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Rosary Meditations
From Junior Shepherds of Christ Associate Meetings

FEBRUARY 1, 1996

The Agony in the Garden

  1. Let us open wide our hearts and let Jesus and Mary work in our hearts to draw us ever closer to Their Hearts. Their Hearts are filled with the greatest love for us.
  2. This is a rosary about the love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
  3. Let us be so close to Jesus, be with Him as He kneels in the garden. Feel the suffering within the Heart of Jesus.
  4. Do we know how it is to love someone? Someone special? To love them so much. When they speak harsh or cruel words to us, they wound our hearts. The words wound because of our great love for them. Jesus loves us with the deepest love. In the garden, He saw before Him all of those that He loved so dearly. He felt the pain of rejection. He felt such sorrow for those He loved so much that would hate Him.
  5. Do we know what it is like to have heartache, to be bent over, to scream out in pain? Jesus loves with the most perfect love. We see in our world today how He is treated with such indifference and such negligence. Think of how it is when you love someone so dearly. When they are cruel, their words wound. Think of how it was for Jesus Who loves perfectly to know all the neglect and indifference He would receive today. It is there in the garden that He suffered so much pain to His most Sacred Heart, for His great love for men.
  6. He appears in many pictures with His Heart surrounded with thorns. Tomorrow is First Friday. He wants us to help make reparation to His Sacred Heart on this day. He is treated with indifference and disrespect. His name is used in vain by some of those He loves.
  7. He spread His arms and He gave His all on the cross. Jesus saw before Him all that He would suffer. His greatest agonies were not the agonies He suffered to His body but the agonies He suffered to His Heart. With the deepest love for men, He experienced so much pain to His Heart, knowing He would be rejected by His chosen ones.
  8. We think, how could the Apostles have slept? Why weren't they with Jesus? Jesus waits for us today. He is as present today in the tabernacle as He was the day He was in the garden and He is forgotten. He is waiting, longing, and thirsting for us to come and to tell Him of our love for Him.
  9. Oh Jesus, if I could see You, with eyes unveiled, in the tabernacle, I would fall to my face. You are truly the Almighty God, All-powerful, All-magnificent. I do not appreciate the great gift that I am given. You remain and are truly present here with us in the tabernacle.
  10. The Thursday before First Friday is a very important day to Jesus. He loves for us to tell Him of our love. It was during His bitter Passion that He was comforted by the acts of love that we give to Him this day. Thursday before First Friday is a very important night to Him. Let us in this rosary, give our love to our beloved Jesus. Let us love Him with our whole heart. He gave Himself for us.

Jesus Is Scourged at the Pillar

  1. My dear, dear Jesus, how I love You. I think of You tied to the pillar. I see Your unmarred body, and then they begin to beat You. I cry when I picture your wounded body and the deep wounds that You suffered for love of me. Help me, my dear Jesus, to not offend You. I do not wish to cause You pain. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more. Give me the grace to give my love to You.
  2. Be there with Jesus as He was whipped at the pillar. Stand there. How do you feel in the pit of your stomach as you watch the men with their angry faces raise their arms and whip our beloved Jesus?
  3. His greatest agonies were not those to His body, but to His Most Sacred Heart that suffered so much anguish because of His great love for men.
  4. Do you see the gash in His arm, the deep gash the men inflicted on our beloved Jesus? As you stand there by Jesus, you are unable to help Him.
  5. It is in meditating on His Passion that we realize His immense love. He suffered for love of us. He would suffer more for His love is endless.
  6. We do not fully comprehend His love. We do not understand the mystery of God's love. Let us pray to Him to outpour greater graces, that we will understand more the mystery of God's love.
  7. Let us thank God for all the great graces that He is giving to us continually.
  8. We give our hearts to Jesus and Mary in the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement. The more we do this, the greater will be our union with Him. We will go deeper and deeper into His Heart. He wants us to tell Him how much we love Him.
  9. Mary and Jesus want us to consecrate our hearts to Their Hearts. Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give my heart to You. Dear Immaculate Heart of Mary, I give my heart to you.
  10. He calls us to love one another. If I realize that Jesus was beaten at the pillar for my brothers, how should I treat my brothers today? Jesus loves them so much, He withstood torture for them. If I realized how much Jesus loved my brothers, would I treat them differently?

Jesus Is Crowned with Thorns

  1. When we have a problem and we cannot solve it ourselves, Jesus wants us to come to His Heart. He wants us to leave the problem with Him and tell Him of our love.
  2. Satan tries to trick us. He gets us to think about things in our minds that keep us upset. When this happens, Jesus wants us to tell Him of our love.
  3. Sometimes we are so focused on a problem, we do not understand how we can let go of it. But when we look at Jesus, crowned with the crown of thorns, we know how He suffered for love of us.
  4. Many of the sufferings He allows us to endure are mental torments. Let us look at Jesus with the crown on His head and see the blood as it comes down His face. We should ask Him to help us change our thoughts. We should say, " Jesus, I love you!"
  5. He is the King of kings. He sat on a throne and they crowned Him with a crown of sharp piercing thorns.
  6. They clothed Him in a dirty purple robe. They put it over His open wounds and it made them burn.
  7. They spit on Him and they hollered at Him. How Jesus suffered and how we whine when someone says the smallest thing to us. Help us, Jesus, to grow to be more like You.
  8. He knows that we fall. He asks us to tell Him that we are sorry and that we love Him.
  9. When I picture Jesus covered with blood and crowned with thorns, covered with a purple robe, my sufferings do not seem so great.
  10. Kings of kings, help us to always treat You with the greatest respect of love and adoration.

Jesus Carries His Cross

  1. They stood around Jesus. His hands were tied. The crowd hollered, "...'Crucify him!'" (Mk. 15:13)
  2. This is our beloved Jesus that loved us so much that He came into this world. He took on a human body and He withstood this treatment. At any moment, He could have stopped it. In compliance to the Father's will and in greatest love for us, He endured the Passion.
  3. They gave to Him a heavy cross that they put on His back. He scarcely could move with the cross.
  4. He fell to the ground and His chin hit the ground. Do we see Jesus on the ground when we are suffering? Do we know how He suffered for love of us? Jesus shows us the way. The way to Him is the way of the cross. For it is in enduring our crosses, that we share in His life. We share in the Pascal Mystery of death-resurrection. We suffer and we share more fully in His life.
  5. The world tells us that we should not suffer. We see Jesus; we see Him as He walks on the way to Calvary.
  6. Jesus' eyes are filled with blood as He looks at His Mother. Her eyes are red with tears. No expression could show the anguish she felt.
  7. Let us look into the blood covered face of Jesus. Let us kiss His blood covered cheek and tell Him of our love. Let us see Him through the eyes of Mary. She saw Him suffer for love of us. She has come to tell us to go back to her beloved Son.
  8. The Mother of God is most pure and holy. Let us go to her holy heart and dwell there that we may love Jesus with more tender and pure love. Oh, Immaculate Heart of Mary, we consecrate our hearts to you.
  9. He fell and He fell again. We too fall and fall, but what He wants is our love.
  10. Let us be humble and contrite in our hearts. We must tell Jesus how sorry we are that we have offended Him and tell Him how much we love Him.

The Crucifixion

  1. Song: See the Eyes that Look at Mary
  2. Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet
  3. The greatest act that we can perform on this earth is the act of loving God. We were created to know, love, and serve God.
  4. The Holy Eucharist is His sacrament of greatest love. He gives Himself to us today in the Holy Eucharist.
  5. It is a great act of intimacy when divinity unites with humanity.
  6. Let us offer ourselves as a sacrifice to the Father in the Mass united with Jesus. This is a most pleasing sacrifice offered to the Father. Let us die to all of those things that are not like God.
  7. We should offer everything we do everyday to the Father in the morning offering. The morning offerings are available in Appendix A of this book. Cards for adults and children are available from Shepherds of Christ Ministries. We unite all of our actions all through the day with Jesus, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered throughout the world. This act magnifies everything that we do.
  8. The greatest act of love is when God gives Himself to man. I picture Him hanging on the cross. His face is covered with blood. His arms are spread wide open. This is the love that God has for us. He gave Himself as a sacrifice that we would partake in His life.
  9. The price that He paid is His life that we would share in His divine life. How do we treasure the gift that is given to us by our beloved God?
  10. He was taken down from the cross. His body touched the hands of His beloved Mother. His flesh touched her flesh. This was her Son and now He was lifeless in her arms. These are the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that give to us such love. As Mary walked beside Jesus all through the Passion, she walks forever by our sides in all of our sufferings. She is always taking us deeper and deeper into the Heart of her Son. Let us go to the heart of Mary and dwell there that she may take us to the deepest recesses of His Heart.

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First Printing: November, 1998