Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

You Must Want Union With Me

God's Blue Book I Cover

November 6, 1993 5:30a.m.

Jesus speaks: I love you all. I have said so much but no one knows what is in My heart because My heart is a divine heart. I need to be the center of your lives. You need to have your own personal relationship with Me. All our love is different between us. You love Me as you do. You must come and have your relationship with Me.

I am here and I wait for you day and night. You can either come or not. Most people know in their hearts that there is more. Their hearts gnaw at them with unrest that yearns to be filled and can only be satisfied by Me. A full meal, a clean beautiful house, a good friend, a lover. All leave you with the feeling it is not enough. It isn't enough because your soul craves Me and My love. Our love is as a husband and wife. We share our love and it is personal. It is different how you love Me and someone else loves Me. I wait to know you in this special way. No one can tell you what it is like to love Jesus. You must experience My love in your heart, but it comes with much decision on your part to come and keep being with Me. Time is the answer to having this relationship with Me. The gnawing in your heart is increased and you crave this union with Me. Some never identify this craving. They still look everywhere on the earth and never find their rest in Me. You will not know Me on this earth as your heart desires. This is part of the longing to be with Me forever in heaven, to know Me more, to experience Me fully. There is no longing for God in heaven. It is satisfied. Your heart is at rest. You crave this union with Me. It is very unsettling to love someone and not be able to experience it fully. I give you very intense glimpses of My love when you come.

Come to Me and know Me more. I am waiting to give you My love. You crave Me in your soul, if you know it or not. You were created with a gnawing for Me and nothing fills you like Me. Will you come and be with Me in a special way? I want to be with you. Will you let our relationship grow and grow, as your heart truly craves, or will you continue to look in dark corners for that which will never be found there. Oh, little ones, you want to know Me. You must come and give Me your all. Let Me possess you and you will know a little of My intense love. No one can talk about what our love is like - it is beyond words, beyond your comprehension, but there is a knowing that this is different from all else that you crave and it is true.

Come to Me and let your world go. It is so hard and without feeling. I am so loving and so intense. Let Me reach into your heart and love your soul. Let Me touch you the way I want to. Open yourself and be alone with Me. Experience Me, My child. You do not know what I can give you. You must trust and keep coming this way with an open soul. Open to be filled by Me in My time and in My place. Be patient. I want to love you. You must prove to Me your love for Me. Your time and desire to be united with Me will let Me know your intentions. I do not give Myself to everyone. You must want this union very much. I must be so much a part of your life that your life is so little to you. I love you so much.

R. Nobody can teach me about the ways of the soul and loving Jesus and God. Only God can reveal such things to me. If I want to be close to Him, I must be as a baby at the breast.

I must be taught and cared for and fed by Him, Who knows things of love in the soul. We all crave this union, but it is only Jesus and God Who can give us what we want. We must come and beg for this from them. This is torment, to want to be so close to Jesus but not be able. I must be totally submissive and surrendering to Him and He, in His time, will reveal Himself to me little by little, if I come and wait with Him. I am like a baby. I must wait to be fed. I must wait for this love. He is in charge of giving me what He wants to. I could not, in my nothingness, take all of Him. I would pass out. I am not ready for it all. I am as a baby. He gives me little bites-that is all I can handle-but I crave it all in my soul. Jesus, give me little bites and teach me how to know You more and more, how to serve You and please You. I know this gnawing will never be satisfied here on earth, but it will be filled to a greater degree if I keep coming to You. You will give me glimpses of Yourself which will overpower me in my earthly form.

It is this craving of the soul that keeps coming back for more and more. Now I understand My unrest. It is for love-deep, deep love of You. I crave it so. As we let go more and more of ourselves we become more and more ready for You. To experience You is overwhelming. Your power would knock us over. It overwhelms us. We can experience You more and more in the Eucharist if we give ourselves over to You and You choose when and how much You give to us. Make me open to You and all focused only on You. My unrest is for love of You. It haunts me day and night and the stalking love I feel is for love of You. I will never get enough. It is such unrest. I cannot play music after Communion. It is distractive for me and everyone there. He wants that for quiet union with Him.

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