Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

We Share Union with God

God's Blue Book III Cover

May 4, 1994

R. We stand strong if we love God because we can be united when we do love Him. I have a bond with you and I love you intimately in a way that I do not love another because we share this union with God.

It is in God and only in Him that we are made one. He loves us. He gave His life for love of us. He shows us the way to love. When two people love in Him there is not division but they are closer because they are both open.

It is in loving together that we are united. I can love you even if you don't love God, but we do not have as great a bond because we are not both open to His love.

To be strong and stand against attack, we must truly love at the Center. This is the Center where God's love will reign and be our strength. We must put aside any differences with our brothers and try to settle them only in love and praying for wisdom, understanding, and counsel from the Holy Spirit to know what God wants us to know. We need God to be our loving Father, Jesus to be our loving Spouse, the Holy Spirit to love and give us His gifts, and Mary to be our most loving mother, to mother us as she mothered Jesus. What warmth in our soul! This will light the darkened night because we are filled with the love of God and we can give love.

Bathe us in Your love, God. Blessed Lady, be by our side. We are but little ones in need of direction and love. Treat us tenderly and help us to be ever grateful for all you give us. Amen.

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