Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Play and Pray with Your Children

God's Blue Book I Cover

November 30, 1993

Jesus speaks: You must listen to Me and do My will. When I speak, I do so for a reason. You are My little ones and I comfort and wait for you.

Remember Satan is there to trip you up and leave you out to dry. Like a thief in the night he comes and is there.

Come to Me and wait with Me. You must learn to let go of it all for love of Me. Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise the Lord. Come and follow Me, little ones, for My burden is light and My honor great indeed!

I am the Omega. I am all you need. You come in your trials and in your joy. I love you when you are troubled. I do not love you today and then abandon you when you need Me. I know you are weak and you fall. You want to do My will and others pull you away from your children. Learn from this. Place your cares in My hands. You must have time alone, every day, with your children, praying and playing. This comes after adoration. It is a time of refueling and reflecting My love to them. Nothing is as good for your children but your time alone with them. It does so much for a child to have a parent pray and play with them.

Others in the world can find someone else. I gave you these children and they come first. Children need to be valued. They are so precious to Me. When you are spending time with your family, it pleases Me so. If you spend too much time with others and none with your family alone, it divides you. Listen to this teaching. Satan wants to divide you and knows this time is a powerhouse for getting along and loving, so he plants distraction and puts people in your way. Time alone at home, being together, playing and praying together-this is a must to a happy, united family! Tell others you are busy doing My work. This is My work for you. It is My job for you. If you had to teach, you would be there for every class. Your job for Me is being with your children. Other things don't matter. This is your work and you must show up for your job or you are not coming when I call you to work. I am the boss. I want this private time alone with My little ones every day. This is your work. This is the power behind the family. It must be united and strong to withstand the sickness of this world. Your son is gone six hours a day. He needs this rebuilding. Your daughter needs to be with you. Time with you is most important to her.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I dwell in your heart. Your job is to be with Me first, then be with your children. They are children. Other adults can find other ways to get their needs met. They can come to Me and read these letters. I have spoken. Your job is as a mother. Mary is the model for all mothers. Look at the closeness between her and her Son-very close. This is My model for you. Stay tuned in and present always for them. This is your job, your time and prayer alone with them.

Satan wants division. Beware of his cunning ways. The wolf comes in sheep's clothing. Beware, he comes as a thief in the night. You are fine and then, in one second, chaos. That is Satan. He is not nice. He wants your soul and he wants your hearts. He wants to make you cold and unattached. He uses whatever or whomever to divide you: people, phones, TV. He can use a prayer meeting to divide you if you would have been better off being alone at home together. When you are together, talk about Me. Your daughter has much to say and so does your son. The biggest gift you can give a child is the importance of Me to them. I am what is most valuable in their life. If I am so valuable, I should be the topic of conversation. Your son was thinking of Jesus carrying a tree. This is beautiful. Your daughter has many messages. She should share them with you both. Read every message I give you, every day, to your children. This is your job for Me. Treat it as a job you get paid for. You get paid by Me and that is the most valuable pay!

I love the family. I want it strong. I love My children. They are precious to Me. All are heirs to My kingdom, but it is only won through prayer and sacrifice and knowledge of Me. You must share My life and the lives of the saints with your children. I am Jesus, I will heal your hurts and send you out to play. Play this day. Teach My message of love. Satan has weakened your front and now he is attacking you. Security comes in a strong family. Fortify your walls with prayer and playing together. Have time for your children. My time is not your time. I loan it to you to do My work. My work is being with your kids.

Be attentive to My commands for you. This is My will! Do as I say. You want to do My will. Then do it! Don't ask, and I tell you, then do what you want. Oh, such willfulness in My people! I tell you, "Pray with Me. Be with Me." Then you are too busy. But you say, "I want to do the will of God." My will for My people is to turn back to God. Make Him first in your life. Spend time with Me, alone. Then you are doing My will and all else will work out.

Oh, beloved of My Father, I do love thee. Listen and harken to My commands: Mass, Communion, adoration and your family. Pray together. This is My wish for you.

Alleluia. God has spoken and you must harken to the call. It is His call to make ready your hearts for the coming Christmas is the coming of Christ to your hearts. Your children come first. Presents and business are not of God. They are commercial and divide you. Parties are not fun when the little ones are left out or thrown in front of a TV or sitter. Children are God's gifts to this earth. Recognize all the value they are to you and to Me.

R. Alleluia. Praise the Lord. I accept the crosses You send me because You alone know that which I need.

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