Picture of rhe Sacred Heart of Jesus Welcome to
God's Blue Book, Volume 2:
The Fire of His Love

Messages received by Rita Ring

About the cover:

"My Heart is an open furnace of endless love. It is open and on fire for love of you, My dear ones. I held back not one drop of My blood. I spread My arms and gave the last beat of My Heart for you. I come to you in this book with this Heart open. It is a roaring fire, aflame for love of you every second, even when you are not thinking about Me. Read My love letters, written just for you. When you see this Heart, open and on fire, remember I love you in just this way, this very moment."

-Message from Jesus 12/19/94

Recognition of the Holy See

In conformity with the decrees of Pope Urban VIII, the Publisher recognizes and accepts that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome, to whose judgment we willingly submit.

-The Publisher

This book is published by Shepherds of Christ Publications.

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Shepherds of Christ Publications
P.O. Box 17541
Fort Mitchell, KY © 1995

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HTML Version: March 25, 1996
URL: http://www.Shepherds-of-Christ.org

Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 94-65512
ISBN: 0-9635852-6-6

First Printing: January, 1995.
Second Printing: July, 1995

Cover Art by Harold Kellner

Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

I Am Alive

"This is the picture I want in My messages. When you read these messages, look at My picture and know I love you. These messages are My words of love for each of you."

- Jesus to Rita Ring

A Recipe Book for Union with Jesus

Jesus: "I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to fasten. But I come to you just the same, little one, out of great love to give you many gifts for your soul. Are you ready to receive all I come to bring to you or are you closed? Open the door to your heart and let Me enter into you. Be open and experience My filling you.

My relationship with you is no little thing. It is a deep, deep union I want with you. Open your heart. Pray for this union. My Blue Book is a recipe book for this union. I give you here all the ingredients necessary for intimate union with Me -- your submissiveness, your willingness to let Me possess your soul, your time spent in silence in front of the tabernacle, daily mass and Holy Communion, periods of spiritual communion throughout the day, allowing yourself to die to you and to be open to My possessing you and permeating your very being.

Do not try to understand the mystery. Feel My mighty love for you and quit looking for answers. You are missing the best part. Oh, how I love you! I give to you from your bounty and you, My child, are made whole. Read my words here. They are a prescription for life, My life deep within your heart. Then the world will truly know Me through you and the light you cast on the darkness."

God's Blue Book II Cover Dedication

To my family, Bob, Carol, Sharon, Cathy and Joe.


For his gracious assistance in discerning this text and for helping me on my spiritual journey, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Professor of Theology, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio.

A great many people have given unselfishly of their time and talents to make this book possible, but a certain few stand out for their special contributions. They have been there from early on and continue to be there whenever help is needed: Ellen Sartori for typing these messages and for giving of herself for those seemingly endless hours of service to Jesus; Father Leroy Smith, who believed and counseled and continues to believe; and my uncle Andrew Weber, who has been so strongly supportive.


To The Reader

Jesus wants to share His love with you. He comes in these letters to tell you how you can be in intimate union with Him.

All of us possess everything we need to have an intimate union with Him. He has been giving me messages since October of 1991. For at least a year I sat in front of the tabernacle and begged him to talk to me. I wanted words. I prayed to the Holy Spirit and begged and begged Him to baptize me. After a long and seemingly endless search, trying to hear God, He told me to "feed the hungry." For six weeks this was all I heard. I thought maybe I wasn't feeding my children well or eating well enough myself. What a long wait for three words! At long last one day, as I was writing to Jesus, I received a letter back. He told me, "I am Jesus, Son of the Living God." I did not want to write this but it kept coming--and so did many other messages. I knew nothing of anyone getting messages. I wrote them, reluctantly, and hid my notebooks. The letters kept coming, many during the night. I would be awakened, then given long letters which I felt compelled to get up and write down. I read these letters privately and my life began to change. I felt a new life within me.

He taught me of His fervent love and how truly present He was. He taught me how precious I was to Him. Over and over again He would call me His precious child and tell me how He loved me, how He clothed me with dignity and honor. He told me over and over how He was right by my side always. He is teaching me to give up all fear and to trust in Him. He is teaching me to let go of myself and let Him run my life. I am trying every day to do His will.

He is also telling you in your heart all you need to know. He has all the answers for you there in your heart. You must be silent and go to Him so you can hear His words for you.

Sit in front of the tabernacle and be with Him. Do not pray prayers. Sit and be open and just be with Him. Read these letters there. These are Jesus' love letters to you. Sit in front of the tabernacle and let Him talk to you. Sit silent awhile. Read these letters part of the time. Open any page and He will talk to you. Do not read this like a book, cover to cover. Just open to a page and read that page. That is the way He speaks to you. -RR

Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Prayer for Union With Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.

I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now. (January 17, 1994)

Editor's Comments

The prayer on the previous page first appeared in Volume 1 of God's Blue Book. The words came to the receiver, Rita Ring, in a kind of rush of consciousness, a "hearing" in her heart commonly called an inner locution. She did not author this prayer, but merely acted as a recorder, a sounding board for the real Author, the Giver of what she calls "letters" which follow.

Working with a person like Rita, given her dedication to Jesus and His mother, is a blessing. It is also a formidable challenge and ever a mystery. If one is a believer--and this editor is one--then the blessing is to be lucky enough in time and place to be in the path of God's messages for His people, to be part of the conduit carrying those messages to others. The challenge comes in presenting, logically and simply, matters which border on deep personal faith. Save a few cursory proofs as to the integrity and believability of the receiver, the road of worldly logic ends abruptly and we are forced to believe or not believe. We face the mystery of God's ways.

If the messages in this book come from Jesus, then these words must be accurately presented so that you, the reader, may clearly judge their meaning for you. After all, we have here Our Lord, our Maker, our God, communicating with us through a chosen representative, a person just like the rest of us. She senses joy and pain, she will die and she makes mistakes. Like most locutionists, she listens, she writes her letters. She prays for guidance. She struggles, for the "gifts" she receives impress on her the painful reality that our sinful behavior hurts Our Lord Who loves each of us intently. She literally hears Him say so!

This receiver has joys, sorrows, spiritual highs and lows the rest of us can't clearly understand. Her task is to get His lessons to us, His people. A few of us get into line behind Rita, some to make sure the words are easy to read, some to get the spelling right and some just to get the words broadcast. The messages have a powerful essence. They beg for action. They remind us that His infinite love for us is there as it has always been and that, as usual, our human reciprocity is lacking. Do we owe Him more? Read the following messages, one at a time--preferably in front of the tabernacle. Think about it. We do have a ways to go, but He is there waiting!

- Larry Memering, Editor, Shepherds Christ Publications


*Words of Jesus. Read before the Tabernacle.

How, child, do I, Jesus, tell you I love you? You hold on to silly things when God is in your midst and is ardently loving you. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am writing to each precious child this day. I am on fire for love of you. I remain in the Eucharist to be with you with My ardent love. I did not want to leave My beloved ones at the Last Supper. I love you so, My dear and ardently loved children. I remain with you this day in the Blessed Sacrament, the same Jesus Who died a brutal death on the Cross.

Do you know I am truly present there? Do you know that God waits every day for you in the tabernacle? Do you comprehend even a minute amount of My love? You will never know of how I love you on earth.

I, Jesus, truly the Son of God, came to earth a man and suffered a brutal death for love of you. I love you so much! I remain with you this day. I long for your love. I want you to come and be with Me in front of the tabernacle. I wait, I yearn for you to come and whisper your love to Me. I am a person and I love you this day, with such an ardent on-fire love! No human could ever compare a speck to My love for you.

I wait, little ones, in the tabernacle. I wait for you to come and receive Me in Communion. I want you to want Me so much you cannot wait to come and receive Me. I want to be the love, the center of your life!

I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am writing to you this day. I want to possess your very soul and live in you. I have all you need, sweet ones. Oh, you are so blind! I long for your union with Me. I wrote the book of love. I instituted it, yet you go to the world for your love and do not even come to Me! Oh, I love you, little ones. Little ones, beloved of the Father, loved by the Holy Spirit, mothered by My very own mother! What more can I say? The rest is up to you!

I give you your will with such love and I want your love freely given. I am God. What do you think you could ever need that I do not give you? I am the Savior of this world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am waiting for you. I am longing for you. I am yearning for you. I am God. I have all you ever will need!

Surrender this life to Me. Pray My Prayer for Union with Me. I want to possess your soul and operate from your very being. I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am Who am. I died and rose on the third day.

Harken to My call, harken to My pleading. Spend your days in love with Me. Nothing matters unless it is rooted in Me and rooted in My love. I am the Son of God. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I love you with the tenderest love. I am waiting this day for just you, My beloved one. Come to Me for I am the tenderest of all hearts. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

- God's Blue Book,
Volume 2 April 13, 1994

God's Blue Book II:


"Open any page and He will talk to you. Do not read this like a book, cover to cover. Just open to a page and read that page. That is the way He speaks to you." -RR

In Front of the Tabernacle

-Dialogues With Jesus Continued

As was the case in Volume 1, most messages in this book are from Jesus to the receiver and are proceed by Jesus:. A few read as if from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. For clarity, the receiver's words are always preceded by the letter R.

- The Editor

How Are You With The Lord?

January 1, 1994 2:50 a.m.

Jesus: I come, you write. I give you strength for a tired body. Just do not focus on what people think. All that matters is what I think. How are you with the Lord? This is the most important question that I ask you. How are you with the Lord? The freedom you receive from staying fixed in Him!

R. It is sometimes not easy to put ourselves and our cares aside but we have to turn all things over to His care.

6:40 a.m.

Jesus: He that abides in Me will have the light of life, and the life I give is My Son. He comes so humbly into your world! He is not noisy. He is very quiet. Quiet your hearts that you may allow Him to enter in. Does He come for a few or for everyone? He comes for each and every one of you. There is not one He did not come to save. He came for you, My child, with all the love that led Him to a brutal death on the cross and He comes for you again. Will you be ready for His coming? What is the focus of your heart now? If you are not fixed on Him now, you are missing the whole reason for your living. He is first and last in your life. He is your all. He comes in splendor and glory and He waits for your presence with Him. Oh, how He loves you, little ones! He loves each of you with this unique love. Do not question. Be glad that He Who is God is so good.

R. This is a new year. Make it a year of the Lord. Every day should be spent with Him as your focus. If He is first, all else falls into line. He is as close as your breath.

Personal Note: I have smelled incense on my hands since last night's Mass at the Center. I feel very close to Him because I smell it as I write.

He is this personal with each of us. He waits for us with such intense love! He loves us as we are. He sees us exactly as we are this minute, sins, weaknesses. What love is this? This is unconditional love, true unconditional love. It fashions our hearts and gives us the dignity that little we are loved by God. No matter what we have done, He loves us anyway.

Who are we that God is so good to us? It is His love that shows us His great goodness. Oh, we are so lucky to have such a good God!

Jesus: You are the salt of the earth. You are a city. Your light is the light of God. Your heart is the light that blazes on fire with His love.

R. It is His love that fills your eyes with fire and you show the world His might. Do you even know of your own might when God dwells in you? Make ready your hearts for His coming. Wear His love on your breast. This is the preaching in the dark world. It is His love for each of His brothers. Pray for all of your brothers that they will remove the blinders from their eyes and receive the Lord.

Oh, what a beautiful God He is! What honor you are given by Him. Embrace His love. Seek after the things of God, for He is indeed mighty and worthy of all praise. You are the light that shines in this dark world. Let Him fill you that you will cast His might into the darkness. Staying fixed in Him is the greatest gift you can give the world. It is no longer you who operate, but He Who lives in you and dwells in you and shines His light from your soul. You cannot hide the light of Christ. You cannot hide His power. It radiates as a burning ember from your very soul. Your gift for your brothers is your steadfastness in Christ. You do not have to perform unreasonable feats. You only have to remain open to Him Who wants to permeate your being. When it is He Who dwells in you, you will perform unbelievable feats. It will no longer be you who is acting, but He Who lives and acts from you.

The life of Christ is a penetrating life that is active. It is in your soul. It lives in you. You cannot contain such a life. It will radiate from your soul and you will be teaching just by being. Each day is so short, little ones. Be prepared for the work at hand.

Spend your days with your minds and hearts attuned to God. Give Him yourself. Be selfless and unattached to anything that is not He and then you will be as He intended. He will dwell in you and make you His city. Your light will be cast onto many dark souls. You will not comprehend the extent to which He uses you.

You are life to this world. He lives and dwells in you. Be holy and pure so He can use you for His work. This is what you are here for--to know, love and serve the Lord. He is Lord indeed, and at His name every knee should bend. Alleluia.

He loves us so and we do not understand, but we do as He wishes, no questions asked, for He is God. He alone knows all things and we honor Him with the gift of our lives. Alleluia.

He dwells in us and uses us as His instruments to reach many. Through His actions we teach the mightiest of lessons, for His life within us cannot be contained.

Alleluia. Praise the Lord!

My Message Here Is For Everyone

January 2, 1994 3:30 a.m.

Jesus: My dear child, I have come to you. Listen now and be taught. I am the Savior of the world. My message here is for everyone of My precious children.

My heart is ablaze with love for each of My children. I give each a free will and it is that person's choice to do and think as he or she chooses.

Put God First in Your Life

January 2, 1994

Jesus: My heart is ablaze for love of My dear children. I want each to understand My love. Each child is given a free will to choose Me or reject Me. Many have gone so far from the first commandment! It is My commandment that makes all the others work. If I am first, all the others follow. The world drives you away from God. God is looked on without respect. To take My name out of schools is preaching a mighty lesson to children about God. It is so sad for a young child to be subjected to a school that does not mention the name of God all day. This is in violation of the first commandment. It teaches the children that God is not someone to honor. It is so vile to teach a child such a sick thing. Your country was founded on God. Your songs reflect the love of God. Your money talks of God. And now America is a Godless society.

Sex is worshiped and God is dismissed. What a way to try to operate, void of God! A country void of God will decay from within. It is so sad for the children. Pray for your children, America. It makes My heart so sad to think of a little child being taught everything void of God. God is disrespected and laughed at. Sex is made your god. Schools teach sex and never mention the word of God. Tell the kindergartners--little babies--about means to safe sex! Are you sick, America?

Man has glorified himself to the heights of God and he believes he is that powerful. Man is sick and his ways are sick and what he teaches is anything but the truth. Children are being taught such sick things in schools. I lament the hearts of the children. These messages need to reach My children so they know of My intense love. These messages will feed the starved souls of many. They are of top priority. You don't know how vile your system is because you have become numb to live here.

My ways are direct and clear. My ways are truth. Each child has a conscience and each one has the ability to know the truth in his heart. Be of a clean heart so you will spread My truth to all. Your light shining in the darkness makes the world take notice of Me. Keep up with all of your endeavors to know Me. Live the truth and pray! Every day, pray for everyone--they need to be prayed for. Busy yourself each day praying for your brothers. Make in your New Year a special intention to make God first and last in your life! Make Him your center.

I love you. Alleluia. Amen.

I Walk By Your Side

January 3, 1994 6:00 a.m.

Jesus: My precious child, I am here with you. You are never alone. Continue to pray and be of a light heart. I never leave your side in all your trials. My hand is upon you and all your cares go away for I walk with you whither you go.

I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and Mine know Me. I walk by your side and I lift you up in your adversity. Place all your cares in Me and do not worry for a thing.

Your life here is a fleeting moment, here today, gone tomorrow. Focus on every moment and how you can spread My love. Do as you think I want you to do. Let this be your measuring stick--say at this moment, "What does Jesus want me to do?"

Come unto Me, My little ones. I never grow tired or weary. I am always by your side waiting for your time with Me. When a problem arises, carry that problem to My feet, place it there and walk away. This is the freedom of trusting in God. There is not one problem that you have on this earth that I cannot handle. Do you truly trust in Me? Then leave your troubles with Me and be off smiling and spreading My love.

Spend time with Me every day in prayer. Schedule prayer into your daily routine. If you change the time every day, it is easier to skip it. I am first in your life so I should have My time. Just as with your work, schedule time alone with Me. The more you make Me first, the more things will fall into line in your life.

You do not have time for doubt. Satan is ever around to fill your hearts full of indecision. Cast him out and proceed steadfastly on your way to Me. I hold your hand and I walk down your path with you. Do not think, "Oh, this one is too hard for Him." This one is the one you need to drop at My feet! I am ready and waiting for you to come!

Do not be troubled about anything. If you feel you have wronged your brother in any way, say you are sorry and move on. Satan wants to constantly taunt you and make you full of fear. He has no power in a heart that is wed to Me.

Little one, I am constantly by your side. Listen and be taught by Me. I know the inner workings of the soul and I know all you need at every moment. Lay your cares at My feet. Tell Me your problems as you would a trusted friend and then know that I am working on the solution. You do not have to fret about anything in your life. I am like a good mother who cares for the needs of her infant. Remember, you are My baby and I am hyper-vigilant and by your side. I pick you up and hold your little, scared body. I give you warmth in your heart and your doubts and troubles fade away. Trust and faith are the answers! Do not belabor any points in your head. If Satan can find anything to taunt you with, he will, and will keep taunting you.

This is My ship and I am at the helm. You are My servant. You do as I command you to do. You try your best and then go your way. If you see room for improvement, you learn your lesson and go on. You cannot ever re-live one moment of your life.

To fret over the past is an entirely useless action. If you can learn the lesson, the experience was not all bad. Every day you are in school learning lessons on how to be Christ-like. It is a school you never graduate from on this earth. It is a battle every day to do as I would do. Sometimes you lose your focus and your ways are not the best ways. Whatever you learn today about My life is a good lesson.

I am the tenderest and kindest of hearts. Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do? What do I think He wants me to do?" Do not busy yourself doing a useless task I would not do. My focus is on showing love. You must love the Lord your God with your whole heart and love your brother as yourself. This is My way. Pray at every moment during the day to do the acts I want you to do.

I love you, little ones. Do not spend your time looking back, but look forward to this day that you will live as I most want you to. Forget the past and how you were wronged. Forget your past deeds if you have repented. Forget the ways you could have and didn't! Just focus on the job at hand, which is to love your God and your brothers this moment of this day.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I give you from My bounty. You receive life from My precious heart. Come to Me and let Me fill you with the gifts for your soul. I am eager to give to you this day. You do not want when I am with you!

I love you, little baby. Let Me care for you constantly. I am here at every moment. I am watching your little steps. As a loving mother guards her child, so I guard you. Now make yourself totally empty and place yourself in My care. Be selfless and unattached to any of the cares of this world. I will go with you on your way and you will know peace in your hearts.

I Take You to Such Heights

January 3, 1994

I come, you wait. You wait to know My ways, but while you are eager for My knowledge, you develop this love that is between us.

My ways I impart to you here in these messages. Cling to Me and I will take you to such heights that you never dreamed possible. I am Jesus, Son of God, and I, Jesus, come to be with you. I love you so much!

Do not fume or fret for anything that happens in your life. Turn all your trust over to Me. I am there in all that happens to you.

I am your God and I love you. Come close to Me and turn it all over.

The Soul Craves Union With God

January 4, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: You, My child, must trust in Me. I am not going to quit giving you messages. I am your beautiful Jesus and I am very aware of everything that happens in your life. Do not worry. Do not think. Live your life for two purposes, love of God and love of your fellowman. You are My precious child. Such dignity, such honor I bestow on you! I am Jesus, Son of the Living God and I love you so. What dignity for all My beautiful children!

Hold tight to all I have taught you. I am with you in all your trials. I never leave your side. Pray to Me, child. I want you to pray constantly. Time is short and your prayers for others are the greatest help to this world. Do not question. Try to focus on love for your brothers. You are so lucky to have these letters. I want everyone to have these messages. Come and write for all so they may learn My ways.

You come, I am always waiting for you to be with Me. Jesus Christ waits for His creatures. What an honor that is for your feeble hearts--that the Son of Man waits on a creature. I am by your side. I am here in every trial you experience every day. Make people aware of how close I truly am to them. They are so lost in this world. They are unaware of how to save themselves.

I am the medicine for My children. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie and I wait to be with you every day at the altar. I wait and lament your passing, too busy for the Son of Man. You, in your pain, go to bottles, people, everywhere for the cure to your illness and nothing you try even comes close to the cure. And you, My little ones, miss the real cure in your busy little lives. Oh, but you must be on your way, you say. "I have to…and…and…" and the Son of Man waits for a mere creature!

You are sick and need the medicine only I can give you but you go to every other source but Me. Every man was created with a soul, destined for love of God. Every soul craves the union. Every soul is searching for this and is at unrest until it is settled in the arms of God.

Where do you go for the stalking soul? Do you go to man and try to satisfy the soul? What emptiness you find there! Do you go to material things to try to satisfy the soul? This is more emptiness. In your avid search, you miss that which alone will satisfy the stalking soul. The soul craves union with God. In your earthly form you will never know total satisfaction, but the soul can rest somewhat in the earthly union with God. Look no more, My little ones. Come and let Me love you. Your hearts find rest only in God.

I am He Who waits for your love. I lament your busyness and want you to come and sit with Me. Search ye no more for the heart is restless unless it is nestled in Me. Quit going to the world for the things of the Spirit. Come to Me, My little ones, and let Me love you as I desire. Be not empty and searching, but filled with the peace of God. Nothing can be as God to your heart. Your efforts to look elsewhere are in vain.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, and I wait for your love and your time with Me. Come, come, My children. Come to Him Who loves you. Search no more this barren desert for the things of God.

R. And He showered them with His love and He waited for their return. They went their way and knew that only He would quiet a stalking heart. Their hearts were no longer hungry and afraid, but at peace for having found the one, true God.


He is our refuge and our strength. He pulls us from the troubled waters and we are saved from the hungry sea. We rest in the arms of our lover and we feel His greatness in our souls.

Come to Me, all who are weary. I give you rest for your troubled spirits. You wander in vain a barren land, while the land I give is brimming with milk and honey.

Oh, little ones, so foolish are you when your love waits. You search, you find no peace except in Me. Wander you the barren lands of the earth, but a search of such uselessness you undertake, for only in Me do your souls find rest. Your bodies will wither and fade and be thrown on a heap for the birds of prey, but your soul is made for glory. It will one day possess total union with God. It must be kept holy. It must be protected and nurtured and fed. It must be cared for by Him Who created it!

How do I make you understand? You dress up your packages. You care for every detail about your life here and I am God and I come first. All else receives its importance in reference to Me. Tend to the soul, My children. Come and pray to Me every day. Don't listen to this world. It is very sick.

I am your loving Jesus. Listen to My words and take heed of these things. I want to shape you to My love, but you are so stubborn! What more do I tell you? I died that you might live. Now I ask you to turn to Me yourselves. Quit listening to the world. It is so sorry. You must come and be fed by Me.

I am the Omega. I am all there is. You are sinking in your boats and you do not see the water coming in. Take the blinders off your eyes and look all around you. Pray for the Spirit to open your hearts and to shower His gifts. He will awaken your hearts to the things of God. You will see where you once were blind and He will lead you out of your troubled waters to a calm sea and peace in your hearts.

R. Alleluia. Praise Him Who loves you so! Praise the Spirit for He enhances our lives with His love. Where we were blind, we now see. Alleluia.

Unconditional Love

January 4, 1994 6:00 a.m.

Jesus: I will never leave you. I am not like humans who wave about. I am your precious Jesus. Be so steadfast in My love! I am never going to leave you or forget you or not love you today or tomorrow. I love you, period! This is the beauty of My love. It is unconditional. Now you have found Me. Be sure I am here with this intense love that never dies. I wait for you like an ardent lover. I love you as the mother who loves her child, naughty or nice. She still sees them as little darlings. I want you to be good. I gave My life that you would live. Don't ever doubt My love for one minute, one second. This should warm your heart. I never pull My love away from you. It is always there. I love each one of My children with this intense love.

R. Oh, Jesus, You are so good. You are so loving and so worthy of all honor and praise. We bow to kiss the ground before You because You are worthy of all praise. Alleluia. You are so good!

And You came, Lord, and You are very attentive to my needs. You know and ponder all things in my heart and I am filled with Your love. I do not walk this valley alone. You escort me on my way and my heart is filled to the brim. Holy, holy is the one, true God and honored is His name for He came to us and died a brutal death. We are His chosen ones that He, God, loves us so much!

Jesus: Oh, ye, little child, I do love you. It is in troubles that I am closest to you and you learn the best lessons. Do not throw back to Me little trials I send you that help lead to your sainthood. Strive after holiness. Pray constantly and offer yourself to Me as your gift. I will accept your gift with much love. Your life is the greatest gift you can give to Me. I want to have a union with you. This union will take place, depending on how much you give of yourself. Give Me yourself entirely. Do not hold anything back. I am eager for your all. I will be united with you more closely the more you surrender your whole being. Hold not back for I am eager for you.

Go, My sweet one. I go with you. Smile and be My servant to the world. I love you.

Jesus With Us All Day

January 5, 1994

Jesus: Dear child, come unto Me and I will give you rest. I am the Lord of all and author of your life. You give yourself to Me and I write the book of your life. You do not worry. You do not fret. You trust totally in Me and I operate you as I need you.

Kneel before Me and pour yourself out to Me. Let Me possess your soul. You need silence before Me, and total submission. Will to let go totally of your all to Me. Focus on My intense love for you. It is constant and hyper-vigilant and I am with you, filling you up, always. When you operate, you do so with My will. Make yourself like jello, totally formless. You needn't prove anything to anyone for I am acting from your soul. Become selfless and unattached and hold tight in Me at every second.

Make your day a day with Me, your constant companion. Keep Me always in your thoughts and present by your side every second. You are never alone. I am with you at every moment. Focus on Me and My love. It is so intense and so warm! Make Spiritual Communions to Me and be alone for short times in an intimate way all day. Be in love and be with your lover all through the day. We share an intimate time, a few minutes here and there, just stopping to be in spiritual communion together. Our love develops every day as you grow in your union with Me. It deepens and powers your life. As our love deepens, your assuredness to operate is increased. You act always out of love of Me. This is how I want you to be. Your actions are directed by the love you feel inside. Your actions become powered by a mighty force. The love and life that radiates from you is My love and life.

Total communion with Me, all through the day! To see this world through the eyes of Jesus, to operate with the love of Jesus in your heart, you must become totally selfless and operate from My love. Stop and be in spiritual communion. Stop and spend time alone with Me, a power house, self-focusing, turning yourself back to Me and My love, recharging your worn battery in My heart. What an experience! I am here, little one. You need My constant power and love. I am here and you need Me to do as I will. Tap into the source all day, a quiet moment alone with your love, a few moments often to focus on Me and My love.

You are My light to this world. It takes energy and power. It takes My love to shine in the darkness. Come and be plugged in. I am always there and ready to charge you.

I love you so, little one. Stay so close to Me. You need Me constantly. I love you. Jesus.

Personal Note: My God is Jesus. When I get distracted, I have made something else My God. He comes first and last and He is what is important to Me. He alone do I serve. Alleluia. My focus is shifted to His heart. Alleluia.

I Want To Know Him More

January 5, 1994 8:30 a.m.
After Mass

R. After Communion this morning, I felt pain that I could not become closer to and know Him more. It is such an intense longing to know My Lord. It is painful.

At 6:40 a.m. I had felt very close to Him. I had reached the realm of losing myself in Him. My chest felt His love very close, all the way until I received Communion. Then I felt such sadness not to be able to experience Him deeper.

He is so beautiful and so ready to be in union with us. We must constantly be about deepening this union with Him. He creates a flutter in my heart, but also an ache not to experience Him with the intensity I crave. It is the magnetism of my Lord that powers my life and bids me to spend as much time as possible in prayer with Him.

I feel such sadness in my soul because I want so much more. This craving is an appetite in each of our souls and it increases as we know Him more and more. This is the pain of those in purgatory who know the Lord but cannot behold Him. It is indeed suffering to know Him a little, but not more. I have an ache in my heart for a more intense union with Him. I just want more of Him.

It is a bittersweet feeling of love and pain to know and love Him, but not be able to experience Him fully.

Jesus: Wanting to see and hear Me is to demand the ways of the body to communicate. I want to communicate in your heart. Your soul tends to the way of the Lord in your heart, in your spirit. Come to Me and feel Me in your soul. Feel the bittersweetness in the heart. It is I who deal with you interiorly. I need not words. I need not your eyes to keep looking, for this is to delay your communion with Me. Get lost in Me in your soul. It is a feeling you cannot describe in words. It is a feeling you only know in your soul. There are different feelings you experience in the soul, as you know in your heart.

Not all of your feelings associated with Me are the same. Sometimes intense longing, sometimes intensity to feel My presence, sometimes warmth, sometimes insights into My intense love, sometimes insights into other things: My might, My glory, My closeness, My sufferings--all feelings in the soul. I do not communicate to you in words. Oh, such things, all in your heart, are all but glimpses of your God. Be so tuned in to your heart and so aware in these periods of silence with Me. What is the ache in your heart? Love? Or is it longing? You will never completely experience Me on earth. Sometimes more ache, sometimes more love. Come and sit with Me and let Me enter into your heart. It is there that you know Me. You know and experience Me in the heart.

Such insights are given to you after Communion in front of the tabernacle. Wordy, you say, and such repetition? But who listens? You sit here, day after day, in an empty church, alone with Me, as others give lip service to My cry for their love. I sit a prisoner in the tabernacle out of love for you. I beg you to come and bring yourselves to Me. I cannot force you to come. You will never know Me if you do not spend time in silence with Me. I make Myself known in little glimpses in front of the tabernacle.

To those who are sick or elderly I come at their request, but, for you who are able, I wait, as a prisoner of love, for your time with Me. To know Me is to be with Me. Time alone in silence. I pour out to you such gifts and wisdom that no human mind can ever comprehend. Ask not what you get. Your aching heart tells you of My intense love! To know Me a little, but never enough. I communicate to you in the yearnings in your chest.

Become aware of your feelings with Me. How do you feel when you hug your lover? Is it words? No, it is a feeling in your heart. To love Me is to experience Me in your heart. So simple, you say? Yes, simple, but profound. I am the ardent love who waits for you to come. I beg for you to be with Me. Do you say no to busy yourself with such nonsense when your God waits for you? Oh, little ones, come and concentrate all your efforts on improving your union with Me. Do you say no to your God or do you come to Him Who loves you like no other? My ways I make known to you. You come and I fill you with such gifts as you do not comprehend.

R. I am filled with emotion to know this is truly the one, true God who sits here in this empty church with me. Jesus, Who walked the earth and died a brutal death for love of us, sits and waits for us here.

He gave His all for us. He opened His arms and died this brutal death for love of us and we do not have time for Him. It saddens my heart that no one is here to share His love, that He Who loved us so much that He came to earth and gave His life for us sits in an empty church.

This is not a myth. This is real. He is truly present in this tabernacle, this day. Let me, Lord, and all my brothers, know Your true presence here. Oh, God, I love You so.

I experience His True Presence. I am saddened here by so many things. He speaks in my emotions here. I am so saddened by this empty church and the empty hearts of my brothers. He loved everyone to His death. I am saddened by a desire to know Him more and more and not be able to know. But I am filled by His intense love and His goodness. Shout His love from the housetops and stand on the roofs. Declare the day of the Lord is near! Your hearts need the love He has to give! Come in flocks to His altar and worship Him in His might and thank Him for the gifts He has given to you. He is so good and worthy of such honor and praise. We are His chosen ones.

Jesus: Do not stay away, but flock here. Beat a way to the door. You tarry too much. You miss the whole reason for why you live. You have chosen such incidental things and passed up the golden treasures in the fields.

I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I am truly present and I wait for you. You tarry too much and you are losing precious time. Beat a path to My door and spend your days and nights with Me for I am your God, worthy of all honor and all praise, sayeth the Lord. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Be Open To His Love

January 6, 1994 3:00 a.m.

Jesus: I love you with such intensity. The feeling you have in your chest is indeed My great love for you. Hold on to this and know how much I truly love you.

You are chosen by Me to write here. I want you to share your intimacy with Me. I want to be close to all My children. Do not hold back. It is your openness to others about this that will lead so many to great intimacy with Me. I am truly here, little one, and I love you for your openness. I am using you to lead others to Me and in union with Me. Do not worry of such revelations. I am guarding you, My precious one. I love you so intently. The incense on your hands is a sign of My constant presence with you.

Don't question. You need to be so assured that I am here constantly. Talk about Me. Open yourself up and do not be afraid. It is your openness that will lead many hearts to intimacy with Me. I am guarding you, little one. Let go now of everything and focus only on Me and My love. Make a Spiritual Communion and come to Me. Come with such love and longing for your Love, your true Love, the one, true God. I am here blessing you. Receive Me into your spirit. I love you.

Share My Love With This World

January 7, 1994 9:00 a.m.
After Mass

Jesus: I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to fasten, but I come to you, little ones, just the same, out of great love, to give you many gifts for your soul. Are you there ready to receive all I come to bring to you or are you closed? Open the doors to your hearts and let Me enter into you. Be open wide and experience Me filling you.

You I call and you I will send to preach My words. I want all to know of My True Presence. You will tell young and old that I am God and I, God, am truly present in the Eucharist.

This is My mission: to help all to prepare their hearts for My coming. I am such a personal God. I come to My children but they are blinded by their own eyes. You are blind and you do not see what transpires here. Jesus is Lord. He is God. He enters your soul and you receive Him. Who are you that God comes to you and yet you turn away in such indifference!

My relationship with you is not a little thing. It is a deep, deep union that I want with you. Open your hearts. Pray for this union. My Blue Book is a recipe book for this union. I have given you all the ingredients here necessary for an intimate union with Me. Your submissiveness, your willingness to let Me possess your soul, your time spent in silence in front of the tabernacle, daily Mass and Holy Communion, periods of spiritual communion throughout the day, allowing yourself to die to you and be open entirely to My possessing you and permeating your very being!

These ingredients are given with such love in My letters. As you take the ingredients, your souls rise like bread dough with yeast. The life that grows inside you is a life that is too mighty to contain. Just as the dough bursts forth above the bowl, you are filled to the brim and over with this life of Christ. This life is cast on your brothers. It cannot be contained. Your eyes sparkle and your soul emits a mighty energy which is transmitted by Me. You radiate from your very soul. The light I give to you shines in the dark world as a mighty light on the darkest night. One soul, you say, in such a dark world? Not one, but many, will light this dark world from reading My personal love letters to you here. I want to save each and every soul. I love each of you just this way.

Come on this journey with Me. Open your hearts and read My words here. They are your mighty medicine for healing a sick world. Oh, how I love each and every one of you. Please come and share My love. My heart aches for your love. Your brothers cannot make up your love to Me. I want your love and I love you. I am God. Do not try to understand the mystery. Feel My mighty love for you and quit looking for answers. You are missing the best part. Oh, how I love you. I give to you from My bounty and you, My child, are made whole.

Come and sup with Me that I might heal you and make you whole. Read My words here. They are your prescription for life, My life deep within your breast. Then this world will truly know Me through your eyes and the light you cast in the darkness.

Alleluia, Alleluia.

The Ten Commandments Rule

January 7, 1994 3:20 a.m.

Jesus: The King of Glory comes to you in the night to deliver a message to the world. I am upset at all that is going on in the hearts of men. Their hearts are turned cold, their focus is an earthly gaze and they see no more the evil of this world before their face. Little children are being taught such vile things and the numbed state of the world is even unaware of all this evil.

Many brothers have accepted this worldliness as a sign of the times and a way of acceptance: "So it happens and it is okay in today's world."

Without God, each day more filth and evil is accepted as, "Well, so what? We must give everyone their rights. So I don't like it, but everyone has a right to their opinion. Who am I to tell my brothers how to think?"

Well, I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. You were created by My Father to know, love and serve God and you do have a right to tell all how to think. Sin is sin, what is right is right, what is wrong is wrong. The Ten Commandments stand as the rules by which you must live.

This is a godless society. The First Commandment commands that all put God First. This culture has left God entirely out of their lives. What are they doing? They are worshiping false gods. They have made themselves gods. They are living the rule, "Anything goes if you want it to." It is a sick rule. "You have every right to everything you believe in and your brother has no right to question you because you have your rights." " If your example is sinful to me and my children, that is okay."

No, none of this is okay. Evil is evil and good is good! You are living in such a sick world! Does it keep getting so bad you scarce know what to do? You must pray, America. Prayer can stop wars, prayer can change cold hearts, prayer is the only answer. When you are troubled, do not get on a box and preach about the evil. Go to your room, gather up your children and pray the rosary. This is your weapon in a sick, godless world.

God has not forgotten the world, even though the world has forgotten God. I am alive in your heart. I am ever present at the side of all those in sin. It is their choice to move from Me and turn their back on what they need. I am God and I love each and every soul. I love the hardest heart and I want to bring it back home. That is why I need you not to respond to your brother's evilness. Pray for him when he casts his ugliness toward you. Respond as I would do, with love. How can I minister to your brother if you become hardened when you deal with him? You are a tender shoot of love. Your brother has become hard. Pray for him and respond as you think I would, with love.

I still dearly love your brothers in darkness. They are lost sheep and I bid them to come home, but I cannot show them My ways if you respond to them in the same way as they act toward you. Your response must be as Mine would be. You teach such mighty lessons in your love and gentleness. It is hard to love those who are unloving and sinful, but I sill love your brothers. They are souls created by God to know, love and serve Him, but they have chosen to perform evil deeds.

Touch your brothers by your example. Touch your brothers with your goodness. Strive to be holy as your Heavenly Father is holy. Strive after sainthood. See, in the eyes of all, Jesus Who truly loves them. Do not let your hearts be troubled by all this evil. Trust in Me and know I beckon you to prayer and sacrifice. These are your tools to fight off the evil one. Do not join him. Rise up and fight against him with My weapons. My weapons are My love. Wear My love on your breast. Come to Me and fill yourself with My love and enter the ranks as one armed in a battle which is fought through the love of Jesus. Never respond with hate to your brothers. Hate the acts, but love your brothers. See them as ones who are sick and in need of your prayers. You cannot argue with your brothers. To do so is to argue with Satan. Satan loves to argue with you and you won't change a hardened heart powered by an evil world. You will do more with acts of love and prayers. Pray constantly. It is in your love that you will fight the mightiest battle. It is in your love and prayers that you will make headway in this evil world.

I am all powerful. I am in control. Do not be fooled by the false power your evil brothers display. I have all the power. There is nothing that happens that I do not allow. I can stop this world in an instant if I so desire. Your job is to pray and love. Your job is to trust in the God Who loves all and knows all that is happening. Your job is to stay so fixed to Me that you never doubt but totally feel My presence within you, acting out of you.

I, My child, am alive in you if you let Me act through you. Become selfless and unattached to the things of this world. Plant seeds of love and God everywhere you tread. How many hearts you touch each day! Spend time refueling yourself before Me in the tabernacle. You are being called not to fight with your brother. You are being called to be Christlike, to love your brothers and spend time in daily prayer. Your gift to the world is Christ dwelling within your breast.

Go to daily Mass and Communion. Pray in adoration every day. Pray and play with your children and stay very close to them. Do not allow your children to be indoctrinated by the TV and other sources of brainwashing the world uses. Stay close to them and constantly tell them about your deep love for Me. Everything you share with your child about God is a seed I can make grow into My life within them.

Read your children these letters. Do not hold back from them anything you feel about God. Give them the greatest gift you can give. Share your love and your relationship with God. If they have a basis in God, they can fall back on it when they are pressed on by this world. All that will save you is your faith.

Pray for strength, America. Pray for faith and trust in God. Come and sit in front of My tabernacle and be led down the right road. I make all things work for you when you stay fixed in Me. Do not fume, do not fret. Spend one hour in prayer in front of the tabernacle every day. Let Me work in your heart and you will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and I will be by your side. Though heaven and earth pass away, not one letter of the law will pass away.

R. Alleluia, Alleluia. Praise the Lord for He is Holy. He comes as a mighty wind into the midst of His people. His power is without limits and He does not falter on His way. He will come and dwell in you, but you must stay fixed in Him. Your gift to this world is your time spent in front of the tabernacle. Your gift to this world is your love of God. Your gift to this world is your soul saturated by the love of Christ which shines in a dark world. Your gifts are the time you spend with Christ and His dwelling within your breast.

Jesus: Read these letters. They are My letters to you to become close to Me in all this darkness. America may have forgotten God, but I did not forget you. This is the mighty medicine to turn men's minds and hearts back to God. If I came and I died a brutal death for love of you, would I not send a mighty medicine this day to save My loved ones? These letters are My love for you. I am ever present this day and yearn to be in communion with you. Your relationship with Me will save this sick world. Come and let Me lead you. I am He Who loved you to My death.

Do I not love you this much this very day? I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Do not fume or fret, America. Make ready your hearts for His coming. It is in your love that I am alive in this world today. Busy yourselves in the things of God. That is your weapon in this sick world. Read and reread each letter hand delivered by Me to you. These will make Me live in your hearts and you will preach mighty lessons of My love to your brothers.

Alleluia, I am God. Alleluia.

Put on Christ in All Your Ways

January 9, 1994 7:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who abides in Me will have the light of life.

God The Father: My gift to you is My Son. This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus: Come and partake with Me at My Mass. My Mass is a glorious event. I am eager for you to come and worship.

What are the ways of the Lord? To you I give My love. If you forever focus on this love you will be right in your ways. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, and I long to teach you My truths. To know Me and My way, you must spend time with Me and study what I am teaching you. Every minute I am teaching you some lessons. It may just be acceptance. It may be union with Me. It may be doing what you are doing for God, for My Will. You are constantly being taught. You are tried and tested in fire that you may learn the ways of the Lord.

My ways are the ways of righteousness. My ways are the ways of truth. No man comes to The Father except through Me. You must learn to follow My example in your living. You seek first the will of The Father and then you do it.

If you are to have peace and joy in your hearts, you must follow the path that I am directing you on. You do not falter. You follow Me and I lead the way. Be in union with Me to know My ways. You don't for a few hours worship and adore Me and pray to Me, then put Me away and go off and act as the world wants you to!

By your example you teach others mighty lessons. By your example others are being taught your ways. Are your ways rooted in Me? If your ways are constantly My ways, you teach My lessons. Strive to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Strive to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Where I trod you likewise must walk. My life is the prescription by which you live.

But My ways I make known to you in these letters. If you read and reread these letters and listen to them spoken to you, My life becomes ever real. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, and I live in you! If you focus on My words here in this book, My life will radiate from your very soul. My life cannot and will not ever be contained! My life is mighty and active. It finds its launching pad in your hearts.

Your heart is the key to My life within you. Make ready a path for Me. Open your hearts wide. Come and sit with Me awhile in silence. Be taught by the Master. I wait for you at every moment. Remember all you do here is useless if it does not have its origin in Me. Come unto Me, My little ones, and I give you the secrets of My life within your breast.

You will become My warriors in a cold war. Love will pour out of your heart to your brothers and you will touch the hearts of the coldest man. "Me?," you say. Yes, you have mighty power when I dwell deep in your heart.

You needn't ask, "How do I act here?" You act according to how I direct you. Your ways become My ways. There is a sense of acting immediately in My ways. You become Me more and more to this cold world, as you ever more let Me possess you. This is what I call you to do, to put on Christ in all your ways. My actions flow from your very soul.

Keep these letters by your side and read My Blue Book. My life will grow in your hearts and you will be acting as I act toward your brothers. No one can ever contain My life alive in your hearts.

The world goes on its merry way. But is it merry? The world is in a state of numbness. People think they need to operate the way they do. If they could stop and look at how silly are most of the treasures they are holding on to. If they would see the sickness! But they continue, and fall into the ways of the world. The ways of the world are ever changing. What was bad yesterday is good today. That should tell you something is wrong there!

My ways are direct and steadfast and never changing. They are constant and without error. They are peace and joy. They are the way to follow. The world is sick. Do not follow where they walk or you will be sick also. You cannot be part God and part world. This world is a mess. Your lives are a mess when you try to make your lives make sense to the world.

Make ready a path. The Son of Man is coming and His ways He has imparted to you daily in these letters. Do not tarry. Take your hearts to God. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask for all I have to give you. Live in Christ. Let Him permeate your very soul. You are My Body. You are Christ, living within you, in the world. They stop and take notice, for your ways are the truth. Your ways are peace and gentleness, love and kindness. Your ways are constant and never changing. Let Me live in your heart and operate in your soul. Be My life to the world and walk the path of glory in a darkened world.

For you trod where He trod and He lives in you and you are His chosen ones.

Alleluia. Praise the Lord. Alleluia.

Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late

January 10, 1994 3:30 a.m.

Jesus: Each knee must bow in reverence to the King. Each child must realize that he or she will someday be standing at the door to My kingdom. Each waits for entry and entry is based on your love here. Did you love God? Did you love your fellow man? Are you ready to claim an award that is fit for the glorious souls who served Me?

I am the Alpha and Omega. All that seems to give you momentary pleasure is so passing. The things of this world are so small compared to the things of God. Ready your hearts for a mighty King. He will come unannounced and blow His trumpet. All will be called from their places and all will be unable to leave. You will be summoned and, at that point, your free will will be gone.

Do you say, "But, Lord, Lord, I meant to serve you but it was too hard to let go of my selfish things. God, I know you call now, but I am not ready now. Can I go back and do some more good works? When You called me to love, I wanted to, Lord, but I wanted to do for myself, too. I knew I could have loved more and followed my heart, but, Lord, I don't know why I said no. I just always did."

I am Jesus, Son of God. At this point it will be too late. When I called and beckoned you in your life to serve Me and serve your brother, you said, "No, Lord." You watched a sick world parade its sick wares in front of you and you thought for a moment's pleasure you needed to be as the world instructed.

And I called you and I prompted you and others stood by and showed you My ways. And you said, "Oh, no, I need no ways of God. I love the world, sick or not, and I will be loyal to all its crafty ways. I didn't like the murder of the babies. I didn't like the homosexuality. I didn't think the filthy sex on TV was right, but I wanted to be loyal to the world so I accepted their sick ways and shunned you, Lord.

"At Your name I balked and I went along with a stiff jaw and a hardened heart and was taught the things of the world. I felt You, Lord, at the door of my heart. I knew You were there from time to time. I wanted to let You in someday, but, Lord, that day never came. Now I know You are truly here and You are beautiful. Let me live again and I will now put You in my life. Give me another chance, Lord. Now that I behold You and Your goodness, I see the error in my ways and I want to love You. I don't know why I turned my back on You. I just did."

You, My child, were willful. You plugged up My line to you and you chose sin instead of the ways of God. You took your life for yourself and you never once did My work. You shunned Me. You laughed at Me. You made fun of Me, but still went to church, just in case it was real. Blessed are they who have not seen and have believed. I was there at every turn. I paraded in front of you and I pursued you with a heart of Godly love, but you turned away and spit in My face. Your hearts became hard and your jaw stiff and you followed a road that lead you to the destruction of your soul.

I say to you, My child, now, before you are called by Me: why do you turn your back on Him Who loves you? Why do you battle for a devilish world when the tender heart of God waits for you? How can you, with this beautiful heart created for God and longing to love God, say, "No, God, I need you not," and turn to such sterile, sick, cold acts that the world gives you? Money is so cold. Do you feel the change you pick up? It is like ice! It does not warm a cold heart. It feels as it is, cold and hard. Dollar bills are paper, little pieces of used, dirty paper. You choose these things when a heart on fire with love of you waits by your side. You choose an evil society that murders babies and talk about your rights as a person when I preach dignity and love for you!

Oh, child, how I love you. If you are reading this letter, it is not too late for you. I stand hyper-vigilant by your side, with a heart ablaze for love of you. I wait for you every minute of every day in the tabernacle. I am all powerful. This world has no power. The world will vanish like smoke and My ways will last forever. I am so good! I have such gifts to give your hungry soul. You stand as a starved child who hasn't eaten in years. What would a meal do for such a person? I can give you what your soul hungers after. I can give you what you thirst for. Your soul never stops longing. It roams a cold world and looks for peace and finds none. Only in God will the searching soul find rest.

Quit going to the world, America. Your money is cold and your hearts are just as cold. You have lost touch with the warmth of Jesus. The devil has turned your hearts into ice cubes and you have silenced the longing for God in your chests so your jaws are stiff and you are hard-necked. You are going to be sorry. You missed the love of God. Nothing on this earth compares to His love and His goodness!

You missed peace and joy in your heart. You missed them. If you have eyes to read, listen to Me. Stop it! It isn't too late. Your world leads to the destruction of your soul. You are never going to be able to come back and live your life for Me again. I come as a thief in the night and you will not know the time or the hour. I will come unannounced. All that remains for you are the things of God. Your money, your house, your clothes, your car are all passing. Like the grass of the field, they die and you will live. You cannot take one thing with you on your journey to Me except your good works and the love in your heart.

Turn your life around. I wait for you at this moment with eager arms. I am alive in the tabernacle this day, waiting for your return. I am truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, waiting there for you with all My gifts. Take the wall from your heart and let Me fill you. Your jaws will become tender and supple and you will know relief in your breast.

You are holding yourself away from that to which you are pulled. It is a magnetic attraction which the soul has to Me. You make a conscious effort to say "no" and pull yourself from Me. Silly ones, what will you do on that last day when I call you from your sleep and say, "Now your time is over"? Then it will be too late for you to come. Then your life will be over and you will have lost the reward of everlasting life. For a few years of willfulness you lost everlasting life. I have pursued you like an ardent lover. I walked before you and sent others to teach you the errors in your ways, but you were willful and you went your own way. Now you will pay the price for your willfulness forever. Is it worth that? For what?

My Life in Your Hearts Cannot Be Contained

January 10, 1994
After Mass

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. My ways I have given to you. Follow the promptings in your heart. Read My letters here. I have spelled out My ways and I beckon you to come and follow.

My truth is truth indeed. Satan is the Master of Deception. He wants to trip you on your path. He wants to confuse you. He wants you to abandon the things of God and follow the world. He has made so much headway here. He aims to trip you up. My truths are planted in your heart. Your conscience tells you My ways. My Ten Commandments are given to you and I command you to follow them. The truth is the truth and he who stays connected to Me and the Holy Spirit and The Father knows My ways. It is in the promptings imparted in your chest that you know what the truth is. Pray to the Holy Spirit for the gifts here. He will give you all you need to know.

My life I give you. When you come and receive Me in Communion, you receive My life. It dwells in your soul. When you sit at My altar, you receive My presence in a special way. My life is inside of you and I become alive more and more in these letters. My life cannot be contained. I am active in your hearts. The more you grow in Me, the more you die to yourself and put on Me. My life radiates from your very soul. It shines from your eyes and is emitted from your being.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. To know Me you must sit with Me in front of the tabernacle and let Me work in your heart. You must spend time with Me in silence. I cannot do My work if you are busy. I need your undivided attention. Come and make yourself empty. Let My light flow in and out of you, My empty vessel, and let Me operate within you. You are My instrument in a sick world. It is in your submission that I can work in your soul. Be totally selfless and rooted in Me. Come and be with Me in Communion and sit afterwards in front of My tabernacle. Such a powerful encounter, adoration before and after Mass! My truths I reveal to you, My little ones, out of great love for you, but you must come and be with Me. You must be alone with Me to be in union with Me. What union we will have together! I love you so, dear ones. Let Me work in your heart.

Amen, Amen, I say to you. Come and be with Me. Let Me fill you to the brim with My love. Time is short and you need to focus on only those things of the Lord. Though heaven and earth pass away, not one letter of the law will pass away.

R. And they came and they sat and He imparted to them such knowledge they scarce could believe their ears. They were taken back and knew it came from Him because only He knew such things!

Jesus: I sit here every day waiting for you as an ardent lover and you do not come to Me. Listen to My words here that you will know. I wait for your love. No one makes up your love to Me. I wait for you, little one. Come and be with Me.

I give you all you need. I know the ways of your heart far better than you yourself. I wait for your union with Me. Come, beloved of My Father. Come and know God. He waits for you here and wants to give Himself to you.

Oh, that you knew what a treasure you possess and you busy yourselves with such nonsense! This is the day of the Lord. Make ready a path for Him in your hearts! Turn yourself over to His care today. Give yourself totally to Him and let Him be the Master of your souls. You are My babies. I operate you and you do My work here. Be a baby. Babies sit and wait. They do not do their own thing. You be a baby! I am He Who loved you to My death. All I send you is out of Love.

Alleluia, Alleluia.

I have spoken that you will hear My words here. Alleluia.

Jesus Will Handle This One

January 11, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: Dear child, I am here. You are ready for this message. Times are short and the end times are near. You must busy yourself with only My work. I am calling you to constant prayer alone and with your children.

You must not lose sight of this work for an instant. I need you to do this work and to busy yourself with only this work. I am by your side and I never leave you. Don't ever be afraid. Whatever comes, I am protecting you. Get your focus back to your children. Have them go to Mass and Communion and pray the rosary. You must not think that anything but My work is important.

Do not question. Just do as I command you to do. I will care for all of the details. You do not need to worry. Worry is useless and of no account.

Know I am truly near you, protecting you at every turn. I do not ever leave your side. I am ever there, taking care of you. Just act as you are prompted. Your actions are coming minute by minute. Do not question, do not worry. Just be with Me at church and all through the day at home. Be constantly close to Me. When you spend too much time with others, our intimacy and that with your children suffer. Let today happen. It is not up to you to plan. I am guarding your children. Keep feeding your children My words and My work here. You are not reading these letters to your children.

Don't deviate for one moment. I will not move from your side. I am personally guarding each of you. I stay by your side and wait for your time with Me. Keep preaching the time in front of the tabernacle. Your friends are very stubborn and they have not committed themselves to Me. Even in their idleness, they travel other roads to Me. My road is found by praying in front of the tabernacle.

Do not worry about the book. Your job is praying to Me and writing letters. Come and open wide the gates of your heart. When you are distracted with worldly things, your heart is not open. Put your total trust in Me and My teachings for you. Do not think. This is not up to you. Your job is accomplished by being set in Me. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I speak to your heart. Listen with your heart, not only your mind.

Read My letters in front of the tabernacle. I speak to you there. I am ever vigilant and by your side. You are moving from Me. I never move away from you. Guard the door of your heart and let only My words penetrate there. Keep it a place for Me. Do not bring in any worry or distraction from the outside. What a loss of potential union with Me! The more you focus on Me and Me alone, the more you will be in total union with Me.

Do not ever worry. Say, "Jesus, You handle this one." Give it to Me and trust that I will take care of it. Do not worry. Just be as I summon you to be, endlessly in My love and mercy. I am here. You needn't think about your earthly cares. I will see to all that is necessary. You focus entirely on Me and My heart. Worry is so distracting to merging with each other. Say at the time, "Jesus will tend to my needs Himself. Jesus is tending to My needs." I remind you when you need to do something. Worry is entirely useless.

You pray and focus on your intense union with Me. Constant union, Spiritual Communion. I am always very intently united to you. You remain selfless, unattached and ready to do this work. You fly to the occasion when I give you your wings. You do not need to worry over anything. I tend to all you place in front of Me. I am so loving and so good. Go with peace in your heart. Take all distraction from your souls and come to be with Me.

I love you. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Trust Me at every moment. Not a question, only a union with Me! We are to be united all day. Never do we move away from this intense union. You operate but I am very intently connected in your heart. Feel My presence with you. How can you worry?

You Are My Love, My Beautiful Love

January 12, 1994 3:40 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and Mine know Me. They follow Me. See that you follow Me. My ways are steadfast and direct. I am He Who beckons you to come from your bed and write a message. You are not worthy to fasten My bootstraps, but I come to you out of much love.

Do not worry what you are to wear or put on, for I will make all details available to you. You are will have many little trials, none of which will overpower you. Do not be affected by their distractions. They are distractions from Satan. I am your Jesus, Son of God. I see to every detail and I am guarding you. I am an ardent lover and I watch your every need with utmost care. You do not know how I guard you. You need to let go of distractions and come to Me, totally dependent on Me for your every need. I love your dependency when you come to Me for your needs. I know you are waiting on Me and it makes Me very happy. I tend to your every need. I tend to every detail. I love you so. Come with the smallest problem.

I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am He Who knows all things. If you want the right answer, you have come to the right place. Don't miss the golden opportunity for My assistance. I watch, I wait and I am hyper-vigilant for you. You come in your need and it pleases Me greatly. Be dependent on Me for everything. I am not telling you to do anything on your own.

R. Jesus, I come, I answer, I listen to Your promptings. I obey and then I worry if I read them correctly because what you ask me to do is not of me. I love you so. Please set my mind at ease and please let me slip into Your Heart so I am just a reflection of Your glorious love for me. Please let me lose myself entirely and become Your little child, just lost in You.

Jesus: I am Jesus, Son of God. I want you to be absorbed in My love, to be lost in My heart. Now you need to focus on this concept of being overtaken and lost in Me. Satan plants many little irritating distractions in your way. Remember, I allow all of these to strengthen you and draw you closer to Me. You are tested in fire and what comes forth is a product of My love. Little distractions don't amount to much, but it is in these and how you handle them that you are able to grow in Me and develop trust in Me. Every trial is a golden gem on your path. Look at them as My blessings and accept them as they come. Strengthen yourself.

Be of clean heart and wait on Me in everything. I am so close to you. Know this is your heart. To experience Me in this way and not see Me is a great gift of faith. Thank God for all the gifts you receive. You will not be able to experience Me as you want and this will become harder and harder as you know Me more and more. But your knowledge will make it so real that you will experience pain, but not doubt. I am indeed here, little one. I tend to the smallest detail in your life. Come and lay yourself at My feet and feel My love for you. Just keep coming in Spiritual Communion and coming for union with Me. I love you so. You are My love, My beautiful love. Remember this when you feel weary: I truly, truly love you and long to be with you. Come and sit with Me and be in union with Him Who loves you, this moment, to the tiniest detail. I love you.

Your Job Is Your Children

January 13, 1994 4:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I come to give you a teaching to lift your heart. I am He whose bootstraps you are unworthy to fasten, yet I come with so much intense love for you. Hold tight to My words. Busy yourself only with the things of the Lord. Do not ever miss Mass and Communion and the opportunity to come and pray with Me after Communion in church. Nothing else you do all day is more important than these things and My time with you.

The world pulls you away from Me. You are taunted and distracted by Satan to get you from prayer. You plan all day and then, oh, it didn't work out. You need more structure to your prayers with the children. At nine o'clock you should pray the rosary and at three o'clock, or as close as possible, the Divine Mercy Chaplet. You need to say your Holy Spirit prayers before you fall asleep. Every night you are asleep during these prayers. Read these letters every day in the car. Make sure your children read them.

I am Jesus and I am writing to you. Anyone who does not read these letters is a fool. I am alive, truly here writing to you this day. What a treasure! They should be knocking down your door! Tell all of these letters. They will save many souls. Once they are published, word of mouth will really spread this book. These letters are so powerful. Jesus writes to you here with such tender love!

Oh, how I love you, little ones. There is no way you will ever know of My intense love. Your prayers are more important than school--you don't miss school any days. Your prayers are more important than eating-you never miss that. You need to feed the soul every day or it becomes very hungry and Satan moves in. I want to be in union with you. I long for this as you do. I am a tremendous lover, an ardent heart. I wait for you to come and be with Me. I am there every minute. Surely you realize that nothing does for you what prayer does.

In this busy, sick world, your salvation is to be found in front of the tabernacle and at Mass. Don't ever give up such a golden opportunity to receive Jesus inside yourself.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Now you understand more of these things than you once did. It is in My way that you are filled. It is not in your way. Offer up your life to Me. Let Me possess your soul. You need Me every second of the day.

Your children need this prayer life. That is why a set time is important. Play with your children every day. Pray for guidance. Do not waste your valuable time. Satan is a master of distracting you before prayer. Your children need more than school and food. Remember that you are responsible for their religious development. You are accountable to Me for their souls. They are little. They need your direction in prayer. Enough is never enough. By your example, and how you classify this as important, you teach a mighty lesson

Tell your children of My wonderful love for them and how I wait for them to be with Me. I have great things in store for each of My children. I need you to teach them the way and the truth, and My life will come alive in their hearts. You need to spend time playing with them. Play and time in fun is very important.

I am Jesus. Don't worry about anything. Just do as you are told. Let Me tend to the details. You don't have any time to deliberate. You need to do My will instantly. I am guarding your every step. Come and be with Me and let Me instruct you in your heart. I am eager for your silent prayers with Me. Sit in silence and let go. I love you so much. You are so precious to Me.

I am Jesus and I love you. Such honor for you! Remember, I am most important in your life and your children's lives. You are a most important figure in their lives. It is through you I teach them mighty lessons. You need Me to take charge of you so you teach all they need. You can't do it the way you need to without Me. Turn yourself entirely over to Me and let Me operate from your soul.

Oh, I want to use you. You are so valuable to Me. The mother of these children--this is a most important job. All others are so insignificant! Take it with seriousness. I gave it to you and you know it. It is My will!

I Give You Dignity and Honor

January 13, 1994 3:45 a.m.

R. You are the God of all ages. You are Father, Son and Holy Ghost. At Your name the heavens bow and the earth is summoned to give glory to the one, true God. He is a King in our midst and we are honored by Him and His glory.

We are raised to such heights by His love for us. He gives us dignity. He gives us direction. We must come and bow down before Him for He is deserving of all honor and praise.

Alleluia. God has visited His people.

Jesus: I came in such poverty and such quiet, yet I am the King of Glory. Do you not know Who I am that you treat Me with such irreverence? Why do you run after such worthless things when I, God, wait in My glory for you. I have all the power in heaven and on earth. No power is had without Me. You may think you have some, but I possess all the power.

I give you dignity and honor by My love for you. To go to the world and turn your back on Me is a very sick thing. The world is in a very sorry state. It has become a godless society. It has tried to make itself God and it has made its own rules. The world will ruin itself. A godless society cannot survive. It will corrupt from within and destroy itself.

What arms do you use to fight this godless world? You go to Jesus and He fills you with all your arms. Jesus is the answer. His love is the answer to your struggle. Let go of it all. None of this matters: what you are to wear, where you live, who likes or dislikes you, your car. All that matters are the things of God. Love of God and love of neighbor.

Go to God for all you need. He makes the crooked ways straight and He furbishes the starved soul. He is the author of the book of your life. Go to God and ask Him to write your life according to Him. Do the will of The Father!

The Soul

January 14, 1994 4:30a.m.

Jesus: Take your time and listen now, for I want to tell you about the soul. The soul is the spirit of the body. The soul was created for God and God alone. The soul is mightier than the body. Nobody sees it, but the soul is the spirit to the body!

To have happiness, joy, peace and love, you must tend to the feeding of the soul. The soul is fed by God alone. It was created by The Father to know, love and serve God. To give the soul material goods and expect that to suffice is useless. Only God can feed the soul.

The soul affects the whole operation of the body. If the things of the soul are nurtured, it grows in its love of God and is a vibrant force inside the body. If the things of God are ignored, the soul withers and the spirit of the body dies. All that is tender and loving is dismissed and the heart and eyes that reflect the soul become hard and hollow!

There are as many hearts as there are faces. The heart reflects the condition of the soul. To be void of God, one's heart is hard. It lacks happiness, joy and love. There is no way a person void of God can be happy. There is no way a person void of God is loving.

It is God within Who feeds your soul and you experience the life of Him. This gives the soul a feeling of happiness. To be void of God is to be in a state of sin and no soul is happy in the state of sin.

Feed the soul with soul food. Nothing else can feed a spiritual being. To give a soul material things is useless. The soul is not material. It cannot be touched or felt with the fingers. It can only be fed in the spirit.

Feed the soul the love of God. Then your heart will be free and alive in your chest. You will have peace in your soul and love in your chest. You will never acquire total happiness and peace on earth. Little glimpses I give to you, but you will be in a state of happiness and peace knowing God. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. He who abides in Me will have the light of life.

We Communicate In the Heart

January 14, 1994

R. It is in the heart we communicate with God. If you look for voices and visions, you are missing God. God uses the senses sometimes because we, in our bodies, understand this mode of communication. But He communicates in our souls. He prompts our hearts and we know God without words! To try to make God like us is very silly. He is God. We cannot understand, in all our attempts, the ways of God. These are mysteries to us.

Focus on God's love in silence and let what happens happen. Quit trying to figure it out. He tells us all we need to know if we go to Him.

Refuse to Worry

January l5, 1994 4:50 a.m.

Jesus: I am Jesus, Your Savior. When you are tired and weary, come to Me. I wait for you as would a doting mother, ready to kiss your little wounds and send you out to play.

I love you so, little one. Come and be with Me in your heart. Do not worry about anything concerning this book. My hand is in everything and I will see to its publishing Myself. Do you fret and fume for nothing? I am God. Why should you worry for the work of God? Do you not think I will take care of My own work? I tend to everything that needs to be done in your life. You are so precious to Me. There is not one thing that happens that I have not consented to.

To be able to be in the midst of adversity and struggle and say, "God's hand is here and He knows what is happening; I will let go of my anxiety and be at peace," is to reach a great plateau of trust in Me! Trust in Me in all your trials. Refuse to worry. What good does such a needless task perform? If I am God and I am there in every moment of your life and you truly believe it, what are you doing letting yourself worry?

Child, I have so much love for you that I died on the a cross for you. Look at Me there. I spread My arms and came for you. I love you this much, this very day. How do I make you realize how much you mean to Me? Well, I am here in everything you are experiencing. There is not one thing that happens without My consent. Do you hear Me? Think of one of your little hairs falling out. I am that hyper-vigilant. I know whence that hair came. I know the very pore on your head it fell from.

If I, Jesus, am that attentive to you and everything that is happening with you, what are you doing worrying? It is your trust and faith in Me that gives you peace. Practice letting go on all matters. Refuse to worry. Place every care in My hands and trust I will tend to it. You, My child, are so precious. I want you to know how I am truly there, loving you and watching you and guarding you.

I watch you like a doting mother lest you stumble and fall and lose your way. In that little trial, practice turning it over to Me. Trust in Me. It is an act of your will to truly trust Me or to worry about your problem.

Listen to Me saying, "Child, I love you, child, I am love, child, don't worry. Turn your burden over to Me." You can be free of worry if you let go. Sail away in your hot air balloon. Drop the package of worries at the foot of My cross and sail away in a trouble-free sky.

You are lifted to such heights in My love! I am so powerful. I can do all things. I am working in your life at every moment. I never leave you abandoned. Take this opportunity to get closer to Me.

It is in your trials you are taught how to trust. Do not curse the dark nights. Come to Me and let Me light your way. Take each trial as an opportunity to get closer to Me. Ascend the ladder to trust in the Lord. You develop trust a step at a time. Trust must be developed by you. Pray that you will learn all the lessons on trust I am sending you.

You are so favored, My little sweet one. I love you. I love you. I love you. Come to Me weary and leave carefree. Only I can take a burdened heart and give it rest. Do not go to your brothers and complain. Keep reading My letters to you (December 30, 1993). Know which letters are those that set you free of worry.

Note: In His December 30 letter He said, "It is in acceptance of all things that you are drawn closer to Me. Do not try to throw back into My face the little opportunity for grace you receive. Child, I am ever by your side and I am ever teaching you. Know that My hand is in everything you are experiencing. I am vigilant and by your side. Nothing happens to you that I have not consented to. I love you. Trust in Me."

R. Jesus, I trust in you!

Jesus: Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I am there with you. Turn to Me. Turn to Me alone and I will give you rest. Oh, you, who are heavily burdened, I will give you rest!

I Am Here in the Tabernacle

January 15, 1994 9:15 a.m.
St. Michael Church

Jesus: You come here and I am waiting. Let go of all distractions Satan busies your mind with. You have come to adore your King. Block out all and focus on the King of Glory.

I am Jesus. I am God. I am your all. I am God. Worship, honor, glory--all is My due. Blow the trumpets, sound the horns! There are others to walk about, but no thought, not even a prayer, for the King of Glory.

I am very sad and hurt by all who neglect Me and do not come to Me as I sit here. Where are they? I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. If for one instant I were to cease to think of them, they would cease to be, but they do not even realize Who I am. My heart is so sad. What do they think, for their busy lives? They are in the presence of a King and they don't even recognize Me!

It delights Me so that you have come to Me. I love you with such intense love and I want to give you so many gifts. Come and be with Me in silence. Sit and I will help you block out distractions. I am the King of Glory. I am God. If people come to My house here, it is not to pray, outside of Mass. They come to fix the church and miss the King of Glory. Blind! How blind they are!

Blessed be the name of God. At His Name every knee must bow. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God and have spoken to you, My child. Be with Me. Tell your friends to come and bang on the doors to My church. The priests lock Me up all day. Those who want to come cannot get in! Tell them to come and adore Me and open My doors.

My Heart Aches for You

January 16, 1994 5:30 p.m.
St. Philip

R. I was drawn here as last week, intense pain in my heart and longing for Jesus, who I received this morning, but I played the organ at Mass and didn't get to be close to Him.

Last Sunday was very hard too. I have to be with Him in front of the tabernacle each day or I experience this intense restlessness and irritation. It is only in moments spent with Him alone in silence that such feelings are quieted.

I felt a real presence of Jesus Himself here, His Body. I experienced such longing as pain in my chest at not being able to know Him more or see Him. It is an agony of sorts to know Him a little but never enough. I ache in My heart for Him Whom I miss so much and Whom I crave to know more. At any rate, it is very painful. It reminds me of what I think the souls in purgatory must feel, intense longing for Him.

In my sorrow, I cried out and He heard my plea. He came to me and ministered to my needs.

I am truly here, My little one, in Spiritual Communion.

I Want My Priests to Come Back

January 17, 1994 3:40 a.m.

Jesus: You know I am He Who lifts you up. In one second I can turn your feelings around and lift you up. Constantly pray to Me. You need Me through these times. Remember, I truly died for you on the cross. Remember, little one, I have chosen you to write to Me. Do you think I will ever abandon you? I am a God who truly loves His people. I love you with such ardent love. You must never doubt.

Look into My face and see My gentleness. I am the kindest of all hearts. I am He who knows how to love with such love. Become totally lost in My arms.

Do you think Satan will not taunt you? Put him behind you. You are being guarded by God and His heavenly court. Walk in My ways and the angels walk with you on your path. You are escorted on your way and you are never alone. You are guarded as a precious treasure that is being transported to another place.

You need to put all your cares in My hands. You are developing true trust when you let go and let Me take over. Keep trusting and silence the ugly prompting of Satan who wants you to worry about useless things. Quit worrying and pray and play with your children. I am telling you there is so much peace and grace gained by private prayer with them. I will tend to all the details of your life. Do not worry for one moment. Put your life in My hands. I am here, little one. Read this message and all of them over and over again.

You need to go to the Blue Book for your answers. Your answers are found there. I never leave your side. God is guarding you. Just continue to have a union with Me all through the day. All the prayer time alone with Me in one day is not enough. I want you in constant prayer.

Turn to Me and My Blue Book. This will help many priests to come back and sit before Me in private union with Me. When priests come back to the tabernacle, the flock will begin to be led back to His altar. Priests need to read these letters. They are the preachers. If they do not value their own relationship with Jesus, if they are being led away from Me with busyness, they will not preach the intimate love of Jesus. They are so busy, but it is like throwing out the baby with the bath water. I am the center and their relationship with Me is utmost.

The priests need these messages. They need to have an intimate, close union with Me. They should be preaching "time in front of the tabernacle." They should be preaching My intense love for My people and how I have so much to give. Some sermons are so complicated--yet nothing about union with Me in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle.

I want My priests to come back and pray before My tabernacle. I want them to read these messages and make Jesus the Center of their lives. When they are led back to Jesus, they will lead the flock home. Priests need adoration every day for at least an hour. I don't care how busy they are. None of it matters if they are not spending time in private prayer alone with Me. They need to come and get their supplies. They need to quit thinking they are doing it and turn back to turning their lives totally over to Me, to totally letting their burdens and busy lives off at the foot of My cross and letting Me lead the way.

There is not one priest who has so much to do that he cannot do private adoration daily. When the priest comes back to the power in the Eucharist and the tabernacle, the congregation will turn to God for their troubled hearts. Satan has led priests away from Jesus. They are so busy they cannot do all their work, but this must all take second place to praying silently before God and reading His words. These letters will help many priests to come back and be intimate with Jesus.

All the rituals, all the upkeep of the churches, all the little details, and the King of Glory sits alone! You have thrown out the baby with the bath water. You are missing the boat.

I want the priests to read this message. Where is the reverence after Communion and who has even heard it mentioned in the church? Private union with Jesus! What an honor! I have all you need. Come to Me and I will give you rest. I am all powerful. I have all the power. I am hyper-vigilant over your lives. I guard you. Quit trying to do it yourselves. Become selfless and let Me possess your souls.

Have the priests spread these messages. Read them in church. I want adoration of the Eucharist back. I want people to know I am God and I am coming to them in Holy Communion. I want the Blessed Sacrament exposed. I want My churches open. Union with Jesus, the love of Jesus, trust, faith, love for one another, love of God--I want all of these preached from the pulpit!

I am the Alpha and the Omega. I want My people to be led back to the center, which is Jesus. Pray for your priests. They are under attack. If Satan can wreck the family, the priests, the children, he has it made.

You are under attack, My beloved priests, and you, in your busyness, are being led away from your union with Jesus. Bring yourselves back to Me and let Me give you My love. I am indeed the bridegroom of your souls. I wait for My beloved ones at the altar. I long for private union with all My beloved ones.

Come to Me, all who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Come and be lifted up to heights you never dreamed possible. I am God. Put your lives in My hands. Let Me run your life. Quit running amok. You have lost your way and are running down the wrong road. Bring your lives back to Jesus in the tabernacle.

The world is getting farther from God every minute. Read the messages at prayer meetings. Spread them by word of mouth. The time you waste is valuable. These words are not meant to be saved. Spread them here by any means possible. I want them out, I tell you! If someone wants to read some messages, give them to them and let them read them at prayer meetings. There is no secret here. They are from Me and I want them out. I want you to speak. A lot of your discontent is in sitting around with all these messages and not spreading them. Tell your friends to speak. Speak My words here. You don't have to mention the source. Spread the messages. You are not what is important. The messages are. You will be exposed. Don't worry who knows, but don't spread your own story. Spread the messages. Like ripples on a pond, the love of God will be spread throughout the land. I have so much to give to My hurting ones. I am your God. I died for you out of deepest love. I have come in these messages to lead you back home.

Quit worrying of details. I am He Who runs the show. Pray for guidance every day. Spend one hour in front of the tabernacle. You cannot do in a million years what I can do in one moment. Quit relying on yourselves. You are only pushing buttons. When you are fixed in Me, the right door opens. When you go it alone, you have a hard road to walk. One hour in private adoration. Be silent or read the Blue Book. Your life will become uplifted by My teaching and you will sail a blue sky.

Spend time in silence and some in reading My words in front of Me. I am talking to you in these letters. What power, to read them in front of the tabernacle! You can't go it alone. You need My help. You need your supplies. But you must come and get them! You are following your tail around if you do it alone. I am He Who can do all this. When you realize My power in adoration, your lives will change. As long as you are too busy you will have a hard time. The soul craves this union with Me.

Lead the priests back to adoration and the people will follow. Our leaders have become too busy for adoration. This is the key, the key to unlock the doors to the world's problems. It is found in front of the tabernacle, at daily Mass and Communion. Do the priests ever preach any of this? You have forgotten your center, Jesus, in the Eucharist! All the power is found in Jesus. You have all that you need and you walk about and decorate My churches and clean every speck of dust and repair My pews and carpet My house and fix My organs but you walk about and miss the King of Glory who sits there all alone! Spread the messages on the tabernacle. I want them out!

Prayer for Union With Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling in me.

I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of The Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

I Want Both Feet Off the Ground

January 18, 1994 4:40 a.m.

R. Dear Jesus, I am ready for Your work. I love You. I am sorry I didn't get to Mass because of the snow. I love You, Jesus.

Jesus: You mustn't feel that I am displeased because you stayed home. You need to be with Me at home just as you are in church. Focus on Me and My love for you and keep making Spiritual Communions. I am Jesus. I am present. I talk, you write. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie. I am He Who loves you intently. If you only knew a little of My love, you would be preaching about Me from a high mountain.

You are he that wants one foot on the earth and one foot in the air. One foot will let go, but the other is not willing. I want both of your feet off the floor. That extra security you hold on to, just in case--that is what makes you worldly. I demand you let go entirely. You will then be free in My love. You will soar! As long as you think you are doing any of it yourself you stop yourself from the total freedom of letting go.

So here you are and I am telling you in your heart to do something and you decide to ask someone else, or you procrastinate, or you want proof. I don't give proof! The beauty of total surrender is to have no proof and total trust in Him Who truly loves you! "Well, Lord, I know you are telling me this." Then, do it child! Let go! Feel the freedom of flying. You are totally free. I am running the balloons. You, child, let go. You totally surrendered to Me and at first you were afraid, but here you are flying and it is such freedom! Take in the sights. Be lighted on your way. Do you trust Me like that? If you don't, you are still in control.

The will of The Father I make clear to you. You want that security the world says you should have. The world is not secure. It is built on a sinking ship. It may look secure, but in one instant your ship could sink and if you are counting on yourself, what will you do?

I sail your balloon to heights you never dreamed possible. Let go. I run the balloon. There may be a little wind, but the freedom of sailing, of knowing you will never lose your way because Jesus is holding you up, what power Jesus has over all and He holds you up! If you go out on a limb for Him, He supports the limb. "Scary," you say? "Freedom," I say! When you trust your interior promptings this much, when you know God is this close that you will do whatever He calls you to, despite the world, that is freedom. You are My special messengers. The world is teaching some awfully sick messages. People are getting literally sick. Become selfless, let Me possess you so I can do what I need to through you.

The world wants you to have security, insurance, jobs that they consider safe. "Be sure you have all these things to be sure." Sure of what? That in one minute there can be an earthquake and it all is destroyed? You are not sure! I have all the power. You are so silly to think you are sure of anything in this world.

There is only one thing you can be sure of: I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Put your trust in Me and then you are sure. You may not receive a reward in this world, but you, for sure, will receive a golden reward in the next.

Let go, My children. Seek after only the things of God. Do not store up earthly treasures that wither and fade. Store up heavenly treasures that never die.

Let go, My children. I am waiting for you to let go with both of your feet. Jump into the arms of Him Who saves you. You let go, I catch you. God is there to hold you up lest you stumble and lose your way.

You walk the road to My love. It does not go down the solid roads the world has built. It is a road suspended in the sky. To know Me is to let go. Get off that road that appears to the world as solid. You know an earthquake can split that road in half. Walk My road with Me. That may mean the road seems to be missing at times. But you do not have your ducks in a row. Minute by minute you follow a road supported by Me. What freedom! To trust in Me, to do My work with support from Me is so free, but so uncertain for your earthly minds.

I tell you in your hearts. The world wouldn't even hear that which becomes to you a command to obedience. I tell you to do such things. The more I possess your soul, the more it becomes Me acting out of you. You know you are doing things you would not have done before.

This is Me. When you beg Me to possess your soul, you let go and I take over. You don't need security here. You only need the inner promptings and the trust in your heart that God has spoken and you follow His command.

How can I minister to this sick world if you choose to keep one foot on what the world calls "solid ground"? I want to possess you. I want to operate from your very being. I want to be in constant communion with you. I want you to hear the pipeline to Me every second you breathe. You will do this when you let go. I need to have full reign to operate from you as I see fit. Believe Me, I will not be doing what you would do.

When you see yourself moving selflessly ahead, doing My work, no questions asked, when you are listening to your information from within instead of from without, then your pipeline is open and working. Your answers are in your heart. You search for your answers in a senseless world, while you cover up the answers in your heart. Let Me possess you. Be selfless, be unattached. Operate as I am telling you in your heart.

"But," you say, "Oh, how do you test it?" That is the world. The more you know Me, you do not even think. It is I Who operate you. You do not even deliberate. I just work through you and you see that what you did was a vital move in My plan. But you did not even deliberate much. You were pushed in that direction and you knew you had to do it.

Child, listen to your heart. I am calling you to quiet union with Me. Silence with Me. Let Me change you and make you open. Say the Prayer for Union with Jesus, then let go and let Me do My work. I need your total submission. Your security is not found in thinking. It is found in your heart, in being so attached to Me that it is I Who live and act from your soul.

I operate you like a little windup doll. You don't worry and fret. You just go. You ask no questions. You are selfless and unattached and what you achieve is the work of the Son of Man.

I am Jesus. I am God. I am He Who wants to possess you and use you. When I do something, I do not make mistakes. Quit trying to do it yourself. Let Me operate you. Let Me do it all. Get both feet off the ground and say, "Lord, Lord, I give you My all. You use me, You run me, You possess me. I am Yours." Die to yourself and all the things of the world. You are he whom I want to possess and use to do My work. If you continue to do it your way, it is your doing a so-so job. Let go and let Me do My work as I want it done!

Don't ask questions. Don't jump back to the ground and say, "Oh, but it got scary out there with nothing under my feet. I just wanted to stand on solid ground." My ground is all that you must walk. You do not have a choice. My life in you is like being suspended in midair. It only feels good when you have decided that you will let go, that you know in your heart that trusting in Me is the only way. What freedom, to sail the sky and never ever look for security!

This is life in Me. You can't go to the world. Life with Me is like this. Life in the world is sick. You can't go there. You don't let go so you are not fully here. So, there is discontent in your heart. One foot on, one foot off. Surrender, My child. Let go with both feet and don't question! I will lift you up and lead you on your way. I need you to do My work in this world. If you become selfless and let Me possess you, you will operate just as I want you to because I will be doing the work.

Don't look for security! Pray constantly. I am as close as your breath. I am He Who powers you. You will not falter for I will catch you on your way. Your only job is to let go and trust. Know I am truly here and you are never abandoned. I love you so. You are doing My work with all your heart and I am powering your heart. Let go. Living in Me is not the security that the world preaches. It is like being in midair and knowing I am by your side and will catch you. If you feel your life is like this, being in midair, you are doing a great job. But it is not you at all. It is I Who sustain you. It is I Who act from you. You are My precious ones. You, I love to My death! Trust Me. I died for you. I am your beautiful Jesus. I am your spouse. I am ever by your side and I love you with a heart on fire for love of you. Surrender. Let go and you will be free in the Lord!

R. Alleluia. And He made them His workers and they acted as He did in them and the world knew His love in mighty proportion through those who chose to serve the Lord. Alleluia. Our hearts are lifted to such heights in Him. His ways are secure!

Sufferings Will Befall You

January 19, 1994 4:45 a.m.

Jesus: I write a message for the world. I write this message for you. I want to tell them to pray and not to underestimate what sufferings will befall them all. Pray constantly. You suffer this weather, you see the earthquakes and you still do not comprehend a power greater than yourself. I have all the power. I want men's minds and hearts to turn back to God. I want God first in their lives, but they are so blind. What do they need to shake them to such great power!

All things are under My control. There is not one thing that happens that I do not allow. You are so comfortable in such evilness. Why are you not on your knees asking, "Lord what is happening?" One suffering will come after another and you will, in your blindness, have to admit to My Might. My mother comes and people pay no heed. Spread these messages. Spread her messages. Do not think of what others think of you. They will know soon enough of their blindness. Do not spend a day without telling someone news about the Blessed Mother and why she comes. Tell all of My might and tell them to pray. Prayer is your weapon in a sick world. Open up the minds of your friends. What will rock these children off their rockers? If the earth moves under them, they still stay steadfast in their ways. So stubborn, indeed. They want to be blind because they do not want to change to the ways of God!

I am He Who comes to you this way. I am He Who wants you to pray constantly. I am He Who is calling out an alert for a change in your lives. I am He Who wants you to pray, yet you sit. You idle and hold on to such trivial things while the earth moves under your feet! I will rock the heavens. I will tell you of My might. Sit, you idle ones, but you will suffer for not praying. I am God. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, and I am ever present in your midst. You are blind and look for idle pursuits.

You have become so comfortable in this evilness that you do not even sit up and take notice. "Oh, it is okay. I don't like it, but it is okay." Your children are being poisoned by the world, as if someone gives them constant poison, and you worry about your sports and what have you!

Where in the world do you think you are going? Man thinks he is here to stay. He spends his days making his life "better" he thinks: more things--more things, more money, better bodies, clean breath, better smelling feet--oh, such insane pursuits! Let's make these bodies so perfect! Our lives should reflect the perfect life! Our children run races for glory every day, not even knowing the Ten Commandments! You make every moment a pleasure in itself. Make yourselves happy. Eat, drink, be merry, be beautiful, be smart, be perfect. Forget God--who is He? We have a life going on here and we are going to enjoy every moment! This society is sick, sick, sick. What they are enjoying is destroying their souls. Children are not even aware that I exist and their lives are totally secular. They are so blind. Oh, America, I lament everything you do. It is senseless and without meaning!

The Son of Man is in your midst and you do not even know who He is. What more can I say. Spread My good news that Jesus is Lord and He is Coming, that you had better turn your lives back to Him now. Mary, My mother, is coming. The sun spins. What do they need? Such attachments to their sick ways! Pray constantly. Tell others about Me. Tell them to read the Bible and amend their ways. Tell them that I am God and that they need to turn their lives back to Me. Tell them to repent and pray. My mercy is great and I am waiting with open arms.

Pray, America, pray. You will soon know My might if you continue your foolish ways. Every soul who is fixed in Me is My messenger. Go to the highways and byways and tell all: Jesus is Lord and He wants you to amend your lives. He will rock the earth and you will know His might. Time is short. Repent and pray constantly. What do I do to shake you? This earth is very insecure, here today, gone tomorrow. The only things that remain are the things of God.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Hear Me, America. Listen and be attentive! I do not come to give a message for one or two. This is My message for all. You will know My might in big proportions. I will rock you off your rockers. You must turn your lives to God. You are not here for fun and sin and whatever you are doing. Oh, little ones, you miss My tremendous love for you. You have missed all the good I have for you. You are stubborn and willful. You are silly and sick. Pray for your brothers. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Offer everything you do as a prayer and know I never ever leave you! I love you, My child. This message is an act of love!

I gave Myself that you might live. I am He Who comes to deliver this message to you and you are blind. Look beyond the cup and the drink. This is your miracle, that I am truly present in the Eucharist.

I am here. Open your eyes and see Me here in your midst. Come to Me all who labor and are heavily burdened and I will give you rest. I am your God and I comfort you on your way. I am waiting for you to come and be in union with Me.

You, My faithful ones, can no longer be silent. Don't worry. Speak out. Others need you!

Sufferings Are Golden Gems

January 20, 1994 6:00 a.m.

Jesus: My child, hold My hand and know that I am with you at this moment. You do not need the busyness of Satan. He wants to stop your book, here, in any way possible. Hold tight and pray for strength. I am He Who loves you intently. I care for everything in your life. Anything that happens will strengthen you.

Sufferings are golden gems from heaven. When your life is tested, turn to Me. I am closest in your trials. Any person who is close to Me moves full steam ahead and does not become bogged down by Satan's distractions. He is out to distract you (read the message of January l8). I need your total commitment to Me. I need you with your feet in the air and not looking back with yearning for this worldly ground. Once you are out there on a limb, it is worse to crawl back and forth. I am supporting you in everything and you must know this is not a little work but very important to My plan. I will give you the strength you need to do all I want you to do but you must come to Me constantly.

None of what you do here makes sense in the eyes of this world. No one of the world understands one thing that is happening. Do not turn your eyes to people and their explanations. Turn your eyes trustingly to Me Who needs you to perform your work selflessly and without any questions. Do your job and do not question. Your mind is being engulfed by Satan's sea of doubt.

He will try to stop you any way he can. These letters will bring many of My people back to Me. Do not worry what or how this is happening or how they will reach people. I am Jesus and I am supporting all who are involved in this endeavor. I am defending you with My arms. I am your God and I loved you to My death. See Me with My arms outstretched in love of you! Keep focusing on My Passion. There is so much gained by meditating on My Passion.

My death and Resurrection are the redemption of all mankind. Focus on Me and My love for you. It is My love that will see you through all this.

Focus on Me and My love. Think of Me at My death. Remember My agony, all the blood I shed and the Passion I walked for love of you. Child, I love you this much this day. How can you ever doubt that anything I send you is not out of deepest love for you?

Focus on Me and My love and My work here. You must get both feet off the ground and move full steam ahead. Don't look back to the ground. I need your surrender totally to Me. I need your commitment totally to Me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

In the end, it will be the things of Me and all that you did for My world that goes with you. All else here is of no account.

My work is your top priority. Your prayer life alone with Me is your utmost concern. You need to be with Me in front of the tabernacle. You need time alone with Me. Satan is going to try to trip you up. Do not focus on anything but the things of Me.

I come to you with such love. I am Jesus, who died for you. I have so much to give you. I will care for all the details in your life. Let go and surrender into My hands. When you worry, when you doubt, that is from Satan. You must be absolutely sure in Me and My work here.

Spend time with Me alone. Spend so much time with Me that you do not ever miss a moment of solitude with Me. Make Spiritual Communions all day. Do not ever take your eyes from Me. You need constant union with Me. Full steam ahead, total commitment, focus on My love for you--nothing else. Say the prayer for Union with Me and let your mind be engulfed in My love. Let go of every distraction and let Me in your heart to work.

Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance. I am your God and I am so loving. I am Jesus Christ. I am truly here!

I Am the Light of the World, You Are My Lamp

January 21, 1994 5:10 a.m.

R. Dear Jesus, You are truly great. All honor and all praise is Yours. You are the light of the earth. You are one who cries out for us to amend our lives and we do not listen to what you tell us. We are not worthy of you, yet you love us so much. Oh Jesus, I love you.

Jesus: I am your Savior. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I have all the power. I am truly there, little one. I am with you in every one of your trials. I watch you like a doting mother. You are guarded by Me in all you do.

I am your God. I tend to your every need. Do not be troubled or look for answers. Put all your trust in Me and tend to the work at hand. I am yours and you are Mine. Ask for selflessness and let Me possess you.

Be simple. Only tend to things of God. I am what is important. Do not get anxious about this. What you are doing here will help many souls who are willing. Just keep working. Do not question. I am guiding your life.

I am ever attentive to your needs. My child, I love you so much. Do not worry or fret on anything. I am guarding your work here. Alleluia.

I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie. I am the Lord of all ages. I am God, child. Do you realize God is present and talking to you? Do not think. Just write and feel My presence so close to you.

I love everyone with such intense love. My soul is sad and My heart is heavy for what My children are doing in their lives.

I have all the power. I can stop it all and rock you in a moment, but I keep asking for your prayers. You faithful ones, you are the answer to the aching world. Your prayers are so powerful. Don't stand on a box and preach how bad the world is. They don't hear you. You waste your energy. You work yourself up. Preach only of My love. Pray constantly. By your example you teach mighty lessons.

The world is starving and the only thing they will take notice of is the food for their starving soul. They need food. The Mass is their salvation if they would go and listen to the readings and come with an open heart to receive all that they could there. But most of their hearts are closed and they are not in a state to receive Me. They have worshiped false gods and don't even know it.

You pray, little ones. The souls of your brothers are dependent on your prayers. The state of the world is dependent on your prayers. Pray the rosary. Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Sit and develop an intimate love affair with Me. Go to daily Mass and Communion. Pray with your children. Play with them and stay close to them. Read them these letters.

Give others My words here. Tell them of My intense love for them and My longing to be alone with them. Tell them that God is waiting for them and that He has the cure for their aching hearts. Plant seeds about My love even when you are rejected. You are the dresser in a barren field. Do not cover your light. Let it shine to all so they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven.

Pray to fight off Satan's distractions in your own lives. He wants you focused on yourselves and trouble in your life. Put your troubles at the foot of My cross and be the light in the darkness. Your light, your example in such darkness and your love given to the hardened heart are what will help save this cold world!

Do you underestimate your value here? You are candles in the darkest night. Satan wants to snuff you out. He wants you to remain, like the world, at unrest. You must go to the world prepared by My love. Your arms are hearts filled with My love. You are candles in the dark night. Offer up your struggles to Me that you might shine even brighter. Strive for holiness. Do not go to the negativeness of the world. Focus on the remedy: your prayers and My love.

Be the light in the darkness. Be ever up and ready for a battle with love and My operating in you. Stay so steadfast in Me that you allow Me to operate from you.

You are My soldiers in this cold, cold world. You are soldiers of love. Your arms are your warm and radiant hearts furnished by Me. I am all powerful. Do not ever underestimate what a heart fixed in Me will do in this world. Do not ever underestimate that when I operate from you I am God and I am all powerful.

Be My empty vessel to the world. Let Me possess your soul and operate from your very being. What might for your sick brothers! When you get caught up in their deeds and your distractions, you are stopping the flow of My love to your brothers. Be as an empty pipe. You exist to let My love flow constantly into and out of you. Do not clog up your pipe and stop My love and My light from reaching your brothers.

You are a light set on a hill that shines to all. A city is warmed by the love of Jesus if you keep yourselves fixed in Me. Do not give in to self-pity or wailing about your trials. Offer them up for strength. I am the light of the world and you are My lamp. Let Me shine from you. Let Me warm the cold heart. Become selfless and unattached. Your work is at hand. You indeed need My strength. Tell Satan to be gone and place your cares at My feet! Be about My work. I need to use you. Be an empty vessel and come and be filled by Me.

You are so valuable to Me. I need you now! Do not say no. Do not let Satan distract you. You are My precious little ones, such beautiful children. Live in My love and let Me live in you!

God Operates Like God

January 21, 1994 10:00 p.m.

R. When God is using you to do His work, you will not be doing what the "old you" used to do. He is God. He is powerful. His ways are steadfast and direct. He operates as He operates, as God.

When we become selfless and we let Him possess our souls, it is He who operates us and we are amazed at what He does in us.

We Have A Pipeline to God

January 22, 1994 6:00 a.m.

R. God talks to each of us inside our own hearts. There is an open pipeline between each of us and Him. The inner promptings felt in the heart are the way God is speaking to us right now.

He does not need our senses to talk to us. We take in our earthly knowledge through our eyes and ears. We communicate with each other through our senses. But God does not need senses. He communicates directly to each of our hearts.

This book is a cookbook for an intimate relationship with Jesus. As soon as we open ourselves up to His words and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, we can then hear the wonderful way in which God wants to communicate with us.

There are many nerves and body parts about which we are totally unaware until something goes wrong. Only then do we become aware of their presence. Likewise, God is always ready to be our inner guide on our spiritual way. Like our outer body parts, we can ignore His presence until something goes wrong. Then we know how real He is.

Jesus is so close to us. When we are baptized He is in our hearts! He is the very life of the soul. When we are receiving our answers from within, we are tapping into His pipeline.

This book will help you to know what God Himself wants for your life. A fire will arise within your heart that cannot be contained.

My Power Is Endless

January 23, 1994 4:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am your God. I am here and ever present. This letter is for all and not for a few. Give this letter to every child, even the hardest of hearts. Let them all hear Me talk here.

I am your Savior. I am He Who saves you. I died for you that you might have life and have it more abundantly, but you do not understand such things. You are too wrapped up in the today of your life. You worry for needless tasks at hand and miss My divine, ardent love.

I am loving you always. My heart is full with the fire of My love. My heart is ablaze for you. I love you individually. I love you as you are. I do not love you if you are good and then abandon you in darkness.

My heart is on fire with love for you. Come to Me in your weariness. Come to Me in your joy. I never cast you off. I love you as you are. I want to give you My love. I want you to know that I am truly here just for you. I am a personal God. I am not a God far off that you cannot know. I am right with you always.

I love you with an ardent love. I love you, little one. Hear My voice proclaim such love for you. I am God and I come here to love you. You are a human being and God loves you. You are My precious little one. I want to share My love with you. I am God and I have gifts to give you that only I can give.

You wander this barren land in search of treasure. You seek idle pursuits. You look and do not find. The hungry soul seeks satisfaction in a cold, lonely world. The hearts of men have turned cold and are in darkness and you watch while your own heart grows so cold and empty in your chest.

I wait for you in the tabernacle. I have all you need. I give you Myself, God-made-man, in the Eucharist and you wander this empty land and do not find rest. You, My child, will never find rest. Your soul was created by The Father to know, love and serve God. The soul is only fed by God. You search, you wander, you look to all this world has to offer. You attempt to fill yourself with the things of the world, but you feel empty. You are empty and searching, but you search a barren desert.

You are searching for the love of God. Your soul was created to be filled by Me alone. To try to fill the soul with the things of the world is a futile search. You won't find even a crumb to satisfy the soul. So you wander, you wait, you are so stubborn. You have turned your backs on Me. I have tried to make you see Me and My ways but you, in your pride, think that you are autonomous.

You are not the end. You are not the one with the power! I have all the power! If I cease to think of you for one second, you cease to be. You think you are able to sustain yourself. You, My little ones, are totally dependent on Me for the air you breath. I could poison your air in one second or take it away. You are dependent on Me for the sunlight, for your water, for your warmth to heat your home.

I am in control! You are so silly to even think that you can control your life. Such ignorance, not to see that which is before you, to go to school so many years and not know the basic facts! Are you in control of the air you breath? Is it possible that it could be poisoned or cease to be? Then how do you, in all your pride, think you are in control? Could you freeze to death or are you totally in control of that?

Think, child. A power much greater than yourself is holding your life in His hands. I am constantly watching out for you. That is why your air is there, that is why you do not freeze. Why are there not dead birds about? Who cares for such little creatures? They do not have intelligence, yet they survive and chirp with joy.

The seasons come and go and the world just cares for itself. It keeps going. One season does not destroy the life of the next season. It all works. You in your ignorance tell yourself it all works and no one is running things. Try to create life. Man cannot create life from nothing, no matter how hard he tries. He cannot do it

You are so blind! Open your eyes. You have tunnel vision. The TV has become your god. It seems so powerful, but it is a box with signals running through it. In one second it is out and totally quiet. I am He Who has all the power. I am He Who gives life. I am He Who sustains you. I am He Who tends to the creatures of the earth and sends the tormenting weather. I am He Who am! I am He Whose might is endless. I am He. I am. Open your eyes and see all that is before you. Look beyond your cars and your man-made things and see all the things of God. See the air you breathe. See the sun that shines. See the water that you need so desperately. In one second I can show you My power!

I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have any gods before Me. I am He Who am. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to fasten, yet I come to you. God comes to you and gives you life. God comes to you and gives you love. God comes to you and cares for you and you turn your back and in your arrogance run away.

Yours has become an egotistical world. You have, in your sin, taken My name from the minds of your children. You have turned yourselves into gods, but not one of you has any of the real power. I possess all the power! I can rock you off your rocker. The world does not exist without Me. I come to you in great love. I care for you with great love. I died for you that you can enter My kingdom. My kingdom is not of this world. This is your test. This world is not an end in itself. It is a short layover for the kingdom of God which is at hand!

In one second I can snatch your life from you and all that remains are the things of God. In one instant you can die and then what control have you? You are mortal beings. Your body withers and fades. Your cars grow old in front of your eyes. Your TVs are silenced by pulling the plug. Quit looking to this world for your power. I can silence your power in a moment. You have created bombs to destroy yourself. What might is this? I give you life. You cannot create life. You cannot be God! You are as you are. Why is it not enough?

I give you My love. I give you all you need. I promise you a land of glory for loving one another. I only ask you to love Me, love one another, and then such a reward! I give you beautiful trees and birds and skies and food and beautiful children. I give you beauty and love and you make your world hard and ugly.

Oh, children, open up your eyes! Look beyond your clutter. Look and see Me. See My life in each other. See your beautiful children. You create things, you make gadgets, then you pat yourselves on the back and call yourselves gods. I make a beautiful child. I give you a flower. I make a beautiful tree. You are so full of pride!

I have all the power. One second, and you are on your road to where? Your life is ended. There is no age for the death of the body. It happens to old and young alike. Wake up and see your Savior and your God. I am Who am. I am your God. I am loving and good. You have made false idols your gods and you miss My love. You are missing the love of God. This is your test. This is your layover here. You are here to do My work. My work is the work of love. Love God. Love one another. All else is useless if it does not have reference to the love of God.

You are a sick society. Wake up. Take off your blinders. See your world through the eyes of God. You, My little ones, are powerless. I have all the power. Make Me the center of your life or you fail the test. This is your exam. Will you graduate into My kingdom?

Respond In All You Do With Love

January 24, 1994 2:50 a.m.

Jesus: I want you to write a special message to everyone. I am God and I am talking to you. You are My messenger to reach many. This is not a little task. This is a big task. Thank God that He has given you such a gift. I want you to thank and praise God! Look how fast you are attacked and torn to shreds. That is how Satan works. Think of what he said. Listen to the words. Are they not just the same that constantly tell you in your head that you have not done enough, that God is upset with you, that You aren't doing it right, that You should be ashamed, that nobody is like you, that you didn't do it right, that you didn't do enough? Yet you are spending your life trying to serve Me!

I am pleased with your efforts to do My will. You are right to always try harder. I tell you what I want. You must say the prayer for Union with Jesus constantly. Make yourself selfless and unattached. Be of a clean heart, always ready to be led by My hand. Your days of sufferings are not over. This world will be tested more and more by My might. Continue to pray--I mean every day, all day!

Get up early. Offer up the sacrifice to Me. Pray the Morning Offering with your children. Make your whole day a day of prayer. Come and be with Me all day in your mind. I want your constant union with Me. Silence Satan who is telling you constantly that you should be ashamed and that you have not done enough!

Do not focus on your attempts to do My will. Focus on Me, My love, the job at hand. Do not worry about yourself. I am God and I want to use you. If you are worrying about how you did and how you should improve, you are focusing on self. Be spontaneous and constantly in prayer. Satan is the Master of Deceit. He wants you to always feel bowed down.

My life within you makes you vibrant. You know you are constantly struggling to do My will. You try harder to do that which your heart is telling you to do. I do not demand perfection. I want love. Try to serve Me with all your heart. Think of your great love for Me and know this is what beckons you to serve Me so ardently.

Respond in all you do with love. Love is the answer. When others hate you, forget their hate. It is Satan using them. They are blind and in need of your love. Be selfless. Do not worry how others offend you. Say, "Thank you. You have given me such an opportunity for grace." What a gem. Look at Me on the cross. Offer it up and forget yourself. You have work to do, don't ever give in to self-pity. You cannot do My work and let Satan taunt you through others.

Realize that, when others are being mean, it is Satan who acts through them. Come and be alone with Me and read the Blue Book. Say "thank You, Lord" for your trials. This is such a high form of prayer, to not react to another's anger! You are to say what I prompt you to say and go away and pray. Don't give in to attacks by Satan. Say "thank you" and do as you think I would do.

Do those things that you would never have done. When others taunt you and are mean, do not respond with anger, but love. If someone is attacking you verbally, go away. Do not be attacked. Do not even listen to what they say. Believe Me, it is Satan who speaks through them. So those words are ringing in your ears? Forget them and offer them up. Don't dwell on any words of Satan. They should sound like the silly arguments he plants in your head.

Concentrate on Me. Say thanks for the opportunity for grace and forget the words of the attackers. They are the empty words of Satan to get to you and shame you. Oh, how he aims to shame you and tell you others are watching your ways! They see what you have and are jealous, so they criticize you. Keep doing as you are doing and praise God they are watching you! You know what you are doing. You are striving to serve Me. They are, indeed, watching. By your good works others are being fed. I minister to others through your example.

Come to Me, little ones. Come at work, come always in your hearts. I am there to tend to your littlest care. I am your ardent lover. Have a two-way conversation with Me. Don't tell any more people what a sad soul said to you. Come and tell Me in your choir, at work, in your home, in your car. I am there, your best friend, ready to listen with love. Let Me kiss your wounds and send you out to play.

You are freed in Me. I am God and I can take a hard day, when Satan is really pressing on your mind, and lift your hearts up in a second. Or I may let you suffer and help you to offer it up for grace. Whatever I do, I will be teaching you a mighty lesson.

Listen all day with the ears to be taught by Me. Every minute is a day in My school. My big lesson is to remain selfless. Do not bring your selves back to yourselves. Remain steadfast in Me. Do not complain to others. That is a great opportunity for grace and complaining brings you back to yourself. Carry your crosses and, when the burden seems great, leave them at My feet and proceed with doing My work.

I am with you, little, beautiful ones. I love you intently and I am by your side. I am being attacked when you are. I have known all your trials and their frustrations. Come to Me and I will give you rest. I love you!

Prayer for the Hardened Heart

Jesus, place Your hands on my brother. His heart is in need of Your healing. His heart is dark and hard and he needs You to melt all the hate and anger that has made his heart black and cold. Thaw his heart with the warmth of Your love. Let the fire of Your love turn his heart soft, vibrant, aglow inside, with Your rich love.

Let the heart be as Yours, red and filled as a furnace with Your love, red outside, burning with white light and heat inside. Melt the trouble away. Cast the devil and his hatred back to hell. Command him to stay there and never to return to the heart of my loved one. You are all powerful. You I adore and honor and praise. You I am forever thanking for Your great glory. You I love intently.

Thank You, Jesus, for responding to this heart.

We love You so!

Seek the Things of God

January 26, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am with you. Do not ever fear for I am constantly by your side. Though you walk in raging waters, My might is with you, so you will not be consumed.

I come to you in the night to deliver a message. I am pleased that your messages will be published. I will tend to their publishing.

I am Jesus, Son of God. I tend to the lilies of the field. Are you not much more valuable than these? I will tend to all of your affairs. All you need do is trust in Me and know I am your God. My might is ever present with you and you never have a power failure if you stay fixed in Me.

My love goes with you on your way. Let Me possess your soul and operate from your body. I need you to do My work. I need your selflessness so, through you, I can accomplish all the tasks I need to. Turn your whole being over to Me so I can operate through your soul. Remain selfless and unattached and I will go with you on your way. My ways are steadfast and direct. My ways are pure and without error. My ways are the ways for you to travel. But you must be totally unabsorbed and selfless or I cannot operate from you as I so desire.

The world is constantly pulling you back to yourself. The world is full of self. It is self oriented. It says, "You are an end in yourself. You must think of yourself, make yourself a God. You are an end in yourself. You are to be honored and worshiped. Your feet must smell their best and your hair must be the right color. Your body needs to be perfect and ready for all the world wants to use it for." The world wants you to focus entirely on yourself, be an end in yourself, be perfect, live to make yourself perfect, sell yourself as the perfect being.

I tell you not to be concerned with what you are to wear. Do not be concerned with yourself. Your body will soon wither and die and all that will remain are the things of God.

You must surrender your life to Me to possess it and have life eternal. To look to this life as an end in itself is to lose eternal life. Unless you die to yourselves, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.

The world says, "God is dead and of no account." The world has turned godless and has made themselves gods. I say, "I am the Lord, Thy God, and nothing shall come before Me!" This is the first commandment. The world is violating the very first commandment by its nature.

Seek after the things of God. It is in God that your hearts are made whole and your life has meaning. It is in the things of God that your peace lies. All else is of no account and leads to the destruction of the soul.

It is so sick how far the world has gone off in such a short time. The devil is feeding the world with the world's evilness. The world has become so corrupt, his job is made light by others' doing his works. He is so cunning and so crafty. People do not realize how far off they have gone. They are so numb they do not even feel. To make yourself an end in yourself is so sinful. It denies the very reason for your existence, which is to know, love and serve Me.

Pray for your children, America. You are all diseased, far worse than with any flu. Your hearts are hard and your souls are cold in your chest and you do not know how truly sick you are. You can only be ministered to by the direct hand of God. He wants to care for you and lead you home. He wants to show you the way back to His Sacred Heart. He waits for you every day, all day and all night, in the tabernacle. His presence is the healing for your sickness. Sit in front of the Doctor. Make yourself holy and receive Him in Communion. He is the divine healer. There is none to compare to the Savior. He is all powerful and His works are endless. From generation to generation He frees the brokenhearted and leads them with love and conviction back to Him. Now is the time of My greatest mercy.

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for your brothers. They are in deep need of healing. They need My mercy. My mercy prayer is so powerful. Constantly be in prayer. Constantly be in union with Me. Feel the flutter of My love in your breast constantly. I never leave you. Stay so fixed in Me that Satan will be sent away. Strive to be holy. Strive to live your life only as I will, with Me operating your very soul. Make yourself selfless, unattached and totally yielding to the will of The Father. Get into sync with Jesus and all else is a melody you are performing with your life.

Life with Jesus is a harmony that no worldly life has. Life with Jesus is direction and fulfillment. Life with Jesus is joy, even in sorrow, a joy that everything that happens is from Him Who loves you. My hand is in all you experience. Accept all your trials as permitted by Me Who truly loves you.

I am your all. I am your end. I am your physician. I am the reason to live. When you live in Me, your life is a song and you play for the world the song of Jesus. You play a song of harmony and love and your hearts are at peace for Him Who loves you is using you in a mighty way. You are being used for the greatest job there is. The job of Jesus Christ is the most important work. All else is useful only as it has reference to Him!

Guard your little ones and spend time in prayer and playing with them. Silence your TV. Some commercials and cartoons are bad! Pray for them who feed themselves with TV. They are turning sicker by the minute. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, pray the morning offering. Do little sacrifices all day and never take your mind off of Jesus.

I am your salvation in this sick world. I love you, My little one. I love you!

I Want You Holy

January 27, 1994 2:00 a.m.

Note: I was awakened by some noise, a sort of knocking. I don't know what you would call it. It was no mistake. I started to wake up but wouldn't get up, then this noise right behind my head! I wanted to sleep, but I had to get up because I knew it was no mistake. I had just gone to bed at 11:30 p.m.!

R. I love You, Jesus. You are my spouse. I am Your servant. Help me in all Your ways to do Thy holy will. I love You so much.

Jesus: Come and put yourself in My presence. You were awakened by My call and I want you to come pronto. I have a message I want to deliver to you for this world. Ready your hearts for My call. When I call you early in the night I am ready to give you such a message.

I am your Savior. I am your God. I am Who am. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Do you know Who I am? You catch glimpses of Me, you study My words, you know of My love.

Pray diligently that you will be taught such special lessons that are only taught to the most fervent hearts. Keep your soul so holy you do not want the tiniest stain of sin. You want to be pure as a bride on her wedding day. You want your gown so clean and white. What bride would want a big stain on her wedding dress? When you approach My altar, you want your gown spotless. Prepare your soul, go to Confession. Do not give in to any taunts from the devil to lead you astray. Pray for grace to ward him off. He is so evil and aims to trip you up!

He works so unnoticed. You must guard your heart as an armed guard guards a treasury. Keep your focus on Me and your thoughts on My love. I am Jesus. Nothing can compare to the love of Jesus. Profess your love often and more often during the day, "Jesus, I love You. Jesus, You are my all. Jesus, I long to be with You. Keep me ever in Your ways. I am Your servant. You are my spouse. Jesus, I want to love You and be pure." Guard your thoughts, guard your heart. Do not give in to any anger. If someone is taunting you, cast Satan out in Jesus' name and pray for strength. When you are being tried by your brothers, Satan is at hand. Send him away!

Are you pure for your wedding and the meeting of our souls? No little flaw in your soul should be overlooked. Satan tells you little things are little things and burrows a hole in there as a worm does in an apple. Every little occurrence of anger, unkindness and selfishness should be avoided. I want you to be as the saints. Your communication with Me is the most glorious event! Do not give in to promptings of Satan who tells you that you are unworthy. You know in your heart when you are tempted and when you have sinned. Constantly send him away and strive for sainthood. No holiness is too high for you. With this as your goal, you will soon, with My help, guard against unkindness and anything that is not of Me.

I know you are not perfect and I do not demand perfection. I want your commitment to Me to holiness. Then you will be ready for daily Communion with Me.

Meditate on My Passion. Think of My scourging, My Blood, My sorrowful mother. Think of all I suffered. Such horror your mind cannot comprehend, and I was God. Meditate on My wounds and My mother by My side and then know more our love for you. I loved you so much as to suffer for you. The understanding of My intense love is enhanced by studying the Passion.

I loved you to My death, beaten, battered, bruised and bloodied--weak almost to the point of death all the way. But My death came slowly and My suffering was intense, all out of love for you. I stretched My arms wide and I surrendered as a little lamb being slaughtered, willingly and lovingly for love of you. My mother suffered so by My side. She suffered with such pain and she loves you so because I loved you so! My mother is indeed your mother! Such a mother to behold!

When you meditate on this, you will become holy. I am the bridegroom of your soul. I wait for you with such love in your Communion with Me. Come and be dressed in your whitest gown. I am God. I wait for you. I am a King. Do you come with stains on your soul for such an occasion? Come in your purity and innocence. Come in your holiness. Come to Me, My beautiful spouse, white and ready for this event.

I know you will fall, sometimes, for small sins. Pray for forgiveness and come. Then go to Confession. Do not come, ever, if you have sinned mortally. This is not the way to receive the Son of Man. You must be as pure as a new bride. Your soul should be white. Always pray at the beginning of Mass with the priest for forgiveness. Make your souls holy for the Lord. He enters your mouth and you partake in union with Jesus, Son of Man.

But, you say, "Lord, You want me this holy?" I say, "Yes, I do want you this holy". To receive the Lord, you need to be constantly aware of My presence there. I am God. I am the true King of Heaven and Earth. I am coming to you as the bridegroom of your soul. Make yourself ready for Me.

At the point of your reception of Me, do not focus on your unworthiness. Focus only on My love. Before Communion you can focus on your unworthiness. At the beginning of Mass you can ask forgiveness for your sins. But, at the actual Communion, think only of My love for you. Do not focus on others and your affairs. Focus on our union together. How intense, that you receive God within your breast! I come with My heart on fire and with such intense love for you, burning, burning to be with you in Communion. Make ready your heart, for the King enters into your soul. You are My chosen. You are My beloved. You are so favored, to be given such an honor!

Focus on My love, My intense longing to be united with you. I am God and I am truly in your breast. I am the King of Heaven and Earth and I come and dwell in your heart with burning love. What an event to behold! This is My union with you. God-made-man comes and dwells in your heart! Oh, My child, with what honor you are favored! Behold Him coming and being in your body. God comes into your body! What holiness you possess! Guard your temples for they hold the King of Glory.

I am your Savior. I am your King. I am Who am and I come to dwell in your body. Such honor for you. Guard your temple. You are the recipient of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Who are you that He humbles himself to enter into your body?

You, My child, are His beloved. You are His bride. You are so loved by Him that He died a brutal death for you.

Do you not know who you are? You are as you are because He has honored you. You are clothed in dignity and honor by His love. You are made holy by His presence. You are a temple of God. Guard your temple. Keep it pure and holy. Do not let any disrespect enter there. Be knowledgeable of your worth. You are precious, that God comes to you and dwells in your heart. Oh, such dignity and honor for you, little one. Such intense and burning love!

I am Jesus. I am your Savior. I am your lover. I am your priest. I am He Who cares for you intently. I am the healer, the doctor, the spouse, the one whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie. I am Who am and I come to you. What dignity indeed! Honor your body, honor your soul. You are Mine.

Oh, beloved, do you know more now? Come and be prepared when you are in Communion with Me. I will tell you more and more. Be open and let Me work in your heart. Pray to the Holy Spirit for His gifts. Whither I go, the Holy Spirit and The Father are with Me. We are three in one. We are God. Be as an open door. Do not expect things--knowledge, earthly signs. Just be with Me and let Me work as I so desire.

Never run from Me after Communion. Be in intense union with Me. Take advantage of such a time. It is the most sacred moment of your life. You house God inside of you. Do not clutter your minds with worldly affairs. I know you far better than you know yourself. Come and be empty, only dwelling on My love for you. Savor these moments alone with Me. Close your eyes and melt into My arms. Think of nothing but My love. Sit and be still. This is the golden moment when our souls unite and we are one with each other. Come to Me, My beloved. I wait for you as the bridegroom of your soul.

I enter and you are speechless. Sit still and soak up all I give you. Just be. Experience My peace, My love, My healing. What you receive will be different at different times. Just be open and silent. Let Me work in you.

I love you, My beloved, and I wait for My union with you. You are so precious to Me. Come and be with Me. I am so loving. No man can give you even a crumb, compared to this love of Mine. Work on your love affair with Me. I will shower you with such love as you will never ever know in your earthly hearts. Come to Me, My beloved. I wait for you, the bridegroom of your soul.

R.The Eucharist is how we are fed. As we more and more understand what is happening, we become fed more and more in our souls.

Jesus: Feed the people. Get these messages on the True Presence and My love out. When they are fed by Me, their hearts will radiate My love to their brothers and it will be as one candle to the darkest night. My light cannot be contained inside a soul. My life is a vibrant energy that radiates from your very being. Feed My people with the love of Jesus in the Eucharist and watch My love grow deeper in their hearts. Feed the priests. Make them aware of this message. They are the leaders to lead My people back.

The power is found in the Mass and Jesus in the Tabernacle. Your union with Me will help save the sick world. It is no less than I describe here. More is to come. Your hearts will burn in your chest with My presence and My love. My might will radiate from your being.

Praise the Lord, for I honor you with My presence within your hearts. Come and be fed this day and every day. My might is endless and My love is without bounds. I am a vibrant force within your breast, unable to be contained. Your answers are in Jesus in the Eucharist.

Come and experience My power and My intense love for you, My longing for your heart. I am a personal God. I am this personal with you. So you say, "Oh, God I do not understand this," and I say, "Right, you will not understand Me and My ways and how I am. I am God. I am Divine and you are human." Experience My love and quiet your heads. Come with an open heart and the trust of a small child. Experience My love. Do not try to figure God out. Be grateful and experience My love in you.

R. We see Jesus living in the souls that He touches with these letters. As people with Jesus deep in our hearts, we have a spiritual union with Him and we become true brothers in Christ. There is love between us as in a spiritual family. The thread which is His love is woven between us, uniting us in a bond with one another. It is a very strong, spiritual bond. To see the love of Jesus in one's heart creates a great love for that person because we love Jesus so much. How can you not love a soul that is so fixed on love of Jesus? Our love for Jesus radiates from our being. Our brothers, who likewise love Jesus, become very close to us. We see Jesus in their lives and we cannot help but love the spirituality about them and the love of Christ which is emitted from their very being.

We are rich with the love of Jesus deep in our breasts and we are twice blessed with the love of Jesus in those with whom we share this love. We see His love in their souls and we are filled by His life in them. It is an energy that is created when we are joined together and it cannot be contained. Such a feeling of love between brothers is a powerful force indeed. The love of Jesus is so big. It grows when we are joined together with each other.

Praise Jesus for such great friends, whose hearts reflect His love and who emit such an energy which feeds us again. We are indeed His chosen ones to be given such blessings in Him and in each other! Jesus' love is a powerful force. We must continue toward union and not division. This force is spiritual and most loving. It is a mighty feeling to see Jesus' love in our brothers!

He is fortifying His army with our love. We are soldiers of love in this cold war. When joined, the warmth of His love is stronger than any cold (which was seen in the cold nights this winter at the seminary. December 3l was so cold, but so touching in my heart). I was very warmed by the company of those who were there. Is this our lesson, that we may be physically cold, but the warmth of Jesus' love in our hearts is the true warmth? We can freeze to death on the outside, but the love of Jesus warms our hearts to intensity on the inside. Our hearts are burning, our toes are frozen but what is important is the hearts, for we continue to appear in large numbers in the deepest cold. Remember December 8? Such an experience, the healing service of Christ the King. Wow! Such warmth! Special moments. All that matters are the things of God.

The food for our souls is Jesus Christ. We are fed by Him. We need the Eucharist. This is what sustains us. He is trying to tell us this in these messages. It is this, and this alone, that we need. Compared with cold temperatures, the things of God are the mighty things. Not things of the body--things of the soul! His food is food indeed. His drink is drink indeed. All that sustains us in the end are the things of God. His Body and His Blood are our true food! May we all see this truth in our hearts. The mystery of the Eucharist, God-made-man coming into our souls, is our true food. He is food and drink, indeed!!

Alleluia. God is so good and He has visited His people. He is in our presence. He is with us. We are the chosen and He comes in these messages to shout His love into our ears. He wakes me with noises to deliver this to you. Harken and listen! Such honor you possess! He comes to deliver a message to you. Do you think He would come to this world as a human being and die a brutal death and then let you miss His love? He is the same God today as the day He was born and died and resurrected. He is the same God, with the same message, with the same words, with the same love. He is God--one, true, consistent--and He delivers this message to You!

Jesus: Listen, My children. I am coming to you. I am your Savior. I am your ardent Lover. Listen, My little loved ones. I am Who am. Come to Me in the Eucharist. You are the chosen ones. Oh, let Me tell you of My love for you! Read these letters. Shout their contents. Hearts will know Me and My love from these letters. Get them out. I Tell you that you are the vibrant force that will change this world. I love you. Read My message. Shout it. People are numb and miserable.

I call each of you to be My thread to weave My blanket together. Study My messages here. Let Me possess your souls so I can operate your bodies. I need your selflessness. I need your union with Me.

What an army this is, My army of love! Many will come out in big numbers from these letters. You hold the key to opening the hardened hearts of America. Preach My love. Let the vibrancy of My love radiate from your souls.

You at the Center (Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, Norwood, Ohio) are My soldiers. Let Me form you into My warriors, warriors of love in this cold world. I have all the power. Let My power live in you. You house the real power in your souls. The world will take notice of the life within you. You are the threads of the tapestry. Strong threads you are when you are woven out of My love. My threads will not break for I am God and I am mighty! Your job is to become selfless and let Me possess you so I am operating from you. I want to use each of you to do My work. Do not tarry. Get My messages out to all My faithful ones. My army is dependent on You!

Such a big job, you say? Not a big job when I am the power behind the operation! You will fly when you rest in My arms. I want this done. Who are you to think you are doing it? I am He Who operates you and My ways are steadfast and direct and without error. When I do the work, it is a major success.

Who could do such work as at the Center except a mighty force that powers it all. I am so happy for My faithful servants there and all those who work so hard. Their work is bearing much fruit, but the power behind it all is Mine. I want this to happen and it will. You are being powered by Me. Let go and relax. I do not make mistakes. My mother is there in it all. My work is at hand. Yours is total submission. You are working on a sure thing. Little distractions are but little distractions to the big plan. Accept all things as coming from Him Who loves you.

Alleluia. You are My faithful ones. Know I am in the tabernacle, ready with your supplies. Come and be charged by Me. Sit and soak in the rays. I work in your hearts and you go away with My might. You come empty, you leave full. You are My warriors going into battle. Your supplies are in front of the tabernacle. Your food is the Holy Eucharist. Your answer is union with Jesus Christ. Quit looking to your feeble minds and your earthly ways to solve your problems. Come to Me and be empty and let Me work through you. You are My soldiers. Be submissive and yielding to the Master. Your union with Me is the answer. I am He Who has all the might. You are My servants. Be selfless, submissive, and let Me possess your souls. Die to yourselves that you will live in Me.

Alleluia. I come to you here and you will heed all I have given you. When I call, you answer. I am calling you today to be attentive to Me, for I am He Who loves you and wants to possess your soul. I am mighty. My might will flow from you. Be selfless, pray constantly, open wide and I enter in and you no longer are you, but Myself, dwelling within you. Alleluia.

Such might! Who could possess such might? And you worry! For what? I am He Who powers you. Be selfless and unattached and be busy, for the work at hand depends on your faith and trust in Me. Pray for strength against the evil one. Do not worry. I am Almighty. Just do your job and get your love from Me. You must follow My directions here--Mass, Holy Communion, Adoration, Prayer for Union with Me and prayer to the Holy Spirit. Your mother is watching after you. Pray, pray, pray. Pray to God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Pray! Mary is ever by your side. Where I am, so is My mother. You needn't worry. You do not do it in the end. You become selfless. Let Me operate your souls. I am God. I am mighty. I am your all!

What Comes Forth: Sinner or Saint?

January 28, 1994 6:40 a.m.

Jesus: I am with you, My child. Never think I leave your side. You are so precious to Me. Though you walk in raging waters, you will not be consumed. Your heart is Mine. Focus on Me and your love for Me. Satan is always there. Do not ever listen to him. He is trying to distract you.

Come to Me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest. You are tested in fire and what comes forth is a sinner or a saint. You must hold tight to Me and know I will give you all you need to fight your daily battles.

I want to strengthen you and deepen your commitment to Me. You must know that this too shall pass and you will be closer in your union with Me.

I am your all. This time here is so short, here today, gone tomorrow. Stay steadfast in My ways. Pray to Me constantly. I am your all. You must focus on Me now.

You will be tested in fire and go forth a sinner or saint.

R. Jesus, it is love of You I feel, deep in my breast and inexpressible. To be bottled up with such love but not behold You as I want, to know you a little but not a lot, to be so close to You but so far away!

Come, Oh come, Lord Jesus, come and dwell in my heart. Make my heart a heart on fire for love of You alone. Teach me Your ways that I may never stray from Your side. Hold me. Comfort me. Love me. Fill me with Yourself. Jesus, Jesus, I come and am engulfed in a sea of despair. You pick me up and caress my little heart and I know truly Your presence within me. It is not a myth. You are truly a Person. You are truly here. If I just sit this out, the anguish will leave and I will be made whole in You. What a union! To be united after spiritual bankruptcy. Loss of God is the greatest torment. Let me never displease You in the ways I am. I want to love You alone and live for You alone. Help me every day to become selfless. Satan is constantly bringing me back to myself! I want to live for You and You alone, to be lost inside of You in a little pocket and immersed in Your love. Tuck me away in Your heart so I might know Your love and Your ways. Let me die to self to live only in You. I am Yours. I give myself totally to You!

My true love is in Jesus, the one, true, magnificent God. He is worthy of all honor and praise. At His name every knee should bend and we are made whole in Him. To Him come and worship. Be ready. He is truly your bridegroom. He is the bridegroom of your soul. Your soul craves this union with Him. The soul's craving is far more powerful than any craving of the body. The soul craves the love of Jesus. His name is exalted. He is honored and adored. The trumpet blares and He comes forth to meet us. This is the bridegroom of our souls. We are immersed in His peace and love and we are made whole by Him. We do not do anything.

In our trials we are taught mighty lessons of His love. Alleluia. Praise God for our trials, by which we are taught. Praise Him, the holiest in the heights! May He be honored and adored and worshiped by all of His people. He is worthy of our all!

For Love Of Us He Suffered

January 29, 1994 5:00a.m.

R. Quietly the Son of Man accepted death. He was led as a little lamb to the slaughter. Mary followed the nightmare path. She did not cry out to stop it. She followed. Jesus complied totally with the will of The Father!

He was God. At any moment He Himself, with all His power, could have stopped it and fixed His attackers. He could have stopped them but He continued on His way in silence and torture. He accepted the will of The Father. He was slain, He was bruised, He was bloodied, He was hit and spit on, He suffered and suffered and suffered, yet He accepted His sufferings without rebuke to His death.

He was the innocent lamb. He was led to the slaughter. He was the victim. He wore a crown of thorns. His face bloodied and beaten, blood pouring down His cheeks, His eyes covered with blood, His ears full of blood, His hair matted up, and He did not say a word! He was the Word! He could have, in an instant, stopped it all but He came to do this and He accepted it all willingly for love of us.

What love He has for us, to go through such torture to a death on the cross! He hung, His arms outstretched in acceptance, nailed down as if not able to move. But He was God. He could have at any moment come off the cross, but He did not. He was silent. He loved us so much!

This is God. Out of greatest love for us and obedience to His Father, He went through this torture in silence and to the point of death. His love so great, His thoughts on us, He gave us His beautiful mother as our mother.

Who are we that God loves us so? Who are we that God came to earth a man and undertook all this for us? Who are we? We are His chosen people. What does He ask of us in return? Only love! He, in His great love, went through such a brutal Passion and death willingly and He asks us to love Him and love one another. He gave love that we may see how to love. He gave His all for love of us.

Who are we that we feel alone and unloved? We only need to see Him hanging on that cross, His hands outstretched, crowned with thorns, nails pounded into His hands and feet, covered with blood, to know how God loved us! God The Father, to send His only Son as a victim, God the Son to suffer so brutally and God the Holy Spirit for His love in the Blessed Mother to bring forth such a child, God-made-man!

God is as He is. He is all loving. Do we understand this love? Never can we, with our feeble minds, understand this love of God. I do not understand His love. It is the love of God and I am a mere human. I know He loves me. I have no idea what the love of God is all about. I cannot understand it, not in my earthly form.

Oh, Jesus, open me to Your love. Let me meditate more on Your Passion to realize how You truly love us. It is in understanding Your love that I am freed. I need worry of nothing when God loves me this much. What more do I need when I see His love? I need not the love of the world. I can give His love back to the world. I see His love. I love Him and I love my brothers. Help me, Lord, to know Your love, to love my brothers and to love You.

The more I realize His love for me, the less I need human love. I need only His love. The more I realize His love, the more I can love my brothers. I do not come from a place of needing love, but from a place of giving love, giving His love to others through me.

Help me, Lord, to be closer and closer to You. Help me to accept my trials and learn of Your love. Do not let me throw back into Your face the opportunities to know You and Your ways better.

Oh, sweet, loving lesson taught from Our Lord! He sits with us at His feet. He is clothed in a white tunic and a red mantle. With His hands outstretched He tells us His beautiful lessons. We, His little ones, sit and listen to His teachings.

Every day in our lives is such a day for His teachings. Every day He sits and every day we can listen and be taught by the Master. Oh, Lord, make me know Your ways more clearly in the teachings You give me every day in my life. Thank You for the little trials which so sweetly teach us Your ways. We are tested in fire. What comes forth is a sinner or a saint. Lord, help me to emerge from Your fire a saint. Let my eyes be opened wide by the Holy Spirit so I have the wisdom and understanding to know all You teach me daily. Open me up. Let my life be an open door for You to come in and use me as You so desire. Mold me, fashion me, teach me, live in me, make me selfless to You, my Lord, so You can operate from me. I am Yours. I give You my all.

Oh, Lord, it is not we who do this work. It is by the fire of Your love that we are tested and emerge as Your vessels. Oh, how I love Thee, Lord, all holy, all magnificent, all good. Who are we to have such a good God. We are His heirs. We have a divine lineage. We are His! If I run to the heavens or to the mountains, wherever I go, I will never be able to run from my God. He begot us to be His and I am fooling myself. Make me Yours, God. I give You my all!

Jesus: You will learn mighty lessons in your trials. I am the teacher, you are My pupil. Walk the Passion with Me, take up your cross, follow Me. The way to Me is the Way of the Cross.

The world is out for the world. It follows idle pursuits. Its main goal is to have instant pleasure. It seeks not for the hereafter. It busies itself with all the details at hand. It operates in a box, unable to see the view in front of it, instant pleasure and gratification.

R. There is before you the unseen world. You can see the workings of the Lord. You can know how real this world truly is, but only by power of the Lord. Lord, make me know Your ways. Holy Spirit, remove the blinders from my eyes and give me clear vision. Take the box from me and let me see with new eyes. Give me Your gifts and open me up.

Jesus: I am Jesus, Son of God. I am present at every moment, by your very side. I am your teacher. I am your love. I am your God. If you do not pray, pray to the Holy Spirit and The Father, you will miss all there is to see.

Let Go, Surrender to Me

January 30, 1994 6:40 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am with you constantly. If you have problems, I am by your side. Cling to Me and My Sacred Heart. Are you willing to go to the end of the limb and run the risk of its cracking off because you know I will catch you? This is trust. You cannot think and plan and wonder what is to come. You live minute by minute, assured that this is My plan for you. Trust that I am truly Jesus Christ. I am truly by your side and you truly need to stay constantly fixed in Me.

Your time is coming and it will appear as if you are truly suspended in midair. Your life is not yours. You have rendered yourself to Me. You cannot take back your life now. I will use you for this work and you will touch so many hearts! For the love of Jesus, your job will not be hard. Say, "For the love of Jesus, I do this. I do this for the love of Jesus. I love Jesus. I act for Him."

Say the Prayer for Union. Memorize its contents. This keeps you focused on Me and not yourself. You can no longer operate and think of your actions. You must totally trust in Me and all I send you. Let go. Do not focus on yourself for one moment. You need so much time in silence in front of the tabernacle. You need to sit quietly and be totally alone with Me. No distractions.

Satan is planting distractions in your mind. I am your true love. I am your focus. You operate from love of Me. Any focus on yourself and what you think you want or need is detrimental to the peace in your heart. Your soul craves this time with Me. If you do not spend it, your unrest is so great. You are taunted by Satan. You must surrender all of you and give yourself over to this work. Let Me carry you to heights by becoming selfless. I will carry, you will go. You will not think. I will teach through you. I will operate your mouth. You will speak of My love. You must engulf yourself in Me so you are steadfast in My ardent love.

Your love is steadfast and true. Focus on Me and My Passion. I am ever there helping you to pray in silence. You are too distracted. Only prayer alone with Me will quiet your little heart.

I Am The Good Shepherd

January 30, 1994 6:40 a.m.

Jesus: I teach, you listen. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Do you wander a barren desert in search of treasure? Have you found any on your way? Do you ever, on this earth, say, "Oh, now I possess the true treasure and my heart is at rest?"

Restless is your heart until you rest in Me. You search a barren desert, you find a would-be treasure in the field, you possess it for an instant and it is gone. The glow, the wanting, the yearning and then it is over. You seek, you find. You are soon bored. You seek a person, "Oh, this one will make my life happy." You avidly work to attain another's love. You receive, you have, you are bored. "Is that all there is?," you ask. Only the love of Jesus is long lasting. My love is all that is not momentary. You come to Me, you seek Me, you find peace. You know your search is not in vain. You know that your journey has begun to the true treasure. Your heart is ready for what God has to give you and you are not bored. You want more. The more you seek Me, the more you want Me. You crave union with God.

Oh, to know Me a little but not enough, to want to be close, but not be as close as you desire! I am the Good Shepherd. I hold you, I comfort you, I watch you fumble around. You little lambs, I watch you follow even when you do not know where you are going. I watch you on your feeble search for your goal. You wander, you bump into each other, you go to the end of the hill, you roll over. You are little sheep. I stand by your side. I lead you. I am ever present, but you get caught up in your limited vision and you look to those around you for your lead and then you say, "Oh, how did I get so far off course?"

I am the Good Shepherd. I lead. You must follow Me. If you watch the Good Shepherd, you are not lead astray. I love you and I guide you. You watch others and they know no more than you. They are led astray by those sheep around them. Who knows the way, the Shepherd or the sheep?

Keep your eyes on Jesus. Come and find your way in front of the tabernacle. Come and be alone with Me, all day in short periods of silence. Close your eyes at your work and bring your thoughts entirely back to Me. Make a Spiritual Communion.

The sheep that surround you today are very much off their course. They wander aimlessly about and many follow roads that are directly leading to sin. Do not look to your co-workers and your TV. You need Me on your journey each day. Stop often and be in union with Me. If you do not take time to be silent and alone, even at your work, your mind gets cluttered and you may be led astray.

You must be in constant union with Me. To pray to Me is good. You need a deliberate act of silence and time to be absolutely alone with Me. It may be three minutes at work, but those three minutes may save you in such a wayward world.

I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and they follow Me. You need My constant care. You need My constant direction. You need constant, uninterrupted periods of silence. At lunchtime you can go somewhere alone for three minutes and feed your soul. Feed your soul as you feed your body. If all you ate were breakfast, you would become crabby. You need this little break with complete silence. It is like eating a snack. It is like eating breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your world is so wayward. Take a few moments of silent time with Me throughout the day. It will keep your focus on Me and give Me a moment to charge you.

I am so loving to you. You need to operate from My love. This is your charge. This is your way. This is to keep you on your course. I am the Good Shepherd. You follow, I lead, not in the morning, then you go it alone all day. I lead all day. Your short periods of silence with Me will keep you on course. Come and be led by the Master. I am He Who loved you to My death. I am He Who does not let you go astray. I am He Whom you seek in this endless search for happiness. I am He Who is, your God, your one, true, love!

I Love You, Child--Know This

January 31, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Good Shepherd. I know Mine and they follow Me. I am truly there directing you. The littlest detail in your life is tended to by Me. You do not have to worry for one thing. I will take care of you. Let go and surrender to Him Whose love for you surpasses all your desires on this earth. It is in spiritual bankruptcy. You will feel a new closeness and intense love with Me.

I am Jesus, your God. I care for you like a doting mother. I never leave your side. I watch you, I wait for you, I am the most tender of hearts. Bring your cares to Me and I will tuck you into My Sacred Heart. You will be made whole in Me. My Blood I drip on you and you are cleansed by My Blood. You are engulfed in a sea of love. This is true love, come down from The Father and with the Holy Spirit. You know Mary was with you all day yesterday. She is always with Me and I am with You. She loves you so much!

Do not worry for any details. See the big picture. See your plan unfold at My hand. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Child, I have all the power. Why stand you idle with such a load? Drop your cares at the foot of My cross and rise into the sky. I am there with you. You must listen to how much I love you. I love you. I love you. I loved you to My death. I love you. See Me bloodied and bruised, with My arms outstretched in surrender for love of you.

I love you, child. Know this: I am so full of love for you. Come to Me and get your love. Do not wander a barren desert. You will not find what you are looking for. No love on this earth is even a crumb compared to My love for you and I am waiting as an ardent lover for you at every minute. You are so lucky to have God love you this way.

Focus on Me and Me alone. When your mind begins to focus on a problem, come to Me and crawl inside My heart. You have Me right by your side. Do you know this, child? Turn everything over to Me and proceed full steam ahead. Your life is as it is. Accept it from Me. Any trials you have are to make you stronger. Your life is just right to strengthen your love for Me. Nothing is happening by accident. Accept everything from the God who loves you and pray for strength. If Satan is taunting you, send him away. When your peace is starting to go, know Satan is in it. He uses those closest to you to taunt you.

Pray constantly for those who are around you and bowed down. Pray for those in restaurants and on the street. Pray for your loved ones in darkness. Your job is not to get frustrated and up tight, but to lift up the troubled one to Me. You will soar in My love. Your peace will abound and you will be made whole in My arms. You seek Me, child. Seek and you will find. Focus on Me always and never on your problems. Be engulfed in My love. I love you.

Your ardent lover, Jesus.

How To Focus on God's Love

January 31, 1994 9:40 a.m.
After Mass

Jesus: I want you to speak. You have the tools to change many hearts. I am talking to you. Hear My voice.

R. I am truly realizing the love of Jesus. He longs for us to be with Him. He wants to tell us how He loves us. He says (August 28, 1993 message): "I long to be with you. I long for these moments with you. My love is so intense. I am truly present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the tabernacle. I love you."

He wants us to love Him so much we can't stand it when we are not with Him. He wants us to long for Him. God The Father loved us so much He gave us His only Son. Spread His love. He loved us to His death. He longs and waits for us. He loves us in our doubts and trials. He wants us to feel warm and secure about His love. Be a reflection of God's love for you--Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

These messages are His loving and waiting for us. He wants us to return to Him. He has so much to give. He says (October 19, 1993 message), "I love you all so much." "Remain steadfast in My love." "My love is there. My truth is there. Remain only in Me, one hour in front of the tabernacle." He goes on (November 19, 1993 message), "I am a real Person and I want to be known as I am, Son of God, loving and true. I want to be known on a personal basis. I love each child this personally. I live. I am here. I am your love. I want all to know the message of love."

Jesus: I love you and I am truly Jesus, Son of the Living God. I am as present here as I was at My death on the cross. I am a personal God. I am a God of love. I am a Person Who wants to love My people in a personal way. I will give them these messages through you.

R. How do you focus on God's love? The more you understand how God loves you, the more filled you are inside and so you come from a place of giving love rather than needing love. Your main emphasis is on God's love for you.

Jesus: I am a personal God. I love each of you this way. I loved you to My death. I love you this very way this day. When you realize the intensity of My love for you, you will be able to love your brothers for Me. This is your call: to love Me and to love each other. I am Jesus Christ, the one, true God and this is what I command you as My people to do. Make yourself selfless and lost in Me. It is only in Me that you can achieve this command. Love is the key. The more you realize My love for you, the more your life will become clear. It all comes down to this: love of God, love of one another. I am the source of all love. To give love to your brothers, you must come to Me.

R. Love is not selfish. Love gives. Love is yielding to the other. Love does not seek its own way. Jesus Christ loved us so much He gave His life for us. To His death on the cross He spread His arms in total submission to The Father's will and for love of us. When we feel our crosses are heavy, we study the Master with His arms open in the act of perfect love for us!

Jesus: I am your God, little ones. How do I make you see that My love is real? I want you to study these letters and focus on My proclamations of love just for you. I have spoken here to each of you the same as to the receiver. When you read, think of Me talking to you as a real Person and proclaiming these words to you. I am a real Person. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God and I profess this love for you this day.

Study My Passion. It is in your study that you will realize My immense love of you. My Passion and death had its meaning in how I love you. It was for love of each of you that I suffered.

Read My letters. Read them as if your lover were talking to you. When I tell you how I love you, reflect on God's truly being there and telling you He loves you. I am truly present in the tabernacle.

Only Jesus Can Warm You

February 1, 1994 4:10 a.m.

Jesus: I want to tell you more about My love. As I walked the road to Calvary, as I suffered, My thoughts were for love of you. My Father allowed Me to suffer such anguish for this love of you. What love, My child? Do you know a little of this love or do I need to tell you more? You cannot in your earthly mind ever understand, even a little, My intense love.

Now you, in all your longings for love, only need the love of Jesus to warm you. My heart is ablaze for this love of you. Flutters and warmth in your heart are nothing compared to the intensity of My heart burning intensely for love of you. A furnace? Yes, more intense than the hottest fire, brighter than any eye can even see, My heart burns with an ardent fire. The love you feel in your chest is burning for love of Me. You do not even know how you are growing in your heart from loving Me. I am He Who sets your heart on fire. Your love is indeed intense because I loved you first.

With the heart burning deep within your breast, you will love this world for Me. I fill you with My ardent, burning love and what flows from you to others is that flutter you feel in your chest for love of Me. I am here with you, little one. Your love for others grows deep within you because I am the source of your love. To know Me is to love. I am the fire that lights the hardened heart, a heart turned to ice.

Hearts are, oh, so different! Hearts express the emotions within. The more you are fixed in Me and My ways, the more your heart burns with My love. Your pain of longing for Me on Christmas was such an intense pain because it hurt to be separated from Me. You feel this pain deep in your heart because of such longing for Me.

As you experience Me more, your heart expresses your feelings in your chest. My heart is on fire for love of all My beautiful children. I loved you to My death. I could have, at any moment, not continued or completed such an act of perfect love but, for the great love of you and obedience to My Father, I died a brutal death on a cross.

Meditate on this. Think of My anguish, My torture, so great compared to your little crosses! Will you not carry My cross awhile for Me? Will you say "yes" when I come to you dripping with blood and ask, "Will you suffer for love of Me?" I suffered a brutal death for love of you. It is in suffering and pain and anguish that you are drawn close to My precious heart.

Accept all that will befall you now as I send these trials out of great love. It is in your trials that you are taught My mighty lessons. I am giving you strength in this trial. Know I love you with the most ardent heart on fire for love of you and you alone. Feel Me as your personal lover. I can be this way with each child. I am God. I am all powerful. I am mighty and I have chosen you, My little one. The fires will not engulf you because My love will be your shield.

Alleluia. I am God. I have all the power.

I Long For You!

February 2, 1994 5:10 a.m.

Jesus: Help for you, My child? Pray constantly! You must not give in to any trap Satan has set for you. Focus on My love for you. You must study all My letters for the words of love I give you. Studying My letters is different than reading them. Read My letters as coming from your lover. You would re-read and dote on every word for hidden meaning. Read a letter this way to try to understand exactly how much I love you.

Constantly focus on My love for you. This is the key to your being entirely filled within. When you are filled by My love, your soul is not hungry. You operate from a place of strength. You have so much to give.

I want you to always be a light in the dark night, to shine to those who are bowed down. Satan constantly works to distract you and keep you from being totally free to receive all I want to give you. Every day this week he has attempted to take our morning prayer time. You need to spend this day in prayer. Pick a day a week that is a total prayer day. You have a date with Me all day. Do not talk on the phone to others. Tell them you must be with Jesus. You pick a day for others but, when I call, you are "called by others." I want a whole day for you to pray. Only I come first.

(R. I smell roses)

Jesus: I go with you whither you go. I am always by your side. When you are alone, think of how much I love you. Meditate on My Passion. This is the answer to all your prayers.

Read and re-read anything that is a worthy source concerning the Passion. It is in studying My way to Calvary that you understand My immense love. It is in understanding My immense love that you are able to love your brothers for Me.

Become selfless, pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. You are focusing on yourself. I do not want you to do this. Be as an empty vessel, ready to be primed by Me. I fill you with all I need to give you and you are unclogged and able to flow freely. I need you totally fixed in Me to do My work.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I come to you in Holy Communion, the same Jesus that died on the Cross out of so much love. I wait for your presence with the dearest love. I am a Person. I am present in the Eucharist. I want to be in total union with you. I give you My Body and Blood. I give it out of the greatest love. When you receive Me in the Eucharist, focus on Me and My love to come to you, this way, this day. I could at any moment choose to quit coming. Think of what that would mean to your heart! Treasure each moment with Me with such specialness. You, a mere human, receive God-made-man. He comes to you and He enters into your sinful body. I am Jesus, Son of God. Focus on the event at hand! Let Me dwell in you with such honor. You must be prepared for Communion and My Mass. Think of it before Communion. Anticipate your being wed to God.

People prepare and prepare for their wedding. Every detail is tended to. You prepare for a guest and anticipate your time together. Think of how it will be when you receive God in Communion. Anticipate the event with such eagerness that, when you go to My Communion, you are so filled with love that you scarce can breath. You need to see Me as a Person, so full of love and coming to you in the Holy Eucharist to be wed to your soul. It is in your preparation that you will receive such gifts from this union with Me.

Do not run into church hurried. When you awake at night, think of Me and how you will receive God the next day. Anticipate this union with such eagerness. Constantly make Spiritual Communions with Me. It is in realizing My love with you constantly that you will be ready for His Majesty when He comes. A King comes to you. I enter your body and unite with your soul. I am the King of the Kingdom of Heaven. I have chosen to be with you on this very day. You are favored so by My visit to you. I am your lover. I am a person. I want you to want Me with such longing.

You must think of Me all day to be able to long for Me. Think of Me as you do a lover. I am crying out to you, My little ones, I am crying out. I love you and I long to be with you. I come to be united with your soul in the Eucharist. I come to you in the tabernacle. I am your love, I am waiting to be with you and share so much love with you.

You swoon to have your lover with you, yet you come to Me with such coldness. I want your ardent love. I want you to love Me with all your hearts. I want you to realize that I am God and I am a Person and I am sitting, longing for you, little ones. I love you as God. No human person can even come close to My loving you.

What more can I say to you, little hearts? I am Jesus, the Son of God. I love you with the most intense love. I am the lover you crave. I am your all. You are constantly searching this barren land for that which only I can give you.

I am waiting with intense longing for you. I am wounded by your lack of love for Me. I am wounded by the indifferent attitude by which you receive Me in Communion. Such indifference, and I am a lover burning on fire for love of you! This wounds My aching heart!

My people, know how I love you. Come and run to My altar. Come and be alone with Me as you would any precious lover. But, My little ones, I am God. One glimpse of Me and My true love will send you to such heights!

Pray for guidance to be better united with Me in Communion. Focus on My love, not your problems and distractions. They go away when you are filled by Me. My child, I am tending to your life, I am tending to My work through you. You must tend to our love affair and your union with Me. This is where it all is. You are receiving God, truly present in the Eucharist. You are sitting with God, truly present in the tabernacle. God has all the power. He has all love. He is all you need. You wander foolish lands in search of a treasure and the treasure is right in front of your eyes.

Oh, little ones, come. I am here in the tabernacle, Body and Soul, waiting and waiting. I lament the loss of your love and your indifference. I long for you as a real Person. I am an ardent lover on fire for love of you. You cannot even comprehend My love. Oh, I beg you, come in your busy lives and seek the real treasure. Come, My little ones. I am He Who longs for you. I love you so much.

I love you. Jesus.

R. My whole life I searched for the perfect love. Do you look to all those around you for this deep and ardent love that only God can give? Do you look for love in each other, in your children, in your things, for the perfect love? Who will fill you? You are unable to be filled. There is never enough. You search, you find. You marry, you have children. You have friends, yet there is still an emptiness, so you search further. This emptiness can only be filled by the love of Jesus. Others wave in and out. Sometimes they satisfy you. Sometimes they leave you heartbroken. When you go to Jesus, you are filled by His love!

Jesus: I am He Whom you seek. Why do you look in every corner and never realize how truly simple this is? I am Who am. I am all you need. When you come to Me, I fill you. You come empty, you leave full. You can give to those who are hurting because you have been filled by Me. How do you love the unloving, those who never give but take? How did I love those who persecuted Me? How did I love the very people who beat Me and condemned Me to death? How could I, in My agony, dying on the cross, look to John and give all of you My mother? My thoughts were on you, My child, in My agony, dying on the cross.

I could do all these things because I love as God loves. I want to give you My love so you can minister to your sick brothers. So you can love when they hate. I want you to touch their souls as I did so many when I responded with such love to such violence. I want you to love with the hearts of God. To do this you must come to Me for your love. Search you no more a barren desert. Come to the land brimming with milk and honey. I will fill you to the brim and over. You will walk and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and you, My child, will be My minister to those who desperately need your love.

R. How to love God on this earth is not all we seek. We are drawn to Him as steel to a magnet, yet our souls crave union with Him totally. To behold the face of God and to embrace Him totally! In my earthly form, I can never behold God as I crave. I seek, I find. It is God Whom I seek, only to realize that I cannot behold Him here as I crave.

The more I know God, the more I realize that to know Him is never enough. I have a bittersweet feeling in my chest of beholding God, but never enough. (Refer to the message of January 5).

At some times I feel God's presence and am satisfied more than at others. Sometimes my heart is in such intense longing that it is painful. Oh, the ways of the heart. God is truly that which our heart craves, but we have so many ways we know and feel Him. Sometimes we are feeling great, sometimes not so good, but our souls know that only in Him are they at rest.

I am the Perfect Pair of Shoes

February 3, 1994 5:40 a.m.

R. Oh, Lord, show me Your ways. Mold me, fashion me into your instrument. Empty my mind of anything that is not for Your work. I am Your servant. This is my job. Oh, how I love Thee, my all.

6:30 a.m.

R. I feel like an empty shoe box. The box looks good but is no longer providing the purpose for which it was created. The box needs to be filled with a pair of shoes and then it is realizing fully the reason for its existence.

I am an empty shoe box that was created to be filled by God. If God is not in me, then I feel I have no reason for my existence. I can fill myself with other things, like putting junk in the shoe box, but the form and the way it was created is only meaningful when it contains a pair of shoes.

I can fill myself with other things, but my life is only meaningful when it is filled by God. In You, Lord, I have peace.

I sat here and was in love with Jesus for about 50 minutes and I felt like this empty shoe box. I had not a letter to start. I know that only in You, Lord, do I have meaning. When You come and fill me with Your presence, I am as You created me to be. Without You I might as well be filled with junk. I am empty!

Jesus: Let Me fill you. I am a pair of shoes to the shoe box. A shoe box is at its ultimate when it is filled with shoes. It is only in Me that you have any meaning at all. You were created by Me to be filled by Me. If you do not have My life, vibrant and as your main purpose inside you, you will find all kinds of things to fit inside you, but you are missing why you were created as you are. You reach your ultimate purpose in Me.

This is My teaching: your main concern is to know, love and serve Me. All else is useless and frustrates the very reason for your existence. You were created with special talents. You have all you need to accomplish My work.

To try to be a good carpenter without any talent for that work is a disaster. It takes inborn talent to do that work. It takes inspiration and know--how to learn from a Master carpenter.

You, My child, have talents just right to do My work. If you do other things, it does not bring you harmony. You and My work for you fit like a glove. My work for you is not the way of the world. Your glory is not attained in this world. He who seeks the glory of the world as his end is missing the boat. Only when you seek God as your end do you find the perfect glove. You fit into a glove that was created by Me. You and the glove are a perfect match. If you try to put yourself into someone else's glove, you have lots of trouble. Their glove was made for them. Your glove is the only glove that brings you peace and comfort.

You find your glove when you are doing My will. If you do your own will, you are trying to squeeze yourself into someone else's glove, or maybe it is very baggy on you. Either way, you are very uncomfortable with a tight glove or a loose glove. Your glove fits just right.

Seek the Lord and He will be found. Call to Him and He will come! You must forever listen to the promptings in your heart. I am ever present there and ready to tell you exactly what I want you to do. It is you, in your willfulness and in your desire for control, who do your own things. My work fits you like a glove. It may not be anything you want to do at first, but if you do your own will, it is like putting your hand into someone else's glove. It just isn't right.

Open up your hearts to Me. Sit in silence and be with Me. Make your whole day a day to be in harmony with Me. Do not get anxious and up-tight. I, in My time, make My will very clear to you. At this moment I may want you praying or being very still. I may want you to learn patience. I will never let you down. When you seek the Lord, He will be found. When you call to Him, He will harken, but in His time.

My hand is in everything you are experiencing. Pray for openness to know My will. Pray for harmony with Me. I do not want you ever to be so busy you are missing your time with Me. This is to go it alone. I am the center of your life. I am He Who gives you directions. If you are busy to the point of not having time to come to Me, you are missing the most important part of your life. I must come first in your life. Your personal relationship is with Me! All else takes its place after this. My ways I make clear to you in the silent whispers of your heart. You cannot go it without Me. I must be your top priority.

Come to Me, My babies. I have all the answers. Satan wants you to miss your time with Me. He is always working to stop you so you do not have time to be with Me. I must be first in your life. I give you your directions. I tell you My ways. I give you peace and love and joy. I am your refuge in a busy world. I am He Whom you crave. Your union with Me is your top concern. Come and let Me fill you. You are the empty box. I am the perfect pair of shoes.

I love you, sweet ones. Come to Me and let Me make your paths right. I am He Who never steers you wrong. Nobody can tell you what I can. Your life is full only in Me.

We Are All Like Little Fish

February 3, 1994

R. The King of Glory is in His house. All have left. (Talking and indifference after Communion and He is so close!)

Jesus: I am the King of Glory. I am God. You are here in this House. You are in My presence. You, who are unworthy to tie My shoe!

R. This morning I thought my relationship with Jesus could be compared to my loving our one-inch fish. It seems so silly! Such power and such ignorance! I could see God, bothering with little us! We had some bad fish once. There was a fish that chased the others and bit them. We got rid of the fish. Why let the fish hurt the good fish? It was a little, tiny fish, but so brassy to be so mean in front of us when we could snatch him up in a second and put him in the sink!

This is the King of Glory. Such honor and dignity is his due! We have made light of His majesty. We have made ourselves our own gods. We see this world as an end in itself, yet He sits on His throne and watches us as we watched the fish. We are busy about our lives and pay no mind to Him Who cares for us and watches us. The fish would die if we didn't feed them. They would die if we put poison in their water. They need us to oversee the tank. Likewise we do not see the eyes of God as He watches us like little fish. Busy. Busy doing what? Where are you going? In one second He can snatch us from the tank and put us in the sink!

Who has the power, the fish or the person who owns the fish? Do we have any power at all? In one second He can steal our breath away. Somehow, in our blindness, all of us still know that a force mightier than ourselves holds the reins. But such stupidity to think we have control!

Oh, Lord, who are we that You, God, even give us concern? You, in your might, not only give us concern, but such intense and great love! It is as my loving my fish--such imbalance! But He Who is such a Good God loved us to His death! He loves us this way this very day. Why does He love us? He is such a good God! Who are we that He is so good to us? Ought we not bow down low in such great honor to Him Who sustains us and loves us? He is worthy of all honor and all praise. He is, indeed, the King of Glory. Praise His Name. Bow before Him. Kiss his sanctuary, for we are unworthy of His presence!

Yet, He-HE-dwells within us. He comes to us in such a humble way in Communion. He comes to our sinful bodies and He gives us such dignity and honor. He comes in our bodies and we show him indifference. Wake up to the true presence of God-made Man, coming here into your hearts, sitting as a prisoner in the tabernacle for love of you! And you swim your busy lives away, just as the fish must swim by this rock and that rock.

All that matters are His cares, His work for us. We are so blind. Wake up! This life is but a fleeting moment. We are being tried for the great reward. Come and worship. Bow down before the King. He is mighty and has all the power. We are doing useless tasks and wearing ourselves out. He is the true treasure. Only the things of God are of any account.

Alleluia. Praise Him, the Holiest, in the Heights. Alleluia, Alleluia.

The Ache in Your Heart Is for Union with Jesus

February 4, 1994
After Mass

R. At the Consecration of the Mass, He said, "I want you holy like Saints, untainted by any sin."

I realized during the part that followed this how intense is The Father's love to send His only Son. I realize more the love of the Holy Spirit and how the three are joined as one so, when I receive Jesus in Holy Communion, I am receiving the love of all three. How do we separate Jesus from The Father and the Holy Spirit! What immense love we receive as He comes to us as God! We share in the love of Father and Holy Spirit present with Jesus because He is God. Such love we receive in Holy Communion!

This journey with Him is like valleys and hills. It is never the same. My life and my relationship with Christ is ever changing. As I experience more distractions and testing, I declare more my immense love to Him and this deepens my relationship. I am constantly choosing Him over other things. This is what strengthens my commitment to Him.

But the gnawing exists at some times, so prevalent, to want Him so much more. It is as an ache in my heart to know Him, yet not be able to behold Him in this limited body.

It is in realization of Him and His presence that I feel this ache. I know He is truly Jesus, God-made-man. I know He is in my heart and I want to be united totally to Him.

Oh, sweet surrender to the will of God, to know that He, too, uses this to our greater love of Him! All that we experience is to strengthen our relationship with Him! It is in these periods of longing that we realize how much we truly love Him.

Oh, Lord, turn me into all that You want. I selflessly surrender to You and ask You to teach me what You so sweetly desire. I am Your servant, come and be with me and give me Your love. You are all powerful, You are all loving. You dish out, in small bites, Yourself to me. I receive only as You know I can grow in You. I am Your baby. You are feeding me Your love. Little bites I receive when I sit with you.

Babies can only take little bites. I am Your baby. You are teaching me little by little about You. The more I come, the more I am fed. If I do not come, I am not fed and the baby will be small and undernourished and eventually die.

I want to grow in Your love, Lord. Come and feed me, give me your food. As You feed me, I will grow in You. I will be fed by Your diet and I will be Your child.

Lord, Lord, I am but a baby. I am little and helpless and my ways are untaught. I need You to progress in my life with You.


February 5, 1994

R. Love is not selfish. It does not demand its own way. It lives for the good of the other.

Love is from God. Love has its source in God. If love in any way separates the two people from God, it is not love. If I love God and know His love, I can give His love to you.

Love comes from a place of strength. It has its origin in God. It is rooted in Him and is a natural expression of one's self because of the person's union with Him. Love is giving. Love is never selfish and demanding.

If I need you to love me, then I am asking you to feed the appetite in my soul. Only God can feed the soul. If you love me, I am very grateful to God for your love, but I do not need it. I am okay if you stop loving me. I may feel sorrow and pain, but I am okay because all love that feeds me comes from God and He never withdraws His love.

Jesus: "Oh," you say, "this is the ideal." "No," I say, "this is love." Love rooted in Me gives. To My death on the cross I gave My love for you. I never demanded you give Me anything. You have a free will. Love is not force. I gave you the commandments to live by. Love God, love one another. You can choose to disregard the commands and love no man. Love does not demand its way. I give to you My love freely. You can accept My love or reject it. You were created with the purpose to know, love and serve God. If you follow other roads, your heart withers and dies. You have a free will to love or not to love, but, if you do not, you are going against the very reason for your being. To live in harmony with yourself and your soul you must love God and your brothers. If you do not love God first, and your brothers, you live a life of discord.

I make all things happen for him who loves and serves the Lord. I am He Who has all the power. I am the Master. You are My beautiful children. You I loved and still love this very day. I give freely My love to you. I wait in the tabernacle for you like an ardent lover. I loved you to My death. I give Myself to you in Communion. Do you know that I, God, give Myself, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, to you.

Meditate on My Passion. I am waiting for your love. I love you so much. I long for your love. I want to be with you. You are keeping us apart. You are the reason we are not sharing this intense love. I am always available. Where are you? What could be more important than your time spent alone with God. Seek Me and this union and you will have all you need.

I am Jesus. I am your love. I come to you with such love. Come, My beautiful ones, come and give Me your love.

You stay away and I lament your absence. I loved you to My death. I am the source of love. Come to Me and be filled.

My Heart Aches for You

February 6, 1994 5:00 a.m.

R. On January 5th I had such longing in my chest. The pain was terrible. Also, on January l6th, such an ache. I ache again today. I ached on Christmas so intensely, to love Him more, to behold my Lord a little, but never completely, such agony, such pain. This pain could be compared to the pain of the souls in purgatory. To want to behold someone so much, but be unable! Such pain of longing and waiting! The heart is in great pain to behold Our Lord.

He is indeed a true person. He is as a person you love so intently and long to behold but cannot. He has this ardent love for us. He longs for us to come and be with Him. He yearns for our time with Him. He begs from the tabernacle for us to come and be with Him, yet we say, "Oh, I am too busy!"

God-made-man sits alone in the tabernacle, lamenting the love He has for each of us. He is a person. He craves for us to come and share our love with Him. How can we be too busy for this ardent love? How do you stay away when your lover is waiting and begging you to come? He is indeed the bridegroom of the soul. He, with a heart of fire and intense love, waits for our time with Him. It wounds His aching heart when we treat Him with such indifference and turn our backs on Him. It wounds His aching heart when we reject Him and stay away. It wounds His aching heart when He comes to us in such a union in Holy Communion and we are cold! How hard to love someone so intensely and then be received with coldness. Think of the most ardent love you could have for someone and then to be treated coldly. It wounds His aching heart.

His heart is a furnace of endless love. He waits for you, His love, in the tabernacle and in Communion. He longs for you to come (I smell incense) and be with Him. He is the bridegroom of your soul. He is your ardent lover. He is God and He is waiting for you, longing for you.

My Kingdom Is At Hand

February 6, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: This is all fruitless, My children. I am your God. All your endeavors are of no account if they do not have their reference to Me. You can run down many roads at such a fast pace but the only road that counts is the road that leads to My Sacred Heart. You hold on to this and that and tomorrow your life may be snatched from you! If you knew you would die tomorrow, would any of what you hold on to be so important?

Ready your hearts for the kingdom of God. My Kingdom is at hand. You hold useless treasures in your hands while the King of Glory waits. I am King of the Kingdom you seek. I am ardently waiting for you in the tabernacle. My heart is afire, ablaze for love of you. My heart yearns and longs for you as the most ardent lover, yet you, My little ones, do not come. It wounds My aching heart. I want you so much to come and sit with Me. Do you not hear the cry of your lover? Yet you pay no heed to Me and when I give you Myself in Communion you come with a cold heart. Oh, My aching heart, to love so much and be rejected by you!

I am the King of the Kingdom you seek. My Kingdom is not of this world. Where do you go for your wares when I have all you need? Come to Me and receive all you seek. Come to Me and be filled. Come to Me and get everything that is of any account.

I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I sit and wait and you run down senseless roads! I am on fire with love of you. I wait for you, I long for you, I want you and you say, "No, Lord". Oh, My aching heart, how it hurts for love of you!

Come, My little ones, come and be wrapped in the arms of Him Who loves you ardently. Do not run after your needless tasks. You do not have to do anything in this world but seek My kingdom. This is your focus. This is all that is of any account.

You seek, you search, you wander, you run down roads that lead nowhere at such speeds and your love waits. I know the very workings of your heart. I ponder you and know you far better than yourselves. I loved you to My death and I wait for you with an intense, ardent love. Come and let Me show you real love, My love. It is not fleeting. It does not last a moment. It lasts forever!

Come, come, come to your love. I wait for you. Come and let Me give you all you need. When I am the center of your life, you will have all you need.

I love you. Jesus.

Notes: At 6:30 a.m. I saw a vision of children, two adults by their side, walking together in a group. One adult in front was wearing a scarf on a tweed coat. She had brown hair which was curled. She turned and had her hand on a child. She was leading them. The other adult was in the back. There were about 20 to 25 kids on a street. They all had their coats and they had just turned the corner.

Jesus: Lead the children to the love of Jesus. Lead My priests and sisters to My infinite love. My love is abounding to all. My love is on fire for everyone. On fire! You must tell them. Speak for Me. All must know of this intense love for them. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

See the children will be led home. Their hearts will know My love. I want you to speak in front of groups about My love.

Total Surrender

February 7, 1994 1:00 a.m.

R. Make me selfless and unattached. I do not want to focus on myself at all. Selflessness is to let go of yourself entirely and live only for Him. Who will do His work? We will do His work. He is operating us. We selflessly comply with all He does through us!

To have union with Jesus is to die to yourself. He was so selfless. See Him hanging on the cross. His whole position, arms outstretched, hanging by His hands and supported by His crossed feet, total surrender to the will of The Father! This is what He beckons us to follow, total surrender of ourselves and our desires to the will of The Father.

I try to follow the will of The Father in little things, playing and praying with my children. This pleases Him so I feel it in my heart. It is in everything He tells me to do, no matter how small. He is so pleased with our surrender to His desire!

The way to heaven is the Way of the Cross. Our way has pitfalls and big hills, just like Medjugorje, but oh, when we reach the top, what our eyes behold! The power, the might, the vision! The climb was worth every minute of the struggle! Let us pick up each cross with such love for Him as He picked up His for us!

His power is the power of God. It radiates from our very being when we become selfless in His love. Power is emitted from our presence. Let us realize this is His might that lives within us when we come and sit with Him before the tabernacle. There is a mighty force that powers our actions. He charges us and we are operating on His power. Our hands become His hands, our faces and hearts His hearts. Total surrender, total selflessness.

Spread the good news! Shout it from the housetops! Jesus Christ is Lord and He is in our midst! He is in Communion. He is in the tabernacle. The same as the day He walked this earth, He lives this very day.

His might we behold in Him in Communion and in the tabernacle. He is dwelling, God-made-man, in our midst. Oh, how He is present, truly present, here on this earth this day!

He lives in you. You have the opportunity to make Him a vibrant force operating your soul. Sit you no more idle, little ones. His work is at hand. Spread the good news. Feed the soul in darkness. Shout His words from the housetops. Jesus is Lord and He dwells among His people this very day.

Are we alone in this sick world? Do you feel helpless to undertake such work? He goes with you where you go. He is your guide. Never are you alone on your journey. You are accompanied by the hand of God.

Jesus: Oh, My people! Oh, My people! Listen to My promptings here! I am a living God! Your society might be godless, but it is in the hearts which have been infiltrated by Satan's hand. My might is far beyond any work Satan could accomplish. I am dwelling in your midst and I come to save My beloved ones, every last soul. You have a message to deliver to the world that Jesus is God and He dwells among you this very day!

Let Me possess and operate your hearts. Seek only after your union with Me. Make this your top priority. I work through the selfless soul. I will work and operate you. You needn't fret or fume. Your job is simple. Come to my altar every day. Be with Me in adoration and I do the work through you. You cannot do the work. The might that is needed in this world must come from the hand of God. I will operate you and do all I need to through you.

Quit trying to do it yourself. Put all your trust in Me and watch your life fly. You cannot fly. Only I can make you fly. You need to be operated by My might to fight this evil world. My might is in front of the tabernacle. Be there for My love. I lament your busyness. In one second I can snatch your lives from you. No one has returned to finish the job they left.

Oh, little ones, love of God, love of one another! Let Me do My work. Quit trying to do My work for Me. You cannot do in a thousand years what I can do in a minute. The answer is your total union with Me!

I loved you to My death on the cross. Come and carry your cross with Me. My way is hard. There are bumps. There are hills. They are your mighty lessons. Ask at every moment, "What doth He teach me here?" When you are frustrated and you follow yourself around, surrender to the moment. Stop and learn the lesson. It is in the worst moments your lessons are being taught loud and clear. Patience, My children. I teach you patience and trust. Fear is dissolved. The fire of love is enkindled. I teach you so sweetly that which you need to know.

Harken, I come into your midst this day. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. I come and dwell to be your guide. I come to teach you mighty lessons. My lessons are your way to Me. Embrace My cross. Accept all I send you as coming from Him Who loves you. Grow in your trials. Run and do not get weary. I am your God. Oh, sweet surrender! You will know My love, My little ones. You will know My might. You will be lost in Me and I will dwell in You and operate You to do the mighty work at hand!

R. Alleluia, Alleluia. Love Him Who is mighty! Alleluia.

Do God's Will--Surrender

February 7, 1994 8:30 a.m.
Before Funeral Mass at St. Philip

R. Surrender all through the Passion! Surrender! Tied to a pole, beaten, led away, He sat without any comment and they put a dirty robe on Him. He sat in surrender while they hammered the crown of thorns onto His head. Surrender--while they taunted Him and laughed at Him. Surrender--gave Him a cross, hit Him, kicked Him, spat on Him, struck Him with a stick to make Him get up, treated Him so awfully. Surrender--they led Him away, with Him totally complying to His death on the cross. How He hung there in total surrender!

Jesus: When they persecute you for My sake, great will be your reward! Stand your trials. I was as the innocent lamb led to the slaughter. In the act of total submission to the will of The Father, I gave My life for His will. Say the Our Father. Thy will be done, Father. This, doing His will, is worth more than a thousand prayers. This pleases Me, The Father and the Holy Spirit.

Surrender your lives. Make your lives an act of total submission to God. Be as the little lamb being led to the slaughter. You will suffer persecution for My sake. My way is not to take up the sword. My way is in submission.

Do you see Me hanging in the act of total submission? Follow Me. This is My way for you. You want your own way. Follow My will. This weighs far more than any mortification. This pleases Me. I call you to total surrender. See Me dying on the cross in compliance with The Father's will. You surrender your lives to The Father's will. This is your guide: your inner promptings on what tells you His will.

You must be before Me in the tabernacle. In a million years you will not acquire the knowledge you obtain there. I am God, My chosen ones, I want to guide you. You cannot find your way without the silence daily in front of Me. All will work when you obey Me now and listen to Me and spend time with Me in silence. Do not read prayers and say prayers only. This is not sitting with Me in union! You need to be in front of Me and not busy. This is how you will acquire your knowledge.

R. I love You, Jesus.

There are as many hearts as personalities. The more I love God, the more I am able to love. He is all love. All love is rooted in Him.

If I am mortifying myself and praying and doing the sacrifices I want, but God is telling me to do something else, I am not doing His will. I am picking and choosing and deciding I must do this prayer, that one. I am not doing His will.

He is calling you in front of the tabernacle, "Can you not wait one hour with Me?" No. I want to do this sacrifice. I am doing my will, my good acts. Performing good acts is not necessarily doing God's will.

You Are Surrounded By Angels and Saints

February 9, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am your resting place. You seek Me, you find Me. You look and you behold Jesus Christ, Son of God, in your very midst. I am your Savior. I am He Who comes to save you in your torments. I hold you up high and you see the folly in your ways. You see the work of Satan to distract you. I have a job for you. I need this union to get it accomplished.

You must place all of your trust in Me. Do not go to your own minds for your answers. Go to Me. I am He Who has all you need. You know in your hearts when I give you a command. So you start to decide maybe you do not hear Me so well. You hear Me loud and clear in the recesses of your hearts! Do as I command and quit thinking. Thinking comes from you. When you are prompted in your heart to carry out My will, do it!

My greatest commands are felt in the heart. Do not lose focus and listen to Satan's promptings to distract you. Move steadfastly ahead and in the direction I have plotted for you. I give you the strength for your venture. It is not you who operate but I Who operate from you. Let Me possess your soul and do My work through you. You will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings. Your heart is at unrest because Satan wants to stop you.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I give you strength. You need no man to do My work. You need Me. Do as you are prompted in your heart. I need you to do this work. Your obedience to your heart is crucial for the souls of many.

Listen and be taught all you need to know. Do not get bogged down in fear and doubt. This is Satan's playground. He hates your work and he aims to stop you. Pray to St. Michael to accompany you on your way. Saints and angels go with you when you do your work.

Oh, the unseen world! You think you stand alone, but you are surrounded by saints and angels! You are given My might and you stand idle in a foolish fret!

Harken to My words here. Read and reread them for strength. Remember, you are being tested in fire and your strength will come from such trials. It is in acceptance of all things that you grow in your relationship with Me. My hand is in all you are experiencing.

Go forth renewed, for I go with you. Do not give in to Satan to get you bowed down. Pray steadfastly in Me. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and they follow Me. Come all of you who labor and are heavily burdened and I will give you strength. I love You. Jesus.

It is in this trial you will receive the strength you need to accomplish My work. Cling to Me. Know that it is in acceptance of trials that you are closest to Me. I go with you on your way. You are never unattended.

Do as I command. Quit thinking and trust in My Sacred Heart!

Such fire for you, little one. I burn in your heart. Do not quiet My flame with distractions. Welcome the flame burning brightly for greatest love of you.

Satan will do all he can to get you bowed down and off course. Your job I make clear.

Think Only of Jesus

February 9, 1994

Jesus: My dear child, I have told you to focus on Jesus when other distractions and thoughts penetrate your mind. It takes a trained will to turn your thoughts to thoughts of Me.

I am your spouse. I am your ardent lover. I am He (smelled roses) Who loves you abundantly. I have all you need. It is in this great love and the realization of it that you will be strengthened (scent of roses is strong). You will learn to focus on Me and Me alone.

It is in training your mind and trusting in God that you develop constant union with Me. This is your test, to put aside the thoughts the devil and world put into your mind and focus entirely on Jesus, your beloved spouse.

To be rooted in Me, to learn trust, to know all I want you to do, is to constantly turn your thoughts to Me. Nothing can shake your union with Me.

You learn in your trials. It is in your trials that you are taught your mightiest lessons. Behold Me battered, bruised, beaten, in total surrender for love of you. This is the picture I want you to carry in your heart. See Me and feel My intense love. I am as present to you at this moment as I was present on the day I died on the cross.

Focus! This is your focus, Jesus Christ! Constant union with Me in your thoughts. You have a big job to accomplish and you are only able as you are selflessly fixed to Me. I must be so close to you that you wander not one second in your thoughts from our union.

This, child, is strength. I can do all things. You proceed assuredly ahead with your heart only on Me. This gives you direction and confidence. Satan will constantly try to control your thoughts. If he can control them with guilt or worry or doubt He has won the battle.

You are so precious to Me! For not one moment do you want your focus off of Me. You must let Me possess your soul.

You will be tried. You will be tested. You will be persecuted. You will feel glory. You will act and want to worry about performance. You must not think of any of these things. If you operate from Me, you do as I will you to do. You do not question how it is. Know that I did it and be happy. Do not ever listen to those who wish to trip you up. You must be unattached to the glory or the persecution. They persecuted Me to My death but I remained steadfastly about My business. I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life, I am your all. You operate for Me. You are going out on a limb. If your brothers accepted everything you were saying there would not be a need for your talking. You are speaking to be heard. You are speaking to doubting Thomases. You are speaking to many who have remained closed for a long time. You are speaking as My servant. You are speaking with My might. You are being powered by the hand of God. Hear Me, little ones. No one will hear if you hold back. It is in speaking the truth and letting Me possess your soul that you will be able to do My work.

Those who are responsible for removing school prayer spoke out and spoke out plenty. To take My prayer from the schools it took many brassy and outspoken people. You cannot hold back. I come to you, dripping with blood, and I ask you, will you do My work? Can I count on you? You are My hands, you are My tongue, you are one crying in the darkness. Make ready the way for Him. He comes as a baby into your midst but His might is far beyond all the power on earth. He is God, one, true, magnificent. He is all powerful and He, My children, is coming to you. Hear Him and harken to His cry to respond with His love to one another. He loves you and you must love each other. Listen to this message of love. Love is your arms. You are My soldiers.

R. I am not going to worry about what I say or do. I will turn my thoughts to Jesus but in order to do this I must be totally fixed in Him. I must be focused on Him and Him alone. My whole work must be to spread His love and His messages. Then I can proceed steadfastly ahead. The action cannot be from me, not for one second. To have total union with Him I must become entirely selfless and let Him possess me. I love Him so deeply and I am ever ready to tell others of His immense love for them. Shout it from the housetops! Proclaim from the roof that Jesus is Lord and is totally present and in our midst this very day. Alleluia.

This is His message, to follow Him. He died in total surrender to the Father's will. We must follow the will of the Father. He has a plan for us. We must do His work. It takes total surrender to act as He prompts us to act. We must become selfless and allow Him to act in us. When He is acting, hearts are changed, people are touched. When we are acting, it is our will we are using. This is ourselves, playing a safe game, as if He died on the cross with His arms closed. He died with His arms wide open. We must let Him work in us as He desires.

I will say, "Yes, Lord, I move steadfastly ahead to do Your work. You are He Who operates my soul." I know my might comes from Him Who is all powerful. I know my intentions are for love of You and You alone. I am Yours to use.

Let Go

February 10, 1994 Message From Mary

R. Mary, help me to be close to Jesus.

Mary: You are too tight and heavy. You must let go. You must completely relax. Relax your mind. Focus only on Jesus and His love for you. Let everything else go. Let go. Surrender your mind and will to Jesus.

Your Bridegroom Waits for You

February 11, 1994 4:00 a.m.

Note: This letter was given by Jesus for a talk at St. Clare Convent

You are being tested in fire. What comes forth is a sinner or a saint. I want you holy like saints, untainted. Even the smallest sin offends My aching heart.

R. He is calling us to holiness and sainthood.

Jesus: I am the Alpha, the Omega. I am your All. You worry for such needless tasks when I am Jesus and I am in your midst.

The world is being led away from God. It has become a godless society.

Satan gets in in little things and you forget how holy I want you to be in Me. I want you to be saints. I call you to commitment to sainthood. Every action should be seen as "how will this action enhance my love of Jesus and the love of Jesus in others?"

R. I am being called every moment to preach the gospel. I preach His words in my very being. How am I in my life today? When I stand in the presence of others, does my love of God shine from my very soul? I am the preacher of the God Who lives within. Do I preach the word of God in the love I give to all of my brothers? Is God truly shining from me?

Jesus: I, My children, call you to be Me to this world. This world has deceived itself in every way to all sin. They have watched television and movies turn right to wrong and wrong to right.

I preach to you this day: what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong! The world preaches deception and untruth. To be in the world is to become very sick. You can no longer straddle the fence and be of Me. You are either Godly or worldly. To remain fixed to this world, to try to make sense of a sick, godless society, is to become sick and godless yourself.

Yes, My little ones, I call you to sainthood. I call you every waking moment of your day to preach the word of God. My love within you should be a force mightier than any explosion. It is a force that can never be contained.

As you, through the Holy Eucharist and adoration, sit with Me, you bake as in an oven. You receive My power in your baking. You store up, as in a battery, a power that is emitted from your very being. I, little ones, have all the power. In one second I could snatch you from your comfort and take your breath away. What, little ones, is keeping you from your sainthood?

Is it the way you treat your brothers? Do you say, "Oh, it doesn't matter that I am cold"? Is it a hidden sin that you keep ever so slight, but tell yourself it doesn't matter? Do you talk about others and fail to see Me inside of their hearts?

Remember, My little ones, you are My chosen ones. I love you with a burning, ardent love. I never ever leave your side for one second. You are My workers in this cold world. Your brothers may never be touched except as you preach My gospel. Their souls may depend on how you emit My love from your heart.

"But," you say, "Lord, Lord, I don't want to be nice to that nasty person. I will just be tolerant and not nasty back."

I, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, say I call you, My chosen ones, to a life of sainthood and holiness. You are the preachers of My gospel. You are My hands. You are My heart. You are Me, dwelling and living in this world.

Those in darkness may never be touched unless you, My special ones, choose first the kingdom of God and choose to love the unloving.

Yes, I say, love the unloving! I call you to sainthood, My little ones. I call you to let Me possess your soul and operate from your very being.

When I died on the cross, My arms were open wide. My whole position on the cross was that of greatest surrender. I call you to this surrender. Hold not back your feeble hearts. Open wide the gates and let My love pour from your very souls. Do not come to Me with your arms closed or open halfway. Come as I came to you. The way to Me is the Way of the Cross.

Feel the love of Jesus deep in your breast. Meditate on Me, hanging so selflessly on the cross for love of you. I am Jesus, Son of God, I loved you to My death. I love you this same way this very day. Sweet one, if you were the only one, I would die for you alone this very day.

I am this same Jesus. I am in your midst. I live and dwell in your brothers. I come to you, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in Holy Communion and in the tabernacle. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God! I am alive in your hearts.

You come to Me in Holy Communion. I wait, I long for your union with Me. I am your ardent lover. I pour out to you the same love I had for you the day I died on the cross.

You come and I shower you with My love. Stay with Me after Communion. Sit with Me. These are My most golden moments to shower My love on you.

You, My little ones, busy yourself with such senseless tasks. I am Jesus, the King of Glory! I am the King of the Kingdom of Heaven and I come to you, My little sweet ones. I humble Myself and come to you. What do you receive? You, in Holy Communion, receive Jesus, God-made-man.

Oh, how are you today? The tongue is the doorway to the soul. How is your tongue? Is it worthy for such a King?

Who are you that Jesus, Son of God, comes to you? You, My child, are My beloved. You are he who is unworthy to tie My bootstraps, but I come to you with such love and longing and give Myself to you. Is your tongue pure? Have you been holy in your speech about others? Have you used your tongue to preach My love? Is your tongue worthy for the King of Heaven?

I give you such honor, such dignity. I, God, long to be united to you in Holy Communion. I came to earth and died a brutal death for you, for love of you. I, in total surrender, holding nothing back, chose to spread My arms in total submission and die for you. Do I love you any less today? I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I love you today the same as the day I died for you. I spread My arms in total surrender and gave My all for love of you.

Can you refuse Me when I ask you to love one another? How did you preach My gospel today? How was My love given to your brothers?

My sweet ones, My life I gave that you might live and have life eternal. Life here is but a fleeting moment. It is like a billowing smoke, black and thick, and then, poof, it is gone and there is no trace! Such a few years here for such a great reward!

The Kingdom of God waits for you. What a treasure! You possess the keys to the Kingdom. They are found in the love in your hearts. You will inherit a reward far beyond any comprehension. You will be escorted by a heavenly court into My kingdom. You will see the face of God and you will live. This is but a test--a fleeting moment--for such glory!

R.You are being called. This is the school of learning to be Christ-like. You go to school every day. You are given tests all day. The test in Christ's school are hard. Did He do any less for you? He modeled His life for us.

You take the tests, you receive the divine reward, graduation into the kingdom of God.

Jesus: Will you, My little ones, be My soldiers in this cold world? I call you to two things: love of God and love of one another. Will you come to Me with all the great acts of love you gave to your brothers? Will you be My hands to the sick world?

I do not call you to mighty feats. I call you to love one another. Too simple you say? Too hard for too many! The way to Me is hard, but rewarding. Walk My path, follow My direction. To My death I loved you, My little ones. I am the author of love. I showed you the way. When they persecuted Me and hit Me, beat Me, bruised Me, bloodied Me, I loved them. To My death My thoughts were of you when I gave you My sweet mother. I showed you the way to love. Will you follow in My path?

Your job is to love not the nice ones only, but to love all your brothers. Your love will be the seeds that you plant today. Smile the biggest smiles. You possess the life of Jesus within you. You possess the true treasure. You will see the face of God and live!

Your job is clear. Love God and one another. Do not busy yourself with needless tasks. Come to Me. Come to Me in Communion. Come in Adoration. Let Me shower you with My love. You are filled to the brim and you come from a place of giving love rather than needing love.

Oh, My sweet ones, My chosen ones, I wait for you with My love in the tabernacle. I wait for you with your arms for this cold world. Your arms in this cold war are your hearts filled with My love. You cannot be My soldiers of love in this world if you do not first seek your union with Me. It is in the silence before the tabernacle that I minister to you. Come and do not be busy. Let Me fill you with My love.

My Heart is on fire with love of you. I give this to you in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle. I am there, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Come and get your arms, get your supplies. You are going into battle in this world. You are battling evil and hate. You need your ammunition and it is found in Me. Come and I will give you your arms--My love.

Oh, how I love you. I ache in My heart for your love. You do not know how I ache to behold each of you. Please come. It is in the greatest love that I am locked up in the tabernacle. Come, please, I beg you. I love you. I want you to come. I am Jesus, Son of God and I am waiting for you this very day.

Come to Me and I will give you all you need. I love you. Jesus.

Do you know that I have all the power? Look at the earth, covered with ice. Do you control such things? Stopped dead in your tracks, are you? Do you still think you have control in your immobility?

What does it take to shake you in your comfort zone? Who will get the message to you? I am Jesus. I am God. God has all the power. Do you pray now in your idleness with this weather or do you busy your mind with more senseless tasks?

Oh, what do you need to turn you from your ways? I come and dwell in your midst and you ignore Me and look for other things to fill the weary soul.

Man, nothing fills your soul. I and I alone am what you seek. You look in all the wrong places and I wait for you in the tabernacle. If you knew of this unseen world! But you are blind and dumb and stay centered as if in a tunnel.

Pray for your sick brothers. They have been blinded by the world and numbed by the TV. Their hearts are cold and their heads are hot. Oh, what a sad state! Pray for them lest they lose their souls. This world is full of evil. Come to Me. Sit in silence and know My love. I am your refuge.

In My church, in front of My tabernacle, there is such peace and joy. I am your King. I am your God. I am your Lord. I am Who am. I am your all. Little ones, little ones, I lament the loss of your love. Come to Me and be wrapped in My arms. I love you. Alleluia

Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who Love Him.

Promote yourself? Where do you go when your life is done? You flunk the test when you see yourself as the end. Die to yourself and you will possess life eternal.

I love you so. Such pride, such arrogance! Who do they think they are? They think they are their own gods. This is against the First Commandment.

In all things, turn your lives to God. Give Him full reign. You possess the choice to inherit a kingdom! Oh, such blindness! I love you in all your blindness, just the same. Pray for your brothers that the light of Christ might shine through you and touch their cold hearts.

Be as My saints, holy and untainted. Hold tight to My kingdom. It is at hand and you are its rightful heirs. Alleluia.

R. Jesus, tuck me into the recesses of Your heart and let me live in there with You in Your heart. Swallow me up in a little pocket. I love You so!

I give You my mind. I give You my body. I give You my soul. I am wed to You, my entirety to be Your spouse. I want to be the bride of Jesus Christ. My soul must be as white as the brightest white for such a king. I give myself to You, body and soul. I want to be Your saint. I want to do Your will and Your will alone. I want to be totally united with You in all my thoughts. I want to be pure just for You. Bless me and all those I touch.

I remain in You, ever to do Your work. I am Your temple and You dwell within me with such holiness! I approach the altar of Jesus and behold my beloved. I say to You, "Lord, Thy will be done," yet, when the going gets rough, I do my own will. Let me constantly be connected to You, Jesus, that with every beat of my heart I may never shame You in my thoughts or actions, that I do Thy will directly as I am prompted to do. I love You and You are my beloved. Alleluia.

I have committed myself to the King and I am an heir to the kingdom. It is in this constant walk of faith that I come into His presence, constantly committing my will to do His so only that which is of Him will flow from my soul.

Alleluia. Praise Him, holiest in the heights, for He is all powerful and He sets my feet on solid ground. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened unto you. Make ready your hearts for Him, the King of Glory. He is worthy of such honor. He is God. Alleluia.

To Grow, You Cannot Remain the Same

February 12, 1994
After Mass

Jesus: I give you this intense love. Look at Me hanging, arms outstretched. Do you see I am giving you My all out of deepest love of you! How do I wake you? I profess it so profusely, but you do not open your hearts. You crave My love, you want it so badly, but you do not realize I am giving it to you now.

You are My beautiful daughter. I speak to you. You will be rejected but you will plant seeds that will germinate in the hearts of many. You must do My work. Do not be attached to the glory or the persecution. I am God and My might is endless. I am He Whom you love, He Whom you seek. Come to Me and I will fill you!

Preach the Real Presence. I am truly here, God alone! Preach My love on fire for every soul. People are hungry, they will listen. Lead My people to My love.

R. Jesus is speaking to you in the whispers in your heart. Do you block His words and only do what you want?

Jesus: To die to yourself you must listen to every word I plant in your heart, even the ones you do not want to hear because you might have to change something. To grow, you cannot remain the same. There is no growth if the plant stays the same.

I come to feed you, to fertilize you. I give you just the right fertilizer in your heart. Do you want to grow or do you want to remain unchanged? You will not grow if you do not use My fertilizer. It is the quiet whispers in your heart.

"Oh no, not that, Lord!" Oh, say "yes" to all I send you. It is with the greatest of love. It comes from Him Who laid down His life for you, Who gave you the last beat of His heart. I am Who am. I am God and I come before you, bruised, bloodied and beaten and I say, "Do you love Me so much as to listen to My promptings in your heart, to love your sick brothers, to do as The Father wills you to do?" I gave you the last beat of My heart. Why do you hold back? I am He Who loves you. I send you good things. Even crosses are good things. You grow from your trials and crosses.

Growth demands a change. Love finds a way into the hearts of others when you love with a heart of God.

Oh, child, I love you.

He Will Grant Your Heart's Request

February 12, 1994

Note: This message was received from Jesus as directions on when to give the priest a message. He told me to wait until He came to the front of the church. I did not want to wait, but did and gave him this message verbally.

Jesus: Give not in to the body to seek instant gratification. The body wants its way and now. When I give you a command, wait for My time. My time is the perfect time. I know all things and I make all things work in harmony. You know little of many things. You see from limited vision. You act on impulse in your time and you are acting without My aid.

Wait on Me. My time is perfect. Do not push. Do not fret. Do not fume. Be entirely tuned in to the promptings in your heart. My time is perfect. My ways are direct and steadfast. I am He Who knows all things and I intently love you. To My death I loved you.

I give you from My heart. Accept all things in My plan and know I am ever by your side. Alleluia. You are so blessed, little one!

With Jesus: Intense Longing, Never Emptiness

February 13, 1994 10:00 p.m.

R. This is how it is with Jesus: if He loves me so intently, all I need is to love Him with all my heart and we create a union. He is a sure thing. We fade in and out and this hurts His aching heart. If I love you unconditionally, and one day you love me and one day you do not, then it hurts my heart. He wants our steadfast love.

To love someone in little glimpses, but not be able to behold Him, this is our love with Jesus. We do not touch, we do not even see His face, we only have a silent love affair to be actualized at some point. To know that some day we will be united totally to Him, we will forever be with Him! This is longing! When you love someone, you long for total union, to be with that person constantly, to see that person's face, to embrace and love that person.

We must suffer this separation from Jesus now--to know Him a little, but never enough, to want to see Him, but only love Him silently. This is the only way I can be with Jesus now. I must accept this because this is all I can have now. He gives us close moments of His love sometimes, but the heart expresses many emotions: joy, sorrow, longing, wanting, emptiness. With Jesus there is intense longing, never emptiness, an ache in your heart for more, but inability to stop it.

Teach Us to Love You and One Another (A Prayer)

Lord, give me all I need to have a closer union with You. Possess my soul, permeate my being, use me as Your vessel to do Your work. Satan constantly wants us to demand the ways of ourselves. Let me die to self and think first of Your glory. Let me reach with my soul and not my body to know You more. Open me to the realm of the soul. Holy Spirit, Spirit of love, teach me how to love all people spiritually. Teach me the ways to love. I am Your child. I reach out to You to give me these gifts.

Spirit of love, teach me Your way of love. Teach me to love as God wants me to love. Teach me to love God as You so desire. Teach me all I need to love You and my neighbor. I love You, God.

Do You Truly Want Union With Me?

February 14, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: Will you be My light to the world? Will you open up entirely and be only of Me? Will you put aside your selfish desires and think of Me? I am calling you to union with Me. This takes denial of self. To be involved in yourself is to be void of God. Selfishness is not godliness. You must choose between yourself and God.

I am He Who loves you intently. Love gives to the other. Love does not seek its own way. This is not love. Do you love Me enough to give yourself entirely to Me or do you want to give some of yourself and hold on to some of yourself?

I died in complete surrender for you, to the last beat of My heart. I gave you this much love. Do you love Me? Then you can put aside what you want. If one thing becomes more important than I, you are violating the First Commandment. You must be selfless and have Me as your top priority. Everything in your life has meaning only as it brings you closer to Me.

What do you need? What do you spend your thoughts on? Train your will to turn your thoughts to Me. See Me in total surrender, dying for love of you on the cross.

You want love. What of your brothers? Would they lay down their lives for you? If they had a choice, would they choose to give you the last drop of blood and the last beat of their heart?

What do I do now to wake you to My love? My heart is on fire with love of you but to know Me more you must reach with your soul. The more you die to yourself, the greater your union with Me. To the last beat of My heart, I loved you.

Do you truly want union with Me? Then do not hold back any of yourself. You give yourself in all things that you want so badly. Surrender those things to Me. When you are attached to anything, a job, a person, a service, when anything you do becomes more important than Me, you are attached to it! If you are too busy for anything and do not have time to be alone with Me, then you are attached to too many things. Union with Me must come first.

Take up your cross and follow Me. To lay down your cross is the way of the world. I ask you to constant surrender of your will to the will of The Father.

I am He Who comes before you. I showed you the way by My life. I completely surrendered to the will of The Father. I gave My life for love of you. The Father loved you so much He gave His only Son for love of you. The Holy Spirit is the love between The Father and the Son. Such love in God! You, My child, are loved beyond all comprehension.

You wander aimlessly while your soul craves this love. It can be found in front of the tabernacle. My love is personified there. I am there, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I am truly present in your midst. I long to shower you with the love of God. We are three in one. When you come to Me you are receiving love from God. I, God, am present in the tabernacle and the Eucharist. You have communion with God in Holy Communion. What love, to fill your aching heart on Valentine's Day!

Reach with a heart of God. Let Him bathe you in His love. Come to His altar and worship Him, My child. You are loved beyond all comprehension and your soul craves this love.

You cannot have all you seek. You will not be satisfied on this earth. I give you glimpses. I give you little moments, but most are just spent ardently adoring Me. You do not need to feel Me to know you are receiving the greatest gift of all, God-made-man dwelling in your midst.


The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. I give you a cross to bring you closer to Me. Take up your cross and follow Me. The way to Me is through the cross you carry today. Do as I want you to do. Accept your cross and carry it for Me. Did I do any less for you? I loved you to My death. I call you to this love for Me and your brothers. Love your brothers with the heart of God. You are Me to this dark world. You are My hands, My heart. You are Me, dwelling in your being. Die to yourself and follow Me.

His Kingdom Waits for You

November 24, 1993 (Blue Book Vol. 1)

R. Jesus, Jesus, my beautiful Jesus! I come on bended knee in the night. He has a kingdom to surpass all others and it is not of this world. Entry is not dependent on gold or silver, but on our deeds of love to Him and to each other. How does He love us? With the love of God. He loved us to the point of death and He loves us like that this day. We are unworthy of all His gifts for us but He stands and waits for us at His gates.

Embrace The Cross

February 14, 1994

R. Dear Father, help me to be strong as Your son was strong to His death on the cross. He carried His cross, walked the road to Calvary and submitted, to the last beat of His heart, to His death. He was so strong!

He calls us to sainthood. Being a saint means that we carry our cross. We do not put it down. We say, "Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord, I will carry mine as You carried Yours."

Jesus: Do you have a cross? Could you find a way to put it down and not do what He is asking you to do? Don't do that. Accept all I send you as coming from Him Who died for you. It is in your cross you will learn the lessons you need to do My work. The sun shines after the blustery rain. You will see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you must carry this one as I carried Mine for love of you.

Do you question My ways, My child? The very hairs of your head are numbered. I am giving you exactly what you need today. Will you accept it and grow into sainthood? My ways are hard. Your crosses are not easy. Embrace the cross and love the pain. It is in the cross that you are taught the mightiest lessons.

You must come to Me to be taught. You must surrender as I did to the will of The Father. You must have faith. You are given these messages from Me to share with the world. You must come and be taught. You must surrender to every lesson as one given directly from God.

Musts: Daily Mass, Adoration After Communion

February 15, 1994 4:00 a.m.

Jesus: I was bruised, I was bloodied, I was beaten. I withstood all this for love of you. Do you still think you are alone? I go with you where you go. I never leave your side. I lead and you follow. You are attentive to the inner promptings in your breast. I am ever ready for you to do exactly what I call you to do.

You are losing your intimacy with Me because you are not spending time alone with Me after Communion. This is our time together. You must never be led away from this time.

My union with you is most important. I am telling you that the Mass and adoration after Communion are musts every day. I am present in a way that you do not get at any other time. You must be absolutely alone in front of the tabernacle after Mass. Sit and lose yourself in My love. Focus only on My love. Satan is trying to keep you from Me at this most special moment. Concentrate on Me and only think of Me, pouring My love out to you. Be as if taking a bath in My love. Let Me fill you to the brim. You are alone with Me but you are missing your time after Communion. This is a must in your life!

I am Who am. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I come to you, My sweet one, with the greatest love. You are My sweet messenger. Trouble not your mind as I am ever by your side. Things will work for I go before you in all your undertakings. Listen to the promptings in your heart and be attentive to all I disclose to you there. Quiet Satan who constantly taunts your mind. He wants you to become frightened and turn away. You must know this is My work.

Nothing will stop My work here! You are being blessed in your relationship to spread this word. I go before you. I am at your side. Do not ever move from your union with Me. I am in your heart at this very moment. Such precious moments, to behold the Son of God within your very soul! You, My beloved, I come to and I use you to do this work!

Do not doubt for one second. Busy your mind with thoughts only of Me. I come, you listen. You are united to Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He dwells in your very heart. Oh, how you are favored. Come and adore Me for I am God and I come to you. Who are you to receive such an honor? You, are My beloved, the bride of My soul. I come to you with this ardent love. Come and be so elated. You are filled with such gifts. Alleluia.

God has come to you. Blow the trumpet, sound the horn, jump for joy. Your ardent lover has come to your soul.


I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. Come and experience the intensity of My love. Sit and be with Me, with thoughts only of how I, Jesus, Son of God, love you. Focus on Me. See My face. See Me, bloodied and bruised, dripping with love for you. I give you My Body. I give you My Blood. I give you My all. Be attentive to only Me and My intense love for you. I dwell there in your spirit. Let Me possess you and permeate your very being. Be filled with My love. You no longer exist of yourself, but only as I exist in you.

Let go, My chosen ones. I come with this love to bestow on you, but you must be in silence. It is your focusing on Me that will send you high into a realm of the spirit. My love is present inside you. Let go and experience Me present within your heart. Let Me love you with My love. Let Me fill you with My lightness. Lose yourself and be entirely in Me. Forget all your earthly cares. The King of heaven dwells in your heart. Would you think of such small concerns if a real king were in your midst? I am in your soul and I am the King of heaven. The feeling in your heart is My intense love for you!

You hold back, when I have so much to give you. Learn to let go. Pray for help from Me and My mother. You will experience My union with you. I long to be united with you but union depends on your openness to Me. Let go, let go. Ascend to the realms of the heavens for I am truly God and I am truly in your soul.

Come that I might fill you. Let Me do My work in you. Let Me immerse you in My love. Just be with Me. Forget your cares. Forget it all and dwell only in Me, with My arms surrounding you and embracing you. Such warmth, such fire, just for you, My beloved, just for you.

Oh, how I love you. What do I do to shake you? I am God and I am within your very breast and you think about the weather or the garbage. Oh, you silly ones. Behold your God within you, deep in your breast, longing and longing for union with you. Let go! Focus on Me, My little ones! I will immerse you in My love. Be with Me in your very breast. Come and be filled by Me.

Alleluia. Alleluia.

This is God. This is God and I am in your breast. What is in your mind? When your bridegroom waits for you, empty your mind and let Me fill you!

Alleluia. You, this day, have been given a Savior and He longs to be with you in the most ardent love.

God Is in Your Midst

February 16, 1994 Ash Wednesday

Jesus: From the very depths of your soul, I sanctify you. I come to you, God in your heart, and you are made clean. It is in this cleansing that you behold God. He comes to you in your heart and He makes you holy. You are a mere mortal but He raises you to such heights. Who are you, My child, that I love you so much? You are favored and honored by My presence in your soul. Alleluia.

Come and be fed. He gave them manna from heaven. Not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes from God!

I am Almighty God. I am your all. I am here in My entirety. Where Jesus is, there is God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Do not try to understand the mystery. Try to experience our immense love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit loving you. And Mary, My mother is always where I am!

Oh, children, can your heart be sad with such honor bestowed on you? Lift up your hearts to God and realize that that which is in your breast is the one, true, magnificent God. He wants to be with you with immense love. Such honor and dignity for you! I am the Alpha, I am the Omega, I am God, child. I come and dwell in your heart. God comes to you with such love and you worry about people and things of this world.

I tell you worry is from Satan and he wants you bowed down. Be filled in your hearts with the immensity of the love of God and live, child. Take off your sack cloth and ashes and spread the good news. Jesus, God, is here and He is dwelling in your midst. He is present in the Eucharist. He is God, present there for love of you.

Wake the village, sound the gong. They are deaf and blind. They think this world is their end, when I am all they ever need! Stand on the roof, proclaim My glory! Tell all I am God and I dwell in your midst. Don't miss an opportunity to spread the good word. Do not flounder around and look for senseless things when God dwells here.

Blare the trumpet, roll the drums, be attentive to My word here. Spread these messages every day. Oh, how hungry they are and how they need to get these love letters from Me. I fill you with My immense love. You give it to your brothers. You possess a key to unlock the hardened heart. You have the medicine for those who are in despair. Do your job, children. It is in serving Me that you attain the greatest reward. All else is of no account.

Spread My words in the streets and villages. Go to the country highways and byways, churches, synagogues--anywhere there is a human creature! Let not your moments be in vain. They are hungry and in need of My words here. You are being called by Me to do My work now, this very moment, this day. Do not tarry, for their days are at hand. Your days must be filled with spreading My words to all who have breath!

Your work is at hand. Do not busy yourself with nonsense. You must do what I ask, and now. Souls are at stake, their lives are at hand, and you possess the key to their lives. Hold not back. I am God and I need you to work this moment, this day, to spread My gospel for Me.

Circulate My letters. Give out My love. You have a job and you work for God. No one is as important as God and I am calling you. This is an urgent message to you, My chosen ones. Spread My message. Hold not back. If they love you or persecute you, pay no mind. I am He Whom you seek, He Whom you love, He Whom you want to please. Turn to Me and I will never turn away.

Turn to Me!

Seek True Treasures

February 17, 1994 5:30 a.m.

Jesus: My little ones, how are you doing? Are you getting bogged down in this weather? Do you know yet that you do not control the elements? You live every day and you think you have much to do to control your actions but you do not see the eyes of Him Who watches over you with loving care.

I give to you this earth and all you need to sustain your life here. Man worries about the earth and if this or that will happen. Man has become so independent that he thinks he controls all things and he needs to worry about his present and future.

You, My favored, chosen ones, know that life here lasts but a moment and like smoke it is gone without a trace. Look at your ancestors. So few people ever remember their ancestors, yet your ancestors thought that at every moment their actions were so crucial. Little ones, you hold on to life. You hold on to these little happenings here and you worry in vain! Look at the big picture, My little ones. Here today, gone tomorrow, and where are you going?

The days go by with such speed. "Oh," you say, "Where have the years gone?" You think every second is so important. You worry, you fret, you wander empty roads and I watch you. I see you with your emphasis on the moment. You are being deceived, My little ones. It is in seeing the moment as part of eternity that you really know what is going on. Each moment you live, you are the teacher about the God Who dwells in your breast. Each moment you live, you are My messenger to this cold, scared world. Nothing you do means anything except as you are serving Me.

Take off your glasses. Behold the life above. See every moment as a drop of the life to come. See every moment as part of eternity. All these drops together make up your pass into My kingdom.

You worry, you wonder, you fret, you hold on. I give you a toothache, I take it away. One second and a toothache is gone. Is that not how it is with life--one second and it is gone? Oh, how those little precious moments seem to die away and you scarce can remember what happened! Yet during people's lives those moments seem earth-shattering. Those moments are yesterday's forgotten memories. You hold on, you fret, you fume and I watch you let go of each moment, only to become forgotten by today.

Store up your moments as part of eternity. Every moment here is part of your pass to My kingdom. How are you living this moment? Is it used to give service to Me and preach My gospel? Are you making all your moments count towards your eternity? Each moment is but a breath and it is gone. Did you use the moment I gave you to do My work? This time is not yours. I can snatch your moments away in one breath. It matters, My children, only as you choose to serve Me and spread My love!

If everyone had God as their primary goal, what love you would possess. What power you would know, because God is the mightiest force. I have all the power. Other power is false power!

Do you get it yet? Do you think anything you hold on to is so precious here? Here today, gone tomorrow, and I snatch you from your seats and you never return to finish what you deemed so important.

Are you comprehending My words here? The body is but an instrument to get you around. Reach with the spirit within. Live from the soul. Communicate with Me in your soul. Look for the unseen world that surrounds you constantly. Die to yourself.

You have a soul at this very moment that is a vibrant spiritual force alive within you. Live from your soul, My little ones. Focus on your soul. Live from your heart. Do not fret and fume for the things of this world. Here today, gone tomorrow, and then forgotten. Today's moments, yesterday's forgotten treasures. Do they mean so much or do you forget what seemed so important?

Reach with the soul. Live for God. Each moment is your chance to store up treasures for eternity. They will never be forgotten. What you do to help others to know Me will never be forgotten. How you loved will never be forgotten. How you gave lives on in those you touched. Your love is like a bubbling brook. It bubbles and keeps on bubbling. Your selfishness dies the moment after you live it.

Love is the force. Love is the power that reflects the God above. Love is not selfish. Love does not demand its own way. Love gives and doesn't stop giving. On the day of judgment it will be found in the hearts of those you touched. Think of only yourself and watch your moments become yesterday's forgotten moments. Love your brothers and watch the world reflect the love you gave, from now to the end.

Love or selfishness? I call you to love. I call you to plant a seed that grows into a mighty oak. Plant My seeds of love. Ask not how you can attain your goal but how you can fulfill the goal of God. Love God, love one another. Too simple, too hard for many.

Love, children. Reflect the God Who dwells within your soul. Store up your moments forever lest they become yesterday's forgotten treasure.

Like ripples on a pond, your love never dies. It reaches on and on and goes into the moments of eternity. Love is lasting. Love never dies. Love God, love one another. Die to yourself and live.

Fly Away

February l7, 1994 After Communion

Jesus: Picture yourself in a light blue sky. Fly away. You are free of everything and Jesus carries you along. Be alone with Me, in My love! You are totally surrounded by My love. You are totally free of all cares. Have this picture when you eat My food.

I love you.

Not one care, floating alone, no problems, no deadlines. I am in control and I have all the power. Let go. You have no cares. You are totally free, on a vacation. Let go like this after Communion. We are alone together, with no cares.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I lift you up and you are raised to such heights.

Alleluia, Praise the Lord.

Come to My Tabernacle

February 18, 1994

Jesus: No one knows the glories of him who loves and serves the Lord.

You come and I am waiting, little one. Do you know the intensity of love I feel for you? Do you know I am waiting for you with such longing, just for you to come and be with Me?

I am God, I am Jesus, I am here in the tabernacle and you, My little one, focus on other things. Satan wants you bowed down or focused on other things. No one has any power over you. I have all the power. I have all the answers. If you search this barren desert for a million years, you will not know what I, God, can tell you in an instant. I can reveal such mysteries and truths in your heart in one moment! You will be filled with My love and grace when you come and sit with Me.

You want for nothing for I am God and I am your beloved. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie. I am the God of all heaven and earth and I come and speak to you, and you are afraid? You are focused on what nonsense! Take your burdens to the foot of the cross. Leave them there and follow Me.

Do not argue or belabor points with your brothers. Argumentation is from Satan. You put your focus on Me and My intense love of you! You see My face bloodied, bruised and beaten for love of you. You stop dead in your tracks and refuse to give in to Satan's snare to trip you up and get you focused on things that you have no control over.

I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I have all the power. You worry in vain. Keep your focus on Me. I am here, My little one. "One trial after another," you say? No, I say. I give you great gifts in your trials. They draw you closer to Me. What gifts! Each trial brings you in front of My tabernacle. Each trial teaches you how you must surrender and trust in Me. Do you believe I am closest in your trials? Then let go and do My work. Focus on Me and My work. Smile My smiles. Be as the light that shines in the darkest night. My might is endless and I give it to you in front of the tabernacle.

Satan wants you to focus on the things he has created to get you away from Me. You outsmart Satan. Come to My tabernacle and be filled by Me. You need no one's love but My love. I pour My Godly love out to you and You then can love your brothers, nice and not nice. I love you and you love them.

Love is the key. You battle your battles for Me, with My love. Do not be distracted. Do not give in to the mind to get you focused on other things. You control your mind. You must pray the prayer for union with Jesus. Surrender, trust, love. Do not let Satan take your peace.

You are doing My work here, and your work will affect the lives of millions. One stone can create so many ripples. The harder the stone falls, the more its weight, the more the ripples. You fall hard, hard in love with Me. You carry My weight, a mighty weight. You will create the ripples that are powered by the hand of God.

Do not look back. Look ahead. See Me and behold My face. My eyes look into yours and you behold Jesus, bloodied, bruised and beaten, with such peace, silence and composure. Is your trial this great that you cannot keep My peace in your heart? I gave My last drop of blood for you. Do you think I am not present today in this trial?

I am the key to unlock the hearts of the cold world. My words are their medicine. You possess letters from Jesus Christ and you worry?! Focus on Me and how I am so close to you always. I will direct you in everything you undertake. Satan will try to take your focus off of Me. He will try to distract you and tell you to think. You do not think. You act as I act in you. You know how your heart is. Pray that I will possess your soul. Let Me operate your very being. You are the wind-up toy, I am the Operator. Surrender, be selfless!

This one is for you, My beloved one. Feel My intense love within your breast and know I am present to you this way, this day. You become the key when I possess your soul. Total surrender. Trust. Don't look back. See with the eyes of God.

I am Number One in your life. All else follows after Me. My love is your first love. Come and let Me fill you with all you need. I love you so much. You do not even comprehend a speck of this love. Would you not trust Him Who shed His last drop of blood for you and gave His life for you?

I am Jesus Christ, Son of God. I am your all. I am Who am. I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the power and I am the might. I am all that is of any account. I come to you. Listen and be taught. Listen, focus on Me. I am the bridegroom of your soul. Come and I will love you. You are precious to Me. I love you. Jesus.

R. I want to just sit here and be taught by You, Jesus. You come and I sit in Your school. Like any school, it is hard work, but no school teaches these lessons. You are the professor and You start with the first day of our life to teach us Your ways.

If we go to other schools, TV, movies, newspaper, other people who are not of You, we are taught other lessons. You have the best school. You are the best teacher. You teach us the truths about Yourself.

Make me, Lord, love You more and more. Make me surrender in adversity to Your loving ways. Let me realize that it is in acceptance of all trials that I am taught mighty lessons to draw me close to Your Sacred Heart.

Help me to realize Your hand is in everything I experience. Let me always make You my first love and realize that anything or anyone who takes me from You is not good for me. I must love others with Your heart. I must always focus on You as my primary goal and love You with all my heart. When I love You first, Lord, my actions become those of Your love. I can love the unloving and spread Your light in the darkness. Fill me so I can overflow to all those who need Your love.

I love You, Jesus.

Act Only for Love of Me

February l9, 1994

Jesus: I tend to your every need. You need to be so selfless and unattached that you are compelled by this mighty force. It is fire! I am filling you with fire that comes from Me!

I am operating you. Do not be afraid. Let Me have full reign. I am using you to do this for Me. I want My love messages to be out. You will act, not like yourself, but as I am acting in you. Do not be attached to the glory or the persecution. Act only for Love of Me.

Oh, how I love you, sweet one! I died and gave you the last beat of My heart, My last breath, My last thoughts for love of you. Think of this and move full steam ahead. I am your support. I am almighty. You are My precious daughter.

I power you and I run you. You will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and I am by your side. I am inside of you, behind you, before you. You go with an army of angels to do My work. Do not fear. That comes from Satan. You are powered by My love. You have a job to do.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, speaks to you this very day. Harken and do as I command: surrender, be selfless, let Me possess your soul and operate your very being.

I love you, sweet one. You are never alone.

Focus Only on the Love of Jesus

February 20, 1994 6:30 a.m.

Jesus: You are My beloved child. I come with such strong and ardent love. Cast away Satan who is already working to give you doubt. You must remain constantly steadfast in Me. I am a rock. I am a fortress. I never wane or bend. I am the same this moment as always. Your thoughts of Me need to be this strong. I am the rock. You base all your faith, hope and love in Me. Your mind must be in a constant state of union with Me.

This is achieved by thinking of Me, My Love, My death, and how I loved you to My death. Satan wants you bowed down and focused on your imperfections. You are human. You are not perfect. If you have been thoughtless, self-centered, unkind, if you have any impurity, think about them and ask Me to take them away. Then forget them and move on, doing My work.

Do not dwell on how you should be perfect, that you are not and are disappointing to Me. That is Satan! You are not perfect. Admit it with humility. You are a creature that thinks of yourself. Selflessness is a constant struggle. Pray for strength and help to become selfless. This is how it is achieved. You do not do it. You pray and practice discipline in yourself. You are not perfect and I love you always. I love you in your faults, just as I love you when you are good. I love you unconditionally. It is pride to think you are perfect. You are not perfect. You are constantly struggling with the ego part of you. Pray to be absorbed in My heart. Pray for union with Me. Pray to die to yourself and remain only in My love.

Your actions must always be focused on your love for Me. Constantly tell yourself, "I act only for the love of Jesus. I do this for love of Jesus. I want to do God's will. I do not want to promote myself or feed myself. I do not want to give in to selfish interests, I want to act every moment only for the love of Jesus. I act for the glory of God. I pray for this, to be selfless in God."

I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am all there is. When you feed yourself, your glory lasts a moment. When you act for the love of Jesus, your love is given to your brothers and your actions are forever imprinted in the journal of heavenly treasures.

Do you act for love of Me and Me alone or does the devil tell you that you need recognition for yourself, that you need to be loved by all? I tell you to love God above all things. Do all for the glory of God and all falls into line.

Remain selfless and unattached to all things here. Do not be attached to anyone or anything. To do so takes you from Me. Your relationships should be out of love of Me. Love does not seek its own way. It loves the other for the love it can give them. You give My love to others. You should not, therefore, be attached to anyone. I am the beginning. I am the end. He who truly loves Me can let go of every single person or thing and still accept this as the will of God and not lose his peace.

Time is so short! Your practice of selflessness will help you for the days ahead. You must pray the Prayer for Union with Me.

I am so loving and so good to you! All I send you is from a good and loving God. Accept all you are given from Him Who loved you to His death.

I love you, child. Look how those in Medjugorje had to give up all their attachments. Some lost their children. They lost all their clothes and homes. They didn't have clothes to make themselves warm. They did not have food and went hungry! Oh, you don't even know what you are attached to! You think it is little things. It is big things: food, clothes, water, air, children, houses, cars, hot water, cold water--all your comforts. In one second they could be taken from you as they were taken from those in Bosnia. Are you this strong, that you would turn to love of Me rather than despair?

I ask you to give up little things, attachments-to-your-comfort things. You will know days of struggle and you will be put to many tests. All the struggles you suffer now will strengthen you for the tough road ahead.

Be unattached to any worldly possessions. Be unattached to people. Your top concern is your union with Me and Me alone. You love others only to bring them to Jesus, not to get things for yourself.

Do not give in to selfishness. Be totally selfless. Carry the little crosses I give you. They are nothing compared to what is to come. Comfort? Think of doing without water or electricity. Are you attached? Think of wanting food and not having any and watching your children suffer and being unable to give to them. You are so comfortable! You do not have any idea of what you possess. You are so attached and so self-centered. I say to you, die to yourself and to the little things you are so attached to. Give up that cup of tea you so ardently crave. This is to die to self. Do it with great love of Me. Do not share your sacrifice with others.

When your mind wants to worry and try to figure things out, give it up to Jesus and continue to do as I ask. Pray and play with your children. You do not need to talk so much. Give up the conversation which pads your ego and play cards with your children even when you want to do your own will. This is to die to oneself, to want so much to check it out, when I am making My way very clear. Check it out in silence with Him Who has all the answers. Why not go to God directly yourself?

These jobs I have given you require you to act only for love of Jesus. They require time with Me alone in front of the tabernacle. They require time alone with Me at home. Stop, go to a room, close the door and plug your phone into My Sacred Heart. This will create your dependency on Me. I know all things. I am almighty. I am all powerful. I am loving you every moment and everything you learn from Me is exactly right.

Practice this trust in Me. Trust is developed as a staircase to Me. You practice trust, then you turn the next one over and practice trust again, then you, when you are tempted to think and go to others, practice trust and, oh, how our union grows!

Pray the Prayer for Union with Me. Oh, I am your support. I am your love. I am the best friend. I have all the answers. I know you. I know your past, your future. I know your heart in ways that you do not know yourself.

Turn to Me and Me Alone. Give it all over. Refuse to worry. Refuse to give in to the ego. You need to focus on Me and My love. All things fall into line when you do this. I am God and I am working in your life. You mess it up. Quit working and let Me do as I want. You focus on My love and being My light in the dark world.

Satan wants you distracted. He wants you absorbed in everything else and not doing My job for you. Your job is love of God, love of others.

Practice letting go. Keep constant union with Me. Oh, how I love thee! If you could only comprehend, you would take your feeble hearts to Me! I am your all. I am your ardent lover. I have all the answers for your life. Oh, little one, I love--LOVE--you! Focus on Me. I can give you the love you are looking for. I can give you your answers. I can give you peace. You will never on this earth have what your soul craves, but you know that I am He Whom you seek. I am the God of your souls. No false gods give you any peace. Come to Me, My beloved. I want you to come to Me.


I love you. Jesus Christ.

I Am Calling You to Love

February 21, 1994

Jesus: You are My servant. You are My very dear servant. I am coming to you with such love. Focus not on any distractions that Satan places in your path. Focus on Me, the Eternal Word, come to you, My child, with great love and eagerness to deliver My message to you.

I am He Who wants you to place all worries aside. Any kind of mental anguish is indeed a work of Satan. He tells you things in your mind, he wants you to get angry, he wants to create division, he wants you to take your focus off of God, he is constantly full of talk in your head to create a problem for you.

You are My ardent love. You take your thoughts and discipline them. Focus on My Passion. See Me bloodied, bruised, beaten, crowned with thorns, My hands tied. See Me weak and worn and and trudging on My way to Calvary. See Me agonizing over love of you. Think of this, My child, how much I love you to come to this earth--God, to be born a mere human for love of thee and then to suffer such brutality for love of you.

I loved you to My death on this cross. I withstood such horridness, profuse bleeding, wounds, insults, mistreatment, kicking, spitting and poking. I, God-made-man, walked this awful journey to Calvary. I walked it alone. I watched My mother suffer such anguish! This alone was such torment! What more could I do for love of you? What more can I say now? What more do you want? What more, My child?

It wounds My aching heart, but for love of you I sit as a prisoner in the tabernacle and I wait for you. I wait, I wait, I wait. My intense love bids Me to wait for you!

What do I say to you? I, God, come to you in Holy Communion. I love you unconditionally with such love you cannot even fathom and you turn away and run after such senseless things. I am lamenting the loss of your love. I am lamenting the time you spend in other things, and for what? It is God Who waits for you. I wait! I am here, God-made-man, Jesus Christ! I wait, I wait!

You have 24 hours a day and you do not have one hour for the Son of Man? What do you do? What is important to you? I am God! What could be more important than God, Who is waiting for you? I am Number One. The First Commandment says, "I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me."

What is your god? Who speaks to you? Whom do you spend your time with? Where are your thoughts? Whom do you ponder over in your mind? What things are so important to you? Do you listen to the First Commandment? Do you not hear My Commandment to love God and love one another? Is this your concern? What are the Commandments to you, little things you follow after you do what you want first?

Do you do the will of The Father? He wills you to keep the commandments. An act of following My will pleases Me far more than a day of mortification. Are you doing My will or yours? Do you pick your good works, prayers, etc., and is doing what you will a good thing? Or do you earnestly sit in silence and listen to the promptings I give you in the heart?

"Oh, I have time to recite all these prayers, but not to sit in silence and listen to You, Lord." I am calling you to love of God and love of your brothers. Loving God is action from the heart. You sit, you in silence, with your lover, and you ponder Him with ardent love. If you want to recite prayers, it only comes from great love first. It comes from great, ardent, longing and loving of the heart, not sitting and endlessly doing your quota today. To do your prayers every day is great if you are doing it out of intense love for Me. You must have this great love to pray these prayers from the heart!

Many say prayer after prayer after prayer, a task they give themselves like brushing their teeth. I call you to love of God. Love is from the heart. I want your love. I want you to sit and be with Me as an ardent lover. I do not want you heartlessly reciting prayers at Me and ignoring Me. Would you do this to your lover?

I want a love relationship with Me. I want you to know I am a true person. I want your time with Me to come from great love. You long to come and sit with Me. I am real. I am a person. I am Jesus, sitting in the tabernacle waiting for you!

Do you love God first? Do you know what love is at all? Is your love for Me a chain of prayers you say every day, just to put in your time? What lover would put up with a relationship like the one you are giving Me? Do you follow My command to love God and love your neighbor? I do not say to spend time doing busy prayers with God and just tolerating your brother.

Love is an action from the heart. It evolves from such longing and heartfelt feelings. I call you to love God. What are you doing to follow this commandment?

I am a heart on fire for love of you. I am the lover Who is waiting for you in every tabernacle in this world. I am waiting, My beloved, with a heart on fire for love of you and what are you doing, little ones? You come in a rush and you throw prayers in My face. You pray to Me at bedtime, half asleep, and your mouths are running like a machine. This, child, is love? What lover would stay around for such coldness. You treat Me coldly. My heart aches for love of you, little one. It is a burning furnace on fire with ardent love--hot and burning, yearning, deepest love--and you, My child, come with such indifference and coldness.

I want your love. I want to share a love affair with you. My heart aches over this coldness and indifference. My heart is in such anguish for love of you. Some in their busy lives never even come or do not even know Me. My heart is aching. You know of the treasure here. Do you spread the love of God to your brothers or do you worry about what they may think? You can talk about the weather and the sick society, but you can't talk to a stranger about the love of God!

If you love your brother, you will preach My love in your very being. You will not get bowed down by Satan and cast a dark shadow on this world.

You, little ones, don't know how to love God and you don't know how to love your brothers. Listen to Me here and be taught My ways! I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God and I am speaking to you. These are the words of Jesus Christ for His beloved ones

I want to teach all about love, My love for them and their love for Me. Do you know how to love Me? My beloved ones come, day after day, and recite prayers in My face and don't have any actions in their hearts. This is not love. It is coldness. I call you to love in your heart, burning for the God Who is so good and loves you so much He died for you! I gave My life for you. I love you this way this very day. My love never changes. I burn for love for you.

Preach the Real Presence. Shout it from the housetops: Jesus is the Lord. He is God and He is with you this very day. He waits for you in Communion with ardent love.

I am God. You have the true treasure. Is anything of any more account than this? You are so blind and so silly.

Shout it from the housetops, "Jesus is Lord and He is in the Eucharist and in the Tabernacle."

Your King waits for you. Preach the True Presence. Mary leads you to the ardent, burning love of her Son, the love of Jesus. Alleluia.

I am Who am. I am your God!

I Am A Vat of Love on Fire for You

February 21, 1994
At Priests' Residence Chapel After Mass

Jesus: I am a vat of love on fire for you. You do not comprehend, even the tiniest amount of My love.

The more you get in touch with your heart, the more you will know Me. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am present here. Listen and be taught about My love. It is endless, it is so immense! Your hearts cannot ever comprehend My love.

Grow in the ways of your heart. Do not worry for the body and this world. Tend to the things of the soul. I am He Who loves you and I am here to share this love with you.

Busy yourself about our love affair. I am God, little one. Do you not know I have all the power? What could be more important than your being best lovers with God? You go to him who has false power. I have the real power!

Busy yourself with your relationship with Me. I am Who am and I am present here, waiting for you. I will give you all you need. Come and be with Me. You neither fret nor fume for I am in control.

You Are the Salt of the Earth

February 22, 1994 4:45 a.m.

Jesus: You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. A lighted city in the night cannot be hidden. Likewise, when My light shines from you, you cannot be contained in the darkest night.

I am He Who comes before you and bids you to come to Me in the night. You are becoming too busy. You need time with Me. I want just to be with you, My child, to be in union with you. You cannot be too busy or you do not have enough time for Me.

Today I want to teach you this lesson. Heaven and earth may pass away but My words never pass away. The word of God is recorded in every book in heaven. The word is alive in the hearts of all who read it. It lives on in their lives and cannot be contained. Pray to the Holy Spirit for His gifts to help you know what you need to know. My words have real life. They are given to you with such love! Love the word of God. Love My words here.

A City on a Hill Shines to the World

February 23, 1994 5:30 a.m.

Jesus: I am the light of the world. A city on a hill will shine to the world. You at the Center will be this city when you are filled to the brim with the love of Jesus. What power, what might, to have each person a personal spouse of Jesus Christ! This is the light to the darkened world. The love of Jesus radiates from the very being of those who love Him. What light when all together are lifted by His love abounding deep within their breasts!

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. My life is the life inside that cannot be contained. It is bursting and budding forth. My life is the real life. To possess the life of Christ within your breast! Such power! I am the city set on a hill that will stand united and shine to this world. You at this Center will be this city. You will be the true Center that places the mark on this world.

The love of Christ, abounding deep within the breasts of all, will be the power and the might. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. I will operate in the hearts of all there and minister to My sick world. I am the Heart of Jesus. I am on fire with love of each and every soul. When My love is found in all the hearts there, the light of God will shine to this world!

You are the city, set on a hill, that shines to the darkened world. I will light the world with the love of Jesus that shines in the hearts of those who are fed there. My light is so bright. My power is endless. You are the light to the dark world. You contain the mighty medicine to bring My sick ones to Me. You will bring so many back to Me and My intense love, burning so brightly for all!

I am the power. I am the might. He who abides in Me will have the light of life. I give Myself to you that you will live. You will radiate My presence from your very being. My light is the brightest light. I will live in the hearts of all who come to you for their feeding. Enkindle in them the love for My most Sacred Heart. It is on fire for love of you. It cannot be contained. It will live in all hearts who come to you to be fed.

You are the key to enkindle this burning love of Jesus in the hearts of so many. Many will know Jesus through your love of Me. Read these letters every day for I am truly speaking to you here. I love each child so dearly and want to have an intimate union with that child. Teach all about the burning love of Jesus. Read My messages with your heart on fire so you can tell all of My ardent love for them.

I long to be close to them. I am a person. I am God, on fire for love of My people. Bring all to the ardent love of Jesus. Mary is by My side constantly. Where I am, she is there. She wants all to be led to My ardent, longing love. Teach all about My love. Fill them so they are overflowing in their hearts. This is the mighty medicine. It is My letter of intense, ardent love for My people.

I am truly here, little ones. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I will live strongly in the hearts of all who come to you. You will be the key. Focus on your intense love of Me. Read My letters as a cookbook for intimacy with Me. My love waits for each person and I tell you here how to be close to Me. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire for love of you. I am longing for you to come and be with Me in silence. I will give you all you need.

I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. I am your all. I am God, one, true and magnificent, and I come to you with ardent love in Holy Communion and in the tabernacle. I am present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I am waiting. Our love affair waits and it depends on you. I am there and I am waiting. You keep us apart.

Tell them how I long for them and have all they need. The love of Christ will light their city. You will stand as the lighted city in darkness. My love will be that by which you light this dark world. Oh, such power, such might! The love of God will reign in the hearts of all you touch. You are My vessel to draw this world to the love of Jesus.

Read and study My letters and be taught about My ardent love. I am Jesus Christ and I am teaching you about My love on fire for all. Come and be powered by the hand of God. My love will rock the world off its rocker when it reigns in the hearts of those who come to you. I love you so! You are My beloved. I will use you to light My dark world. You will shine as candles in the darkest night and you will be the instruments I use to light their wicks. I am God and I love them so dearly!

This is My love for all. Power and might will shine forth on the land. I am the brightest light. Look into the light for the light. Look into the arms of Jesus. I will light this world through you. Alleluia. And the angels sang and the choirs of heaven were heard for the earth proclaimed the Love of Jesus. Alleluia

I Died For You

February 23, 1994

Jesus: I want this emotion in the letter I told you to write. I, Jesus, Son of God, talk to you with such emotion! I am He Who died a brutal death for love of you. I died for you! I love you this much, to give My Life! Yet you couldn't even write when I asked you. You must do exactly as I say. I do not want you ever to say no to Me!

I have such emotion! I am telling you how I died a brutal death and you, My child, did not write for Me! What more can I do? What more do they want? You put others before Me or you would do as I command. I want you to do as I tell you every moment.

I am the Lord. I am the Son of God. Such emotion I let you feel for My death. I died. I am a person. I was human and I died for you. Think of yourself giving your life for someone and they do not care. What can I do to shake you? What more can I say? I am here and I am loving you and pleading with you to listen to Me with this emotion that God is telling you. I am Jesus. I died for you. I gave My life for you and do you even listen, My little sweet one? You didn't want to write it for My children. When I give you a command, you write. When I say do, you do. Selflessness! I am pushing you because I need your total surrender. Do not ever deny My writing to My loved ones. You have a responsibility. I don't care where you are when I talk. I am God and I talk to you. I am so present to you.

Listen. I need your selflessness. I need your surrender. I need your life, given for love of Me and Me alone. I need you to be the light that shines on the hill, that does not go in and out but is constant in My love. I need your commitment. I need your attention at every moment. I am feeding you My words every moment on paper and in your hand. You must obey Me exactly as I command. No questions, only action. I want action. Now! You write when I say write. I don't care where you are. You worry not for others. I am giving you the mighty medicine. Would you tell the doctor to wait? I am God and I do not ever want to wait while you play a safe game with Me. When I say do something, I want you to do it. You are My beloved and I am filling you with fire.

I am pushing you to do that which I need done. Do not ever stop to look around. Keep your focus on Me and My commands for you. I am using you every moment. I must be able to count on your constant consent to do My will immediately! I am calling you to this work and I want you to comply. I love you ardently. I am so full of love for you. Focus on this and this alone. I am Who am. I am God, child. Do not ever hesitate. Do not doubt or think. You must act as I act in you or My work will not be done.

Be selfless about My commands. You will do My work. You will spread My words of love and create emotion with My songs and I will use you to bring My flock to My love. I love every soul! You must spread My love.

Note: (Meditating on the Crucifixion) Going to Mass at the seminary at 8:00 a.m. was rushed. He said to me, "Where are you going, child. Do you not feel My presence with you?" A calm came over me. Then He started lamenting how He died for us, how He is a true person and He loves us so much. He said, "I died for you."

R. He gave His life for us. He is the little lamb led to the slaughter out of love for us. He said, "I need you to do this work now and I am pushing you." He was so upset! He died for us. He loves us so much as to give His life.

He begged me to spread His love, to tell others how He, bloodied, bruised and beaten, gave us His life.

Jesus: I am God. I am God. I died. Spread My love now! Now! Now! Now! Now! I am begging you not to hold back! Read these letters now, read and learn about My love. I beckon you to speak of My love. Shout it from the high roof. Proclaim it in the cities. Jesus Christ died for love of you and He is risen! I am He Who is God and I died for you!

Listen and preach My love and emotion here. Priests will create little cities, little cities in each church to spread the light of Christ to this sick world. Each priest can create his own little city, a powerhouse of God's love. God has all the power. His power is endless. It never runs out. It is might. You have no power except through Him. Churches filled with the intimate love of Jesus will be powerhouses.

I am God, My little ones. God can do all things. I can make your cities light up the darkness. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I am the light of life. I am God! I can do all things. I want to act in you. You need to be in constant union with Me. My priests, you need to be selfless. My soul and yours are one. I want to act in you.

Hold not back. Pray the Prayer for Union with Me.

Let Me Permeate Your Being

February 24, 1994 6:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. He that abides in Me will have the light of life and I will give you life eternal. I come that you might know of Me. I come to save you so that you will some day be with Me in heaven. What glories wait for him who loves and serves the Lord!

I am He Whom you do not see, but Who loves you ardently. It is your faith whereby you shall enter heaven. I am here, little one, the same as you are alive. You must learn to trust in Me at all times. This is your testing ground, but, oh, the glories that await you if you pass this test!

I am your Savior. I am your lover. I am your all. You need not want for anything if you come to Me. I give you all you need.

I never leave you in your trials. I want you to know how close I am to you. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I am a person. You must focus on Me as you would any person. You must see Me as a real person, dwelling in your midst. I must become so alive to you.

You cannot be part My life and part world. To follow Me you must lay down your life and take up your cross. You must die to the world and all it tells you is good for you. This world is a very sick place. Those who are comfortable with its state have become very sick. They do not even see the hollowness of their ways. They do not see that their lives here have become an end in themselves. They do not know that the life necessary for a relationship with Me has gone from their souls.

This world is sinful. Your lives are but fleeting moments in the scope of eternity. They are here and then, like smoke, they vanish.

I am your God. I am Jesus Christ. I come to you. The closer you come to Me, the more I tell you of Myself. I am sorrowful for what is happening. I love you so much. I want you to know Me as a real person. I want you to turn to Me as you would your intimate lover. I want you to come and share your heart with Me.

I am not a God far off. I am Jesus Christ, so present to you this day. I come in such union with you in Communion. Your growth with Me depends on you and how you spend time with Me. If you want to know someone, you must spend much time alone with that person. To your ardent lover, no time is enough. You wait and you anticipate your union.

This is what I want with you. I want to be a part of every thought. I want you to run to My arms and pour out your heart. I want you to wait with such eagerness for the time you spend with Me. I want you to make Me the very center of your life. I want every breath you breathe to be for the glory of God. I want your all. I am a jealous God. I want you to be this connected to Me.

Your soul craves this union. Nothing here will satisfy it. To strive for union with Me is to live in harmony with the song of the soul. You were created to have this union with Jesus Christ and thus this union leads to such love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God. To love Him intimately leads to union with God.

You cannot separate the Son from God. He is God and God is all three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To know Jesus intimately is to know God. But, you will never know God here as you crave. There is this constant longing and aching for more. To know God a little, but never enough! Know there is a restlessness of the soul to behold Him more. The soul will never be satisfied until you obtain heaven. You crave God. The closer your union with Him, the more you want every moment with Him.

My ways I make plain to you. My love I give freely. I wait for you as an ardent lover that never goes away. It is you who keep yourself from Me. Every attachment you have to this world keeps you from greater union with Me. I wait for our love affair with every beat of My heart. I love each of you this intently. You are responsible for this union.

If you want to be close to Me, give up your attachments. You cannot be attached to things and people and be in proper union with Me. I must be first in your life. Any person or thing you use should be there only as it leads you closer to Jesus. To make anything or anyone so important in your life is to lead you away from Jesus. I must be Number One. The love you have for others comes from your love with Me.

Let Me possess your soul. Let Me permeate your being. Let Me use you to do My work. Surrender yourself. The reward that waits for you is so great you will never know. You must realize I am Number One and be busy about our love affair. To know Me, to love Me, is to spend time alone, especially in front of the tabernacle, to spend time alone with Me after Communion. I am closest to you then. I am inside of your body. I am there, God-made-man, inside of your body. Do you want to know and love Me? Then never leave right after Communion. Be absolutely alone with Me! Those moments are so precious. Those are the closest moments you have with Me. You must stay and relish every second. It is so simple, but people have a free will. They place other things before this union. Then they cry, "Lord, Lord, let Me know you." Sit with Me after Communion. Let yourself go entirely. Focus on My intense Love! This is your moment. These are your golden gems. You are My bride and I am the bridegroom of your soul.

Do you want to know Me? Come to your lover. I am a person. I am He Who loves you. Treat Me like a person you love so much! Be with Me in your heart. Love Me with action from your heart. Let go as you would experience one you love ardently. Let go and focus on the love between us. I want to love you. I long for you to be close to Me. I am God. I can do all things. You must choose Me first and spend time with Me.

People say they want to be close to Me, but they want it on their terms. I come in the busiest moments of your lives and you are missing My love affair with you. You want Me on your terms, in your time. You want a quick time with Me. You don't do that to someone you love. You linger and do not want to leave. You want this attentiveness and you give it to the other person. I want a love affair with you. I want burning love. I want to be Number One in your life. I want you, My little beautiful ones. I am God and I long for you with a heart afire. I long for you with My ardent love. I come to you in Communion. God comes to you and you treat Me so coldly. I love you. I want you. I am eagerly waiting for you and you treat me coldly. You run off to senseless things and pay no heed to God Whom you receive in Communion. How this hurts My aching heart! To love you so much--God--to come to you, only to be made light of!

You do not know the pain in My heart for such indifference. You do not know how silly you are to run after these senseless things when God is waiting for your silent moments with Him. Busy, busy--and I wait. I grow so tired of speaking because they do not have ears that hear. They want signs and words and what have you and I come into your heart. I share Myself with you in Holy Communion. You, child, behold God in your breast, and you run after senseless things!

You want to know God. You want to love God. You want to serve God. Quit the lip service. Sit with Me. It is very simple. You do not know anyone if you never spend time alone with them. Sit after Communion. Alone. You want to do what you want to do. You want Me to fit into your concept of God. To know Me is to be always ready to grow, to open up to the Word of God here and to listen and be taught. I am Jesus. I am telling you in simple terms how to know Me and love Me and really serve Me. You are so willful. You want it your way. That is why you do not listen!

Surrender and be taught. Comply with the will of The Father. These prayers are beautiful when they are said for love of Me and My mother and when they come from your heart out of great love!

These prayers are cold and offend Me when you decide to do your quota and rattle them off, who knows where, and then say, "Oh, I spent so much time with Jesus." Do I get anything out of this time "with Him"? I do not like this cold prayer. You decide to do an endless stream of prayers, do them to get them in, and then ignore Me all day.

I want action from your heart. I want love. I want to be as close to you as an ardent lover. I am a person. I am God. I wait for your love affair with Me this day. Please harken and be with Me. I wait for you with such longing--you and you alone. See My eyes looking on you with such tenderness and longing. See My heart on fire for love of you. Come and be fed in the soul by God himself. No man can ever come close to My love. Nothing can give you what I alone have to give you.

Come, I love you!

Moments After Communion Are Precious

February 26, 1994
At St. Gertrude

Before Mass:

Jesus: I came that you would have life. I withstood this bitter persecution for love of you.

After Communion:

R. I want this relationship with Jesus to be as with a real person. He is truly present. He sits with us and it is in just being together that we love one another.

The moments after Communion are indeed so precious, as you love someone so much and do not want them to leave. He is truly present in the Eucharist, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. I do not want Him ever to leave. He is God. He is present in the tabernacle.

Our lover is truly Jesus. He wants us to long for Him and feel His presence. To just be with Jesus! When you love someone, you do not have to speak, just be with them. He wants us to relish every moment He is within our breast, to hang on every second He is with us, to feel a flutter in our breast that God is this near!

This is God. We are His tabernacle after Communion. God is in our body. We are holding God inside of our body!

How is our tabernacle? Is it clean and pure to behold the Son of God? Is our tongue the sacred entryway that He uses to come to us? Clean your tongue for His presence and keep it clean for Jesus, the Son of God, enters there!

Oh, Jesus, who are we that You wait for us to come to us in such a union? Who are we that You love us so much as to want us? Oh, Jesus, we adore You. We love You. We worship You. You are all deserving of such honor and praise. We bow before You in awe that Jesus, the Son of God, gives us such dignity! Oh, Jesus, sweet Jesus, at Your name we bow to You and at Your presence we are left numb! Oh, Jesus, our love, our love, our love. Permeate my soul, possess me and make me selfless so I only operate as You do within me.

Alleluia. Jesus is Lord!

I have not a care in this world because I have given myself to You and You are God. You have all the power and You know all things. You truly want to operate me. I give You myself in my entirety. I throw myself before You and ask You to take me as I am and live in me, to use me, to do as You will with me. I am Yours, Lord. I need not worry for You operate me.

God is always there. We are foolish, we certainly are, to think we control anything. Do we control the weather? Do we control our air? Oh, God, come and dwell in our hearts. Make us selfless and unattached to everything, for You are our Maker and You made us to be used by You. Use us as You see fit. We are Yours, Father. We give ourselves, our entirety, to you.

May the love of Jesus fill your heart to the brim. May you overflow in His love. May it radiate from your very being and His presence enfold you. So you walk only as He walks in you, you talk only as He talks in you, and you are the empty vessel, dwelled in by God, to love this world with His Love. Alleluia

Jesus: Oh, sweet one, I am truly here. You have your struggles and you worry but in all your fretting and fuming you see My presence and how I am there through it all. You, child, grow in these struggles. You grow in your love of Me. Life is not a place just to have fun. You are here to walk My walk with Me. The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. The little crosses I give you this day give you such growth and draw you closer to My Sacred Heart. Accept your suffering. It was handpicked and given just to you from Him Who loves you. Accept all I send you and grow in your deep love of Me.

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I loved you to My death and I give to you according to your need as you are drawn closer to Me. I know the workings of your heart and I want you, oh, so close to Me! I want a love affair with you. I want your heart to be filled with longing when you come to Me in Communion. Your love waits for you, My little one. I am waiting and I love you ardently. Come and be united to Me. Constantly pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus.

I love you so, little one. You are My beloved. I am God and you are My beloved. Come to Me. My love waits for you. I am on fire with love of You! Your heart on fire for love of Me is what will preach My gospel. You must come to Me and be filled by the fire of My love. This is the gospel I want you to preach from your very heart.

To live, to live for Me and Me alone! To have your heart skip a beat at the mention of My name! The love of God is alive in your hearts. You are on fire with this. You preach My love in your being. My love is emitted by your presence. What do you do when you are in love? You speak of your lover every chance you get. I want to be your lover. I want you to speak of Me as you would when you are in love. This will spread My love to all!

You need action from your heart. My love affair waits for you. It is a heart on fire for love of you. I want your hearts on fire for love of Me. I want this fire in your eyes. I want your words when you speak of Me to come forth from your lips with intense fire. Do not read My words in a "ho-hum" manner. When you deliver My readings at Mass, deliver them with a love on fire in your heart for Me.

It is this fire that will move the stony hearts. The love of God is a mighty force. It is not spoken with a person full of self. It should be spoken with a person on fire for love of God.

My love is action from your heart when you enkindle this love with Me. You need not think as you act. Your actions will be fired by My love. My message of love will flow from your soul.

Fire, My little ones, fire. I want an intimate love affair with you, action from your heart. This will preach My love to your sick brothers. What sets you apart is God alive in your breast! You need not fret or fume. Just come and be with Me. I can move mountains. Your actions will be My actions when I possess your soul. It is so easy and you make it so hard. Quit doing that. Come and surrender and give yourselves to Me. Throw yourself before Me. Let Me fill you with the fire of My love.

When I act, you do not think. I do it through you. A person fixed on Me is selfless. The person's actions are direct and steadfast. I will deliver the fire. You come for My love affair.

I have all you need, My beloved. Time alone with Me. This world will pass away and all that will remain will be the things of God.

Store up your treasures for the life hereafter. Our great love awaits and you are keeping us apart.

I love you. Jesus, Son of God.

R. To His death on the cross, He loved us. This is action from the heart. No little love!

Jesus: I am the greatest lover. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on fire for love of you. To My death I loved you!

God Is There In Holy Communion

February 28, 1994 After Communion

Note: It was noisy right after Communion. He was upset.

R. Jesus, truly is in our midst! It is the fire of His love in our breasts that will warm the cold heart.

Jesus: How can you, in your indifference, walk from Me when I am truly present in your body? How can you, when you see Me hanging on the cross out of love for you, walk away when I, God, love you so much as to come and be inside of your body?

You are ignorant because you are busy for all the wrong things. If you, My little ones, were busy about our love affair, I would teach you all you need to know, but you busy yourself with such nonsense. You are so selfish. You talk of your foolish things and your tongue rattles such foolishness while Jesus, the Son of God, is in your breast. Be with Me, little ones, I am God!! What do you think you are doing?

Bow to God Who is with you! Such irreverence for the Son of God! You are ignorant because you are losing sight of Me. I am God. I am present. I am truly present in the Eucharist. Do you not behold God come to dwell within you? I am so upset at your lack of love for Me!

I died for you. I am God. I gave My life that you might live and you rattle on your way about such incidentals. Oh, little ones, you are so blind and I am so loving and good. You are missing the true treasure here. You are so blind. How do I shake you? I depend on you, My faithful servants, all those who read these letters, all those who hear My wailing in your heart, My cries in your head. Speak out after Communion when people are talking. Say, "God is here and in your bodies. Bow before Him and behold Jesus, the Son of God." Be with Me. Do not be irreverent for it wounds My aching heart. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I come to you with such love. I am present and in your midst. I am the same Jesus Who died for you That you receive in Communion.

Jesus comes to you--Jesus, God almighty--and you rattle away with senseless tongues, the same tongues that received Our Lord! Oh, cry out to My blind ones! Don't sit and listen. Silence the senseless ones. They need to be told My healing comes after Communion. I am in your bodies, little ones. God comes and enters your bodies.

"Say only the word, Lord, and I shall be healed." I come to you. I am the Almighty God, come to You!

I am Jesus, Son of God. How many times do I have to tell you? I am your lover. You speak about your lover. Speak about Me. Time is so short. Your commitments to Me, every minute of every day, will spread the word.

The day of the Lord is at hand. You are the sowers. You plant the seeds. You tell all of My ardent, undying love. You feed the hungry souls with the love of Jesus.

"Oh, Lord," you say, "I must clean my rugs, I must do my dishes." Who cares for your clean rugs and dishes? I am telling you to preach of My love--now! Souls are at stake. Their eternal life depends on the ardent love you are developing in your heart. You can only speak of My love with fire when you are on fire yourself. Be on fire with love of Me. Be about your love affair. What, little ones, is more important than your love affair with God-made-man in Jesus Christ! You keep yourself from Me. I am here.

I have all you need. I am God. No one has any power except as I allow it, and you go to creatures for your answers. Come to Me. I am the Almighty God. I am here. I am in the Eucharist. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am waiting. I am crying for your love.

Come, our love affair awaits and I am the ardent lover. Nothing here will ever fill your soul. You search a barren desert for the life I so earnestly want to give you.

I am Jesus, Son of God. I am in your midst. I am one crying out to you for your love. Come to Me. Come and get all you ever need. I am God.

The love you seek, you crave, you want, the recognition you want--these are all that I have to give you. I am a person. I am the bridegroom of your soul. You look to this world to give you warmth in your heart. You look to find a flicker when you have a burning fire roaring in My Sacred Heart! Why do you go to dry land for water. I have all you seek. I fill you and you come to give to others. You want to give the love I have imparted to you. You give love. My love is the power, My love is the fire, My love is the light, My love is burning for you, little ones.

Quiet your mind and focus on Me, Jesus Christ, a real person, Who loves you ardently. Oh, how I love you, but you, in your feeble mind, cannot even imagine it and you run to the world for such senseless things. The world will never satisfy the craving in your soul. It can only be filled by the love of Jesus. I am Jesus. I am waiting for our love affair. You were created with the craving for Me and I am yours. I give you My love. You have a craving for love, My child. Each person was given a soul that craves this love that only Jesus can satisfy. You crave to be filled by Me. No one will ever give you what you need but Me and Me alone. It is the perfect fit, the hand in the glove--perfect!

You think someone will give you what you need. You think someone or some thing will satisfy you. Nothing satisfies the searching soul but the love of Jesus. The soul is restless until it rests in Him. You will not be filled on this earth. Your soul is restless here to behold God more, but you will not be satisfied until you get to heaven.

Sacrifice and come and be with Me. I watch you pursue your little whims and watch you only get disappointed and move to another whim. I am what Your soul thirsts for. I and I alone am what you seek. Come to Me, My little babies, we are a perfect fit. You will not feel satisfied here but your souls will find the love they crave in Me.

I give you bits and pieces, little glimpses of My love. You will not behold Me on earth. The craving you feel in your hearts, the ache, My little ones, is for the love of Jesus. Come and lay yourselves before the tabernacle. I will pour out My love to you. My love is that which you crave and it is lasting. Store up your treasures for the life hereafter. Do the things you do not want to do but, in your hearts, those which I am asking you, with great love, to do for Me!

My way is the way for you, My little ones. My way is the only way for you. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who abides in Me will have the light of life.

R. God is present, Jesus in the tabernacle. He, God, waits for us and we don't come. What is more important than God? Is it that we are not really aware of His True Presence? We are only giving lip service to it. He, Jesus, Who died a brutal death, sits in the tabernacle and waits for us out of ardent love for us. He longs for us to come and be with Him with an aching heart for our love…and we do not come!

Jesus calls us to love God and to love one another. Love is action from the heart. The First Commandment commands Me to love God before all things. Love is emotional. Love is giving. Love God! How do you love God? Are your hearts on fire with love for Him? The First Commandment says to love God, love your neighbor. Action from the heart!

I Wake You, Knocking

March 1, 1994 3:57a.m.

Note: I was awakened by noise that sounded like soft knocking. It continued until I got up.

Jesus: I am Jesus, little one. I have awakened you to deliver this message. Your days seem to go by so swiftly and you feel as though you do not get anything accomplished. You are feeling as if you follow yourself around. This is all the frustration of this end time. It seems that you and the world are totally disconnected. It seems as if you are compelled to do only My work.

When you pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus, I act through you as I desire. Your days are moving so swiftly and you are compelled to live only for the love of Me.

What else can you do and know Me as you do? You are following My way. I need you at this very moment to act for Me. Tell all to come and be with Me and pray the prayer for union with Me. I want to use each person to do My work. You are in a state of action. Things need to get done. All need to know My intimate love and know I am truly alive and dwelling in your midst. Listen to My commands to do My will.

You passed your test today. Do as I command even when you do not want to. I need your strict obedience. I will continue to prompt you and I need you to obey immediately. Do not tarry when I give you a command. All I tell you to do is crucial to My work. I am teaching you strict obedience. It is by your obedience, and the obedience of all who are fixed to Me, that My work will be done.

I come, I knock. I want these messages out, and now. Time is short. Do not tarry. I am giving you the mighty medicine. I do not care how, but I want My letters read by all. Do not spare the cost. Pass them out at the Center. The people there are My soldiers. I need them in a state of readiness to do all I command. You must obey everything I tell you. The senseless things I commanded you to do this day are not senseless. They are part of My plan.

My intimate love and the fire of My love, the union I have with each person at the Center, will light the dark world. They need to have their arms to fight the battle that is coming. Your arms are hearts filled with My love. This is only obtained from Me after Communion and in front of the tabernacle. Each person has an important role to play. Each person is a mighty force when that person is equipped with My love. Each person will be called to strict obedience. Preach doing My will.

These messages are My calls to action. I want all to respond with action. They need to be called to union with Me and compliance with My will. All need to be involved in the work at hand. Circulate My messages. They need My messages. I am talking to them personally in these messages.

My time is short. Each day lost is a large amount of time. I wake you, knocking, so you will do as I tell you here. Do not question. I want My messages out. This is the mighty medicine. You are the dispensers.

I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I am here to call all to a state of action, so sit up in your seats and focus entirely on Me and My work here. I am telling you all you need to know. These letters will change men's hearts. You must get these letters into the hands of the beloved ones.

I want union with Me. This is the force that will fight the cold war. This is what will change the hardened hearts.

Preach the love of Jesus to your flock. They will carry the light to the world. Their hearts will shine the brightest light in the darkness. This light is powered by My intense love enkindled in their hearts when they are busy about their union with Me.

I need all selfless and unattached to this world and totally in love with My Sacred Heart. My heart is the power you plug into when you come to Me. I have all the power. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am on fire for love of you. My love affair waits for My beloved. You hold the key to unlock this source of power. Preach about My love. Tell them about doing My will. Tell them about listening in the silence to My promptings in their hearts. Listen to all I tell you in the silence. Develop an intense love affair with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I am calling you to action and only I have your supplies. You are My soldiers in a cold war. Your supplies are your hearts, powered by My love. You must come and sit with Me to be charged. Sit in silence and read My letters of love in front of the tabernacle. I am the Almighty God. I have all you need. Come to Me and I will make you fishers of men. I will weave a blanket with all My beloved ones to cover the cold, scared earth.

My Sacred Heart is on fire with power and love. Nothing compares to the power of Jesus. I am God. I am mighty. I have all you need. Come and receive your supplies. So simple, you say? I, God, can say in a few words what others cannot say in volumes. I can do in a second what you cannot do in years. I am the Almighty God. When you stay fixed in Me, you have all the answers. Plug into My Sacred Heart. Come to Me for your power and your love.

I am alive this very day and I am in your midst. You tarry too long. You wander down roads and look for more answers when I am God and I am speaking to you here and now. I know all things. I give you all you need. Your answers are found in the quiet moments in front of the tabernacle and after Communion.

I am the Lord your God. I gave My life for love of you. All I give you is out of greatest love from Him Who laid down His life for love of You. If you come to Me, I give You this same love this very day! My heart is on fire with love of you. Come and let Me fill you. You will be powered by the mightiest force and your light will shine the brightest, for I am the Lord, God.

Why do you go to a barren desert when I give you all you need? Why search after idle pursuits when I, God, talk to you? Do you not trust that I have all the power? Do you think that I, God, need your help? I am the same Jesus Who came to earth and gave My life for you. What makes you think I would not send you letters this very day? If I, God, came and was born a human being for great love of you, do you not think I would send you a mighty medicine to heal My sick ones?

I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I live this day. I am in your midst. I died a brutal death and I come to you. I am Almighty. I can do all things and I am here, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in Communion. What more could heal you than the Body of Christ in your breast? I, God, come to you present in Holy Communion! I am God and I come to you and you run from My church to do what? I am so upset for the indifference for Communion.

You are receiving Jesus, the Son of God, and that where I am, so is God, for we are Three-in-One, and where Jesus is, so is Mary--and you leave with your rattling tongues when I, the Divine Healer, come to you? God comes to you. God sits in the tabernacle and waits for you. Jesus, Who died a brutal death for love of you, sits in the tabernacle and waits for you and He sits all alone. I have all you need. I am God. I am almighty. I have all the power. You search endless paths. You look for answers from people who know no more than you, while I, God, wait with all the power and might!

So simple, so simple! You are making it all so hard. My love affair waits for you. That is all you need. I have all the power. Come to Me and be filled with everything! I am Jesus, Son of God. I come and dwell in your hearts in Communion and you run away when God is in your breasts. You are willful. You want to do things your way. You do not want to surrender. You think you have to be busy about your tasks. You want to do it your way, in your time. You want to think and deliberate. You want what you want.

I am God. I am telling you where all your answers are. They are found from God. Your vision is so limited. I know all things. I come, I dwell in your midst. You receive Me, God, in Communion and you wander around like blind men!

Come to God. I have all the power. I have the brightest light to light your path. You want to do it yourself. You do not know the ways of God. When you do it, you do it. When I do it, I am God and it is a success! Your job is to enkindle a strong love affair with Me and operate from what I prompt you to do. Such insights I give you. You will never figure them out without Me. Come to Me, My little ones. I furnish your starved souls. I give you all the insights you need. Pray to the Holy Spirit daily for His gifts. Pray the Our Father. Come to Jesus in Communion. Here is the powerhouse.

It all comes down to one thing, union with Jesus, love from the heart. Action, love, an ardent, on-fire, love affair with Jesus, the Son of God, your bridegroom, awaits and you keep us apart. Come and get your supplies. You are going into war without your ammunition if you do not come to Me. You are at war in this world and your arms are hearts filled with My love.

Surrender your willful ways and heed My direction here. Become selfless, trust in Me and obey My commands to let go. Be with Me after Communion and in front of the tabernacle. Not five minutes, for I give you 24 hours each day, but will you not sit one hour with Me? Be silent. Read My messages part of the time. I am speaking to you! Such power in front of the tabernacle! Carry My picture in your pocket. I am your lover. Look at Me. Your lover waits. Look at the picture during the day. Stay in constant union with Me. Pray the prayer for union with Jesus. I love you.

You hold the key to opening men's hearts to My love. Will you comply with My message here? Read each message and be busy about our love affair. I love you so much. You have pleased Me to speak of My love. I am your loving Jesus and My heart is on fire for love of You!

I Am a Real Person

March 2, 1994 5:15 a.m.

Jesus: Dear child, I love you so much I died and gave My life for you. If you tell anyone anything, tell them I am a person. When people realize how I am truly a person on fire for love of them, then they will be able to get closer to Me.

I am truly a person. The same Jesus Who died on the cross lives in the little host in the tabernacle.

The world is so blind! My heart is aching so! I come to tell you in this message of My love for them. Please tell them I am aching so for I love them!

Your job is to preach of My intense, intimate love. You live for love of Me alone. Do not think about what you are doing. You operate for My love only.

You need to spend time with your children, being alone and playing with them. This is My work for you. Others never come before your children. Talk to your children every day. Pray alone with them. Go to Mass and Communion with them. You must be alone with each child every day and have time to play with them. If others call you, tell them you have to be alone with your children. I am calling you to this commitment. Read them My letters every day. You are spending too much time with others and not enough alone with your children. Every day you must have some time alone with them. Their lives are very important to Me.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I will make things so clear to you, but your mind must be totally free to receive My messages. You must focus on Me and Me alone.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I will aid you in distributing these messages. They are My messages of love and I want them out. You worry about our love affair. This is Number One in your life. Everything else takes a back seat to your time alone with Me. No time is enough time. I want your constant union with Me.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I know all you need. You must remain selfless and unattached. Forget yourself entirely. Live your life for Me. Do not think, do not fret, do not fume, do not try hard. Let go and let Me operate you! Pray the Prayer for Union with Me. I will act in you and you will do this work with ease. I am the Almighty God. I do the work. You remain selfless and unattached to anything you do. Live only for love of Me. Act only as I prompt you. Your life you spend promoting My love. This is why you live: to speak of My love, to love God, to love your brothers. Do all you do for love of Me. Every act of surrender is the greatest gift of love you can give Me!

Surrender and be selfless. Concentrate on My love affair with you and you will do what I am telling you to do. I want total union with you. I want your life to be in harmony with Me. You operate only as I do in you. This takes constant prayer and selflessness. You must pray the Prayer for Union with Me constantly. This keeps you away from yourself.

I am your ardent lover. I am a true person. My person comes forth in these letters. They will circulate. Do not worry about anything but our love affair. When I act in you, do not think of what you did. Offer up to Me any temptation to evaluate your behavior. When I act in you, you do not need to evaluate what you did. If I am doing it, then you should not worry. I will do as I need to do to accomplish what I intend to accomplish. Remain this selfless: be My empty vessel, be the windup toy and let Me have full reign over you!

Your job is to let Me possess your soul. Do not worry about what you have done. Focus only on Me and how I love you. All your actions are actions from your greatest love for Me. I am on fire for love of you. You will not stumble. I need you to accomplish this work. I will guard your every action. Just remain selfless and in constant Union with Me!

I love you. Jesus.

He Is Alive

March 2, 1994 1:00 p.m.
At St. Gertrude

R. I saw You in my mind's eye at the Priests' Residence Chapel, clothed in a white tunic and a red garb. I felt You present there.

He is so alive. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Who, who are we to behold God in our midst! We wander around with sorrow in our hearts when God is truly waiting for us. I cannot express the excitement in my breast to behold the Son of God waiting for me here. He is truly a person. He is a man. He is present, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Eucharist exposed here.

Oh, Jesus, I honor, worship, adore and love you. Jesus, Jesus, Son of God. I am so excited to sit here with God exposed here. He loves us with such intensity, tenderness and ardency. He is God.

Oh, ye faithful ones, pray to Him to know Him better! He is so sweet and good and generous and loving! (I still smell the incense.) He is your God. He has all you need or will ever need. He loved you to His death.

Oh, Jesus, remove the blinders from our eyes. Holy Spirit come and give us Your gifts and open us up to you. Blessed, Blessed Mother, help us to behold the love of your dear, dear Son! We love you, oh, Blessed Lady, you who are ever by His side, you who never leave us, you who are the mother of God and mother to us this day! How could our hearts be sad with such love poured out to us from God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and our loving mother?

This world will pass away and all that will remain are the things of God. Senseless treasures we behold only to discover that they are fleeting memories in our lives. Today's treasures, yesterday's forgotten possessions. Let God possess us. Be only about the things of Him. He is the true treasure. All that is of Him is the true treasure in the field.

Nothing on this earth can compare to God. Nothing even is a speck compared to Him. My soul is thirsting for You, oh God. My soul thirsts for You.

I want to cry for the souls that are missing such abundant love. He is so loving and He loves every soul so much and He cries for you all to come.

Jesus: Come, My little ones. Come to Me. Come and let Me caress your little bodies and comfort your troubled souls. I have never left your side. Even though you wander from Me, I never wander from you.

The World Is Cold, I Want You To Love

March 2, 1994

R. To live only for the world is to become numb to your feelings. The world has become violent, cruel and evil. It makes you numb to the truth. It is full of self. It does not give. It takes. The world operates from its head. Jesus calls us to love God and love one another. Love is action from the heart. Love is sensitive to feelings. Love is spiritual. Many who live in the world have trouble with their feelings. They want to protect themselves from the cold world. They build a barrier around themselves for protection. Operating from the heart is spontaneous. One cannot protect oneself with a barrier and be spontaneous at the same time.

Jesus: I call you, little ones, to action from your heart. My love is endless. It knows no bounds. I call you to love. Love gives freely. Love is selfless, not selfish.

I am God. I am the source of all love. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All love is rooted in Me. My love is unconditional. I gave this love to you that you might live. Follow in My ways. I want to love you intimately. The world in it's coldness does not give. Surrender yourself to Me. Become selfless. Open yourself to Me. Let Me fill you with all you need to love God and love your brothers.

You cannot be a child of this world and a child of love. Come to Me. Let Me possess your soul. Let Me operate your very being. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I want to love your brothers through you. You are My hand! You are My heart! You will warm this cold world when you stay fixed in Me. Come and surrender yourself to Me. Become selfless and unattached and I will dwell in your soul.

I love you. Jesus.

R. Souls are made to love. Not to love is to frustrate the very nature of the soul.


March 2, 1994
At Cathedral After Communion

Jesus: I want you to love Me as I love you. If I asked you to lay down your life for Me, you would give this freely of yourself. I need this surrender from you that you put Me above all things--not some things, all things. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me--not your husband, your children, your life, your house. I want your total surrender! I am not asking you to give these things up. I am asking you to love Me more than any of these things, that you are willing to give them up for Me!

This is freedom. When your love is for Me and Me alone, no one has any control over you. You live for Me and I am Almighty. I love you with the most ardent love and you know all that comes from Me is from Him Who laid down His life for you.

Do you love Me? Would you lay your life down for Me? If you love, you give of yourself. Do you love each other? Do you give of yourself to one another or do you have relationships that give to you? This is not love. Love gives from the heart. Love is for the good of the other. I gave My life for you that you might live. Follow the Master. I did not die for any of My own gratifications, I died to show you how I loved you! I gave My only life for you. I love you this much!

I call you to love. Love is action from your heart. Do you love Me this way or do you just do busy work and call it love?

To learn about love you must come and be with Me. Sit and let Me teach you My ways. I sit with My red garb, covering My white tunic, you at My feet and I teach you ever so sweetly each day. You are My beloved ones. I died for you. I give you this same love today. Love gives to the other. Do you give this kind of love to Me and your brother or do you ask what others and I will give to you?

You do not know love if you do not come and you are not taught by Me. I am the author of love. I teach the mighty lessons of love. I died out of love for you.

You cannot love intimately if you hold back. To love Me, you must totally surrender, surrender all you hold on to. People do not love Me because they want to hold back. If you want intimacy with Me, you must be willing to surrender your all to Me.

Are you willing to do this? This is where the power is. When you give your all, I possess your soul and I am all powerful. I want your all, not little pieces you stingily let go of. I want your all. Then you will have an intimate union with God. Then you will live in His love and be powered by His might. Then you will be free. I will operate you and you will be united to Me as one. What power, God dwelling within your breast and acting from your soul! Become selfless and unattached to anything. I am God and you shall not have any gods before Me!

Faith and Trust

March 4, 1994 5:15 a.m.

Jesus: I ask for this faith. It will be your faith and your steadfastness in My word that lead many to faith in Me. You must learn to trust Me totally on faith. I am speaking to you, but how you are in your faith and trust in Me speaks to those around you. You have been given a great gift. You call yourself a puppet. You are not a puppet. You make light of My love for you. I love you ardently. I have chosen you for this work. This is indeed a great honor.

You make light of My intense love for you. You are not My little puppet. Do not refer to yourself as such. I love you ardently. You are My servant. You are My beloved. You are the one Whom I have chosen to give My letters to My beloved ones.

You are missing your specialness to Me. You must be aware I have chosen you to do this and I will do the work. These obstacles from those closest to you are to strengthen you. I do not allow anything that is not for your good. This is teaching you a mighty lesson. You need to be strong. The lesson will be taught with the least problems. You will face many people and with this faith and love you are developing this day is how you will operate in adversity. Operate only for love of Me. Nothing anyone says matters. Do not be attached to the glory or the persecution. Do not doubt yourself or these letters ever. I am the Lord thy God and I am talking to you. You are My beloved. You will be strengthened in every trial you undergo. You will be taught trust for it is this trust that will give you what you need to do My work.

This is My work. These are My letters. I will see to their circulation. I will do what I need to to get them out. I am God. I am mighty. I can do all things. I have the power. I call you to two things in adversity: (1) know how I love you and (2) operate only for the love of God.

You are My beloved one. I have chosen you to do this work. I will give you what you need to do it. They are My letters of love, My mighty medicine. Satan will create all he can to stop this work. You must hold tightly to those two things. I am God and I go before you to pave the way. I am not moving the obstacles you need to develop trust and faith and strength for the road ahead.

I am God, little one. I am mighty. I will accomplish great things in these messages. Do not fret, do not fume. Be about your union with Me. Remain selfless and unattached. Pray the Prayer for Union. You need to memorize the whole prayer, not just the beginning. Say it all day. This is My powerful gift to you.

I want to possess your soul and permeate your being. When you act, you do not act like yourself. You act like God and He does not act like you.

Do not deliberate. Do not evaluate. Do not listen with your heart to others when I am speaking directly to you. When I tell you something, you obey. Your anxiousness is coming from those who want to tell you differently from what I am telling you.

Listen to My words and obey Me. I am God. I will do what I need to to accomplish My task here. You are learning trust in God. You are defining your surrendering position. I want you to operate for love of Me and love of Me alone. This is the true freedom. You operate for love of Me and I am almighty. I am the powerhouse. Do you trust Me this way? I get the job done.

You are in constant union with Me and you obey everything I tell you, whether you want to or not. You do as I tell you. This is teaching you lessons you need to learn. In your trials, you are taught the mightiest lessons. You are going through an intense study about how you must stay focused entirely on Me. Your love for Me and Mine for you. I am the Almighty God. What do you have to fear? I am Jesus. I am God. I can do all things. You can do nothing without Me.

(R. I smell roses.)

Jesus: I can take your breath away and you will cease to be. I am the Lord, your God, and you shall have no gods before Me.

Note: He told Me to look in a book. The visionaries saw purgatory. I have never been told anything about hell or purgatory.

Jesus: You shall see the face of God and live. Nothing matters here if it is not rooted in God. They saw purgatory because it really exits. Souls are burning there. You must preach of My love for the sake of the souls of your brothers. Your selflessness and your love will lead many into My kingdom. Live your life for love of Me. Do all you can to lead all into heaven. Purgatory and hell are real. You must save your brothers from the fires of hell. Preach My love. I need you to do this work. Nothing matters except to save souls. Your faith here is your strength.

Note message of August 23, 1993:

"I thought of My intense love for you, that many would go to heaven because of My sufferings and I continued to the top of the hill. At the top they laid Me on the big cross and with a big hammer they nailed My hands to the cross. It was the worst yet. My hands were nailed with a big nail and a big hammer. Oh, it was unbelievable, and then, as if that weren't enough, with a big nail they nailed both of My feet.

"My mother watched in such agony.

"Oh, God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? It is finished and your salvation is won." For your love, to My death I give you My Body. My child, I shed My Blood and gave you My life that you will be with Me forever in heaven. Not a day, a month or a year, but forever with Me in Heaven.

"I am the true Bread come down from heaven. He who eats My flesh will have life forever. For the drink I give is My Blood and the food you eat is My Body. Who would lay down his life for a friend? I did, for you! I love you this much, My child. Forget about those who reject you. You have My life that I give for you and I give life eternal."

R. My life is to be lived to spread the love of Jesus, to help save souls from purgatory and hell. Jesus saves souls and takes them to heaven. His love is mighty medicine for the sick world.

You Will Be Fired At

March 4, 1994

Jesus: The incense is for you, Rita, My little flower. I am with you at this moment. Believe Me, I am here! You will be persecuted for My sake. You must stay steadfast in My love. I am all that matters. You must preach My love. The seeds you plant will save the troubled ones from their own doom. You plant the seeds, I provide the water and the sunlight. You are the sower. I will make the plants grow in the beautiful sun.

You must only live for My love. This is such a little cross for what you will be given to deal with. You must be so steadfast in My love that you never doubt why you do this or that. I love you intently.

Your days of glory are ended. Stay fixed in My love. This is your strength. You will come from the fire, a shining star, but you will be fired at.

I am sorry to tell you this, little one. Your love will be put to the test, but you will emerge My servant to preach these words here. You will be tested in fire and you will come forth a rock in My love.

You will be able to withstand it all so you can do the work I will need you to do. Do not fear, do not fret. Stay in constant union with Me.

Pray with your children. They will suffer when you are fired at. Be silent and steadfast in My love. Pray constantly. Be connected strongly to your children. You are being taught to stand up to your faith in Me and My words here. Your faith will be that which leads many to My intimate love.

I do not show you, because I must strengthen your faith and trust in Me. You need My trials to do the tasks to follow.

Pray, pray, pray. Come to Me and pour your heart out to Me. I am communicating with you. You must turn to Me because I can help you. I know what is coming. I know what I am allowing for great love of You. You will come out shining in the end, but you must suffer for the torrent day is at hand.

You will lead many to Me and you must be ever so strong. Do not fear. Come and be close to Me. I will hold you up.

Trust and faith. I am God and I am mighty. I am He Who loved you to My death.

Love Is Action From the Heart

March 5, 1994 8:00 p.m.

Note: When I received this message He was full of fire. His picture was glowing and His face was beautiful. He was lifelike, His face completely different from the one in the picture.

Jesus: I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am ablaze with love for all. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Come and bow low, bend your knee, for I am the Son of God. Worship Me. Adore Me. Honor Me. Preach, preach My love to all. I am afire with this love. I am on fire.

I am the Son of God. See Me with the brightest light on fire for My beloved ones. I am on fire. I am Jesus, the Son of God. My heart is a burning flame, My love abounds. From the ends of the earth shout My endless love. Do not lose minutes to preach My words here. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am on fire. I am alive. I am lighted up for you. Look into My eyes and behold Jesus, the Son of God. You will provide a team to bring all back to this burning fire that is in My heart for love of all My beloved ones. Do not tarry for I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire this very day for the love of all My beloved ones.

I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I talk to you now. Preach My urgency. I am begging you to get this message out to all. I am begging you, My little ones. You must comply with Me now. Praise My name, worship Me, I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

By your example you teach the mightiest lessons. As you are in your heart is how you are in this world. If you busy yourself about our love affair, all works for the greater glory of God. If you spend time with Me in union, you preach the gospel in your being. If I live in your heart and you live in Me, then I am He Who operates from your very soul.

Oh, what a joy to your brothers to behold the love of Jesus being taught through your actions. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I want to operate from your very being. This is your gift to this world, to be so united in Jesus that you preach His word through your being.

Oh, so simple, you say? One thing that pleases Me is your union with Me, the ardent, longing love you give to Me. To sit and tell Me how you long to be with Me and want Me so much! I want a love affair with you. I want emotion, heartfelt emotion.

I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am a burning fire, a furnace of love. Come to Me with longing.

I am not a little, inactive love. I am on fire for love of My beloved ones. Preach emotion, heartfelt love. I gave My life. How much emotion is that? To lay down My life for love of you!

I am a fire of love. I want emotion. I want them to know how I long for them. How I wait, a prisoner in the tabernacle waiting for My beloved ones!

I want action, action from the heart, not to talk about the love of God and, "Oh, He loves you," but to say, " He is alive, He is on fire, He longs, He cries out to you to come and love Him"!

Preach emotion. People are thirsty from the depth of their souls for this emotion. They are begging to be fed.

My love is fire. It is alive. Talk about My love. Give them the strong emotion I feel for them. This world is numb in its feelings.This world is not alive. It is hard and cold. You must start a fire burning in their hearts. When they come to Me in Communion, their hearts are skipping beats with excitement to receive God, truly God--the one, true, magnificent God-made-man-in Jesus Christ.

How much love and emotion do you think it took the Son of God to be born a mere human on this earth? How much emotion to suffer a brutal death for love of you? This is My life: to be born a human, to die a brutal death, to resurrect into new life on the third day. Is this what the little mimicking mouths that come say, in a monotone, about the love of God?

The love of God is active. I, a prisoner, sit this very moment in all the tabernacles in this world out of ardent love for My beloved ones. I, God, sit and wait for your love. Little prayers you pray, half asleep, in a monotone-lip-service! No action from your heart! Look at Me. Look at My life. Action from the heart, the Heart of Jesus.

I want an active relationship with you. I wait for a heart ablaze with ardent love. You sit on the shoreline throwing little words at Me.

Love is embracing, love is entwined, love is vibrant and forceful, love is burning, love is longing, love is wanting, love is thinking about the other and talking about that person at all times. Love is an active force. It is on fire. I am God. The love I have for you is inexpressible in human terms.

You sit and throw words at Me. They are cold. You talk about My love and the love of God as you talk about the rain that is coming down or your dirty socks.

I am God, child. I am the Son of God and I love you. If a lover professed such love to you, would you not run to His waiting arms?

You have a soul that craves this ardent love. You were created for this purpose. Spin your silly wheels and watch them turn and get you nowhere.

I am all you seek. Nothing satisfies the hungry soul but the love of God. Spin your wheels and watch yourself go nowhere. I am He Who fits your soul like the perfect glove. You are he who searches everywhere but in the right place.

Oh, little ones, listen! Emotion! Action from your heart! Enkindle your love affair with this ardent lover. I am a furnace on fire for love of you, My beloved servant. I need your love affair with Me. My love will shine from your very being. Pray this prayer constantly for union with Me. I loved you to My death. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Ready yourself, My children, for I am strengthening you for the days ahead.

You Hold the Mighty Medicine

March 6, 1994

Jesus: I am the Son of God. I have such longing for My beloved ones. Spread these messages. I grow tired of telling you, with such emotion--and who hears?

I am talking to you at this Center. I am talking to you! I am asking you to spread the message. You cannot wait. The souls of your brothers are thirsty for this ardent love. They roam this barren desert and find nowhere to lay their heads. If you speak this message, their souls will be fed.

You are the light set on a hill. Your fire will be that by which this world will be lighted. I am talking to you. No one is getting these messages to you. I, God, am speaking to you this very day. What will you do?

I want all to know of the fire of My love. I want their hearts to stir and come to Me with longing and devotion. You busy yourselves and the Son of God is speaking to you about His love.

I want to shake you to My ardent, urgent cry. They are so thirsty for this message. It is the appetite in their soul that craves this ardent union with Me. You possess that which they are craving.

The soul searches this barren desert, seeking as with no other appetite the love of God. You have the mighty medicine for the sickness the world is inflicting on My loved ones.

Who would keep medicine from the sick children? The children who come to you are diseased from this sick world. They are My army. They need their medicine. Every day the disease gets worse. They are coming to you for healing. You have the medicine. It is not lip service about My love. It is emotion that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, loves them so much as to write them letters of His love. It is emotion, love, heartfelt, longing, aching love!

Nothing feeds the starved soul but the love of Jesus. The world is so sick. Like ripples on a pond, one soul madly in love with My Sacred Heart is a powerhouse. One soul, fed by the love of the Sacred Heart, casts a mighty bright light, brighter than any other light because it is powered by God.

Light their hearts. Light the city. Shine on this hill. Send them into this world as the beacon lights in the darkest night. You are this city, set on the hill.

I am the Son of God. I come to you every day. I profess My longing, My loving. You tarry too much. You play a safe game. I am begging you to get My love letters to My beloved ones.

This world gets sicker by the minute. To live in this world is to be under constant attack. They need this ardent love of Mine to understand the attack. I am God. I come to you. I am talking to you. You are the receivers. You cannot wait for anyone's lead. No one can tell you what I, God, am telling you this very day.

While you wait, your children are getting sicker. These letters are for all, young and old alike. These letters are for priests and nuns. These letters speak to them wherever they are. This is the mighty medicine.

Too slow, I tell you! Some are dropping over from the disease. This is a sickness worse than any flu. It kills babies and loses men's souls. They are dying from this disease. The world is sending souls into hell. They are dying from the disease of this sick world. You hold the cure. You hold the key to turn men's hearts back to the love of God. You have hand-delivered letters from Jesus Christ and what do you do? I grow tired. I am upset. I am aching. I am begging you to listen. No one will knock on your door and say, "the time is right".

This is your act of faith. You know what one letter does to a person. You contain a book. When will you be ready? I grow tired. I am so upset. Soon is not soon enough. My children are dying from the disease. My babies are murdered. When will they know of My crying for their love?

I am the Son of God. I Am God! I come to you. I talk to you. If you believed I was talking to you, you would listen. I will not make this any clearer. It is your faith that will get you through. You must develop your faith in Me. To give you more signs than this is to make you weak. I have given you just what you need to get this job done.

Give My children their medicine. My church will be packed. People will stay when I, God, am in their breast after Communion. God is inside of you and you run from the church. Where do you go for your answers? Where do you go to be fed? "Give us this day our daily bread."

I, God, come to you in the Eucharist. I sit in your body and you do not relish these sacred moments. These are the most golden gems of your life when the Son of God comes to you and dwells in your breast.

I am alive. I am here with you. I am God. I have spoken again and do you hear? I am talking to you at the Center. This is My place to change this world. I am giving you all you need.

I love you. I am begging you. Jesus.

My Heart Bleeds

March 6, 1994 Sunday Night

Jesus: My little ones, I never give you more than you can handle. Come to Me and I give you rest. I am Jesus, the Son of God, and I love you. This is not a myth. If the whole world does not believe it doesn't matter. I, Jesus Christ, talk to you. I am present right now and I love you.

These trials will strengthen you. You will come forth steadfast in My love. Turn to Me. This is where our union is strengthened. I want you entirely dependent on Me for everything. When you are hurting, come to Me and cry at My feet. I love you more than any person ever could. I am God, child. I love with the most ardent love and I care when you hurt. I want to comfort you. I am Whom you seek. Your heart aches for union with Me and Me alone.

R. It is not this. It is not that. It is You, Lord. The more I grow in loving You, the more I experience such aching in my heart for love of You. I want to behold You so!

The aching soul craves this union with God. The more I know how You love me, how You died so brutally for me and how You want to be close to me, the more I want to be closer to You and I cannot experience You this way on earth. I crave You, my Lord and God. I want to be so close to You! I ache so in my heart. I only know a little how You suffered for love of us. I only know a little how the souls in purgatory ache for love of You.

Oh, my precious Jesus, I love You so. I long to be close to You and know You more. It is this longing and aching I have for You. Such unrest in my soul! And it will not be satisfied here in my earthly form. Oh, sweet Jesus, when they show pictures of saints and those who love You, do they ever show their hearts aching to want to behold you more? They look so peaceful with their halos and saintliness!

This relationship with You, this way to You, is the Way of the Cross. I see pictures of saints with crucifixes. Why did they carry these? Was it that when they were given their crosses they looked at how You suffered and it made their crosses easier to carry? You suffered so, my Lord, for love of me. Oh, my Lord, I truly love You.

Jesus: I am Jesus, Son of God. I truly suffered. Your heart is experiencing aching. I allow you to ache and feel some of My emotions. I am a person. When people love one another, they share each other's pain. Your heart aches as I, too, ache for love of My beloved ones. Preach about My aching heart.

Every soul has periods of unrest because the soul was made to love the Lord. Sunday is a day I let you suffer My aching heart. I want you to tell others how I ache for love of them. I allow you to suffer on Saturday and Sunday for My aching heart.

My heart is on fire for love of each soul and many do not ever come to Me. Some come to Me in Communion and the thought of Me never crosses their minds. How this wounds My aching heart! Such indifference! It pierces My heart and makes it bleed. You will never comprehend the love of God. You will never know how My heart aches. I let you feel this aching heart, to suffer with Me and tell others of My intense love for them. My indifferent loved ones are piercing My heart. I suffered for love of you.

Please preach My love to them. Tell them of My aching, waiting, longing, bleeding heart. You do not know even a tiny amount of the torrent of My love for You.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God.

I Showed You the Way--I Showed You Surrender

March 7, 1994 4:00a.m.

Jesus: You are the city set on the hill. You will shine with the intimate love of Jesus. I am the Son of God. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie.

I am Jesus and I loved My little ones to My death. Do you know even a little about what it is to give your life for someone? Do you think of yourself and ponder yourself being this selfless? People cannot even take one hour to sit with Me. The world has made you all blind. You do exactly as you want. Meditate on My sorrowful Passion. Read My meditations on the rosary. This was My life, given for you, My little loved ones. I gave My life for you and you want more? You want more proof and signs, yet you cannot even pray a few moments after Communion!

I am the Master. I taught you about selflessness and surrender. Look at My position on the cross. Yet you hold back. You want your comfort. You want to make the world your end! Oh, you give a little. You give Me what you dole out, a little here, a little there, and say, "Okay, Lord, I'm good. I pray prayers. I spend my life doing holy things, but I am in control of what and how much I give you. I am in control, Lord. Aren't you satisfied?"

I am only satisfied when you surrender your all to Me! You give Me such little bits and pieces and you pat yourself on the back and look at the sick world and say, "Well, I am pretty holy." This is not the point. You judge, you decide, you do your own will! This is you, playing the game of running your life! You give here, you keep there. I want your all. I want your time spent alone with Me in front of the tabernacle. I want you to have an ardent on-fire love affair with Me. When you love, you give. You say to your lover, "Oh, anything you ask for I will give to you." If you ask for my shirt, I will give you my cloak as well because I love you this much!"

You don't know about love. You control your relationships with Me. Then what hurts My aching heart is how you talk about the love of God. There is not love in your actions. If you came and spent your life with Me, if you freely gave sacrifices for Me, this is love!

You look to the world and you judge yourself as doing so much. Look to Me, hanging on the cross, and judge yourself by My standards. I call you to an ardent love affair with Me. I call you to love--love of God, love of one another.

You do not have love for one another because you do not love God first. Love gives its all. Love does not seek itself. Love gives freely!

I died on the cross to teach you how to love. I am the Master. If you look to the world and judge yourself, you are not learning any lessons from Me. You must look to Me to learn from Me.

Look at Me on the cross, My arms outstretched, hanging from the cross. I gave My all! I gave Myself for love of you. I held not back a little. I held not back and I, God, could have stopped it all, but I gave you freely from the bottom of My heart with greatest love for you!

This, My sweet ones, is love. I showed you the way. I showed you surrender. I am Jesus Christ and I write to you. Do you listen? Oh, you, in your busy lives, do not surrender to Me even now.

What do I do to shake My beloved ones? You are all blind and dense. Look at how attached you truly are. You do not surrender. You do your will, you do your thing. I tell you over and over again to come and pray with Me for long periods. I tell you to pray after Communion. I write about praying before the tabernacle, but you do your will. You go to the world. You ask your questions there. You look for answers from each other. You do not surrender even one hour of your time.

I come and you receive Me, the Son of God, in Holy Communion! Do you stay and sit with Me or do you do what you want? I died for you, yet you cannot let go of even little things.

I am Jesus, Son of God. If you who profess to love Me cannot give of your life to Me, how do you expect others to learn from you? You teach as you are. You teach in your actions. Your actions are selfish and centered on self. I call you to denial of self and love of God.

One person fixed to the true life of Christ can move a mountain. You follow the world and try to do it yourself.

I preach coming to Me and sitting with Me. I, God, have all the answers. No one listens. What do I do to shake My faithful ones in their comfort?

I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I want to dwell in you and operate with the power of God. I invite you to My altar. I sit and wait with all the answers and you, in your pride, tell Me, "I am too busy."

Busy yourself for your day is at hand and you will know My might! I will shake the earth and you will listen. Then you will listen, but where were you when I gave you forewarning? You are waiting for the big boom. I am calling you now to listen to Me here.

Play your safe game. Waste your time. I am God and I am talking to you. You do it your way. I sit with the answers. Every answer is given here. I want My beloved ones to read these letters. I grow so tired of your foolishness. I am God and you are busy. Die to yourself, child. I showed you the way. I lead. You must follow Me!

I am your God. You shall have no gods before Me! Do you pray to Me in silence? You want your answers given to you. You want My love given instantly as you demand. I am waiting for a love affair with you. The fire of love is enkindled. Love is time spent together. Lovers sit together for long hours and learn to know one another. Would you give so little of yourself to develop a love affair with Me? I sit, I wait. I am there at every moment in all the tabernacles of this world, and you are busy!

Time is so short. One moment and it is up in smoke.

All that remain are the things of God. You are here to know, love and serve Me. I am sending out an urgent plea to publish all these messages--now.

These letters will turn the cold hearts to love. Do you not think I have all the power? You tarry, you deliberate. I grow tired. I am God and no one listens. You want Me your way. You want Me to come your way.

I sweetly tell you, in My gentle love letters, that I come, Jesus, the Son of God, gently in Communion. You are numb and blind. You want Me to roll drums and blare trumpets, but I come in the quiet moments. I roll no drums, I blare no trumpets. I come and you miss My calls!

What do I do to shake you? I, in all My might, can rock you off your rockers. I try to prepare you but you are too busy. Hold on to your last piece of dust and watch it go up in your face!

I am Jesus Christ, Son of God and I write to you and who pays heed here? This should tell you of your attachment to worldly things. You want proof. You look the other way. I am God and you contain the mighty medicine for this sick world. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Do you listen? Look at Me, dying on the cross. I gave My all for you. Do you not think I would send a mighty medicine this day for you? You are so blind. You do not listen.

I, God, talk here to you this very day.

Satan Distracts Us

March 8, 1994 At Church

Jesus: Pay no heed to any of Satan's distractions. He will use those you trust. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I speak to you. They are the foolish ones! I can turn this around in an instant. I want to strengthen your trust and faith in Me. I am God and I, God, speak to you. Do not worry. They want to tell you what to do. I am God. I am talking. I want the messages published. All this distraction, to get you off your course! You are being tested in fire and you will come out on fire with My love.

You are My chosen one. To you I write. I have all the answers. I am God. You have total freedom. You only live for the love of God. Nothing else matters. Total surrender, total selflessness. I am the Omega. I am your all.

I am God, child. Do not fret or fume. I am by your side. I raise you up when others come and question. Do not ever doubt Me. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am alive and I am so sorrowful. You reflect the sorrow I let you feel. I love you so much!


My Persecution

March 8, 1994

Jesus: They persecuted Me. If you love Me you will undergo your own persecutions for love of Me. To My death on the cross they persecuted Me. The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. Pick up your cross and follow Me.

It is in suffering that I am closest to you. You need to be strengthened. I am strengthening you in your trials.

He Covers the Cold Earth With a Blanket

March 8, 1994

Jesus: My love is alive and I am present in the Eucharist. When all enkindle a deep and ardent love affair with Me, it will be I Who operate from their souls. They are all afraid. They are depending on themselves. They are closed and shut down. They live from their heads and not from their hearts. I am on fire with love of them. When they come in the Eucharist and open their hearts, I fill them with My fire. My love affair with them takes time, time after Communion, time in front of the tabernacle.

Those who want to tell you things do not spend all day in prayer with Me. They are full of self and full of fear. I am making you selfless. I want to possess your soul. When you operate from self, you get yourself. You are a mere human. When I possess your soul, I, God, operate from you.

The Church is dying in spirit. You are going through motions. I am alive and I want to love you and live in you. The mighty medicine is the love of Christ radiating with fire from the hearts of all. I want My Church to sing songs from their hearts. Songs create emotion. Love is emotion. Sing songs from your heart, love songs to Me. Read the readings from the love you have enkindled in your hearts for Me. The word of God is Life. How is it read? Feed the people through the word of God. Read it with such love. Love My words. Love Me.

You do not love Me. You go through motions. I want an on-fire love affair with you. I am waiting for our love. The Mass is the most glorious event. You need to love the Mass, love to pray it, love to sing it, love to be there, wait to go and look forward to it all day and anticipate our union in Communion with breathtaking feelings, "Oh, God comes to me! My ardent lover comes into My body!"

Oh, you are all turning numb and I give you so much. Yet you run after foolish things. God comes to you in the Mass. Preach the love on-fire, the ardent love of God, to My little ones.

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I was born a mere human for love of you. I died for great love of you. You are missing the emotion. I gave My life for love of you! Come and share our love affair. I wait, I wait, I wait. You are cold, you are indifferent. I loved you to My death.

Get these letters out. Every day souls are being lost while you deliberate. The Church is full of fear. Do you think I would come this way and then not give you what you need?

Masses are being said that could be on fire. Every day lost is so much time. You are getting your affairs in order for this life. It can go up in smoke in an instant.

You are wasting valuable time. These messages need to circulate. You need time in front of the tabernacle, not l0 minutes. You need to read these messages. I, God, talk to you and who listens?

You are so full of self, so attached to this world. You do not want to give up your ways. You will suffer. You will have to give up your ways. You are wasting valuable time with these messages. Souls will be turned around. It will spread like wild fire. I am alive. This message on the Mass would change the way you attend the Mass. Who sees it? Who knows?

You are full of self. You get up and read the Word of God and think about yourself. You sing the songs and think about your voice. You do not sing from the heart because your lives are centered on yourselves. You are attached to your lives. You do not have time to come and be with Me. I tell you to be selfless. I tell you to surrender. I tell you to quit doing it yourself. You continue to operate the way you want. You do your own wills.

I tell you to be selfless. Live for God first. I am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. When I am first in your lives, everything else works out.

When you read the Word of God because of your love of God, that is when the world will feel the love of Jesus! Listen, My precious ones, I died for you because of My intense love for you. I was born a mere human because of My intense love for you. This is emotion. I want you to love Me. I call you to love. Do you love Me or just throw little prayers at Me? I want the love of an ardent lover. I want you to think about Me with such burning in your chest. I want you to talk about Me. I want you to want Me.

This is love. I call you to love God. Do you love Me? When you love God, you will love your brothers. You are missing our love affair. I am on fire for love of you. If you stay away, then you are missing the most important affair in your life.

I want love, love in the Mass--fire when you attend, love in Jesus in the Eucharist. I am God and I, God, come and dwell in your breast in Communion. These are the most golden moments of your life. I am God. You have Me in your body. This is when you need to be with Me. I love you so much! Come and receive Me daily. No one knows the gift of the Mass and Holy Communion. Nothing is more important than Jesus, the Son of God, in your breast. You are missing the most important event in your life. I, Jesus, come into your body! How is your body? Is it pure? Is your tongue clean for Me to enter there?

Oh, sweet ones, you hold all you need. You are running down senseless roads. You are holding on to things that will vanish in an instant. I am all that matters. The greatest gift you can give to this world is to enkindle a deep love affair with Me. When I possess your soul, My love is emitted from your very being and that love is a life that cannot be contained.

Come to Me and love Me. You will set this dark world on fire with the love of Jesus. You will shine and all will see your light, for My light is the brightest light. Come to Me. Pray the prayer for union with Jesus all day. Oh, How I love you! Jesus.

I Never Leave You

March 9, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: Until heaven and earth shall pass away, not one letter of the law will pass away. "You were hungry and I gave You to eat. When, Lord, did I see You hungry and give You to eat?" When you did it unto one of your brethren, you did it unto Me.

I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am your God. I come to you in the night to deliver a message. The message is for My beloved ones. I never leave your side. Others may move in and out, but I never leave you. I will never leave you orphaned.

I am Jesus Christ, your Savior, and I comfort you. You run down senseless roads looking for that which you seek and I am the true treasure found in the field. Do not be about idle pursuits. Follow only Me. I am the Master. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie, but I love you ardently and I never leave your side.

You wander, you roam, you look for a sure thing, only to find nothing is a sure thing. You go to the world, but your soul is left dry and empty. There is no insurance in this life. Look for all those things that are everlasting. That is all you need to seek. Store up your treasures for the life hereafter.

I am indeed here, little one. You fret and fume, and for what? Turn your entire life over to Me. You live only for the love of Jesus. This gives you great freedom! I come to deliver My words here. Do not put your faith in things of this world. Turn only to Me and I, your loving Savior, will sustain you!

You will run and not get weary. You will fly on eagles' wings and I will be by your side to hold you up. I am Jesus. Others wane and move about. I am He Who never leaves! I am silently by your side in adversity. I watch you ever more. Do not worry, do not fret, for your God is by your side.

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am He Who has all the answers. Search this barren desert only to find that I and I alone will sustain you!

In adversity, come to Me. Throw yourself at My feet. Give Me your all. Proclaim your love for Me. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus.

I am the Son of God. I am Jesus Christ, your Savior. Child, you want for no one but Me. It is this dependency I want from you. No man can satisfy his hunger for the Lord. No man is steadfast in His ways.

I am God. I never leave you. Do you comprehend that God loves you so much as to never leave you abandoned? That is all you need to know.

If you operate entirely for the love of Jesus, no one can touch you. You are absolutely free. Let go and come to Me, My little, scared one. I bind up your wounds and I give you all you need. I am God and no one can ever do what I, God, will do for you!


R. He does not want us improperly dependent on anything. He is really showing me how attached to others I am. He wants me totally dependent on Him. He and He alone will sustain me. Others move in and out. I think I am selfless, only to see how attached I am to something.

Oh, Lord, You are so patient with me. I in my trials wonder what You aim to teach me, when I see the lesson so clearly right before my eyes. You are the Lord. You are my love. That is all I need. Jesus, be by my side and on my lips at every turn. I am Yours to possess.

I do not even see my dependency on others. This dependency and attachment keeps me from union with You. I surrender to You, Lord. My life is Yours. I am so weak and so yielding to my ways. I want comfort and insurance and You provide me with much finer things--trust and faith!

You give me trials to learn my lessons. Trials are hard. Your school is not easy. Such gifts to acquire!

You, Who so sweetly give us all we need to do Your work, oh, how I love You. In trials You teach me what I need to know. I love You, Lord. You are He Who died for me and all You give me is out of great love to teach me just the lessons I need to do Your work.

Alleluia. Help me to surrender entirely to You. Alleluia.


March 10, 1994

Jesus: This is surrender. I want your all. I do not want you attached to any person or any thing. I want you completely dependent on Me. Do I teach you such lessons on how attached you are to others and things? I have all the answers. If I do not tell you, you do not need to know. You want your will. My will I make known to you in front of the tabernacle. I have spoken here.

Surrender is doing the will of God and it is not your deciding and doing your will. I want your all. I want you to do those things the way I tell you. It is not the way you want to do them. Sweet surrender, only to find I want more. Look at My position on the cross. Did I ask you to die for Me? I ask you to do My Will. I ask you to surrender. I ask for time in front of the tabernacle. I ask for love. Watch this world go up in your face. Then where are your possessions, the things you held on to? You only have limited vision. I know all things.

I am so tired. You do not give but bits and pieces. You hold on to what you want and give Me some. I want your all. I want total surrender. I showed you how to surrender when I died on the cross. I am not asking for this. I am asking for you to do My will. You are so attached to pleasing people that you do not see the whole picture. I make My ways clear here. You do not listen. You do what you think is a good thing and you do not even come to Me. I want your all. I want surrender.

R. Love includes giving up what you don't want to give up. Love is saying, "Yes, Lord", even when you would rather do it your way. It is in your surrender and love of God that you teach mighty lessons to those around you. You teach by your being in love with Jesus. I love you, Jesus. I give of My bounty, not little bits and pieces I stingily let go of. Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, how can I love You as I ought? Do I give My all, or do I say, "Oh, Lord, you can't mean that you want this," and hold on to what I want.

Do I hold on to people and don't even know it, or do I put You first, Lord, above all persons, places and things? I see how really attached I am to everything, things I do not even know I am attached to. It is easy to give lip service to surrender and tell God to possess our soul and make me selfless, but do I really mean it? This is what keeps us from increased union with Him! It is in total surrender, of living for love of Him and Him alone, that we are free. And what freedom! The bittersweetness to let go, to find freedom from all we hold on to! The things we hold on to most are what keeps us from our increased union with Him.

"Oh, not that, Lord! Oh, do I look at your crucifix and see You letting go?" You held not one thing back. Your arms open wide, nailed to the cross! Total surrender!

What does He ask of me today that I want to hold on to? Holding on to things stops my freedom. To be totally free, I must let go. I cannot hold on and let go at the same time. Freedom is obtained in letting go. See yourself with your arms tight, holding on to all you possess.

Jesus: I call you to surrender. Open your arms as I did when I died on the cross. Let all your sacred worldly possessions drop around you and you will experience the joy of being free, united only to Me, of letting go and knowing that I, God, tend to your every need. To My death on the cross I loved you and I love you this way this very day. Let go and give it all to Me. I will care for you far better than you could for yourself. I am God and I love you more than you can love yourself.

Jesus is dead, hanging on the cross, arms outstretched. His feet are not even on the ground. He is hanging by nails on a piece of wood. What do we hold on to? He wants us in midair in total surrender. Oh, little ones, how you squander your possessions. How you hold on to people. How you won't let go. See Me in total surrender.

I gave My very life for you. What do you hold on to, My little ones? Little bits and pieces you give to Me and you hold tight to your lives. They will be up in smoke and all that will remain will be the things of God. Not one pair of shoes do you take with you, only your love, given to God and others.

He Walks With Me

March 11, 1994
At St. Vincent Church After Communion

R. I saw Jesus in my heart. Dressed in a white tunic, hands outstretched, He walked with Me just as if He were present. I felt His presence. He talked to Me. I forgot my book and He walked back with me and said, "Sweet one, don't hurry. I won't go away." I felt as if His arms were surrounding me. I cried for such longing and wanting Him. Then I felt this weight on my arms as if He is pressing lovingly on me.

He is truly here!

Jesus: I am Jesus. Yes, sweet one, I am here. Your surrender pleases Me. It is in surrender that we are joined. You cannot be attached to anything. (His arms still surround me and I feel such presence! He is truly here.)

I am Jesus. I am the Son of God. I write in these letters to My beloved ones. I want them to know and love Me. You hold the medicine.

R. May the love of Jesus be in our hearts and truly present on our lips. Nothing more could delight me than to sleep in front of the tabernacle. I am so relaxed now.

Jesus: I am truly with you in all things. I place images in your mind.

His True Love

March 12, 1994

Jesus: I am Jesus Christ and I alone sustain you. I am testing you, child, for what you will suffer. You will be taught constantly. You will know truly. Others move in and out. I am your lover. I wait by your side. I never leave you. I do not change--one day I am here, one day I am not. This is how people are! They are self-centered. Love is giving of oneself for the love of the other. I held not back one speck of Myself. I died for love of you. I do not make you wait. I am there at every second in the tabernacle and I wait for you. I do not get angry. I love you only as God can. No man can ever come close to My love for you. I love you unconditionally.

You will learn the lessons I so sweetly teach you. You need this testing to grow in your assuredness of Me. I am truly by your side. I talk to you all day. You know this. Never doubt Me for I am always with you. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Look what they did to Me. They persecuted Me. They led Me away as a robber. They scourged Me. What had I done? When they persecute you, remember what they did to Me. They did not listen to Me and I was God. Man is filled with ego and self. He goes to the world to check the story of God. He misses all that I am giving Him here. The world does not know what I tell you here. Only I know these things. Do not go to the world to check out the things of God. How silly to check out divinity by humanity. Man is so foolish in his ways. I sit here, the Son of God, and who pays heed? I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I write to you. The wise will listen. The foolish will remain ignorant.

Whatever I give you is not enough. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, write to you and you want more proof. My love I pour out to you at this very moment. Relish the gifts you are given and the gifts I give to you at this very moment. The gift I give to you in the Eucharist is Myself! I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the same Jesus that was born and died for you, and I come now and dwell in your breast. Oh, little ones, to behold God, with all His love, in your heart! God, Son of God, comes to you and is within your body. I am the source of all love. I loved you ardently to My death. How can I shake you?

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am speaking here in your heart after Communion. Do others hear or do they do their own will? I cannot make this any clearer. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You, child, are missing God because you go to the world for your answers. The world knows no answers about Me. Come to Me and I will teach you the ways of God. Go to mere mortals and you receive answers from mere mortals. I can tell you in one instant what the world will never know. This takes faith.

My children are so lucky and yet they do not relish such a gift. I want to give My love letters to My people. I am asking you to do this for Me. You go to people who have no knowledge and they create doubt in you. You cannot doubt! If you do not believe, who will deliver these messages?

I am talking to you, My children. I am giving you these messages. Who will do this work? You want proof? Look at Me, dying on the cross in total surrender. I held not back one speck of Myself. Judge for yourself by My selflessness. Become selfless and unattached to all persons, places and things that take you from My intimate love. No man can give you what God wants to give you in His abundance.

Search you this barren desert and find a dry land. I have a land brimming with milk and honey. I give you all you need. You look, you search, you find mere mortals with opinions. I speak directly to you and you do not listen. Only God could have accomplished what you have done here. It is love that you received from Me in Communion and in front of the tabernacle, and these letters that have given you strength, and you doubt the source of all that has fed you?

What more can I do? Go ye to mere mortals and get mere mortals' answers, when I, God, have chosen you and am talking to you? You are missing the source of your strength. My ways I am making clear to you in My way. You want Me to come and give you a hand-delivered message. I talk in the inner promptings of your heart. You want someone to make you sure. Faith is faith!!

If you operate for love of Me alone and know that I ardently loved you to My death and would die for love of you this day, why do you offend Me by going to mortals and asking questions when I am talking just to you here?

Your trials I allow to strengthen you. My hand is in everything you experience. I allow you to go through trials to draw you to Me in the tabernacle. Your answers are found from Me. Satan is working so hard to stop these letters and people talking about Me. He will work hard on anyone he can to stop this. You know how you have been fed and grown in your love of Me.

I am the Son of God. I have all the answers. I am talking to you and your problem is coming from your doubt. You hold the key to spread the ardent love of Jesus to the world, to bring men to Me and share My love with them, to sit in front of My tabernacle, and you go to those who scarcely speak about the love of Jesus and listen to what they say?

I want a love affair with My people. This will feed the sick world. This will light the lights that shine in the darkness. Satan wants this stopped. He hates Me and he wants no one drawn to My Sacred Heart. I am calling on you. Pick on details and all are suffering for the loss of the love of God. I am present and am crying, bleeding, suffering from the indifference to Me in Communion and the lack of love for Me.

This society is godless. Time is so short. My seeds need to be planted. Surrender your life to Me. I am asking you to give Me yourself and let Me operate from you. You give Me bits and pieces--this is not what I ask.

Look at Me, dying on the cross for love of you. I spread My arms, I gave My all. I had not even a place to lay My head. It hung in midair. Can you not surrender yourself to Me? This is My urgent plea.

I loved you to My death. Come and let go. You cannot love Me and hold on to anything. You cannot let go and hold on at the same time. I want your all.

I love you. Jesus.

My Heart Aches for You

March 13, 1994 5:45 p.m.

R. I was overtaken by an intense unrest. I was compelled to go to the tabernacle. I felt such suffering, suffering that Jesus suffered so for us and that everyone is so busy about their lives. Suffering for the indifference to Him and how He loves us despite our neglect! It was awful. I felt as I had on Christmas.

Jesus: I am the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt not have any gods before Me. I must be first in your life.

R. If you place any woman, man, children, food, clothing or any other little things above Him, you are not doing His will.

Jesus: I died for you, sweet one. I allow you to suffer. This is suffering. You are given this to know how I suffered. You I only give such little things. I suffered, sweet one. I suffered, bloodied, bruised and beaten. Blood rolled down My cheeks. My head was pierced with sharp thorns. They spat on Me. They whipped Me. They beat Me on My head, My precious head. They hit Me on My thorns and the pain was so intense--the piercing thorns! I was slapped hard by these senseless ones. Oh, such evil in the hearts of those who beat Me, the Son of God!

My whole Body ached from head to toe. I suffered so, My child. You will never know how I suffered for love of you. I am God and I loved all My precious ones to My death--and they ignore Me!

Oh, how I suffer from this wounded heart. They will never know what love I have to give them. They will never know how I, God, love them. They are so busy with their worldly lives!

You must tell them how I wait for them. I wait. I want them to come and I will give them such love! Tell them, Rita, tell them! Your discontent is from what emotions I give you and you keep them inside. I want all to know Me and My love. I am crying out to you, little one. Tell them, tell them. Do not waste any time. I am crying out for you to spread this message. I want you to tell all of My love and how I am waiting. Emotion! Emotion! I am crying out to you in your heart!

I long for their love. I died for them. How do I make them know if you, to whom I speak, hold back? I want you to get the messages out, child.

I loved all My beloved ones to My death. I love you this way this day. I am Jesus. I am begging you to not hold back this emotion.

Oh, child, My beloved ones are blind and are going down the road that leads to nowhere. You must preach My message. You must distribute My letters. You must tell all how I wait here!

Go to My faithful ones. Spread the messages at the Center. Keep them in your car. You will be called on in an instant and I will speak My message to My beloved ones through you.

Ready yourself for a big boom. No one is listening. I am crying out to you. Prepare your brothers. They are in darkness. Their souls are dying inside of them. Some come to Me with such indifference in Communion.

I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am on fire for love of them. I am Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. I call you to this state of urgency. Move your friends by this urgent letter. There is no more time to waste. I call you all here to deliver this message personally to you. I am Jesus. I am begging each of you to spread My message. Tell them of My ardent love. In each moment you waste, souls will be lost.

I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am your God. I am calling to you. Will you listen or will you be numb to My pleading? I yearn for your love. Come and sit with Me every day. Sit in front of My tabernacle so I can give you what you need. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus.

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I cry out to you to preach My love. Spread these messages. Tell all you meet that I, Jesus, am alone. I am in your midst and I love you this very day. I wait for you in the tabernacle. Come and be with Me every day. This is all that you need. I give you everything. All will work when you come to Me to get your supplies.

Come to Mass and Communion daily. I wait for you to come and be in union with Me. I want to be so close to you. I love you all and I am asking you each to busy yourself about your love affair with Me. Make Me first in your life. Give Me all you are. Pray My Prayer for Union all through the day.

It is your union with Me that will change this world. You will light the lights of the souls in darkness. They will see the might of God in your soul. Energy will be emitted from your very being. You will be as you are, My most important workers, just in your being, if you surrender and be about our love affair!

It's so simple. Come to Me, be united in Communion, pray with Me in silence after Communion, pray to the Holy Spirit for all of His gifts. Pray, lay hands on each other for strength. I am Jesus. I am alive. I will live in you in such a way that you will do such wonders, just in your being more in love with Me.

I love you all dearly. Open yourselves. Be selfless and let Me possess your soul! I love you. Jesus

Could I Die On A Cross?

March 14, 1994 Before Mass

R. Could I see myself giving willingly as Christ did, allowing people to do to me what they did to Him, and be silent? To be led away, when He had all the power? To see myself put on a cross and let people nail me there when I could have stopped it? Could I see myself giving my body over like that?

He does not ask this of us. He is asking for our surrender and to do His will. To think of giving my body over and having someone nail me to a cross, with little clothing, then hanging in midair! And He did it willingly, for love of us and in obedience to His Father!

What does He ask me to do that I hold back? What does He ask me to surrender? What is He calling me to?

After Mass:

R. The world is numb to God's existence. He is totally here with us this very day. The things of God are all that matters. It is so sad to see the people walk around, so blind to God's existence, as if they are here and this life is the end in itself.

Jesus: It hurts My aching heart to watch men go about their busy lives and pay no heed to Me. They see this world as an end in itself. They have become self-centered and mean. I am love. I come to ask you to die to yourself. It is as though the world and God are on opposite ends of a pole: Selfishness/World--Selflessness/God. There is no middle. To go to the world is to be sick. It is with such sadness that I disclose this to you. I am so upset at the ways of many men. I have been totally left out of their lives and those who go to church do not even comprehend love of God. They have a motionless religion. Love is action. It is on fire. It is from the heart. It has energy! I call you to love of God and love of one another. My death is the way I taught you how to love and be selfless. Look to Me. Meditate on My Passion.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am with you, My sweet one. My hand is in everything you experience. Let go and surrender to My love. I am by your side. You are being strengthened for what will come. Let go of your anger and focus only on My love. My hand is in all you experience. Little one, little one, I love you so. Hold tight to My love and do not fear. I am your strength. Surrender to all and know you do not have to do anything. I will act for you.

The devil is taunting you, but I love you immensely. Oh, My little sweet one, surrender to My love. You operate only for love of Me. Satan knows your weaknesses. He aims to trip you up and watch you abandon Me. You will never abandon Me, nor I you. Just surrender and let go. My love is in your heart. I am your strength. You go not alone and you do nothing on your own. I hold you up. I kiss your wounds and you go about My work. Let go of yourself and put yourself in My care. Surrender. Surrender from selfishness. Live only in My love every instant.

I am ever with you, oh, little one. Surrender to My love.

Satan Is Division

March 17, 1994 5:00 a.m.

Jesus: I am with you, sweet one. Let go of it all. I tend to all the details of your life. Sit and let it happen to you. You do not have to act. I will send all to you. Turn yourself entirely over to Me.

I make the crooked ways straight. Enemies talk to each other. Satan is division. Whenever there is division, Satan is at work. You do not do this here. I will tend to every detail. Let Me work. Never do anything because it is somebody else's decision. I prompt you to do all you are supposed to do. Satan will continue to do everything he can to get you focused on everything but Me.

You need time alone with Me. My time with you is not to be interrupted.

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

March 17, 1994 1:00 p.m.

Jesus: Do not worry for one thing. Do not run around like a chicken with your head off. I am your most important task, then your children. I will tend to everything else. You are learning mighty lessons. Surrender your all to Me. Let Me totally possess you and operate your soul.

I am God. I am Jesus, the Son of God. Do you believe Me? I talk so lovingly to you. Surrender. I have chosen you. You know the truth. I am Jesus, who died on the cross, child. I write to you like this and you worry?

Surrender your all. I am truly here. Your lack of peace comes from the doubt you have. Get rid of it. If the earth falls around you, no one can shatter you for I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am with you. Oh, little one, I am here. Love Me. That is all I ask! I want your love. I want you to love Me.

Do you not think My hand is on you every second? Let go. This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I am speaking to you. Block out the world. Let them run around and bump into one another. When will they learn to sit and let Me bring all things to them. The more they do, the more they botch it up. Oh, such senseless ones, when I, God, tell you all things. I know past and future. I read every heart and know its innermost thoughts. They go to others while I sit alone as the source of all answers. You go to 50 people, you get 50 answers, and their answers are worse than your own.

You hold the mighty medicine. You will answer My call when you surrender. I bring things to you, watch you botch things up, while I watch you so sweetly--like watching a child ice the cake. The icing is all over the child and all over the table. Only the mother keeps the child on course. I watch you ice the table and get it all over yourself. When will you listen to Me and Me alone?

You act. You get you by acting. How silly, when I, God, am writing to you and I know everything. I have all the power. Learn from Me. Surrender. Watch the world crumble about you and I tell you, do not act, do not make decisions based on your thinking. Read My letter and act only on My words. Satan wants to trip you up. I tell you all you need.

You need total trust and faith in Me. I am writing to you, child. Do not worry, fret or fume. All of you on the Blue Book, support one another. You are the spine. I am the power. If you go from My power that I send through you, you may get into false power. I will send My power through you. Stay united. Do not give in to any promptings of Satan to distract you. Stay united. I am truly present here.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I speak to you. It is your doubt that causes the problems. It is your willfulness to do your own things. Sit still and watch Me move about you. This is your strength for the days ahead. Satan is division.

Get My picture and pass it out at the Center. I want you to get holy cards. Tell people to look at My face, keep it in their wallets. Keep My mother's picture right with it. Do not spare the cost. I will back you. Distribute My picture. This will keep old and young alike focused on Me. Look at our faces and love us. Love Jesus. Pray to love Jesus and Mary. Just love us. This is how you need to grow in the love of Jesus--action from your heart. My love is on fire for you. Your love makes the union.

R. I looked down and read from the Blue Book (February 24):

"I want action from your heart. I want love. I want to be as close to you as an ardent lover. I am a person. I am God. I wait for your love affair with Me this day. Please harken and be with Me. I wait for you with such longing for you and you alone. See My eyes looking on you with such tenderness and longing. See My heart on fire for love of you. Come and be fed in the soul by God himself. No man can ever come close to My love. No thing can give you what I, alone, have to give you."

You Love Always

March 18, 1994 7:15 a.m.
At All Saints, After Communion

R. Dear Jesus, how holy is my soul? I do not see it as you desire. Do I judge my brothers? Do I compare myself to them and tell myself that I am right and they are wrong? Why do I judge at all? My job is to love, to love You with all my heart. My job is to preach Your gospel, to emit Your love from my very being!

When I am caught up in being wronged by my brother, how can Your love radiate to anyone? I am a clogged vessel and the love You want to give to those around me is trapped behind my anger.

Oh Lord, open my heart to Your ways. How easy for Satan to talk in my head and tell me how I should be feeling when I have a job to do. This job is more serious than any worldly job. This job is to spread Your love to a world that is hurting. When I am a clogged vessel, all those around me suffer from the loss of love they would receive if my heart were open and love were flowing out to them.

Oh, how Satan is so crafty as to steal our hearts away and fill them with such impurities, thoughts of anger at our brothers! How easily I comply. This is the self in me. Have I been wronged? Have I been threatened? Will someone think badly of me? Lord, help me to be selfless, to live only for love of You and to know You truly love me, to want not to answer any accusations of others, to remain silent when attacked unless You prompt me to speak.

Control my tongue as the doorway from my heart. Control my heart. Keep it full of Your love and free of all impurities. I want a heart that is free of hate and anger. I have a job to do, Lord, and it is to spread Your love. This job is a top priority. I receive all my love and support from You, Lord. Is that not enough or am I not thinking of how immense is the love of God?

Jesus: Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened and I give you rest. I fill you with such love. I am God. I am love. Why focus on your suffering brothers? Because they are suffering from the evil of this world. You need not suffer if you turn to Me. I have all you need. I never abandon you or leave you. I am by your side. I, Jesus, walk with you where you go, and with such love. The love of God is all-encompassing. When I am by your side, why do you fret because of your ailing brothers? Pray for them. Some are in total darkness. How will My light shine from you if you are clogged with any anger or hatred? You must remain fixed only in love--love of God, love of one another!

Put your anger aside and look to My suffering face. I loved you all to My death. I did not count the cost. I did not number your sins. I loved you. I forgave you. I loved you unconditionally. I gave My all for you. Can you not do this for your brothers? I suffered for the sins of men and I was silent. I speak of My love. I do not speak of your sins. Who of you are sinless? If you expect Me to forgive you, can you not forgive your brothers when they have wronged you?

I am the light that shines through you to the dark world. I want to shine from your hearts. To have the least taint of hate and anger blocks My light from your souls. Clean out your hearts every minute. Let the hate and anger go! Do not let it fester and grow in your hearts. Keep your hearts pure only in the love of God. When your brother wrongs you, forgive him instantly. Do not let Satan talk in your head. Do not let self come to the front lines. Be ready to withstand the attack. Remain selfless and unattached.

I live in you and you live in Me. You are immersed in a vat of My love. My might shines from your being. Your brothers are suffering. Love them, watch them in their suffering and see them as My precious ones in need of My love. They are hurting so. Will you not tend to their bleeding wounds? Or will you scoff at them and go on your way?

This world is suffering. The only cure is the love of God. You have the opportunity to spread My love or act like the world. How can I love My sick ones if you act as they do? Did I argue on the way to Calvary? Did I answer their accusations and say, "Oh, I didn't do that?" I was silent! Can you not remain silent when you are accused? Can you not turn to Me and pick up your cross and see My suffering face?

I suffer for how they are hurting you. But to strike back in anger is not the way of love. This is not My way. My way is to love. I loved those who whipped Me. I loved those who crowned My head with thorns. I loved those who spit at Me and yelled obscenities at Me. I loved you all in all your sins! I loved you to My death! I showed you the way to love. I showed you the way to forgive. I showed you the way.

Why do you look to the ways of the suffering? If they scoff at and persecute you and yell any slander against you, focus on the love of your Father in heaven Who gave His only Son for love of you! The way of God is the way of love. Any taint of anger, of hatred, of getting even, of being wronged and making yourself right, is the way of the evil one.

My ways are steadfast and direct. I operate from love. Stay rooted firmly in the love of God. See Me suffering, beaten, bloodied, crowned, slapped, kicked, slandered--and every vile thing yelled at Me. See Me, see Me and then see Me dying on the cross in sweet surrender, arms outstretched, hanging by nails, head hanging--all out of great and ardent love for you!

I showed you how to love. Can you not forgive your suffering brothers? Can you not love? I loved to My death. Can you not let go of such little things coming from them who are hurting? You are My soldiers in this cold war. Your weapons are your hearts filled with the ardent, on-fire love of Jesus. Your hearts are powerful. God has all the power. Love finds the way. The only way to warm a cold heart is through the warmth of love, true love, unconditional love, that I give to you. Love always. I loved you to My death. Will you love My hurting ones for Me? Can I use you to light the dark world? I call this day. Will you answer?

The way to Me is the Way of the Cross. Do you see your life as the way to Me? Each day is a day on the way to the end which is heaven, hell or purgatory. Do you see yourself as making it for this life or for everlasting life? Oh, if only children were taught to see their lives in their entirety, from beginning to end, only to go to another place. If only children were taught to see that this is a "layover", not the end in itself!

Look at your life. You are on your way to somewhere else. This is a journey to get you to another place. If you are traveling, you do not camp out on the train, or try to make your vehicle an end in itself. You are in transit to another life. You have not arrived. You have not come to your destiny.

I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. To have eternal life you must model yourself after the Master. I loved you to My death. I love you this much this day. I gave My life for you. Do you not believe that to turn to Me is to give you all you need?

Follow Me. I show you the Way. You need to be led to the kingdom that waits for you. If you follow other leaders, they take you from the correct way. Only one way leads to My kingdom. It is the way I showed you. It is the way I show you this day. Would you go to a tour guide who knows the way or to one who is guessing?

Your brothers are following paths that lead to destruction. I show you the way to the kingdom of heaven. Why would you follow an amateur who knows not the way? You pay the price for your foolishness. My way is the Way of the Cross. If you try to find another way more to your liking, you get off course. The way to My kingdom is led by Me. I am with you this day in the Eucharist and in the tabernacle. Will you come and sit with Me in silence and listen when I give you your directions or will you go to a bad guide and try to find a short cut?

There is no short cut to My kingdom. My way is the only way. Pick up your cross and follow Me. Do not try to put your crosses down. Accept what I send you as coming from Him Who loves you. It is in this acceptance that you grow in your relationship with Me. My hand is in everything you experience.

See Me clothed in a white tunic, My love radiating from My being. See My hand outstretched as I walk before you and say, "Sweet one, this is the way to My kingdom. I bring you such love along the way. You will suffer, but My love will see you through. Come and follow as I lead. I walk before you backwards, right in front of you. Do you not see Me? Keep your eyes on Me, sweet one. I love you so. I will never lead you off the right road. I lead you with such love and peace. You will not know all My love here, sweet one, but when we get to My kingdom, what a reward for following Me! My house has many mansions. I have a place prepared just for you. I ardently love you. I am your Jesus, Son of the Living God. I come, you follow. We will live in My kingdom soon."

9:45 a.m.

Jesus: Unless a grain of wheat dies, it does not produce fruit. Such dying must be cultivated by obedience and your covenant with God, rooted in love and forgiveness. Die to yourself and live in My love, child. Child, I love you. Do you know now?

R. Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. Jesus, I believe. I believe in you.

You know that what I tell you is truth. Do not even think. I will bring them to you. You remain set in your place. Pray all day. Be busy about My work. I need you to do My work for Me.

Pray For Each Other

March 20, 1994 4:45 a.m.

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. To have the light within you must go to the light. This world is a dark place. Watch your children. Your children cannot watch any TV. Keep them fixed on Me! Watch your children. Guard them. They are your most prized possessions!

Your children should be guarded as precious gems. The miracles will come from the children. Pay attention to them. As for any children that come to you at the Center, pray that they answer the call. They are being called to the Center to be leaders. I will need you in these endeavors. Young adults, young children--I want you to talk to them. Pray over them that they be led to My Sacred Heart. Pray over their parents that they be led to Me so they will lead their children. Watch when children come to you at the Center and watch their parents. Be attentive. You must lead others to their calling.

I need all of My soldiers in this dark world. Praying and talking to people after the meetings is the best way for you to reach My people now. Lay hands and be attentive to those who are led to you. Give them a "Prayer for Union with Jesus" card. Pray for their intimate relationship with My Sacred Heart. Pray that they learn to be in love with Me. You will reach individuals who will be led to an ardent, on-fire love of Me. Pray long over their children. Know their names. They will be the leaders of the young. They are not there by accident.

Pray, pray, pray. I will use you all to do My work. I need you to be with Me in everything you do. My hand is on you. My eye is forever watching you. It is in your being. You are preaching My gospel. I am the Lord, thy God. I need you to follow this call.

I am Jesus. I speak here. Pray for union with Me. Pray for their hearts. Pray that they answer My call. Those who come to you are being called. They need My strength to get rid of themselves. People are full of self. Preach dying to self and surrendering. I will set My people free and they will serve Me in all they do.

Alleluia. To be free of self and operate only for the love of God! Alleluia.

You are being called to lead the senseless ones. Pray with them. They will be leaders for others to come to My Sacred heart. Pray for all who come to you to listen to My call and enkindle their love affair with My Sacred Heart. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I make My people fearless. People will come to you who are caught in fear. Pray that they put their fear aside. Pray that they open up and let Me possess them. I need to operate from the fearful ones. They will be of steadfast heart to lead others to My love.

My power dismisses all fear. They must pray the "Prayer for Union" with Me. Keep the cards with you, hand deliver them, give out pictures of My Sacred Heart, have people carry them in their wallets. I want an intimate, personal relationship with My people.

Your prayers are very important. You will lead all to My Sacred Heart. Pray that they enkindle a deep and ardent love affair with Me.

Pray at the Center that all enkindle a deep and ardent love relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am a person. I want to be close to every person who goes there. Then I can permeate their souls. Then I can show them My love. Then My love will flow from those who come to you.

Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. Promote this prayer. Tell them to pray every day and many times during the day!

Preach surrender and selflessness. The way to Me is to die to yourself and let Me possess your soul. When I operate from you, what power!!

I am Jesus. I will use the people at the Center to set the world on fire. My people will know My might by the light in their hearts, the light that I and My Blessed Mother enkindle within their breasts. We will light the world. We will set it ablaze. You will set the sparks that fly to the world.

This is My City of Light. This is the Center where all can come and be renewed. I am Jesus. I will set this city on the hill ablaze with the fire of My love and the city will shine to a darkened world. My love will be fused into the hearts of all who come to this City of Light.

Have pictures of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pass out the holy cards. Tell others to carry the pictures with them at all times. You know the picture I mean. Wherever I am, My mother is right by My side! She is with them, by their side, when they go to Communion. We are always together. What a team! You never walk alone. Though you feel alone at times, we are always with you. Carry the pictures. Look at them when you pray. Keep your focus on us.

Mary leads you to an ardent on-fire love of Jesus. This union will light this city on the hill. This world will be lit by those who come to you. Enkindle in all a great union with My Sacred Heart.

Pray over your people at the Center for intimacy with Me. Where I am in their hearts, their hearts will spread My love to their brothers. So simple, but so vital! My love is the answer. My heart, on fire, is mighty medicine for the sick world. The love of Jesus is the answer to the sick world.

My Son's Love Letters Must Be Read

March 21, l994
Message From Our Blessed Mother

Mary: You hold letters that tell of the intimate, longing love of my Son for His people. Publish these letters so my children will be drawn closer to the Sacred Heart. He waits for their love. He is present and waiting. They will not know if you hold off any longer. Time is short. My children will not heal without the love of Jesus. The world is sick and you contain the medicine. All need to turn their minds and hearts back to my Son. These messages need to be published--now. I am Mary, your mother, and I love you.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Please Preach of My Ardent Love

March 22, 1994

R. I am filled with great sadness for the souls that are so blind as not to know Jesus and His beautiful love. I want to tell every soul of His ardent, on-fire love of them and how He waits with all the intense, immense love their starving souls crave.

I am only one person. If people read His letters, they would know how intently He loves them and waits to give them all they need. They are suffering. They are sick because they are missing His love. He has it all to give them when they come to Communion and sit in front of the tabernacle.

Jesus: What is missing, My sweet one, is the love, the emotion. How I truly love them! You need to tell every person you speak to how I love them. That is what their starving souls crave. Stronger than any appetite is the craving for My love. You must tell them I love them. I, Jesus Christ, am in the tabernacle. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am in the tabernacle. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, wait for My beloved ones to come to Me. They are suffering. They are in such distress. They are so blind. They walk around in circles and bump their heads. They follow paths at top speed that lead nowhere and I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died on the cross with the greatest love for them, sit alone. I have all they need. Their souls are starving.

You contain the mighty medicine to turn their hearts back to Me. I am Jesus Christ. I am God. I beg you to preach how I am here in your midst this very day and how I love each person so intently. Your sorrow, child, is from knowing how I love them and watching them in their blindness.

My sorrow is so intense. My heart is bleeding to give this message to My dear ones. My plea is urgent. Every moment wasted is hurting their souls. They need to know I am truly present in Communion and in the tabernacle. Out of great and ardent love, I, God, became a man and died on the cross. I am in your midst this very day and I am being ignored.

Even My faithful do not realize My intense, personal love. They think I am a God far off in the distance that they talk about!

I do not call you to a conversation about God. I call you to love! Love is action from your heart. Love is burning. Love is on fire. Love is personal. Love of God, not motions! Oh, such indifference in My church when they say in their monotone voice, "Oh, the love of God." This is the love that led Me to be born a mere human and die a brutal, anguishing death! I died for you for the love I have for you! I wait for you a prisoner in the tabernacle out of greatest love for you and you do not even know how personal I am!

I am Jesus, the same Jesus who died for you and I am there in Communion and in the tabernacle, and I am being ignored, treated with such irreverence.

Oh, please, preach about My love for My sick ones! You contain the key, the key to open their hearts and heal their aching souls. It is the on-fire, ardent love I have for each and every person.

I am God and I am speaking to My loved ones. You hold the medicine they need to make them better. Think how you are when you are sick and need medicine. They are hurting far worse than any flu could make them hurt. They are in pain, deep in their hearts. Their hearts have turned ice cold and their souls are on the way to death. One pebble in a pond creates such a ripple. People preach the gospel in their being. Those who are in love with Me and come to the Center will change the cold hearts of this world.

Set their hearts on fire with My intimate love. Pray in the prayer service for their union with Jesus. Pray over each person that they grow in their relationship with Me. Pray that they grow close in love with Me. Pray over them to love Me. This is your answer, the personal on-fire love of Jesus. This is the power. I am God. I have all the power. When I possess their souls and permeate their being, they will walk in the love of Jesus. They will preach My gospel in their very being. What a powerhouse, the love of God emitted from their very being!

The love of God cannot be contained. It is a mighty force. It is the source by which this sick world is saved. Enkindle in each heart that comes to you the love of Jesus.

I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am alive. I, Jesus Christ, the same Jesus who died on the cross, am in your midst this day. My love is the same as the day I died for you. Preach this message and watch the suffering souls heal. I am in Communion. I, Jesus, come into your body. This is the greatest healing service for any man. I, Jesus, wait for you in the tabernacle. I am alive. I am a personal God. I am as close as your breath. I am with you, My child. Come and sit with Me. I have all the power. Pray over people to enkindle a love of Jesus in their hearts. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus. Pray aloud, together. What power!

Love Finds A Way. Do You Love Me?

March 22, 1994
At Priests' Residence Chapel After Mass

Jesus: That is the point. I am not going to ask you to let go of something that you don't care about! I want you to surrender that which is very dear to you. "Oh, but," you say, "Lord, I like that," and I say, yes, I know. Do you choose Me above that? I want that which you want to hold on to. That is what keeps you from union with Me. To love Me, you must die to yourself.

You let go of bits and pieces you are willing to give up. This is not love. You decide, "I don't want this very much, Lord, so I give it to you." I want that which you will not let go of. The more closed your arms are, holding on to something, the less free you are. Total freedom is total surrender to Me. Are you willing to let go of that which I ask this day?

Your surrender is similar to how you develop trust. You trust a step at a time. You grow in your trust of Me by trusting, one step at a time. You grow in union with Me by surrendering a step at a time. Today I ask you for that which is most dear to you, only to find out tomorrow you were attached to something else. This is love--to lay down your life for Me. Would you give to Me that which you hold on to? What I am asking will take a little sacrifice, but you hold on to it because you love it.

To love Me is to put Me first. It may seem little to you, but you love it so much you don't want to let go. This is keeping you from union with Me today. I ask you today for this little part of yourself. You say, "Oh, Lord, but I really want that." I know you do. That is what is keeping you from being free to love Me.

Love gives. I gave you My life for greatest love of you. I held back not one drop of blood, one beat of My heart. I gave you everything. I stretched My arms wide. I hung in midair. I had nothing I held on to. I showed you the way to surrender and love. I am not asking for everything. I am asking you to climb one step today. The Way of the Cross was hard. The way to Me is for you to take that step today. I loved you to My death. I showed you the way. My body hung, My Blood was spent, My heart beat no more--and I did this for love of you!

I did the will of The Father to die for You! He loved you so much He sent His only Son. My mother suffered so in agony to watch her precious child die. There was no holding back. In total surrender, I died for love of You!

What do you hold on to? How can you love Me more? I love you with the most ardent on-fire love, unconditionally. I loved you this way and I love you this way this day.

Our love affair waits. You keep our love affair from growing by what you hold on to that is worldly, by what the self demands. Union with Me is accomplished by how you render yourself selfless.

Love gives. I showed you the way. I gave My life for you. If you want to love Me, surrender yourself. Give up this day that which I ask you. I want that which is precious to you. When you give such a gift is when our love will grow. Our love affair depends on you.

My Aching Heart

March 22, 1994

R. I did not understand the ache in My heart or in Jesus' heart. I begged Him to give me a sign so that I could understand. He has been teaching Me that which I experienced but did not understand. I have been experiencing such sorrow and crying when I look at the world and how blind it is. He has all that men's hearts crave. He has all that will heal the hurting souls suffering from their own blindness to God and His ways. The world is operating and suffering. Their hearts are turned to stone. Their eyes have a hollow gaze. They roam the barren desert for water but they do not find any.

Nothing will satisfy the craving soul but the love of God. Nothing we search after is of any account if it is not rooted in God. He and He alone satisfies our soul.

The immensity of the sorrow I feel that people do not know of this ardent love of God! We are the soldiers in this cold world. He calls out to us and begs us to answer His cry. Put Him first. When you live only for the love of God, you will quit looking for your own self-gratification.

Jesus: To seek the self is not to do My will. I need you to do My work. I need you to preach to this world about My love. I need you to have an on-fire love relationship with Me, so My love is emitted from your very being.

I am God. To be in union with Me is to have power and might in your soul. My power, My might, My light I want to give to the hurting world. I can only give that which the world needs when you come, selfless, and let Me work in you. I want to operate from your very soul to minister to this hurting world. Will you answer My call?

I ask you to have an intimate, loving union with Me. That is all you need do. I will tend to all details in your life. I am God. I have all the power. You are so blind.

Surrender. Sit on a chair and wait. Oh, wait for the Lord. I give you all you need, but you must come, you must come and love Me. You must sit with Me after Communion and in front of the tabernacle. I can do, in one instant, what you cannot do ever! You are senseless and full of yourselves. Listen to Me. I am God and I know all things. You come and I minister to you directly. How I love you, but you keep us at arm's length by your foolish attachments. I am here. Will you come and minister to My sick ones?

Faith Is Faith

March 23, 1994 4:45 a.m.

Jesus: My dear sweet one, I am ever present in the silence. You did as you were told. Everything that you experience is being allowed by Me. You must accept this suffering. I allowed it. It is in acceptance of all things that you grow in your relationship with Me. You do not know how I work. You do not ask questions. You do not get answers. You develop faith and trust in Me. I give you only as you need.

Faith is the answer. It is in your trials that you are given the greatest messages. Times will be tough. What must I do to shake those in their comfort? I am God and I speak here. I tell you all you need to know. I have all the power. I do not do things the way you want. I teach My lessons in your trials.

I am Jesus. I want the people to listen to Me now. I am not writing all these lessons to be ignored. Harken, for I am He Who has all the power. Do you believe I am God? Do you believe I have spoken here? Then harken to the tone of My voice. I want to be obeyed. I have given you letters for My beloved ones. I want them to know of My ardent love. I want all to know. I am a personal God. I want to light the fires of My beloved ones with the fire of My love. I ask you to comply with My wishes here.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I love each child intently. You will never know to what extent I would go to save a soul. I gave My life for each and every child. I, God, was born a mere human and died a brutal death for love of each person. I died for each soul. This is the mighty medicine to turn men's minds and hearts back to Me. I am God. I am speaking. Do you hear My words spoken here or do you not believe Me?

I will come! I will rock them off their rockers. In one instant I can destroy the earth! I can take your breath away. I came not to destroy but to save. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth out of a heart filled with the fire of My love. I am the same Jesus this very day. I speak in these messages. I want you to hear and heed My cries to help Me preach My love to every soul.

Preach not a monotone love of God, not a motionless love of God, but the love of God as I deliver it to My messenger! Preach love of God with the same intensity and urgency as I give to you. I want My people to know how I care for them.

You have the mighty medicine. The world is sick. You hold the medicine to turn men's minds and hearts back to an ardent on-fire love of Jesus.

I am speaking here. Man does not know what I speak or there would be no reason for Me to speak. Do you believe My might? Do you believe I have all the power? I send out an urgent plea to harken to My cry. I never leave your side. You, who toil so for love of Me, I am ever watching you and protecting you. In all your trials, you are strengthened. I teach the mighty lessons of God in all your adversities. I give to you as you need. It is your faith and love of Me that will sustain you. Faith is faith.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have spoken in all these letters. Do you hear My cry to listen? I will rock this world with My might. You hold the medicine. I want You to preach the ardent on-fire love of Jesus Christ. I want you to read My letters and heed every word here.

I am Jesus, the Son of God. I have chosen you to do this work. I have chosen this Center to do this renewal. I am asking you to hear My cries, to give My love to My beloved ones! I come to you. I ask you, for I am God. I am Who am and I am asking you to help Me!

Read and reread every letter. I am talking to you. God talks to you here. I have all the power. I have all the might. I come to give My love. I am in your midst. I am God. I have all the power. I come to fill My beloved ones with My love. They are suffering. They are sick. They need their medicine.

Do you listen here? Do you believe I speak to you? What must I do to tell you? I am God. I write to you in these letters. I have all the power. I want all to know of My ardent on-fire love. Preach love with emotion about My love, the same love today. Will you listen? Will you harken to My pleading to step out and take both feet off the ground and let go. Surrender your lives to Me. I am He Who sustains you. I will operate through you when I possess your soul.

I have all the might. What I do is a success. I am God and I speak here. When You act, you get the actions of a mere human. When I act, I am the Son of God. I act and I receive results that are always successful.

This is My plan, to light the city and set men's hearts on fire with My ardent love. Will you comply? I give you an urgent request. I am Jesus, Son of God. I ask you to read and reread every letter. What do I do to increase your faith and tell you I am talking here? I do things the way God does them. I do not act the way you want.

I come to you. I plead, I beg, I am ignored. I am God and I have all the power. I am crying for the lost souls that need these messages. My heart bleeds for their suffering. They suffer, and this disease is worse than any flu. Babies are being murdered. Souls are dying and going to damnation because they do not know the love of Jesus!

I am God. I will sustain you. You will suffer, but I am always by your side. Do you believe I am talking to you? When will you listen? Read your past messages. I have begged and pleaded with you. Will you read My past messages? Will you comply with what I ask of you? I have chosen you to do this work. I am God. I have all the power. Will you preach the ardent, on-fire love of Jesus? Will you surrender and be taught by Me?

Listen and be taught. I am by your side. Will you listen to My letters? Will you listen to My messenger? I give you all you need!

I am God. I do things in My way. I send an urgent plea to you to listen to Me. I am God and I am speaking to you. I am asking you to read and listen to every message. Will you respond to My crying out to you?

I love you so intently. I am God and I have all the power.

I love you. Jesus.

Let Go--I Catch You In My Arms

March 25, 1994

R.When I relinquish all that is so dear, that is when I love Him more. I will go to the end of the limb, I will jump and let Him catch me. He wants us to let go. I want to hold on to security in this world. Oh, no, He says, I want your all. You do not go to this world. You let it all go. You hold on to nothing. You walk to the end of the cliff and jump. Then watch the miracles happen.

Jesus: I am asking you to jump into My arms. I am God and I will catch you. I am all you have that is solid to hold on to, yet you see Me not. You must have faith that I, God, can do in one second what the world never will do. I will light My city with the love of My Sacred Heart. Your people will flock to you for their food. You will feed the starved soul with the on-fire love of Jesus Christ. You will light the wicks of My beloved ones and they will shine in the dark world.

Nothing less than total surrender will put you in My arms. I only catch you when you let go. If you hold on, then I have no reason to catch you. You are already hanging and dangling from a shaky limb. Why try to do it yourself when total surrender drops you into the hands of God?

I have all the power. I am God. I am Jesus Christ. It was through My surrender on the cross that I saved the world. Will you surrender? That which you hold on to is not secure. You only hold on to it out of fear. The fear is worse than any surrendering you do. I am God. I give you freedom. Let go. Live by My direction. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, write to you. Listen. I am God. I have all the power and all the answers. I love you.

I Loved You to My Death

March 26, 1994 4:30 a.m.

R. I want to cry and cry out, "Oh, how He died for you! How He suffered! How He was beaten and bloodied, how He suffered and how dear, dear Mary, watched her precious Son with such suffering!" The Father, to allow this, to will it for love of us!

By His death, we were saved. He suffered so for love of us! What does He ask of you this day? Meditate on His Passion. Ask Him to let you feel His pain. It is in feeling this pain, His surrender, that you will come to know His great love.

To lay down your life! He stood there and allowed them to beat Him and tear His flesh, to whip Him. God allowed this because He loved us so much!

Jesus: I loved you, My sweet ones. When you love someone, you can endure anything for love of them. They hit Me and tore My flesh. They yelled every kind of false word against Me--Me, God-made-man-and I endured it because I love you.

If you only knew a little of My love, child! I suffered all this for love of you and I would do this again this very day. I love you this very day. I would walk My walk to Calvary again today. What made Me endure it was My ardent love for you. Oh, sweet ones, listen to Me this day. Do not turn a deaf ear to My pleading. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am He Who suffered a brutal death for love of you. I walked the walk. I, in surrender, subjected Myself to death on the cross and I did it for love of you, My sweet ones.

Think of this Passion. Think of My suffering. It is in this you will come to know how I love you.

Tell your brothers. Tell them, I beg you, to spread this message. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I am alive this day in the Eucharist and in the tabernacle. I am the same Jesus who died a brutal death for you.

I wait for you. I cry for your love. I am suffering this day because I see this suffering world. I feel your pain, I suffer with the souls who are hurting. I have all you need. I am God, I have all the power. You were created to know, love and serve Me. I have all you need.

To My death on the cross, I showed you how to love. Your brothers are hurting, they are blind. Do not respond to them with hatred and anger. Respond with My love. You are My light to this world. You are My voice. You I call to deliver My message of love. Will you answer My call?

My mother suffered so for love of you! She is My beautiful mother of love. She loves you. She is always with Me. When you receive Me in the Eucharist, she is there. She is beside Me when you come to the tabernacle. We are always with you. Do not fret and fume and despair. This is from Satan. He wants you bowed down. I cannot operate if you are giving in to Satan. He hates Me and wants you to hate your brothers, to be divided. I want you united to light up My city. You are the lights that shine in this dark world.

Forgive and Ask For Forgiveness

March 26, 1994

Jesus: My sweet one, the heart of God has no room for any anger and hate. You must stay rooted in love of Me. Relinquish any attachment to being wronged. You must forgive and be sorry for any of your words. You must always remain steadfast in My love. To get angry is not to spread My love. I am constantly by your side. Satan wants to create division. Only in union will My work be accomplished.

Pray for forgiveness. Forgive all those who have injured you. Your heart must be pure and full of love. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You need a pure heart to love. I command you to love God and love one another. If others offend you, be silent. I was silent when they scoffed at and persecuted Me.

You will suffer from those closest to you. Pray for their fear. Do not get angered. Pray for union with your brothers. My work is only accomplished in love. Satan taunts all those involved to create division. Speak only from a position of love. You must love as I loved you. I loved those who persecuted Me. Love all those who are hurting. Pray for their fear. I am here, little one. I never leave your side. I will always watch out for you. When God loves you as I do, it wounds Me that you get so caught up in others. I am here and I am God and I love you. Your brothers are suffering. You must always love in order to do My work.

You will be tested. You will be tried. You must rid yourself of all anger. Let go. Surrender. Fall into My loving arms. I am here waiting to catch you when you let go. Clean your heart at every second. Satan is lurking about to divide you and cause dissension. I am God and I speak to you. Do not give in to Satan. You must remain My light that shines in the dark night. I Love You!

I Need You United

March 26, 1994

R. I realize more now how Mary's hand is always with us. She is present after Communion. I feel her presence all day. Wherever Jesus is, Mary is also. She is our loving mother. What love! Who are we to be so lucky to have such a loving mother and loving Father? The Father loved us so much He gave us His only Son. Oh, Father, you are so good to us. My beautiful Father and mother!

Mary herself suffered at the beginning of Your conception. She was not accepted but she said "yes". Do I say, "Yes, Lord", even when the road is tough? You, Jesus, said "yes" to The Father. Mary said "yes". Doing Your will is saying "yes". It is doing what you want, not what we decide is a good work. Doing Your will is not doing what I want to do. It is doing Your will, whether I want to do it or don't want to do it!

The more I love Jesus, the more I am compelled to do the will of God by such love. I aim to please My God and not offend Him. I love Him so much. What does He ask you to surrender to? Will you say "yes" or "no"?

Jesus: I am calling you to do My work. I am calling you to love. I am calling you to stay united. I am calling you not to give in to Satan's tauntings to divide you. Satan's grip is paralyzing and crippling. He lurks about and seeks to trip you up in your weakness. You must pray constantly to ward off his attacks to divide you. I need you united to do this work. I need you to stay rooted in love, always to love your brother. If he attacks you, be silent, offer it up, pray. See him suffering and needing your love. Do not respond in anger. To act as others act is not to spread My love. I call you to love of God, love of one another!

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Will you say "yes" to love? Love is that by which this world will be healed. You are preaching about the ardent on-fire love of Jesus Christ. I call you to love one another, not to have anger. I call you to an ardent love of your brothers. I call you to love all of your brothers. You cannot be angry at one person and serve Me properly. Will you say "yes"?

I am Jesus Christ. I am the tenderest of all hearts. I come to you with deepest love. Suffer My Passion with Me. My heart was full of love and they whipped Me and beat Me, tenderest of all hearts, full of love for them who beat Me! It hurts to have those you love hurt you. I love you, sweet one, with My Godly love. I am all you need. I never change. I love you unconditionally. I love you the same each day. You learn such lessons in your trials! I am Jesus. I am here and I am your Savior.

R. Alleluia. Praise Him who ministers to our wounded hearts as no human can. He is God. He is Almighty. He is our all, world without end. Alleluia.

Jesus: When they persecute you and yell anything against you, they did it to Me first and they do it to Me again when they mistreat you. You are never alone. My mother is with you. She walked My walk on Calvary. Though we did not touch, our hearts were joined in such union. She walks with you the streets of this cold, self-centered world. She walks with you in your walk toward heaven. She is your loving mother. You are her beloved child.

Oh, child, let go and fall into the arms of Him Who loves you. They are the only arms that will sustain you and My mother is by My side.

R. Alleluia. Such love poured out on us!

Jesus: The more you strip yourself of you, the more you feel My touch.

R. Jesus is the tenderest of all hearts. He suffered so from our indifference.

Jesus: You write what I tell you to write. If "they" have a problem with it, it is their problem. That is like telling the interpreters in Medjugorje that you don't like the message!

R. Surrender. All through the Passion, surrender! Tied to a pole, beaten, led away, He sat without any comment and they put a dirty robe on Him. He sat in surrender while they hammered the crown of thorns into His head, surrendered while they taunted Him and laughed at Him. Surrender. They gave Him a cross, hit Him, kicked Him, spat on Him, struck Him with a stick to get up, treated Him awfully! Surrender. They led Him away, with Jesus totally complying to His death on the cross. How He hung in total surrender!

Jesus: When they persecute you for My sake, great will be your reward! Stand your trials. I was as the innocent lamb led to the slaughter. In the act of total submission to the will of The Father, I gave My life for His will. Say the Our Father. Thy will be done, Father. This, doing of His will, is worth more than a thousand prayers. This pleases Me, Him and the Holy Spirit.

Surrender your lives. Make your lives an act of total submission to God. Be as the little lamb being led to the slaughter. You will suffer persecution for My sake. My way is not to take up the sword. My way is in submission.

Do you see Me hanging in the act of total submission? Follow Me. This is My way for you. You want your own way. Follow My will. This weighs far more than any mortification. This pleases Me. I call you to total surrender. See Me dying on the cross in compliance with The Father's will. You surrender your lives to The Father's will. This is your guide, your inner promptings on what tells you His will.


March 26, 1994

Jesus: I want you to love when they persecute you. I want you to surrender and turn your heart into a heart fixed only in love. Let go and let Me In. I will fill you with forgiveness and love!

You must dismiss all fear and realize you live for love of Me and Me alone. I am catching you in My loving arms when you let go.

It is hard to love when someone has hurt you. I tell you to forgive 70 times 7 times. Forgive, My little one. Let go and I will embrace you in My loving arms. You have no room in your heart for any hatred or anger.

You are tender from My love. Now that you know a little how My heart hurts so badly, your heart becomes more tender!

My heart is full of love, love of you. You need no person's approval. You love Me with all your heart! I love you with a heart on fire for love of you. You can love the unloving because I loved you first. I am Jesus Christ. Mine is the tenderest of all hearts. I come to you with the deepest love.

Suffer My Passion with Me. My heart was full of love and they whipped Me and beat Me, the tenderest of all hearts, full of love for them who beat Me!

I love you, sweet one, with My Godly love. I am all you need. I never change. I love you unconditionally. I love you the same each day. You learn such lessons in your trials. I am Jesus. I am here and I am your Savior.

When they persecute you and yell anything against you, they did it to Me first and they do it to Me again when they mistreat you. You are never alone. My mother is with you. She walked My walk on Calvary. Even though we did not touch, our hearts were joined in such union! She walks with you the streets of this cold, self-centered world. She walks with you as you walk toward heaven. She is your loving mother. You are her beloved child. Oh, child, let go and fall into the arms of Him Who loves you. They are the only arms that will sustain you, and My mother is by My side.

I Have All You Need

March 26, 1994

Jesus: I see this suffering world. I feel your pain. I suffer with the souls who are hurting. I have all you need. I am God. I have all the power. You were created to know, love and serve Me. I have all you need.

To My death on the cross I showed you how to love. Your brothers are hurting. They are blind. Do not respond to them with hatred and anger. Respond with My love. You are My light to this world. You are My voice. You I call to deliver My message of love. Will you answer My call?

My mother suffers so for love of you! She is My beautiful mother of love. She loves you as she loves Me. She is always with Me. When you receive Me in the Eucharist she is there. She is by Me when you come to the tabernacle. We are always with you. Do not fret and fume and despair. This is from Satan. He wants you bowed down. I cannot operate if you are giving in to Satan. He hates Me and wants you to hate your brothers, to be divided. I want you, united, to light up My city. You are the lights that shine in this dark world.

Strip Yourself of You

March 27, 1994

R. God is truly here. Jesus is in our midst. He numbers the hairs on our heads and knows whence they came. He wants to catch us in His loving arms. When we fall, He is there. He is truly here with me at this moment. I do not want to let go. I want to hold on to that which gives me pleasure. It is only in surrendering that God is all that is left. Then I can be about my job of loving and living for Him alone.

This is perfectly clear to me, but I feel I cannot express it any better in words. I am so attached to so many things and people, but it is only in total surrender that the things of God are all there is. Tea was a big thing for me and has been for many years. I rewarded myself at different times during the day. I got such gratification from it that when He asked me to give it up, I said, "Oh, God, I love it!" And He said, "That is what keeps you from increased union with Me."

I see that every time I let go of something very precious to me I jump into His arms. The world becomes less appealing and He is so much more alive and here for me. He is all that our craving soul desires. The more I feed my soul with Him, the more I am in harmony with the purpose of my creation.

All that He says is so simple, yet so hard to do. Who wants to let go of their most precious things? The reward is closer union with God!

I Will Teach You Mighty Lessons

March 28, 1994

Jesus: What comes forth is a sinner or a saint. You are being tested in fire. I am allowing what you are experiencing so that you will grow in your love of Me. As you struggle, you surrender more of those things around you and choose only Me.

You will be tested to the highest degree. You are suffering, you must stay rooted only in the love of Jesus! I am God. I know all the lessons you need to learn to do My work.

Do not make others wrong and yourself right. Seek only to love God. Pray for those who cause you discomfort. Remain silent and steadfast in My love. I will take care of your needs. Do not act. I am there and I will handle all your problems. I have spoken in these letters.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I want every letter to be heeded. This is doing My will. Take care of yourself. Do My will. Play with your children. Do everything I tell you. I accept you as you are, with the faults you have, and I teach you My lessons ever so gently. If you do not respond, I must increase My lessons. I use whatever measure I need to teach you the lesson you need to learn. I want faith in Me. I want your openness to Me. I want your surrender. I want you to do the will of God in all things.

I obeyed My Father's will to My death. Mary obeyed always the will of The Father. I am kind and gentle in heart, but stern in My ways to move you. How do I move My resistant children? I teach, you learn. If you do not listen to My teachings, I continue to teach the same lesson in proportion to how you will respond. I am forever teaching you just what you need to do My work. If you listen and accept all I send you and learn the lesson, your life is easier. If you do your will, I continue to teach you the lessons you need to learn. I will give you those lessons until you learn them. I am dealing with you directly every minute of every day. My hand is in all you experience. I allow all that happens to you. You are My beloved ones.

I am the teacher. You are My pupil. You go to My school to learn your lessons. I give you the tests you need to learn the lessons. I am Jesus. I love you so sweetly. You do not even comprehend a little of My love.

Trust in Me and Me alone. I am with you at this moment. Come and sit with Me in front of the tabernacle and after Communion.

I am Jesus, Son of the Living God.

I Want Pure Love

March 28, 1994

R. Thank you for the crosses that teach me such lessons, Lord.

Jesus: Oh, sweet one, I love you. I am here with you. Mary is here.

R. I smelled roses strongly after Communion. Mary is telling me to tell all how "where Jesus is, she, our loving mother, is always there." She is there in our closest moments with Jesus. She is our most loving mother. She never leaves our side.

Jesus: I am your God. I am with you. You will learn all the lessons I need to teach you to do My work. Do not fret or fume. Do not be busy as to what others are doing with My letters. Never be angered. Be only rooted in My love.

Pray, My child. Strip yourself of all that is worldly. You must not hold on to anything but the love of God.

Love all your brothers. Never respond with a hint of anger or judgment. You are not he who is to judge. You are only to love. Be selfless in how you respond. Do not justify your actions. Remain silent. I speak for you. Do not go back to your human ways to make yourself right. Only respond with the love of God. You are My servant to spread this love. Your lesson is that of pure love. You must rid yourself of all anger and resentment and focus only on My love. Do My will. My ways I make known to you. I teach you My lessons so sweetly. Take them.

When first you are taught, you will receive such benefits! Accept all your trials as rose petals from heaven. These are the ways you are drawn closer to My Sacred Heart. The way to Me is to pick up your crown and place it on your head. The crown is not the crown of glory, but the crown I wore. You will wear the crown. I will use you to spread My love.

Be humble and kind in heart. Be pure in your ways. You are being taught your lessons from Jesus Christ. All I give you is from Me. Accept what you are given. Cast the devil away. He aims to divide you and fill you with his hate.

I am love. I am union. I am God, one, true, magnificent, and I, child, come to you and love you. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, come and dwell in you, the same Jesus Who died on the cross. Rejoice for you are favored, My beloved.

I am your Jesus and I love you.

I Call You to Spread Our Love

March 29, 1994

Jesus: The devil is working to divide you. You were called to this Center to be the city set on the hill, to spread My light. You were sent there to spread the love of our Blessed Lady and My love. My way is love, not division. Each person has a part to play. The devil will try to get you to be at odds with one another.

My way is love, My way is to see My love in each person. Each person has a part to play. The city will only shine if all are united. To talk about your brother, to talk negatively to anyone on the outside, is to divide your city. You need to unite in My love. You need to pray for unity and to ward off Satan's evil attacks.

It is only in this unity that My renewal will be accomplished. Satan will strike you hard. He is busying himself by talking in your heads. This time of rebuilding is a time to rebuild the love in your hearts. After the tearing down, the wall is rebuilt stronger and better.

I love you. Jesus.

Choose Love

March 30, 1994 8:30 a.m.
At St. Gertrude

R. I cannot have division with any man. I must let go of my end of the problem. They can hate me, but I must love them.

Jesus: To My death they persecuted Me and yelled every slander against Me, but I remained silent and in love with My attackers. This is My way, to love those who attack you. If you pick up the sword, you will die by the sword. You must always choose love.

There is no room for hate and anger in a heart of God. You must always love those who persecute you. I am Jesus. I showed you the way. I loved those who tore My flesh. Can you not love your brothers in Christ who are hurting? Call them brothers. You are brothers in Me. They are not to be looked on as persons you are not akin to. You are brothers in Me. Love them as I love you. I love you in all your weaknesses. I love you in your darkest sin. I never abandon you.

Oh, My children, you must follow the Master. The way to Me is to model your life after Me. You cannot hate any man. You must love them as you love Me. The way to peace is love. Not tolerance, love! See them as your dearest friends hurting and coming to you in great pain. Put the self aside. Do not focus on yourself and being attached. Focus on their pain. Selflessness in all things leads to godliness. Remain selfless and see your brothers in their pain. Love. Love Me, love one another.

Come to My tabernacle. Come to Me after Communion. I give you My love and you can spread My love to your hurting brothers. The way to Me is the way of love. Hear Me, little ones. If you pick up the sword, you will perish by the sword. I call you to love. Nothing else matters.

The way to My kingdom depends on two things, love of God and love of one another. Not tolerance but real love, caring and giving. Give to those who are hurting. That is how I can live in you. My way is love in all things. Rid yourself of hate and resentment. Fight against the talk of Satan in your head to tell you you have been wronged. Remain selfless and love. What you do to the least of your brothers you do to Me.

Things of This World Are Boring

March 31, l994

R. I must first know myself to die to myself. If I know what I want, but then let go of it for love of Him, I am dying to myself. He has taught Me the ways of myself and what I want, but to let go. To give in to Him is hard for me but, once I do, I am so glad because all else is nothing compared to Him.

The things of this world are truly boring compared to His great love. Oh, I love you, Jesus. Take my heart. Take my soul, use me as You so desire. I live for life in You. To die to ourselves is to truly live in Him.

Oh, sweet surrender, to find He wants more. But each time I die a little more to myself and my world here I come closer to Thee. The world is less and less my satisfaction and He is more and more my satisfaction.

I Love You, Jesus

March 31, 1994
At Priests' Residence Chapel

R. If parents only tell a child that it is loved, the child is not given the emotional support it needs. Parents must show the child how much they love the child. There is an emotional loving from the parents.

To tell the flock that God loves them is not the same as to preach the ardent on-fire love that Jesus has for each one of us. To come to be born a mere human and die a brutal death is emotion, action from the heart. He loves each and every person this way this very day. He is present in the tabernacle. He comes to us in Holy Communion. He loves us with a burning love.

Jesus: I love you all so, My little ones. Tell My people of My love for them. These souls are starving and they are dying from the disease. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am on fire for My beloved ones. You hold the medicine to turn men's hearts back to God. Oh, please tell them how I wait and how I want to love them! I am depending on you to preach My message to My hurting ones. I need you to spread this before it is too late. I love them ardently. I want them to come and be filled by My love. I have all that they need. Please tell them. I am God and I am calling you to deliver this message. Would you not harken to My call?

Oh, how I love them. They are suffering. Please preach My messages. I need you. You are My hands. You are My voice. Let Me live in you and operate from your very being. Let Me possess your soul. I am your God and I call to you this very day. Love is action from the heart. It is not an inactive motion you partake in. Harken to My urgent cry to spread this love from a heart on fire for My beloved ones.

I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I call to you this day. Please answer Me. I call you to love, love of God and love of one another. Very little here matters. You need to harken to Me. I want you to shout My message from the housetops, that I am Lord and I am in your midst this very day. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Listen to Me. Spread My love, love of God, love of your brothers. I call you to love, action from the heart!

To love Me you must come and sit with Me. You will know Me when you spend time with Me. I am here, little one. Come and let Me give you all the love I have for you. Nothing here can compare to the love of God. I am Jesus. I am your God. I truly love you, My sweet one. Come to Me.

I am your beloved. Though you pass through raging waters, you will not be harmed. I come to you this very day. I am present to you now! I love you, little one. Let Me hold you and nurse your little wounds. It is in your trials that you are strengthened. Come and be taught by Me. I teach you such sweet lessons. Do not fret, do not fume. Leave all things up to Me, for I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I am Who am and I am God, beloved of My Father. I died for love of you. I love you this same way this very day. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie and I come to you and you heed My call.

Pray for your brothers. Make your life a constant prayer. Do not busy yourself with any incidentals of this world. Time is too short. You must harken to My call. I am Jesus. I love you. Do not worry. I tend to all the details of your life. I am your beloved Savior. If I died such a brutal death for love of you, do you not think I would be there with you in this little trial? Do you think that I am calling you to do this and then do not watch your every move? That is all I need to tell you. All else is incidental if you believe that.

R. You cannot stay in your head and talk about love. Love is not from the head, love is from the heart. To have love of God on the head level is to miss the love part. Love comes from the heart! The more I get in touch with My heart, the more I know God. I know God in My heart.