass


 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass



 Sorrowful Mother w/glass


 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass


 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass


 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass


 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass  


 Our Lady of Grace w/glass



 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass

18" $300  
 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass



 Fatima w/glass



 Fatima w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



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Fr. Joe's Homily Books  

Guiding Light -
The Word Alive in Our Hearts


Guiding Light -
Focusing on the Word



Fr. Carter's Books

Priestly Newsletter Book I

12 Newsletters
July 1994 - June 1996


Priestly Newsletter Book 2

17 Newsletters
1996 - 1999


Priestly Newsletter Book 3

4 Newsletters & Prayers


Synopsis of the Spiritual Life

Spirituality Handbook

Messages given
by Jesus and Mary 1994

Tell My People

The Pain and the Joy



Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 1


Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 2



Fr. Pasquini's Books


Prayers and Meditations


In Imitation of Two Hearts

For those suffering or
in Nursing Homes

Light, Happiness and Peace

Journeying through traditional
Catholic Spirituality


Medicine of Immortality

Prayers and Meditations - will assist the reader in growth toward a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Eucharist


Ecce Fides - Pillar of Truth

Ideal for RCIA, Adult & Youth Bible Study, Homeschooling, Catholic
Identity Studies


Shepherds of Christ Newsletters
9 Newsletters
2006 - 2008



DVDs and CDs by Fr. Pasquini


Authenticity DVD
Prayers on the Ocean


Nursing Home Mass DVD


Consolation DVD


Medicine of Immortality
Read by Rita Ring

2 CDs - $17.00

In Imitation of Two Hearts DVD



Consolation CD
by Fr. John



Nursing Home Mass CD


Holy Spirit Novena DVD


Divine Mercy Chaplet DVD


plus shipping


Call Kathleen



God’s Blue Books

God’s Blue Book 1
Teachings to Lift You Up


God’s Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary


God’s Blue Book 2
The Fire of His Love


God’s Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart


God’s Blue Book 3
Love God, Love One Another

(Fr. Carter's favorite)

God’s Blue Book 6
He Calls Us to Action




Rosary Books

Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary


Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary


Rosary Meditations for
Parents and Children's


Mysteries of Light 1


Mysteries of Light 2


Little People & Elderly Rosary Book


Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each


Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each







Available for $10.00 each plus postage


Call Kathleen


We are trying to get

Response to God's Love

and the Mass Book out.

Anybody who wants to help us

with a donation to get these 2 books

out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —

Please call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041




Prayer Cards

size 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
$1.00 plus postage







Prayer Card  4" x 6"

.5 each plus postage











Holy Cards available

2" x 3"

Holy Spirit Prayer Act of Consecration to
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Act of Consecration to
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer for Priests


Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Prayer for Union with Jesus

Available for .25¢ each plus postage

Call Kathleen





We are trying to get

Response to God's Love

and the Mass Book out.

Anybody who wants to help us

with a donation to get these 2 books

out in the Priestly/hierarchy mailing —

Please call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041



July 31, 1994

Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:

"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)






The China Church is over 140 years old

and we pray in there 24 hours a day.

It needs stucco and so does

the community building.

Can you please help us?

Call Kathleen 1-888-211-3041


Likewise the priest house

is 150 years old.

Jesus told us to repair it

which we have been doing.

We need $13,000.00 for this work.







You can help put the Blue Book V

in the hands of 1,000 people

we need $1,200 postage for this

It is ready to go

Call Kathleen



You can help put Fr. Joe's homily

book in the hands of

1,000 priests — it costs $1,100

This can help 1,000 parish priests

talk about Covenant for Lent 

Please help us

It is ready to go

Call Kathleen  1-888-211-3041



Crucifix — hand carved by Felix


Available for $750.00




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