Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing          

September 16, 2014

September 17th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for September 17th
are Glorious.

Pray for Dan & Amanda,
for a really special intention.



                September 16, 2014

Excerpt from Blue Book I

Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
September 16, 1993

I Am In Control

Jesus: My child, I am here in all this muck. Yes, you are tried and I spit you out. You know Who has the power. You know whence you are coming. All life is indeed rooted in Me and from Me comes all that is. Do you comprehend this, My child? Do you know that no life is there without Me? People think they have power. Oh, they believe they are in charge. There is no power except through Me. If I choose to forget you, you cease to be. Cling to this power. Cling to Me as you follow the celebrity or the king or the Pope. I am God. I am One, I am True, I am Omnipotent, I am all that is. You must stay fixed to Me like glue, child.

Child, no life exists without Me. Turn your lives to Me, precious little ones. Turn over every minute, every second of every day. You think you have control of your life. You silly, silly children-what control? I make the stars shine, the sun shed its light, the moon light up the night. I make the baby in the womb, the trees grow, the animals live-and you say, "Oh, Yes, I can do all things." Little one, you can do no things unless I give you the power. You cease to be without Me. Oh, how silly you indeed are, little ones, to fret and fume and look for your answers. What are you doing? Live, child! I give you your answers in My times. All works as I have planned.

You and your willfulness! You mess things up and then come to pray. What is in your heads? Let your hearts be directed by My spirit. Come to Me first, every second. Then you never run amok, you do the right thing always. Pray, fast, look for My answers. Spend your time alone with Me, not in deliberation in your heads. Oh, ye children, what, what do you do to yourselves? I am here by your side. I am present truly in the tabernacle and you go to each other and ask your questions. When will you submit yourselves to the will of the father? Why do you wander in blindness in this barren desert?

Come to Me and I will give you rest. I will give you all you need, little ones. You are so silly. Power-you have none, child. You are powerless. You are willful. You must stay fixed to Me and My ways. Oh, oh how do I make you understand when you won't listen to Me? I speak, you don't listen. I love you so. I want you not to suffer your own dilemmas, but you turn your backs and ask your questions of those no smarter than you. Your wisdom comes from Me, the one, true God.

Come, little ones, My will for you is not a secret. You have to break the code. It is here. I make it known to you. "In the silence comes His word to the poor and lowly ones in pain." I am all you need, little blind, scared children. You need not be any of these things. Come to Me, beloved little ones, and I will set your toes on the right road. You will not falter. You will run and not get weary. You will indeed fly on eagles' wings and I will be there telling you all you need to know.

end of excerpt


Given September 16, 2005



September 16, 2005 message continues

Messenger:            We fail to see the splendor in a sunlit
                        day, the beautiful flowers in the yards
                        as we go to church or about our

Jesus speaks:        Oh sweet loved one of My Father,
                        I am with you ALWAYS — you are
                        never alone. Talk to Me by praying
                        for your needs — I love you so
                        tenderly, I am the bridegroom
                        of your soul.

                            Your fear comes from satan —
                        let go and smell the roses — let go to Me —

                            One night, a little boy was in his back
                        yard and he gazed above and he saw so
                        many, many stars, he said, oh God,
                        thank You for these gifts to me. In
                        the next yard an old dog barked
                        profusely, but the little boy's
                        heart was so set on the beauty of
                        the stars, he didn't let the old
                        dog stop his joy.

                            Discipline your wills, satan
                        can be like the old dog and he can
                        bark right by your fence — some
                        just stop what they're doing and
                        let the noise determine what they
                        will do.

                            How often I give you the greatest
                        gifts and the smallest irritation can
                        get in your way of noticing the
                        beautiful gift I send you.

                            God the Father has sent you on a
                        mission — the rain waters the earth
                        and is a gift from God, some men curse
                        the dryness and curse the rain,
                        not seeing how indeedly foolish they
                        are because they are never happy.

                            When I call you to handle a certain
                        suffering and you do it as God desires
                        you can help bring down great grace
                        and acquire special wisdom for your
                        patience and holiness in the trial.

                            I give you My Jesus water and Mary
                        water as a gift — some may look at
                        you and think thoughts that are not
                        the truth, but if they ignore My
                        water and My messages and My gifts
                        given here, they are the losers. Anyone
                        who failed to recognize Mary appearing
                        on the window failed to see the gift
                        the Father sent to you.

                            She shined in the most brilliant
                        splendor announcing her messages
                        to her little children, telling them
                        how to lead holier lives.

God the Father speaks:

                            Oh My beloved earth, how much
                        I love you. You were given your
                        life from God. I created the world
                        and gave you all these gifts. Your
                        Mother Mary and My Son Jesus has
                        given you these gifts to help renew
                        the Church and the world. How little
                        some people really are for they
                        make themselves a god.

                            Listen to


1 Corinthians 15: 20-28

    In fact, however, Christ has been raised from the dead, as the first–fruits of all who have fallen asleep. As it was by one man that death came, so through one man has come the resurrection of the dead. Just as all die in Adam, so in Christ all will be brought to life; but all of them in their proper order: Christ the first–fruits, and next, at his coming, those who belong to him. After that will come the end, when he will hand over the kingdom to God the Father, having abolished every principality, every ruling force and power. For he is to be king until he has made his enemies his footstool, and the last of the enemies to be done away with is death, for he has put all things under his feet. But when it is said everything is subjected, this obviously cannot include the One who subjected everything to him. When everything has been subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subjected to the One who has subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.


September 16, 2005 message continues

God the Father speaks:

                            To you who have failed to recognize
                        the gifts God has sent to you in this
                        Movement you have lost out.

                            When I allowed your heavenly
                        Mother to appear and you ignored
                        her message and the messages sent
                        by My Son Jesus in God's Blue Book
                        and the writings — you have lost out —

                            My Son Jesus is as He writes to
                        you in the love letters, you do not
                        even fathom how the love of
                        God truly is for the people of
                        the earth —

                        Little boys seeing stars are able to see
                        gifts on dark nights —

                            Many never see anything, but
                        the dark nights, but it is only
                        a little sample of the glories to
                        come for those who love and serve the
                        Lord while in their life.

                            Funerals go on every day —
                            Babies are born every day —

                        Some act like, by means of some
                            control of their own, their bodies
                            won't age and they will make their
                            Kingdom on earth forever —

                        Many have made their bodies their
                            gods —
                            the little ones minds are open
                            and you are filling them with
                            many dishonorable things —

Jesus speaks:    When ivory floors were used in
                            My Churches, I like that —
                            I like this honor given to
                            Me —

                        There are many palaces built in
                            gambling casinos and in
                            hotels —

                        Remember the titanic she sunk
                            for sure

                        The Titanic sunk with all its
                            beauty and wealth on it —
                            An iceberg split it.

                        Your hearts, many of them, have
                            treated Me with ice —
                            I give you Myself in the
                            Eucharist —
                            I give you the priest —
                            I remain truly present in
                                My Divinity and Humanity and
                                you come to Me with a cold heart.

                            In the cold waters many died
                        because of the Titanic disaster —
                        cold and dark water — amongst
                        beauty, gold and happiness an
                        iceberg tore their lives apart.

God the Father speaks:

                            I give you your life — Your
                        time here is to help prepare you
                        for heaven and grow in greater

                            What once was a place of honor
                        where tabernacles were have been
                        replaced by desks and some places
                        even hoed under.

                            A play with pictures of nudes
                        was once placed in the place
                        where some came to adore the
                        tabernacle at a Jesuit high school,
                        they now come to a play where a
                        famous artist and a picture of
                        nudes were displayed. It was
                        ignorance on the part of the
                        theatre department. Few realized how
                        many Masses were celebrated there
                        and the once place of the tabernacle
                        was now a back drop for the stage.

                            What can I say.

                            Where Mary's image face once was,
                        fewer and fewer people came and
                        even when My Son's face was seen
                        on the window — the people
                        of the earth, many, do not
                        recognize miracles given from
                        God today or the might of God.

                            I give you gifts — Mary on
                        the building, the Queen of Peace
                        and you tore her face - image
                        from the body of rainbows —
                        Do you now come on your knees and
                        help make reparation to Me
                        for what you have done to such
                        a gift sent to you.

                            Mary appeared in CLEAR - WATER
                        in the gulf of Mexico.

                            In the bombing of 9-11-01
                        you fail to see how the messages
                        I have sent about tall towers
                        had any reference. Evil is running
                        rampart in the world —

                        I am the I am.
                        I am God —
                        God is light —

                        In God there is no darkness —
                        In the end there will be a
                            Reign of Peace as Mary
                            promised at Fatima —

                        How do you think men's hearts
                            will change? —

                        In recognizing the messages
                        My Son has given in the Shepherds of Christ.
                        His Movement — you recognize
                        how God really is

                            God is love —
                            Not in the fake ways of love
                                your earth things —

                            The love God tells you about
                                in the Blue Books and
                                these writings is real —

                        You were created to know and
                            want the love of God —

                            The more you ignore these
                        signs and writings - the
                        more you will struggle —

                            I sent gifts and you ignore
                                Me —

                            The 5ths and 13ths are
                                important dates to Me


Our Lady of Clearwater Florida  

July 5, 2000

September 5, 2000

October 5, 2000

November 5, 2000

December 5, 2000

January 5, 2001

February 5, 2001

March 5, 2001

April 5, 2001

May 5, 2001

June 5, 2001

July 5, 2001

August 5, 2001

September 5, 2001

October 5, 2001

November 5, 2001

December 5, 2001

January 5, 2002

February 5, 2002

March 5, 2002

April 5, 2002

May 5, 2002

June 5, 2002

July 5, 2002

September 5, 2002

October 5, 2002

November 5, 2002

January 5, 2003

February 5, 2003

April 5, 2003

May 5, 2003

July 5, 2003

August 5, 2003

September 5, 2003

We chose to put more than just one of each of these 5ths because of they're importance.

October 5, 2003

November 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside

November 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside

December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside

December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside

December 5, 2003
Jesus instructed the prayer service
be done inside

December 5, 2003

January 5, 2004

January 5, 2004

January 5, 2004

January 5, 2004

                         February 5, 2004

February 5, 2004

                      February 5, 2004

February 5, 2004

February 5, 2004

February 5, 2004

March 5, 2004

March 5, 2004

March 5, 2004

March 5, 2004

March 5, 2004


September 16, 2005 message continues

God the Father speaks:

                        Listen before it is too late —

                        Listen to the messages of
                            My Son


Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius

July 31, 1994

Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:

"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)

end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter


August 1, 1994

Pray For The Success Of The Priestly Newsletter - Shepherds of Christ

Messenger: The following is the first official message I received before the statue of Mary at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. It is a personal message for Father Carter.

Mary speaks: (in front of the glowing statue of Our Lady of Sorrows) I am the Immaculate Heart. My Heart is glowing for love of all my beloved children. I am your most loving Mother. I am with you this day. Pray for the success of the priestly newsletter Shepherds of Christ. I am guarding your way. You will receive such graces to accomplish this task! Grace from God is so abundantly bestowed on you and will lead to the success of this endeavor! Pray for this cause at the Center. The priests will lead the people to the love of My beloved Son. This is no little task. It will take many prayers and graces. Pray hard, little one. Your prayers will change many hearts.

I am Mary, your Immaculate Mother. I bring this message to My beloved priest-son.

end of August 1, 1994 message



God's Blue Book IV - click



October 1, 1994

God Calls Us to Love

John 13:34

I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you.

Matthew 7:7

Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.

Messenger: Dear Jesus, I stand at the door of Your Heart and knock to come in. I want entry - to be lost totally and entirely in Thee. I want to be sheltered inside of Your Heart and wrapped deeply in Your infinite love.

Jesus: I call you, child, to love. Love is rooted in Me. I gave My all for love of you. I held nothing back. Love gives freely for the good of the other. Love exists to draw the other closer to God. If your relationship with your brother in anyway separates you from God, it is not love.

    Love is not haughty, love does not demand its own way, love exists to lead the other to closer union with Me. I loved you to My death. I gave to you My all! I ask you to give your all for your beloved brothers. In loving them, you are loving Me. I live in your brothers. How can you love Me who you do not see, if you do not love your brother who you see.

    I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life. I give that you will know Me and know how to love one another. Love your brothers as I have loved you. When they persecute you and holler every evil word against you, love them. This is My way - to lay down My life for My friends.

John 13:34

I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you.

Messenger: And to those who heeded His words, their lives were lived in peace and love and they experienced joy in their hearts, for true love brings peace and true love gives joy to the heart of the beholder. It is in loving that you receive, it is in giving that you are rendered to and it is in following the way of Christ that we are led into a life of everlasting happiness.

Jesus: I have not gone. I live with you this day. I am in your brothers. Love them as I have loved you.

Messenger: And He sent them such blessings in such abundance and  they knew a little of His unending mercy and love.


October 1, 1994

I Feed the Hungry Soul

Jesus: Another person cannot feed your hungry soul. You search, you seek. Your starved soul craves only that which I can give. When your heart is searching for love, come, My sweet dear child, into My Heart. My Mother will take you to the deepest recesses of My Heart. There you will know such comfort - in My Heart on fire for love of you this day.

    You are a child of dignity. You are precious to Me. You are the creation of the Father. I gave the last drop of My blood for you. This is love - you need grace to realize the immenseness of God's love. You are so special to God, all three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mary loves you so much.

    You can never be satisfied on this earth. If you find the dearest mother, father, lover, friend, they will not fill you with the love your soul craves. To find Me is to seek Me. You will not be satisfied on this earth.

    You, My child, experience longing for My intense love. I love you to want Me. This is how I long for love of each precious soul. I long for them with the most tender Heart, beating and breathing with fire. I never falter. I never grow dim. I am the same, with the same burning love. Come to Me and jump into My precious Heart. I love you so much.


October 2, 1994

You Are the Father’s Creation

Jesus: I come to you in one another. Let not your hearts be hard, let your hearts be as little children, tender and pure. They do not hold grudges, they love each other, they love themselves.

    You are the creation of My beloved Father. You were created with such dignity and love. I died for you. I gave My life that you would share My life. Oh, My child, pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, to let you see where you are blind, to open your hearts to the ways of God. Pray to Him to sanctify you.

    You are called to be Christ to one another. Your hearts have turned hard. Your ways are not My ways. My way is always to love. My ways are to give. My ways are to see in your brother the creation of the Father, so beautiful, so uniquely created.

    Each child is a gift from God to this world. Each child is a gift of unique love, given by the Father. You were uniquely created. You are so loved. Pray to know your specialness to God. It is in realizing His love for you that you will love your brothers.

Messenger: We are all brothers in Christ. God is our Father. We are all one.

Jesus: Join, My little ones, in such love. It is in loving that you will be at peace. Love of each other creates joy in your hearts. Pray for the grace to know and love God more. It is in this knowledge and God's love that you will be My light that shines in the darkest night.

    I am the Way, I am the Truth. I am the Life! To live in Me you must come to know and love Me. Follow My ways. My ways are the ways of truth. My ways are not always the easy way, they are the ways of love.

    If you are to be joined in your hearts, you must love every man. Every man is your brother. You must put on Christ in all your ways. Would Christ act as you are acting?

    I love you so much. It is in meditating on My love for you that you will love your brothers.

    I put you on this earth to love one another. Pray to the Spirit to know My ways. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I truly come to bring you new life. It is in Me you will have the light of life. I love you so, the Father loves you so, the Spirit wants to live in your hearts and make you alive with the love of God. Pray to Mary to lead you through her loving heart into such love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    My child, come to My ever burning Heart. I do not love you one moment and forget you the next. I am forever burning brightly for you. I never falter. I am forever on fire for love of you. If you forget Me, I never ever forget you, I love you so much.


October 4, 1994

These Messages Need to Circulate

Jesus: My dear children, I tell you to listen to Me here. I am delivering messages for all to be read and distributed. Souls need to read these messages. Your Center will grow in love of Me when you circulate these messages. I ask. You have a free will. These are My letters of love to all. They are not being read. I deliver these messages to you to deliver to My faithful ones. Please, I beg you to circulate My messages. What more do I say to you!

    This world is moving further and further from Me. I control your every breath. Do you think you are independent of He Who keeps you alive, second by second?

    You do not know how truly frail you are? You do not control the air, the water, the sun, your food. You are dependent on Me for your existence, second by second.

    I am your Most loving Savior. I speak to you here. Please listen to Me. This is an urgent request. I love you so and love each hurting soul. All the Blue Books have different messages. They speak to all of you. They need to be published. I will provide the funds to see to this. Your delays are stopping the progress of so many returning to My most intimate love. I beg you, please answer My plea.


October 4, 1994

Come to My Waiting Arms

Jesus: My child, My eyes are watching you. You sit in front of Me in the tabernacle where I am exposed and you kneel in front of Me. I am no less present than when I hung from the cross.

    My eyes looked to the heavens above to behold the glimpses of My dear Mother under My cross. My eyes saw it all. I saw the hatred, the anger in their eyes as they came for Me to scourge Me. Such deep darkness in their souls - the bottomless pit of darkness! These eyes of Mine beheld My dear Mother, close by My side on Calvary. To see her suffering! My eyes watched as I so horribly suffered Myself. My eyes watch you, My beloved, kneel in front of Me here and know how My Heart forever beats with such love for you and you do not realize this love.

    My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer so. Many sufferings made by their own willfulness to do what they choose and not what I tell them. My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer and I do not interfere with their free will. But, My eyes watch them with the same love that led Me to death on the cross.

    Think of My eyes watching you. Know how I am present to you in your hearts. I am so close to you, My dearly beloved ones! If you only knew how your life depends on My constant care for you!

    Your every breath is dependent on Me. Oh, little blind earth, when will you come to My waiting arms? When will you see this God Who loves you so dearly? What do I need to do to show you My love? Open up your closed hearts. Pray for grace. Come and sit with Me in front of the tabernacle. Attend the Mass. Receive communion. My grace I pour out to you to know and love Me more. If you do not come, you are missing such graces! Love your brothers. You receive graces through your good works. You will grow in your love and knowledge of Me as you cooperate with this grace I pour out to you.

    Oh, little one, you need to come to Me. The devil is so strong. You need the grace I pour out to you to grow in holiness. You need the Spirit to sanctify you. Oh, I love you so. Do not give into satan to trip you up and get you focused on his nonsense. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am in your midst this very day and I am forever watching you.

Messenger: The eyes that watch me as I sit here with Him! He is watching me with such love! The Father is with me with such love. The Spirit is within me, moving within me to make me grow in holiness. Oh, please God, I want to grow in love and knowledge of You. I love You so much!

    They constantly accused Jesus and persecuted Him with such accusations. He showed us the way. He was silent. He did not argue. They clothed Him many times and made Him change His garments. Jesus was the little innocent lamb led to the slaughter. He yielded to them, and they stripped Him and persecuted Him. He did all this for love of us. He was silent. Are we silent when satan tries to attack us through others? Does it do any good to answer an angry attack? He was silent to His death on the cross. He loved those who persecuted Him. He yielded to their treatment. He was the victim being led to the slaughter.

    The Father loved us so much He gave His only Son up to death with such persecution! He loves us so much this very day. He sees the creationHe has made and He loves His creation so much. We are so loved by the Father.

Jesus: I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. I am Jesus, come to you this day, exposed here in the Eucharist. I give you Myself out of such love. I yielded to all their insults and persecution that ended in My death. I remain in such love for you this day.

    What more do I say to you? I love you so much. Study My passion and see the love I gave for you. Oh, dear one, you are so loved!


October 5, 1994

God the Father Loves Me

Messenger: Father, I adore You. I lay my life before You, how I love You. I have been realizing the Father's love so much this morning and the Gospel reading was on the "Our Father".


Father, you created me with such tender uniqueness and love. You have a plan for my life. Father, I give myself entirely to You. I give You my life.

    The concept of the Father and His tremendous love makes me feel so warm inside. He is a loving Father that created us and gave His only Son for us. He loves us so much. To realize His love and Jesus' love and the Holy Spirit's love makes my heart feel so very full and warm inside.

    All the love I have yearned for seems to fill me when I realize how He is forever guarding and watching and loving and caring for me. He is my loving Father. No person on this earth can give me this paternal love as He, God, gives to me!

    It is in surrendering my whole self in the Mass that I am free. I offer myself to the Father with Jesus. What a sacrifice! What freedom and love for me!

    The freedom comes in living only for the love of my precious God. I act for love of my beloved Jesus. If satan tries to taunt me, I focus on why I live, I live to love Jesus, and show His love in me.

    I fall so short, but I constantly keep trying to focus on the oneness of the one Triune God. God is in me. God dwelling in me gives me my peace.

    Jesus stood His passion and death. He knew the Father's love. Jesus died in perfect peace! No one can ever take away my union with God. That is what gives me peace and joy - realizing the love God has for me and I have for God! Love is the answer. Love is the answer to peace and joy. Love centered in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit — Words are too weak to explain it. We are so blessed to have the love of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    A child needs love. The Father loves us so much. As the little child that sits on their Father's lap, I know the Father pours out His love to me. So many of us did not get the love we needed from our earthly fathers even though they meant to love us. The Father loves us so perfectly, our heavenly Father. He created us. God loved us so much to give us life. He made us and He loves us. He loves us with the dearest love. He loves all He creates. We are His beloved children. Go to the Father. He loves us so much.

The Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    I give myself totally over to the Father as a little child does to their father, always sure of His great love for me. Total surrender in the Mass. Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice. I give the Father my life. I am the child, He is my loving Father. I entrust my life to my "Dad".

    My beloved Father, I see Him as my Father as a little child might sit on their father's lap and put their head on the father's chest. The Father is not harsh. He is loving and approving. He loves me. He made me. He gives me His love. He accepts the love I give to Him. There is no wall, there is union. I am His beloved child. He loves me, He made me...such bonding with my beloved Father!

Jesus: You are, Rita, the child of My Father. He loves you as the most loving Father. He is God. You cannot even fathom the love He pours out to you! He wants you to be all He created you to be. He gave you so many gifts and talents to do His work. He wants you to use these talents and do His work, His plan, He makes clear to you in your heart. As a child that follows their parent's commands, you are not happy when you do not follow His will. He loves you so much. He wills what is best for you.

    And you, My little one, will be with Him some day in such union in heaven. Today you must pray to grow in His love. It is the key to your peace and joy. It is in realizing His plan and His love that you will have this great peace inside, He dwells within your heart. Turn to Him always, your beloved Father - He loves you so much!

Messenger: To think of the love of the Holy Spirit, I want to cry. It fills me so much. I am engulfed in such fullness. To ponder the love of the Holy Spirit makes me feel so full in my love for God the love I have for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I feel overwhelmed to the point of tears. I feel His life burning inside of me as if I could burst. I am filled with such love I cannot express it, I am filled ——

    Think of Mary when she cried out the Magnificat and when the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost!

    The presence of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within me make me want to shout for joy. This is the Good News: Jesus has died, He has risen. God lives: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in our hearts, with such love this very day! This is what it is all about. This is what we live for. This is what we die for. This is the one, Triune God within us. What shouts of exultation for Their presence within. God is with us - we know God in one another and in His creation.

Jesus: You will know peace, love and joy as you grow in your knowledge and love of the one, Triune God. Such fullness, through Mary!

Messenger: I feel as if I am flying high with Their immense love within me. To know God is to love God. He is love. The Holy Spirit sets me on fire, our Blessed Lady takes me to her Son. Impart to me, Oh Spirit, Your love and the Fire of this love, active and alive within my very soul! I know God within me, I know God's burning love within my very soul.

Alleluia, Alleluia!


October 6, 1994

A Song from Jesus

Jesus: I came as a little child. I was born that you would have life. I came as a little child. I lived. I loved. I preached. I showed you the way. My Mother cared for Me and all My needs. St. Joseph raised Me as a father who cared for his child.

Messenger: I came. I find joy and peace in love. I must love all my brothers. Who am I that God loves me? The more I focus on His love, the greater my peace. I must feel His presence within me at all times. I must let Him operate me when I am with others.

Messenger: A Song from Jesus was given October 7, 1994.

    On October 7, 1994, Jesus told me to write a song to be sung after Communion for a Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on October 8, 1994. I told Him I couldn't write music. He said, "You will not do it, I will." My daughter and I sat at the piano bench and in five minutes Jesus gave me the words and music to A Song from Jesus. This is His love song to you.


October 8, 1994

You Should Do All Things with Love

Messenger: This message was given the day after I received A Song from Jesus.

Jesus: Whatever you do, you should do with much love. I come, little one and I teach you such lessons. Some lessons you do not see. I teach you again and again, with much grace. You begin to see My work I have for you to do. Pray for the grace to know and love Me more. It is in your union with Me you will find such peace. As your love grows for God and Mary, your love grows for others. You cannot love Me and hate your brother. I call you to new life. I call you to oneness with Me.

    I am Jesus, the Son of God. Surrender your whole being, offer yourself as a sacrifice, whole and complete, to the Father at every Mass. Offer Him all you are, your love and good works. Offer yourself wholly and completely with My Body and Blood - this is the most pleasing sacrifice to the Father.

    Every day offer yourself to the Father in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered around the world for all your intentions. Say the Morning Offering with your children. Pray and offer your day so you will know and love God more.

    Do not let satan talk in your head. Always love your brothers. See the God Who created them when you talk to them. See the love the Father has for them. See My love to die for them. See the Spirit Who wants to be alive in them. Do not give in to satan.

    I am in charge. I support you. I love you. I watch out for you. I am the Almighty God. You do nothing on your own. Your brother depends on Me. Realize your frailties. Praise your Father in heaven lavishly. Praise God. We want to be praised by you!

    I am your beloved Jesus and I love you so much.


October 9, 1994

Be Christ to Each Other

Jesus: My little one, be of a clean heart. Be with Me. You must take time to be with Me. My love is surrounding you. You do not fear. I am Jesus. I am your Savior. You live to love God and do the will of the Father.

    I am forever with you. All you do must be acts of love. Put on Me. In all your actions, put on Me. Love, love, love. Interior peace comes from God dwelling within you.

    Put on Christ. Be Christ to one another. Be as I would be to your brothers. You are My blessed one. Do not fear. Just put on Christ. Be so connected to the God Who lives within. Total peace. Total love. Total presence. We are at the helm.

    As you operate with others, be Christ to each other. Love one another. Your heart must be forever connected to Me. Feel My presence within your heart. I dwell within you now. Easy does it. I am dwelling within you. You are living to love God, to serve God in this world, to be Christ to others as We dwell in you.

    Each person you encounter is very dear to Me and I love them so. Love them. See My beautiful creation in them. See Me loving them so much. See beyond the negative acts. This person is My beautiful creation.

    I am the God of Jacob, of Joseph, of all your ancestors. I talk to you here. Do not worry. Do not fret. Put satan behind you and let My love come forth to this world.

    Calm, peace, joy, love always. If you always love, you have peace and joy. I am Jesus, come to Me, My sweet ones. I live in you, live in My love. Alleluia, Alleluia.


October 11, 1994

Take Shelter from the Rain in My Heart

(Messenger: I saw a vision in my heart of a little wet child standing by a tree in the storm in a dark night. Just a little light, enough to see the child.)

Jesus: You are this little child. You are in the storm. The wind and the rain are beating down on you. You are cold. You are wet, as wet as you can be. You stand by a tree and the wind beats against you and the rain pounds harder.

    My child, My child, there is such shelter in My most Sacred Heart. Come into My Heart, child. You will be protected from the wind that blows so hard on you. You will be out of the rain. It may pound down all around you, but your refuge is found in My Heart. My Heart is a burning furnace of love. See yourself, little child, stand by the tree and whimper and you want to go it alone? Let My Mother lead you by the hand. You, little child, come with Mary, your Mother. Let her take you to the shelter of My Heart.

John 14:6

I am the Way; I am Truth and Life....

    There is not life without Me. My life I give to you that you will have life and have it abundantly. Today I give you My very own Heart on fire for love of you. Come to Me through Mary's pure and tender Heart. We will shelter you in the darkest storm.

Messenger: When I am filled up with Your love, Lord, I do not whimper as a little child. I am filled with love and peace and joy. Take me, Mary, to the Heart of your very dear Son and place me there forever in a little pocket surrounded by His ardent love. I want to be lost deeply in the recesses of this Heart. How deep do you place me in His Heart? I want to be surrounded by the immense love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and know, Mary, you are so closely united in this Heart!

    This is the comfort in the dark, windy, wet night. This is my refuge. This is my life. This is the closest I can come to heaven on earth - to be united in such love with the Trinity and Mary!

    Help me to let go of it all and come as a little child, running from the rain to the warmest shelter. A roaring fire, warmth, dry clothes and light - the light radiated by the Heart of Jesus. In the darkness I find my light in You. Alleluia. Praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love to my beloved Mother. This is bliss.

Song:  I am Your Sacred Heart



October 11, 1994

Surrender to Me

Jesus: I call you to love. I call you to love as I have loved. To grow in the life I have given you, you must be open to receive My grace and you must comply with the will of the Father.

    I pour out to you such gifts of My love. I want to share My life with you. I love you so dearly. Each one of you here is so precious to Me.

    Know that I never leave you. satan will constantly tell you that what you feel when you are close to Me is not so. What you feel, this drawing to be ever closer to Me, is real!

    I am Jesus, your Savor. I truly died for you. I would die for you this very day. I gave My flesh! I gave My Blood! I give Myself to you - no less present this day as the day I died on the cross.

    I am Jesus. I am your Savior. I am in your midst this very day. I come to you and ask you to trust in Me. I ask you to surrender yourselves entirely. Surrender yourselves entirely to the Father at every Mass. Offer yourselves with My precious Body and Blood to the Father.

    My song, A Song From Jesus was given 4 days before this message.

Messenger: Hold not back. He loves you so much. He created you. He molded each of you as a special work of art into the beautiful creation you each are. There is not another person like you. There is not another person that can love God as you do. There is not another person that can give to this world what He created you to do. If you hold back yourself, your love from Him and this world, the world will suffer from the loss of your gifts.

Jesus: You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill will shine with the light of God's love through you. You will reflect the love of My burning Heart from your being.

Song: Let your light shine for all the world to see. All will see the good you do and give your Father praise.



October 12, 1994

Jesus Loved Those Who Put Him to Death

Messenger: You loved those who persecuted You. You loved those who put You to death. You said nothing, You were silent. You love all souls unconditionally, no matter what their sins. You love all men. You see the creation of the Father behind their faults. You love them despite their faults.

    Who am I to not love every man? My job is to love and obey You and Your will.

Jesus: My little child, you will grow. You will prosper in My love, I never leave you. I am forever with you, guarding your way. All I send you is in greatest love. Draw close to My Heart. I love you so much.

Song: A Song From Jesus

October 14, 1994 - After Communion

Circulate These Rosary Meditations

Luke 1:46-55

And Mary said:

‘My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
—according to the promise
he made to our ancestors—
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.’

Messenger: It is the love of the Spirit which I am filled with after communion. He is alive in my breast. I love Him so very much. To receive Jesus, I want to jump for joy as the child in Elizabeth's womb jumped for joy.

    God Is Within Me — Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    The presence of God fills my soul. God is here. Alleluia! Who am I that He comes to me, a lowly person? His love is so great for us to give us Himself. Live the Mass, the whole day should be centered around you partaking in the Mass. It is a gift of self, wholly and entirely to the Father.

    Father, I surrender myself to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, wholly and entirely. The Spirit fills me and my heart is on fire for the one, true God alive within me. My heart is so filled with the presence of the one, Triune God. The love I have for the Holy Spirit and He has for me fills my soul to jubilation.

    Oh, God, impart to me a constant realization of Your presence so I can forever feel this fire that burns within my heart for You. Such awareness and feelings in my chest for God! He fills our souls and sets our hearts aglow with the fire of His love. God is ever present within us. He never leaves. Help me to always feel so keenly, this interior awareness of the Trinity. My heart is on fire with His presence and His love.

Jesus: I call you to suffer with Me. Suffer with Me in love — this is what draws you closer to Me. Promote the rosary and the meditations on it. People pray the rosary and are missing Our lives. They do not think about Our lives. Teach the meditations to all, spread them, so they will be led by the Spirit to ponder the mysteries of Our lives. Do not listen to satan. I am calling you to spread this devotion and to entwine My love for all with the mysteries of the rosary. I am calling you to spread devotion to the Eucharist in the rosary. The rosary is a key to living according to the lives of Christ and Mary. I want you to promote the rosary and promote meditations on the rosary. If they learn one set of meditations, the Spirit will expound on those to lead them closer to My Heart through My Mother's Heart.

    I want you to circulate these meditations and lead the rosary this way. Tell them to learn them so they can later meditate on them and grow in their love of God. It is through Me and Mary's tender Heart that you, being led by the Spirit, will grow in your union with all three Persons of the Trinity. I am calling you this day to take this job so seriously. This will lead souls to love of God.

    I am your loving Savior. Every day My children should carry one picture of the stations or rosary with them and meditate on that during the day. Look at the picture and think about it. The Spirit will lead you into deeper knowledge of the lives of Jesus and Mary. I am Jesus. I want My people to know the great love My Mother and I have for them. The rosary is the key to meditating on My Life. The stations will lead them into deeper understanding of My Passion and love for them.

    Every day should be spent in union with the Mass, being offered throughout the world. Your day should center around your participation in the Mass. Your day is a constant surrendering of your will to the Father. It should be lived in constantly giving yourself to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Mary. In the Mass you should surrender yourself and offer yourself with Me, wholly and entirely, to the Father. This is the high point of your day - your sacrificing of yourself entirely to Him, being in union with Me in the Holy Eucharist. I come to you and we are one in this Sacrament. Your day should be a preparation for this event. Your life, centered around receiving Me in the Eucharist.

    I never leave you. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within you at all times in a special way if you are in the state of grace. Constantly focus on My interior presence within you. Within this lies your peace. I never leave you. I will never abandon you. What have you to fear? I am your God.

    My presence surrounds you. I am in your beloved brothers. Be Christ to one another. Live in My love as I live in you. Do not falter or become afraid. Do not give in to satan to trip you up. My presence surrounds you in each other and in your world. In the air, the sun, the leaves, the sky, in My creation! Be attuned to My Life, My presence surrounding you. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, I give you this message. Heed My words and you will know peace and joy. I love you intently. I am on fire for love of you this moment.

Notes: Messenger: High feelings of love, overwhelmed with the love of the Trinity. Intellectual vision — something really special. I praise You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I understood a little when Mary received the Magnificat and was filled with the Spirit. The Spirit fills me. I understood this mystery as I did the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. The Spirit permeates my being.

    It is in suffering that I am comforted. He who suffered and died for us asks us to share in His suffering. Meditate on one station a day, carry a picture with you.



October 17, 1994 - 5:15 a.m. 

Pray from the Heart

Messenger: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. We say the words in the Creed. Do we think about the words in the Creed? Do we say our prayers as if we are in a race? We are talking to God. How do we talk to one another, like machines? How can I get in touch with my heart when I am racing to say my prayers? If I was talking to a celebrity I would plan my every word so carefully and worry for its delivery. Here is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Here is God, maker of heaven and earth and how do we approach Him?

Jesus: From the heart, My dear sweet ones. I want prayer from a heart filled with the tenderest love. This is a love affair with Me. Speak softly to Me and whisper your love. Profess your love lavishly in your voice. I love you so. Do you have any idea how I suffered from the coldness of men's hearts? I was rejected by so many souls and I love so perfectly. I am love. In My love I give to you. I am not received with love by many.

    I give you My very Self in communion. I love you so much. Pray with a heart on fire for love of Me. The time lingers when you are in love, there is not a rush, you never want to leave.

    Come with a heart that is overflowing with love for Me. I wait for you to come to Me and love Me. I want a love affair with you, My beloved. I want to be the center of your life. My Heart burns for you. I want your hearts to burn in love for Me. Is anything more important than exchanging love with God? I am the tender lover. I will give you love as no mortal can. I feed your starved soul. I await you with anxious arms. Oh, My beloved, do not treat Me coldly or indifferently or hurriedly, or neglect Me all together. My Heart cries out for your love. Come and share your all, your whole being with Me. Let go of your world. When you pray, let go and experience a closeness that you never knew. I will give you My love. This is heaven.

Messenger: I adore You, Jesus, I adore You. You are my most beloved Jesus. (Everybody was excited about a speaker coming because he talks to Mary, but ...Jesus is here every day, all day. Go to the real King. Jesus sits on His throne in the tabernacle. He is truly present at every Mass...the Father and Holy Spirit are there ... they are with us!)

Jesus: Come to My tabernacle and adore Me. I am God, no less present than when I walked on Calvary. I am the Son of God.

Messenger: Father, keep our hearts focused on Your love, Your will, on You. I lift my eyes to the heavens, whence comes my refuge and my strength. My Father is there, Alleluia! I love You, Father. You created me, You gave me life and You gift me with Your love. You gave Your only Son so that I could have life with You. Thank You, Father. You are love. You are He Who is. I want to be united to You, through Your Son, in union with the Holy Spirit and with Mary at my side.

    It is presence that is the key. I have felt His presence with me and He speaks to me. I have felt closer than with anyone else, because I love Him so much and crave it. He is present, now. I want a constant awareness of His presence, He never leaves. He is forever with us. His presence pervades my very being. I am never alone. His presence to me now after Communion is so strong. I don't want to do anything but be with Him. My heart feels His presence as a burning love. When I think of the Holy Spirit and Father and Mary, my heart is so full. When I think of the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus and the Father throughout the day, I still feel this presence.

    This is what He felt when He endured His bitter Passion, only much more — the Father's presence ( He is one with Him), the Father's love! And He says to us this day, I love you as the Father has loved Me. He waits to give us this love this day.

    Look at Him hanging on the cross. He is no less present this day in the Eucharist, giving Himself to us again in such love.

Father, I adore You, I love You!

    Jesus, I adore You, I love You!

    Holy Spirit, I adore You, I love You!

    Father forgive them they know not what they do. His mercy flows through Jesus' most Sacred Heart. Your love, oh God, the Father, poured out through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit!

    Any hatred for myself blocks my union with God. Help me, Jesus, to see myself as the divine creation of the Father, to realize with humility my failings, but to never lose sight of my preciousness to the Father and His great love for me. Help me to unite more and more to You.

    Holy Spirit, sanctify my soul and make it holier so I can better unite with my beloved God. Give me the grace to know and love Him ever more. Into Your hands I commend my spirit. I surrender my all to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In humility, I give myself to You and hope You accept my sacrifice. I am Your creation. You are what makes me special - it is in You I have such dignity and honor.

    Dear Lord, how many times did I nail You to the cross? Your Mother stood by and watched her beloved Son suffer so. She helplessly watched, oh, agony to the heart! But, You, Jesus, knew the Father's love and in Your great pain, Your eyes were fixed on doing His Will. Your Heart was one in His love.

    Make me one in my love with the Father, through Your great love, in union with the Holy Spirit and in Mary’s Heart, lead me to this most magnificent union. I crave greater union with Thee. Impart to my heart purity, holiness, sanctity to better unite with You. Create in me, oh God, a pure heart, free of anything that keeps me from You. Give me a heart of love for my brothers. Make my face reflect Your love, shining to my brothers. I want to serve You, Lord. Give me a pure and gentle heart like Yours. Help me to grow more and more like You in my ways. Spirit, mold me in the Heart of Jesus, my most beloved Savior. I love Him so much!



October 18, 1994

My Love Letter to You

Jesus: I am your Savior. I beckon you to please come to Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Put your world aside. I am truly Jesus and I am waiting for you. I love you so much. Please come and sit with Me. My Heart cries out for you to come. This day I long for you so intently. Oh, My beloved ones, your soul is craving Me. Do you see how created things do not satisfy you? You were created for God and He alone will satisfy you.

    Come to Me in your weariness and let Me love you. Your impurities and doubts keep you from Me. Be pure, let go of any anger at your brother, of making yourself right and him wrong. Forgive now all who have wronged you.

    Let go. I will give you My grace now in your hearts if you earnestly let go. Let go. Experience freedom. Put your heart in My Heart. Ask My Mother to deeply place you there. Be with Me in such union now. I love you all. Thank you for being with Me today. I am your precious Jesus. I love you.


October 18, 1994 - After Communion


Messenger: I was in the dentist office and Mary was so present and she talked to me. I am closely united to Mary. She talked to me. It was so real. I did not experience any of what the dentist was doing!

    Then, Jesus came and He was so present. My heart still feels this presence to talk about it - it was so strong! It was a beautiful experience. I went to the dentist to have a tooth drilled, to be capped, and it was a wonderful experience because They were present to me.



Messenger: Jesus was nailed to the cross. He was crucified, but He had peace. He knew the Father's love. His presence was forever with Him. As I write this, I feel flutters of His presence in my chest. There is such a presence after communion. I want to go off and be alone with Him. I feel it so much, it is accentuated by the awareness of the Holy Spirit and the Father, and Mary — such fullness to think about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Father, and Mary!

    His presence after communion pervades my soul. If the whole earth splits under my feet, it is the presence that will sustain me. O, Spirit, impart to me the fire of God's love!

    The presence I feel is like being with someone you really love, that feeling of something in your heart. Some feeling in my heart as when you are with someone you deeply love, except nothing I can say describes it.

Jesus: Presence is the word - My Presence. My child, you do not talk about it. You have it within your very heart, a burning of My love for you. Do you experience that which you cannot describe? This is My divine life I give to you. You share in My life in union with Me. Focus intently on this. When you do the dishes, know My Presence. Be drawn constantly into My Heart and Mary’s Heart.

    Take shelter in Our Hearts. I want you to dwell within My most Sacred Heart. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection. Read My promises, live your life focusing on My most Sacred Heart. Realize the great love My Mother has for you. Her Heart knows your heart. She loves you so much. Consecrate your lives to our Hearts and promote this devotion. Our Hearts are the key to draw you into the love of God.

    Oh, little one, My Heart is the tenderest, most loving Heart. I want My Heart to reign in your heart, in your home and in your family.

    I am Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am burning for love of you. Come into My Heart, out of the wind and the rain and you will know peace and joy. As the Father has loved Me, so I love you. I love you this way, this day. It was His love that I knew all through My Passion. Focus on God's love and presence with you.

Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul


October 19, 1994

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart
(To be read by leader or family member)

    We are gathered here to honor our King, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is our most honored guest. He loves us so ardently and wants to be King of our home and King of our hearts. We all join together and most graciously welcome Him in our midst. We love You, dear Sacred Heart of Jesus. We honor You this day and are privileged that You, God, love us so much.

    Please help us all grow in our knowledge and love of You. We honor You. We praise You. We adore You, and we love You.

    We ask You to come and dwell in our hearts. As our King and the center of our lives, we forever want to be with You, most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we love You so much.

    Come and be with every member of this family in a special way. Guard us in our undertakings. Dear Holy Spirit, lead us to the on-fire love of Jesus' Heart.

    Mary, our most loving Mother, as you carried Jesus in your womb, you who cared for Him as a child, you who forever stood by Him and walked with Him on Calvary, you, dear Mary, as you stood under His cross and suffered so for love of Him and us, you who held His lifeless body under the cross, you who saw His glorified body after the resurrection and watched Him ascend into heaven, you, dear Mary, you who know this most Sacred, tender, loving Heart, place us so gently into His most Sacred Heart.

    Protect and lead every person present and their families to this intense union with your Son. We pray for the priests the world over, Your special anointed sons, to lead all children to the love of Your most Sacred Heart. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus forever reign in the hearts of all people through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    We praise You, we honor You, our beloved Jesus. We tenderly love Your Heart so!

    Dear Father, thank You for Your beloved Son. Thank You for Your gifts to us. We thank You for giving us a sharing in Your divine life through baptism. We are Your beloved children. Draw us ever closer to union with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary, in communion with the angels and saints. Amen.



October 20, 1994

St. Margaret Mary

Messenger: On October 20, 1994, I had this vision - I account it here from my notebook. That night we had the First Enthronement of the Sacred Heart at my house.

Vision - St. Peter in Chains - Before Mass

I told St. Margaret Mary how much I loved her. I had a vision of a nun to the left of the altar. She was wearing a dark habit with a white collar and in her hands was a white book. Then I thought, "Who is this, St. Therese?" I was trying to see her more clearly. I realized tonight the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Book had a white cover. I think the nun was St. Margaret Mary. Just as I saw the vision my little son kissed me and told me he loved me. This was after the gospel while the priest was talking. I didn't look at my son because I was seeing a vision.


October 21, 1994


Messenger: We are God’s chosen children from the first moment of conception. The life in the Mother’s womb is a life created by God. From the first moment it is conceived, it is a creation of the Father and He deems it to be alive. We are fooling around with the divine creation of God the Father if we, in any way, stop the child from being born. Only God can create a human life! No man can, in any way, take this life and destroy it without answering to God the Father.

    The child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy at the presence of Jesus and Mary. He was God in the womb.

    Jesus said to me, in a vision:

"These children are the chosen ones of My Father. You saw My Heart, the flowers were for the dead children that are dying. You are little flowers growing into a beautiful bouquet for My Father. Each moment of your life is a flower in the bouquet. You want your bouquet full of flowers that are beautiful, not half dead. When you sin, you are not growing into the beautiful flowers He wants you to be. Each moment is a flower. Will your bouquet be half-dead? Will your moments be as little petals you present to the Father, full of life and beauty?"

"Tell the little children to come to Me. Bring the children to church. Let them be in front of the tabernacle. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Bring your children to church. Children need to be close to Me. I love My children - bring them to Me!"

    To really know God is to love - every action that comes from you should be a result of His love within you.


October 21, 1994

Let Me Reign in Your Heart

Messenger: Make me like a little child. The most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed in the womb of the Blessed Mother. His Sacred Heart was inside of her. I see the two Hearts. Jesus and Mary, as she holds the Child Jesus so lovingly.

    To think of His most tender Heart in the body of a baby makes it seem so very much more tender. His Heart is the tenderest of all hearts. There was such union between Mary and Jesus from the first moment of conception. I see the two Hearts joined and beating in such love for us.

Jesus: I am your most Sacred Heart. Turn to the Child Jesus for your trials. I was present as God when I was a child.

Messenger: To see His most Sacred Heart in the Child Jesus' body. Such power and gentleness!

Jesus: I am the Light of the World. I shine in this world through you, My beloved children. Come to Me as little children. Come as a baby at the breast. Take shelter in the most tender Heart of the Child Jesus. I forever burn with the deepest love for you. When you see an image of My Mother and the Child, see Our Hearts beating as one in the most gentlest love for you. I came as a baby at the breast, so helpless. I ask you to come to Me as a baby at the breast, in total submission. I ask you to give yourself entirely to Me. Give your will and your life in total surrender to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Such freedom, such power!

    Come My little children, to the ardent on-fire love of the Child Jesus. Take refuge in My Heart through My Mother. She carried Me in her womb. Enter into My Heart through her most pure and tender Heart. I was carried in her womb. I ask you to go through My Mother's Heart to My most precious, tender, loving Heart. My Heart was inside of the womb of My Mother. My Heart was beating inside of her.

    I come to you this day in the Eucharist. I am no less present than when I was on earth. I enter your body as the Incarnate Son of God. What honor indeed I bestow on you, My beloved ones! I, Who am perfect love, come to you, My love. My Heart beats inside of My Body, no less than it beat in the womb of My Mother. My Heart is a human Heart belonging to the Son of God.

    I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. I am Jesus, the Son of God, entering your body as I entered Mary's womb. Through the Father's great love for you, I am given to you. I give you Myself. Bread and wine are changed into My very Body and Blood. I, God, come into your heart to dwell.

    I am Jesus, your most ardent love. I enter you, child. I love you. My Heart beats in you. Let Me reign in your heart. Realize your specialness - that the Incarnate Son of God comes inside of you and dwells there. You are so special. You are My beloved. You are My chosen ones. I come to you. I come to you with the greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.

Song: I Love You Jesus

October 21, 1994

Between 12 - 3 p.m. I Heard Bells in the Priests’ Residence Chapel

Messenger: God is love. How can we love God if we do not love one another? I do not know God if I do not love. If I know God and share truly in His divine Life, I must love.

    Oh, God, how I love You! You are in the morning sun, the breath of fresh air. You are in the sun-lit morning. You are in all those things, created by You. You are in my brothers, in their smiles and in their eyes. You exist - You truly exist in this world this day. I am surrounded by Your presence. Your power and Your might surround me as I dwell on this earth. As I live and breathe, I breathe in life with the air You provide for me. I am connected to You at every second. There is not one second that I am not dependent on You for my existence.

    Oh, blind men on this earth, it is indeed so clear to all who look! God is present and in our midst this day! He is alive and ever ready to provide us with every need. Yet, God, the Son of God, Who waits for the love of mere creatures, sits alone in both tabernacles here all morning! He is truly present, exposed or not. He is here and waiting our love. He writes the song He wants us to sing to Him. I scarce can breathe to be near to You, my God! This is the love He wants us to have. He is present. He is there. He is alive, and He knows our every thought and action. He is the love we all crave. He is truly here. Oh, my God, who am I that I sit in Your presence here. I sit and others do not even realize how You long for their love.

Jesus: Tell them, My child. I have commissioned you and Father to tell them of this great love I have. I am your most precious Savior. Truly, I died for you. Truly, I would die for them this day. You are My apostles to spread devotion to My most Sacred Heart and My Mother's Immaculate Heart. She tells you at every rosary, "I am the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I love all my precious children." This is your calling - to spread the love of these two Hearts.

    See My Heart as beating and on-fire second-by-second. I never leave you. Promote the promises. Tell all to say them every day. It is through My most Sacred Heart you will be warmed in the coldest night. Take shelter from the wind, the rain, the cold, from pestilence, from every kind of affliction you may suffer. Find shelter in the dear, tender Heart of the Child Jesus. My Heart is on fire and waiting to exchange love with My beloved ones. They do not know how this Heart beats for them this very day.

    Come to Me and I will lead you away into the realms of intimacy with Me - intense intimacy in My most Sacred Heart! I am the Heart of Jesus, on fire for love of you, My beloved ones!

Messenger: (How can I really know God and not love? He is Love!)

Song: I Am Your Sacred Heart   

        Messenger: The same day I had this vision.

            This is the picture from my notebook.



October 21, 1994


An Exterior Vision: I saw His Heart on His chest, hands off to the side.

Messenger: I was praying (people opened the door in the Priest’s Resident Chapel). I kept looking at the vision - a little child was in the heart, in the center. It could have been an embryo in a developed stage. His Heart was formed in the womb of His Mother. Rays were around the heart.

    He said something about being a child. I was distracted by the opening of the door but I continued focusing on the vision.

    I kept hearing the song, "when you are inside of Me", the song Jesus gave me.

    I have been smelling faint smells of incense and roses at different times.

    His presence pervades my soul. I love Him so much, it is He whom I seek! I want only Him. I love you so much, my precious love!

    I feel such love for St. Margaret Mary. I had a vision of a nun at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, she appeared to the left of the altar. She held a white book. My son kissed me during Mass, during the vision. I did not look away, I stayed focused on the vision. From this I have developed an intense love for St. Margaret Mary.

    I do not want to leave the tabernacle. He says: "My presence is with you, take it forever with you in your heart! I give Myself to you in this special way. You are never without My deepest love. I dwell in you in deep union. Be lost in My love."

    I always have trouble on Fridays between noon and 3pm. He wants me to cherish this time with Him. I love You Jesus. Jesus. Jesus!

    All hope of life eternal comes through Christ crucified. Our hope of eternal life comes through His death and resurrection.

    Make the sign of the cross, profess our faith in Him and our love of the Trinity. I love God!



October 24, 1994

Reach Out

Messenger: I am the slave of His most Sacred Heart. It is through this most precious Heart, pierced with a lance, that all graces and mercies flow.

Jesus: I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am forever present. I am in your midst this day. I was born a baby with My Heart on fire for love of you. I died for you. From My birth to My death, see this love I poured out to you. My Mother held Me in her outstretched arms at birth. I hung alone at My death. She held My lifeless body under the cross. This shows Our love for you! As I was held lifelessly under the cross, you meditate on this life given for you.

    This is My life I give to you this day. I am the Bread of Life. He who eats My Flesh will never die. Death has no power over Me. I have died, but I have risen that you will have life and have it to the full.

Song: I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.

Messenger: He comes to us this day, as He came as a baby in His Mother’s womb. He tells us:

Song: Reach out to Me and do not fear. I want to be so close to you. I am your God, your precious One. I come to give you life!

Messenger: Reach out, it is in the reaching out, in the surrendering of ourselves in our entirety to Him that we grow in this union with Him. He outpours His grace to us. He wants us to reach out. He reached out. He held His arms outstretched and gave His all to us.

    He is a fountain of endless mercy and grace, gained for us on the cross. From the Father, in the Holy Spirit, with His Mother under the cross. He comes to us in every Mass as this unbloody sacrifice and pours out His grace and mercy to us.

    Oh, Savior, how great is Your love for us to give us Yourself in the Mass. How great the gift of our loving Father to give us Jesus, His Son, in the Holy Spirit, under the appearance of bread and wine. This is my loving Savior. This is how I see Him. Such love poured out to us in the Eucharist! Jesus, the Son of God! How I love Him!

    I am in awe to behold Jesus with us this day in the Eucharist. He is truly the Son of God. He loves us and comes to us with this great love. If God is love, how can I not love you, whom He created and loves? Open my heart, Lord, to know and love all men as You do and see with Your eyes, Your compassion. Help me to know this world and all Your beloved creatures through the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    I am a slave to Your most Sacred Heart, Lord, use me to promote this devotion to Your loving Heart!

John 14:1 4, 18, 21

If you ask me anything in my name,
I will do it.

I shall not leave you orphans;
I shall come to you.

Whoever holds to my commandments
    and keeps them
is the one who loves me;
and whoever loves me
    will be loved by my Father,
and I shall love him
and reveal myself to him.
Reach out to Me

Matthew 7:7

…knock, and the door will be opened to you.

Revelation 3:20

Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person’s side.

Messenger: "Feed the hungry". I heard this for six weeks. I saw doors. It is through His Heart we will be saved. Go through the door of His Heart to eternal Salvation!

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. If you enter into the abyss of My Heart, you will be saved. My Heart will ward off the devil. It is your protection from the evils of this world. Come to Me and know My Heart. It is through My most Sacred Heart all graces and mercies flow.

Messenger: All I want to do is to be wrapped endlessly in the fire of His love.


Jesus: I came into this world, a little baby. Mary walked My passion with Me, suffering for love of you. Always, total surrender to the Father’s will. This is seen at My birth, this is seen as I lay in her arms under the cross. Mary and I both, always in total compliance to the Father’s will. Your peace and joy lie in doing God’s will. Total surrender, your every breath depends on Me. Where do you think you are going in your busy, busy lives? The victory is won in doing the Father’s will with love. In it lies your peace.

Song: God's Love



October 25, 1994

The Hungry Soul Craves Union with Me

Messenger: As a deer thirsts for water, my soul thirsts for You. Oh, Lord, You take me to the summit of Your love, then, My Lord, to the depths of doom my soul falls. Oh, Lord, rescue me from this pit and raise me to the most abundant love of Your Heart.

    My soul thirsts for You, my Lord. It is for You and Your love I live. I live for You. My heart is longing and pining for the courts of the Lord. Oh, my Lord, to know You a little and never enough! My soul is so thirsty for only Your love.

    To really know You is to want You. My soul thirsts for You ever more. I want You ever so closer my dear, dear, Lord!

Jesus: The hungry soul craves union with Me. It is drawn to Me as steel to the magnet. So you wander and roam and your soul feels empty. Only in My Heart do you find rest. Come to Me, go to My Mother, lay yourself in her arms. She cradles you in her Heart and brings you ever so gently to My Sacred Heart. Your soul is oh, so hungry, for only My love. I am your ardent love. I love you this way with My whole Heart on fire for you. My Heart burns for you, My child. Come to the endless source of love. My Heart knows the way. Follow My Heart and know My burning love.

Messenger: We enter His Heart, we are purified with His love. He beckons us to come and dwell deep in His Heart. He does not say that we must be perfect, He asks us to come as we are. He loves us despite all our faults, and longs for us to come in all our imperfections. But, as the impurities are burned away, we become changed as we dwell in His Heart. Purify me, Lord. I know You love me despite all my faults. I want to be wrapped in the abyss of Your love. Mold me and fashion me into the creation the Father intends me to be. Melt away my impurities in my heart with the fire of Your love.

    From the depth of my soul I cried to Him and He heard my plea. He leads me ever so gently to His Sacred Heart. He took me as I am and I dwelt in the inner recesses of this most tender Heart.

Jesus: You are My chosen ones. I invite you this day to come and dwell deeply in My Heart. Put aside any anger and forgive all your brothers. As you release all your angry thoughts and forgive all your brothers, as you let go and release all your anxieties, you will experience My peace. I lead you to the sanctuary of My Heart, come and dwell with Me there in My love. Close your eyes and focus on My presence with you. See yourself placed in My Heart ever so gently by My beloved Mother, your loving Mother. Be wrapped in Our love. Let go of everything but My presence, and your dwelling in My warm and tender Heart. Relax your whole being and surrender all your cares to Me. Focus on the warmth and glowing light of My Heart; It surrounds you with My deepest love!

Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet



October 28, 1994

Feel His Presence

Messenger: His presence pervades my soul, so much that I feel as if I can’t write. I feel such oneness with Him, I feel such burning in my heart. I just want to stay here forever. I feel this feeling of peace and rapture. I scarce can breathe, I love You so, my God. I want to stay here and never leave I just want to be in this deep union with Him.

    I felt His presence all through the Mass, I saw Him offer the Mass through the priest to the Father. I felt His presence so strongly. I could see His long brown hair and His most Sacred Heart. This brought me to such an overwhelming awareness of His presence. I felt His presence in the room, I felt His presence within me. (I still have such a burning awareness in my heart, I never want to leave.)

    I feel His presence so intense at Mass and prayer afterwards. I am in such union with Jesus, such oneness. It is hard to explain. I know His presence so well, it is such an awesome feeling. I saw His brown hair, His vibrant Heart, His red garb and white tunic. He was so present to me. I feel Mary’s presence with Him.

    I keep hearing His song, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I have such an interior awareness of His presence pervading my soul.


Saturday - October 29, 1994 2:15 a.m.

My Beloved Priests

Messenger: I scarce can breathe when You come into me, Lord. Help me to be drawn into a closer union with You, to let go of the perishable things of this world and be only as You want me to be, Lord. I am so weak and attached to many things. I want to please You and do Your will.

"I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. Reach out to Me and do not fear, I love you tenderly."

    Oh, the ways of the heart, Lord. How You suffered so in the garden for all Your beloved ones that You loved so greatly and who treated You with such coldness. To be perfect love and be rejected by so many beloved souls, what agony You endured! I want to console Your Most precious Heart and tell You how I love You. Oh, Jesus, You are so sweet to me. Who am I that You care for me and come to me and live in me?

Jesus: I give to priests the power to forgive sins - many take this so lightly. I give them this power - do they thank Me for My great gifts to them? Such power I give - to change bread and wine into My precious Body and Blood, everyday at Mass. Such a gift from My Most loving Heart. From the Father, in the Spirit, such a gift and how many even think of how I favor them with this gift?

    I am Jesus Christ, their beloved Savior. My special anointed ones do not know how it offends My Heart to be neglected by them. They are given such power and they do not even come and be with Me. Such love I have for them! Agonies of the heart, such agonies to love so dearly, to give so much and be rejected by My anointed ones! Oh, if they only came to Me, I would shower them with such love for their hearts and souls.

    I am your special love. I come to you and give you Myself, no less present than the day I walked the earth, and who comes and spends time with Me? I am your beloved Savior. I gave My life for you, My beloved priests. I give you such gifts from the Father, in the Spirit, and you take God's gifts so lightly. How I suffered for your neglect and indifference.

    Oh, beloved children of My Father, do you know this love I have for you? I come and give you Myself this very day and you treat Me so very coldly. Come to My Heart in the Blessed Sacrament and be with Me. Come and spend time in your home, alone with Me. Come from your sleep and be with Me.

    Such sweet moments - our time together in the night! Do you remember My dear love I poured out to you in these most sacred hours? I want you to come, Rita, and be with Me. Such special moments with Me, your beloved One. I am forever with you with such love. I pour Myself out to you in the night. Come and be alone with Me in our Hearts. I love you so much. Nothing sustains the aching soul but My love. I long for you to come and be alone with Me. In the night you are totally attentive to Me. Come to Me and be with Me. Comfort My aching Heart. No one knows how My Heart suffered for love of My beloved ones. I am so neglected and forgotten. You see what makes you sad, the hours I sit alone in the tabernacle and no one comes, the way people are too busy to even think of Me. My holiest ones who have turned My Mass into such coldness and I, Who love with such fervent love, love their most cold hearts. Cold hearts surround Me. I remain with greatest love for you, My beloved souls, and who comes and gives Me a heart of real love? Very few hearts come and pour their love out to Me. I long for this, your love. I long for your time with Me. Console My aching Heart, My child. Come and give Me your deepest love. I want your love as I say in the song. I want you to come with such love you scarce can breathe.

    Rita, Rita, do you know yet I speak to you? You are such a cold heart. I speak to you and you are ready to run back to your world for your love. I want to be so close to you. You do not comprehend what is transpiring here, My beloved one. I pour out such love to you and you are this little frightened child out in the rain looking for that which only I can give you. Come out of the rain and into My Heart. Totally surrender and let your life unfold as I make Myself known more and more to you. I want to take you to the inner sanctuaries of My Heart. I want you to dwell there in such union. You keep yourself at a distance from Me.

    Your world is not the answer. My Heart is your answer. Let go, let go, let go. Be so wrapped in My love. You stand on the outskirts, looking in. I give you My grace. With Me, you are not alone. I never ever leave you. Be attentive at every second to My most intimate presence within you. You offend My Heart. You, whom I talk to, you doubt and run to others for what I want to give you. My child, I love you so much. Do you hear Me? Don’t check out My story here any more. Be lost in My deepest love. I give this to you. Come and dwell deeply in My Heart through Mary’s Heart. It is in this dwelling that your peace lies. Say the prayer for union with Me.

Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul


October 30, 1994

See the God Who Is Alive and Surrounds You

Messenger: Create in me a clean heart, where there is anger sow love, where I am in need of cleaning, take away all hurts of my life from childhood to the present day.

    I love You so much, Jesus. You loved those who tore Your flesh and nailed You to the cross, always love. Teach me, Mary, to love always with Your pure Heart. Where there is any ill will, wash it away and give me a heart likened to Yours.

    I love You, Jesus, with all my heart. I want to be forever united to You with such great love.

Jesus: Let go, My child. It is an act of the will to die totally to the self. Be docile in your actions, always being led by the Spirit. Your heart knows the way to follow My lead. Let go of yourself.

    Live for love of Me. Live to love your brothers for Me. Pray to the Spirit to remove the blinders from your eyes so you will see as God allows you to see. Forever praise, love and honor God. If your heart is forever lifted high to God, it will act as He wills you to act.

    Open your eyes and look at your brother, look at your world, look to your children. See the God Who is alive and surrounds you. Will you look up or will you look down? Look up to praise God, forever a song of love and joy on your lips for the God Who created you and all things and sustains you and gives you exactly as you need. Live each moment as a flower you are growing for your Father, always in love, always with thoughts of pleasing Him.

    I want to live and dwell in your heart. I want to operate in your being. I want to love through you. You must be docile and allow Me to do My work in you. As a deer longs for water, seek out the Lord in all things. You are thirsty for the Lord Who loves you and holds you so dear! I am Jesus, My child, forever fix your eyes upward to your beloved Father. Through the Spirit you are led to the greatest union with God. Mary will lead you to such intimacy with Me. Dwell forever in the great abyss of My most Sacred Heart. It is there I will forever protect you from all kinds of weather.

    I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, come and let Me dwell in you. Live in My Heart. I love you so. You see the Heart, open and on fire with the deepest love. Go and be lost in My Heart. I am your Jesus. I show you this Heart to draw you and others closer to Me. Come to the great furnace of My love. There is shelter and love waiting for you in My Heart and I want to dwell in you.

    Let go, let go, and experience the beating of My Heart, on fire for love of you. I love you so much, My dear, dear children. Do not look to the world for your needs, come and dwell in My Heart. I am waiting to be so joined to you. I love you so much.



November 1, 1994

Return to the Heart of a Child

Jesus: Do you want to love Me? Then I call you to purity. Your heart must be so pure. Return to the heart of a child. A child has a heart that forgives and is ready to love. A child does not remember hurts and grudges, a child loves. Unless you become like little children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven!

    Be as the saints, you are My saints this day in this world. I call you to love. To love God with your whole soul. I call you to love your neighbor as yourself. Child, to My death on the cross I loved those who persecuted Me. I call you to this love, to pray for your enemies, to love those who give you the greatest trouble.

    If you want to love Me, your heart must be pure. Any willful taint of hate and anger in your heart blocks your closeness with Me. See, My beloved ones, God with an open heart on fire for love of you. The fire is ever ablaze, it is ever loving, it is bellowing, it is love from God Himself, Who is love. Why hold on to grudges with mere men when I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, wait for you with My open Heart of love. I love you so this day that I would suffer and die for you. Put on Christ in all your actions. I showed you the way. You were created in the image and likeness of God. Would I hate your brothers? My way is peace, My way is love, My way is the way I show you in My life. Live the rosary in your life. Live the lives of Jesus and Mary in the rosary. There is such intimacy in Our lives and Our Hearts.

    She suffered so for love of you! She calls you this day to return to a pure heart, the heart of your birth, a heart that was made for loving. When you were baptized you were born into new life—the life of sanctifying grace. You partake in the Divine life in a special way when you remain in the state of grace. Live as I showed you the way. Always love, My dear children. I call you to a heart full of My love for one another. Our union together depends on your ability to let go. Let go and live in Me.

    Come to Me in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of My greatest love. I pour out Myself to you. I give Myself to you. Devotion to My Heart leads you to the Eucharist. I love you so much. Come to Me, be one with Me, see Me in your brothers. I call you to live in Me. I call you to be Christ to one another. I call you to Love. Pray the Our Father.


November 1, 1994

Jesus: You are My special apostles to spread the love of My most Sacred Heart. Do not take this job lightly. I give you this day your arms for battle. They are your hearts filled with My love. Come to the Eucharist, come to the tabernacle and be filled with My love. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. My Heart is open and waiting to share My love with you. Make up to My Heart for all the indifference shown to Me. Come to My Sacrament of greatest love and give Me your love.


November 2, 1994

I Beg You to Take Me Seriously

(Messenger: Awakened with cramps in my feet and didn't want to get up, but He wanted me to rise. It is 4:00 a.m.)

Messenger: Oh Jesus, I do love You. Please give me all you want me to do and help me to not be distracted by satan.

Jesus: Do you realize that men's souls are at stake? Do you realize I am giving you these letters? You take My work so lightly. Be committed to this. Will you ever let go so we can be about our union? You fight this union, you still do not want to believe with all your heart that I have called you here to write. I called you and I will continue to knock. Pray for strength to forget the world and focus on the souls that will be lost if you do not help Me with these letters. I call you, you write, half-asleep and want only to go back to bed. It is All Souls Day, pray for the poor souls. I beg you to preach My ardent love. Preach, preach, sing the songs, record the songs today. I want them to circulate. I am the Savior, I am Jesus, Son of the Living God, I am He Who intently loves you! Come and love Me this moment. Forget the world, release yourself into My hands. Total surrender to Him Who loves you.

Messenger: My God, My God, give me all I need to be drawn into this union with You.

Jesus: You are fighting everything. See My Heart, focus on My love, I love you so much!

    Agony of all agonies, the agony I suffered from those I love and how they would reject Me, how they are so cold in their hearts. They refuse My love, they refuse My grace, they refuse Me. I am your Savior. I died that you would have life abundantly. Then, to be ignored after I give you My life. Oh, do you know the ways of this Heart?

    Do you see the Heart I show you? Always have this Heart in front of your face, it is your link to this deep union with Me. Focus on My immense love and the love and presence of My Mother. Focus on My presence. Did I look like this statue? I gift you so abundantly, yet you run to others to be validated. How your lack of faith tears at My Heart and makes it bleed. Oh, you, My favored child, when will you come and dwell and live forever in My Heart? I call you to surrender.

Messenger: I recognize the face on this Sacred Heart statue in the den as the same face I saw in the grotto, but this one is in color. I recognize the Heart as the Heart in the vision.

Jesus: If the world hates you, you know My love - live for Me and to promote the devotion to My most Sacred Heart. Lead people to Me through the Eucharist and the tabernacle - this is the Sacrament of My greatest love.


November 3, 1994 - 4:45 a.m.

I Want to Use You, Surrender

Messenger: My heart knows You dearly, my most precious Lord.

Jesus: I am your Savior, the Son of God. I come to you with greatest love, love for you, My chosen one. I love you to come from your sleep and write My messages of love for everyone. I call you to surrender. Do not hold onto anything. I am leading you into the desert, but you will not fear, for I will walk with you and I will carry all your supplies for the journey. I am God. I know all things. I know your needs. You never want because I supply you with everything.

    Let go into My arms. Let Me walk with you. Let Me talk for you. Let Me be in you. As a deer seeks water, seek only My face. My face will forever by with you. You will know My presence more and more and I will forever sustain you.

    Oh, you, My little worker, the harvest is plenty, the laborers are few, but at My hands the laborers are mighty. One worker rooted totally in Me can do mighty work. You must let go totally into My most loving Heart. I never go from you! Your problems are mere obstacles when you realize God is forever with you. I will move the obstacles. It may seem tense at times, but you do not get tense because you forever trust in My all-abiding Presence with you! I will operate you. You will do only My work. Surrender your whole being. I never ever leave you for one second!

    I want to operate you. I want to use you. I want to possess your soul. I am Jesus, the Son of the Living God. Harken to Me, My precious child. I go before you and pave the way. Dark days are coming for this world . Pray constantly for your brothers that their hearts are turned toward Me. It is your prayers that will help many to turn from their ways. Do not worry for the things of this world. I will operate in you. You must surrender and be selfless.


November 10, 1994

An Urgent Message

Jesus: Be wrapped in the arms of My loving Mother whom I love so dearly. I write here about all My love given to you, but who listens? I give to you messages of My love and they are treated so lightly. Souls will be lost for not reading these messages. I beg you to publish My letters. Every word I write to every human soul. I want them to read these letters of My intense love.

    I died for you on the cross. I came, I was born a mere human. I gave My life for you. I give these letters of My intense love. I tell you, souls need these letters! They need all the letters. To hold up My letters is to deprive souls of personal love letters I write to them.

    Faith, My child, I tell you to have faith. I am Jesus Christ, I am writing to My beloved souls. I beg you, I beg you, to take Me seriously. I write everyday, I tell you how to be holy, I tell you of My love. These letters will draw men’s hearts to My most Sacred Heart. Your answers of loving each other lie in these letters. My Heart is so sad for the souls that will be lost because they did not know My love.

    I, Jesus Christ, write every day. My beloved ones are missing My words of love I give to them! Nothing is more important than spreading the love of God. You are operating to draw souls closer to the Sacred Heart, yet you tend to other details and hold up My letters. Are you operating to lead men to heaven? I am calling out for the holiness I teach you in these letters. You miss the golden gift I give you here.

    Your answers are found in these letters. I call, I knock, I write, I beg, I am God and I am ignored. Souls will be lost if you do not spread these letters of My intense love. I teach you so sweetly how to love one another.

    You cannot love each other if you do not know the intense love I have for you. The answers to My love are found to a great extent in prayer. I am truly present in My Divinity and humanity in the Eucharist. I am alone there most of the time. Can you find one soul to be with God? What is more important than God? I am your beloved Jesus that died on the cross, no less present than the day I died and who spends one hour with Me? If you loved Me you would wait with Me, you would come with hearts full of love and anxious to be with Me.

    You are missing our love affair because you are not reading My love letters. I profess day after day in every word how I love you. How it wounds My Heart to see the cold hearts of My faithful ones. Your answers are found in loving Me. I am the Sacred Heart. You are drawn closest to Me in the Blessed Sacrament, in the Eucharist. My Heart is a symbol of My intense love for you. I cry out for our love affair. Men will be drawn close to My Heart and to holiness when you circulate My love letters.

    I am Jesus. I come to you with greatest love in songs and messages. I am God and I am ignored. Souls need these messages. The devil has created this confusion . You do not go to My tabernacle, you argue with one another for solutions. You try to figure your answers out and I sit with all the answers. I write these letters to you everyday and no one listens.

    I want My letters of love to be circulated. I have given you four books of My love letters. I want the messages circulated. Your city will be lighted with My love when you circulate these letters given to you by Me. I am Jesus. Your answers are in holiness. My letters will lead men’s hearts to such burning love for Me. Play My love songs. I love you so much!

    Publish the messages on the rosary. My Mother appears, day after day, and tells you how to make the rosary alive in your life. You will not be Christ-like if you do not meditate on our lives. Our lives are your key to living Christ-like lives. If you pray the rosary as We have instructed, you will live Our lives in your lives everyday. These meditations need to circulate.

    I am Jesus, I am writing to you every day. I am ignored. I beg you to light your city with the love of Jesus in your hearts. I want My books published. I will provide the funding for books three and four. Book three is your answer to your problems of loving one another. You need to circulate these messages on hate and anger and love! I ask you, I beg you, please publish all My books! Your answers lie in these books. I am Jesus. I am writing to you this day with My Heart a burning furnace of love. I show this Heart to Rita. I ask you, please to listen. I have been ignored. Your sweet ones need these messages. I love each person. I want to have a love relationship with each person.

    Every word I write here is of My intense love. These messages need to be read so people realize I am writing every love letter to them. It makes Me so sad to love so much and to write these letters to My beloved ones and for them to not be circulated.

    I love as I say here and much more. The insights into My life and My Mother’s life, into her suffering and My suffering, are in these letters. You hold up messages of such love I pour out day after day.

    I am Jesus. This is the mighty medicine. Time is so short. Your answers for your Center are in these messages. You are My city of love. I love each person with the dearest love I profess in the letters. My Mother wants all there to pray the rosary as she has instructed. I beg you to listen to My letters. These are My letters given to you. You will stay divided if you do not circulate these messages. I write every day for 10 months of My intense love and you have only circulated two letters. I beg you, I beg you, I beg you to take Me seriously. These are My letters given to you. Unless you circulate these letters of My love people will continue to be divided. They need to realize My intense love. I appeared in the grotto to show you that Jesus and Mary are united to spread My love at your Center.

    I tell you, I ask you, you try to answer your questions, when your answers are found in My letters of love. Release these messages and you will have hearts on fire for love of Me. Hearts that are holy do not hate one another. Hearts that realize the love of God operate with love. I died for you. I gave you these letters today to spread My love. I beg you, beg you to publish all My letters. I am Jesus. I am writing to each soul, My precious love.

    It wounds Me so, you do not believe Me. If you truly believed Me, you would read My letters and circulate them. Pray the Prayer for Union with Jesus… in it lies the secret to your city of love.


November 12, 1994 Saturday

I Am an Endless Ocean of Love

Messenger: I eat, breathe, and live in my every action with Jesus. I look to you and see Jesus in you.

Jesus: Satan constantly talks, My child, to create division. He gets into your thoughts and tells you this person is not nice, he is a problem to you. Cast him out immediately. Do not ponder thoughts that are creating division.

    Focus on My love. I am an endless ocean of love. The ocean never runs dry. It is forever flowing and plentiful for you. Look at My Heart, ablaze for you and open. My Heart is so open. You must only come in. The door is always waiting and inviting you in. Oh, child, don’t feel bad. Come to Me, trust in Me, have faith in Me. I will not ever let you down. Things are not in your control. Surrender to My Heart.

    You will be aware of My presence and experience intense union with Me everywhere you are. You are the slave of the Sacred Heart. Live to promote My love. I am forever with you, My beloved.

    Deep love is what I long for. I long for this great love from all My precious souls. Comfort My Heart. Spend your every moment in My Heart in deepest love. Dwell within Me and I will operate within you. Do not fret, the devil is trying to stop you. You, child, have My love and I am the Almighty God. I have all the power. I am in control. I will tend to all your cares. Let go!

    Do not be defensive. I am outpouring My love to you. See all the love everyone is showering on you- such acts of love given from God Himself through God- loving souls! You are not alone. The devil is trying to make you feel bowed down. I am present inside of you, outside of you, in your brothers, in the beautiful world you live in. See with the eyes that seek the presence of God. This is your secret to happiness - to seek God in all things.

    Rita, I am your best friend. Come to Me now. Come in all your needs. Love is present between persons when they are hurting or happy. I am here to comfort you and sustain you in this trial and all your trials. Come and lay your head on My Heart, lay on My chest and let Me comfort you.


November 13, 1994

My First Love Letter to Jesus

Messenger: Dear Jesus, I love You. Not breath, not any words I know can describe my love for You. You are the life in my soul. You are my beginning and my end. Without You I would not want to live. I love You with the deepest love. Words are so flimsy to describe what I feel for You. I love You so much when I am united with You in Communion. You are my Beloved. You are so sweet. You are always there. You always love me and how little I give back to You! I experience Your presence within me sometimes and I feel so close I cannot describe it. I want greater union with You. I thirst after You. I want so desperately to be so united to You always with the deepest intensity, never to leave You. My heart knows what my pen cannot write. Oh, Your presence in my soul! I love You so and long for You to be so close to me. Your presence pervades my soul!

Jesus: Continue to write love letters to Me and watch your love grow.

Song: I Thirst for Your Love

(Jesus speaks: Read this to Me especially after Communion and in front of the tabernacle)

Messenger: I need to learn how to give love to Jesus. I know He loves me. How do I love Him in return? I will do this: write letters of how I love Him, tell Him how I love Him, ask Him to give me grace to turn my cold heart to a heart on fire for love of Him.

    When I love Him, I will see Him in my brothers and love them so much more. Oh, dear brothers, I don’t know how to love. Be patient with me, as Jesus teaches me His ways of love. I want to learn. Lord, turn my heart into a heart more like Yours.

Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart



November 13, 1994

Come to Me with Hearts of Love

Jesus: Will you not wait one hour with Me? My Heart thirsts for the love of souls. Come to Me with hearts of love. My Heart wants your love poured out to Me. I love you so much. I want a love relationship with you.

    Read all My letters from your heart, as you read a letter from your closest friend, the one you love. You dote on every word. Oh, how I love you! I write to you here. Read every letter from Me with your whole heart. This is My love poured out to you. Do not read these letters for knowledge, read them for love. These are love letters from Me to you, My most ardently loved ones.

    When you open the book think of how I love you and long for your love. I want a relationship with you. I write to you with greatest love. Read My letters as from your loved ones. Read them from your best Friend. Read them from a Person that died for you!

    I long for your love this day. Write Me a letter of your love. Write Me in front of the tabernacle, or after Communion. I long for your love. I thirst for the love of My most precious souls. Come to Me and find an ocean of love in My most Sacred Heart. Come to Me and find the true Love of your soul. I am Jesus. I died for you that you may have life. My Life I give you in the Eucharist. I am the Bread of Life come down from heaven for you this very day. Come and partake in My life given to you.


November 13, 1994 - After Communion

Love Him in Return

Messenger: Jesus is a Person that wants to be loved. He is not far off. He is inside of me right now, longing for my love, for my tender words telling Him how I love Him. I can scarcely breathe to be this close to God. Oh, God, impart to me Your gifts to know and love You more, to realize Your presence within me in Your Divinity and humanity now and Your constant presence with me in Your Divinity. I am so unworthy of Your love. We are just ignorant.

    Pray for the grace to realize more His presence with us, to realize His love for us and to love Him in return.

Note: I had a vision immediately after the Consecration.

    I saw a cross. Above it, the cup - they seemed to be connected, then the cup went upward. I saw intense light, a dark cross. His arms under the cross went close to the cross and it got bigger, then the cup went up to heaven.

    Oh, Jesus, You ask us to love You with our whole hearts, but do I want to give You my whole heart? Make me have a heart like Yours. What does that mean? You gave, You loved, You held nothing back.

    I never realized before, Lord, but I keep You at a distance because I hold onto parts of my heart. Do I really want to be like Jesus, to give my things away, and be ready to let Him have all if He wants it? Loving is as You loved.

    To have a heart like Your Heart means I give You my all. You gave the Blood in Your veins, You gave all the beats of Your Heart and the breath in Your Body. Loving means surrender.

    Oh, Jesus, how much of my heart I hold onto! It is another step to let go of my whole heart and ask for one like Yours. You hold nothing back, You always loved. You always gave to the other.

    Oh, Jesus, how far I am from You, yet how I love You. Give me, oh Lord, a heart like Yours. When You were naked I clothed You.. what I do to my brothers, Lord, I do to You.

    Create in me a clean heart. Let me see where I am blind. Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.

    To be like You! I see you hanging on the cross, dripping with Blood, this is Your Heart! You ask that we love God with our whole hearts and souls and love our brothers as ourselves. You said: love your brother as I have loved you.


November 13, 1994

Teach Me to Give Love to You

Messenger: I am so focused on self. I do not even see Jesus’ love. Love is giving. How do I give to Jesus? Do I tell Him with all my heart how I love Him? Do I think of how He is a Person that longs for my love? Do I thank Him for His life, His Sacraments, His Church, for His life given to me in the Eucharist? Do I thank Him for dying for me and tell Him? Oh, Jesus, I am so caught up in myself. Love is giving. Oh, Jesus, I am so self-centered. I do not even see how focused on self I am and how I want so much from You and give You so little back. You gave Your life for me. It is in surrendering myself I give my life to You. Teach me to love You tenderly from the heart, to surrender to You with greatest love for You.

    Oh, Jesus, teach me to love You. Just to give to You. This is the way I try to love others, to give just out of love, but how little I have loved You. Just to love! How little I realize how You want just love, no strings attached. Just to love You for You. You thirst after our love. You say how I love You so coldly. How indeed I have loved You, God, with a cold and selfish heart. You, whose heart is open, all giving, giving us our free will, and I come and always love wanting something in return.

    Help me to love You, Jesus, with a heart like Yours, love You just to love You. My heart is one of the cold hearts you talk about. I am so caught up in myself and my needs. Teach me to love. So little I know. I want to love You, Jesus, with a heart that gives love back to You. Where I was blind, I now see. But I am still so blind. Teach Me Your ways, Lord. Open my eyes to Your mysteries of love. I am a baby ready to be taught Your ways. It is in You I find my joy. In You lies true, lasting happiness. I love You, my precious Jesus. Open my eyes to Your way of love!



November 16, 1994 - After Communion

“I Give You Myself”

Messenger: I realized His immense presence after Communion. He is truly present and within me. I had a vision in my heart of Him on the cross and realized this is the same Jesus within me!

    I heard Him say, louder and firmer than ever before, "I give you Myself" – to the point that I gasped.

    I started with this vision in my heart before I received Him and started to cry. It is hard to explain what it is like to have such a realization that He is the same Jesus.

    I knew it was the Person that died on the cross and gave His very flesh for me.

    I saw Him in all His suffering on the cross. I wanted to cry, seeing Him suffering so.

    I realized He is in me and present in the Eucharist, the same God who loved me to His death. It is overwhelming. I cannot express the emotion.

 (There was a strong smell of lilacs)

    I realized that all I want is perfect union with Him. I cried to want it to last and be as intense as is possible. Nothing else mattered to me, but Him!


November 18, 1994 (excerpt)

Jesus: Feed My lambs. Feed My sheep. I come to bring nourishment for My flock. Nourish them with My love. Do you not see clearly that they are hungry for My love? They are fed by this love. To hold up My messages any longer is to hold up their nourishment. These are My love letters written to all My precious children. I call you to obey. Publish these messages.



December 3, 1994 - First Saturday - Before the tabernacle

Had an Overwhelming Presence of the Trinity

Jesus: I cry out to you and My words fall on deaf ears. If you have ears, hear, for I truly speak here and no one pays Me heed. You lack faith, you lack trust, you do not know what I impart to you. You, in your busy lives here, no time to hear My words.

    I want My letters to circulate to My beloved children. I ask, I beg, I am not taken seriously. I am the Almighty God, heed My words here.

    I called out and My words fell on deaf ears. My Heart cried out from its depth and I was rebuked, for the blind do not see and the deaf do not hear. I call out by day. I plead by night. I write My letters of such love to all souls and I am ignored. I am the Almighty God. I write these letters for all. I ask and I plead - I want My messages read. I want them to circulate.

    You do things your own way. You are willful. You want proof, you lack faith. I come in the night. As the night remains, you remain in darkness. You see not. You do not even read these for the light. You do not want to be here. You do not want to pray, you do not want to turn from your ways.

    You are blind men in darkness. I call, I write, I plead for months. I beg for a year. I want messages published. I am calling out an urgent request to publish these messages, to read them yourselves. You will be sorry, for souls will be lost because of the hold-up. These messages are needed now. The Eucharist is under attack. You hold these letters of My love and True Presence. I beg you one more time to listen to Me!


December 5, 1994

A Message Given to Father Carter

A Message given to Father Carter, December 5, 1994, two years before Jesus appeared on the cross with His mouth moving at the point of death.

Jesus: My beloved priest-companion,

    Please tell My beloved the following: I want all the Blue Books to be published through Shepherds of Christ Publications. I want them all to be published as quickly as is reasonably possible.

    Give ______ the message I gave to My beloved ______ on December 4. Tell ______ I love him with a special love, and that he is not to doubt My words. I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all.

    I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock.



December 12, 1994

With Regard to Suffering

Messenger: He humbled Himself to share in our humanity. Let us share in His Divinity.

Jesus: In suffering you must feel My love. I am close to you, My child. I am forever there with a beating Heart of love. When you suffer you must trust. Learning this is the key to your peace. Do not wait for the suffering to be lifted, draw closer to Me in the suffering. Your life is never apart from Mine. Your life is one in Me.

    In suffering, I allow you to experience My deepest love. Embrace all I send or permit as the Father’s will. This too, shall pass, but I am allowing whatever you are experiencing now for a reason.

    Oh little child, you must trust Me as He Who loved you to My death.

    I give you great gifts of My love. Trust and have faith. As Mary always said, "yes", you say, "yes" to all I send you. Come to her loving Heart and be formed by the Spirit more and more into My image. Love is the key, always love and doing the will of the Father.



December 12, 1994

The Joyful Mysteries

    This rosary, December 12, 1994, was given as Mary appeared that evening at 6:30 in the back of the Rosary Chapel at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.

Song: Ave Maria

The Annunciation

1. “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. He went in and said to her, 'Rejoice, you who enjoy God's favour! the Lord is with you.'” (Luke 1:26-28)

2. Hail Mary...
R. In response to the angel Mary said, "yes". She always complied to the will of the Father. She always trusted and had such faith.
4. Song:
Come Holy Spirit
5. R. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh.
6. There was such intimacy between Jesus and Mary from the first moment of conception.
R. Jesus grew inside of Mary’s body.
R. It was in her womb that His most precious Sacred Heart was formed.
R. Joseph was filled with fear and an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to be not afraid.
10. When we receive Jesus in the Eucharist He is no less present than when Mary carried Him inside of her womb.

Song: O Holy Mary

Song: Ave Maria

The Visitation

1. R. Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
R. When she saw Elizabeth the babe in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy.
R. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out with a loud voice her Magnificat.

4. “The Magnificat
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;” (Luke 1: 46-47)

5. “for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,” (Luke 1:49)

6. “because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,” (Luke 1:48)

7. R. Jesus wants us to realize how truly present He is inside of us each time that we receive Him in the Eucharist. We receive the true Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who comes inside of us with such love.
R. If we saw Mary this day carrying Jesus we would jump for joy, but we receive Jesus every day when we go to Communion and he is no less present inside of us.
9. Hail Mary...
10. Song:
O Come, O Come Emmanuel

The Birth of Jesus

1. R. Put yourself in the stable in Bethlehem and see Mary and Joseph as they anxiously await the birth of Jesus.
R. Jesus is born.
R. The cows and sheep are there to keep Him warm.
4. Song:
Angels We Have Heard on High (verse 1)
5. Song:
Angels We Have Heard on High (refrain)
6. Song:
Away in the Manger
7. Song: O Come All Ye Faithful
8. Song: What Child Is This
9. Hail Mary...
10. Hail Mary...

Song: Ave Maria

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

1. R. See Mary and Joseph as they bring the Baby Jesus to the temple to be circumcised.
R. Mary holds her tender Baby Jesus so close to her and Simeon prophesizes the sufferings that she and Jesus would suffer.

3. “Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed —” (Luke 2:34)

4. “and a sword will pierce your soul too — so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.'” (Luke 2:35)

5. R. From that moment on whenever Mary looked at her beloved Son the prophecy of Simeon was close in her Heart.
6. See her as she gazes so tenderly into the eyes of her beloved Son.

7. Song: Mary’s Song

8. R. How well the Heart of Mary knows the Heart of Jesus. She looked at Him so tenderly as a baby. She peered into His eyes on Calvary.
R. And how many times her Heart was pierced with a sword during His bitter Passion as she stood under His cross and beheld the One that she held as a Baby when Simeon told her this prophecy.

10. R. If we could see through Mary’s eyes all that Jesus suffered for us, all that He underwent all through His life in greatest love for us. She comes to tell us of this great love that He has for each and every one of us. See through her eyes, see her Son from His infancy to His ascension into heaven as she saw Him. Go to His most Sacred Heart through her most precious Heart that pondered Him and His love.

Song: Ave Maria

The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

1. “Every year his parents used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual.” (Luke 2: 41-42)

2. R. They had gone a day’s journey before they realized that Jesus was still behind.
R. With their hearts in deepest sorrowing they returned to Jerusalem to look for their beloved Son.
R. Faith and trust always in God, Mary’s Heart always trusted, even in all her sorrow she always knew that the Father loved her.
R. They found Jesus in the temple and He was talking to the teachers and they were astounded at His wisdom.

6. “They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, 'My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.'” (Luke 2:48)

7. R. And He told Mary and Joseph that He had to be about His Father’s business. He then went down and was subject to them.
R. Mary, if we ever wander from Jesus’ most Sacred Heart, lead us back to the love of Jesus’ Heart.
R. She is the key to lead us to the greatest intimacy with Jesus. It is through her Immaculate Heart that we will be led ever closer to Him.

10. Song: Sweet Sacrament We Thee Adore

Song: Ave Maria



December 15, 1994

The Priests Entered the Priesthood for Love of Jesus

Messenger: The priests entered the priesthood for love of God. Love of Him led them to give up the things of the world to be priests. The priests need to be fed with the love of God. Only Jesus can feed them with His love. When the priests are fed, they will feed the people. The priests must come back to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. It is through Mary’s most Immaculate Heart that priests will be led back to the inner sanctuaries of Jesus’ most tender Heart. Emphasis must be placed on leading priests to the intimate love of the Savior. When priests are fed by the love of God, they will feed the hungry souls.

    Only the love of the Sacred Heart can stand firm in this sick world. Jesus is the light of the world. It is only through His love we will be fed. The priests must be led back to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. His Heart is on fire and burning for the love of His specially anointed priest sons.

Jesus: Pray for your priests to be drawn ever closer to My most Sacred Heart through My Mother’s Heart. I am the light of the world. I want to shine through My beloved priests in the Church to the hungry souls. Do not forsake Me. I am Jesus. I died for you to bring you life. I bring you My love in My open Heart this day. I will warm the cold hearts. I will shine the brightest in this dark world. Come to My Sacred Heart on fire for love of you.


December 17, 1994 - Saturday

Joyful Mysteries

Messenger: December 17, 1994 Mary appeared, 6:30, at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. I received the following rosary.

The Annunciation

1. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.
"Mary said, ‘You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.’ And the angel left her." (Lk 1:38)
R. She always had such trust and faith in the Father. She always complied with the Father’s Will. She said yes to the angel.
R. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word became Flesh.
4. Song:
Come Holy Spirit, Fill Our Hearts . . .
5. R. There was such intimacy between Mary and Jesus from the first moment of conception.
R. His little life grew within her body.
R. It was in her womb that the most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed.
R. Joseph was filled with fear and an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to be not afraid.
R. He loved and supported Mary.
10. Song:
O Holy Mary


The Visitation

1. R. Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
R. When she arrived, the child in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy.
R. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice the Magnificat.
4. Song:
My Soul Rejoices in God My Savior
5. R. Jesus is no less present when He comes inside of us when we receive the Eucharist than He was the day that Mary carried Him inside of her womb. If we saw Mary with Jesus in her womb, we would be in awe of God inside of her, but He comes inside of us in His Divinity and Humanity, and He is present to us. We should be so flattered that Jesus comes inside of us.
R. He wants so much intimacy and love with us.
R. This is our beloved Savior. He longs and He waits for us to come and to receive Him, and to sit with Him in front of the tabernacle.
8. Song:
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
9. R. A voice cries out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord!
10. Hail Mary...


The Birth of Jesus

1. R. Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room for Him in the inn.
R. He had not a place to lay His head. He laid His head in a manger at birth and it hung from a cross at His death.
R. The sheep and the cows kept Him warm.
4. Song:
Angels We Have Heard on High
5. R. Jesus comes to us now as He was born in a stable, in quietness. He comes inside of our hearts.
6. Song:
Away in a Manger
7. Song: O Come let us Adore Him (refrain)
R. What the birth of the baby Jesus did for salvation history!
R. Jesus loved us so much that He humbled Himself to be born a human.
10. Hail Mary...


The Presentation in the Temple

1. R. See Joseph and Mary as they take Jesus to the temple to be circumcised.
R. The prophet Simeon predicts the sufferings of Jesus and Mary.
R. And a sword, too, shall pierce thy heart.

4. "As the child’s father and mother were wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed -’ ". (Lk 2:33-34)

5. R. See the tender eyes of Mary look into Jesus’ beautiful baby eyes with such love. And see her eyes look into His eyes as He carries His cross on Calvary.
R. How her Heart was pierced with a sword. See her. See all the sorrows that she went through. See through her eyes all the sufferings that she saw Jesus suffer for love of us. She calls us to see through her eyes the love of her beloved Son.
7. Song:
I Rocked Him as a Baby
8. R. Stand under the cross with our beloved Mary and see through her eyes. Helpless, she stands and watches her Son for three agonizing hours as He breathes His last breath and sheds His last drop of Blood and gives the last beat of His Heart . . .the greatest love for each and every one of us.
R. How do we think about Mary who mothers us as she mothered Jesus, who is forever by our side with the most intense love? Mary, please help us to have a closer union with you so that the Holy Spirit can transform our hearts more into the image of Jesus, your Precious Son.
10. Song:
I Rocked Him as a Baby


The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

1. R. See Mary and Joseph as they take Jesus up to the temple for the feast of the Passover when He was twelve years old.
R. They had gone a day’s journey before they realized that they had left their beloved Jesus behind.
R. Think of the sorrow in their hearts to lose their beloved Jesus. Think of how it would be to lose your beloved child.
R. With hearts full of greatest sorrow, they returned to Jerusalem to find their beloved child.
R. After searching for three long days, they found Him teaching in the temple.
6. And she said to Him: "...’My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you’." (Lk 2:48)
R. And He told them that He had to be about His Father’s business, and He went down and became subject to them.
R. Mary, please lead us to the Eucharist. He is truly present there, no less present than He was when you searched for Him and found Him in the temple. And He comes to us with greatest love, and longs for us to realize His presence and how He remains with us this day with greatest love.
R. Mary, please lead us to the Eucharist, to your Son, Jesus Christ, who waits endless hours in the tabernacle longing and thirsting for souls to come and be with Him. Open our blind eyes through your Immaculate Heart. Help us to realize your Son’s immense love for us.
10. Song:
Sweet Sacrament We Thee Adore (Refrain).


December 18, 1994 - Sunday

A Message to Fr. Carter

Jesus: My beloved priest-son,

(6 years later Father Carter died on December 18, 2000)

    I would like the Blue Books used by the members of the chapters of the Shepherds of Christ. If they so desire, they can read these messages and your messages at meetings. All the Blue Books should be published as soon as possible, as they deal with the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

    I love you with the dearest love and thank you for your faithful service to bring the priests to the heart of My Mother and My most Sacred Heart. I am burning for love of My priestly sons. You are so special to My Heart, I have forever written your name in My most Sacred Heart. It is through this most special movement that My Church will be led back to the on fire love of My Heart, through My Mother’s Heart. I am forever guarding you and keeping you deeply in My Sacred Heart. I love you with this My most tender burning love.

    I am your most Sacred Heart, Jesus


December 22, 1994

See the Big Picture

Jesus: To all My dearest beloved ones at the Center and in the Shepherds of Christ:

    You do not see the big picture. You do not see how your job is so important to My plan. Do you see your confusion? The devil presses in. He tells you how everything is hard and you are working so hard and not seeing any results. He tells you that you have not done enough. Oh, little loved ones, you are involved in the renewal of My Church. You see with such limited vision! I am using Shepherds of Christ to renew My Church throughout this world. I am lighting My world with the love that is being radiated in the many hearts that are coming to the Center and the Farm. You see, minute-by-minute, day-by-day, your frustrations and problems.

    I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I write these intense love letters of My love for this world. You see only your little daily frustrations. You are so important to spreading My love! I am giving you messages for all My beloved souls of this world. My (Shepherds of Christ priestly) Newsletter will enkindle in priests the fire of My love. I will light this world with My light through you.

    Oh, little loved ones, see the big picture. Pray for grace to know and love Me more. It is by your love of God that you will carry out My plan with ease.

    You see little details. I call you to prayer. I call you to sacrifice. I call you to love and purity in your heart. I call you to union with Jesus and Mary. I call you to consecration of your heart to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I call you to live in the Spirit, to pray to the Spirit, to be alive with His fire, to be transformed into My great soldiers of love, so that your hearts will be on fire with the most burning love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    I call you to vision. I call you to doing the will of My Father, to saying "yes" as Mary said "yes" to the angel, total compliance with His will!

    I call you to time spent alone with Me in front of the tabernacle and after Communion.

    Oh, My beloved children, you are blind. You do not see that this is My world. The reality is that your every breath depends on Me. I am here. I am in your midst this day, no less present than the day Mary carried Me in her womb, no less present than the day I died on the cross. Open your eyes and see the love I am pouring out to you.

    This (Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center) is My Mother's house. I write these letters to you from her house in Norwood. I am alone many times in My tabernacle here. You cannot light this world on your own. You need to pray for the grace to grow in love of Me.

    I write these letters of My intense love to My precious souls. I want these letters to circulate. The lives of Myself and My Mother will become more and more alive to you as you read these letters. Pray the rosary with these meditations. I am begging you to listen to Me.

    I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have written five books of My intense love. I have given you such insights into My suffering and My Mother's suffering. It is through the rosary and these letters that the love of God will grow more and more in men's hearts. I beg you to take Me seriously. I love, I love, I love. I write songs of My love. I want these songs recorded.

    I am an open furnace of endless love, on fire for My beloved souls. I write, I write, I write of this love. You do not take Me seriously!

    Your city will shine with the love of Jesus in the hearts of those who go to the Center when you promote these letters. To hold these letters back from My beloved souls wounds My Heart. I wait. I long. I thirst for the love of My beloved souls. I write five books of love letters. I beg you, all of you involved in circulating and publishing these letters, to do so. Your churches will radiate with My love when you circulate these letters.

    My Heart is on fire for love of you. I beg you this day to listen to Me. I am Jesus. I write of My ardent love for you and I am taken so lightly! Please circulate and read these messages! Please support these letters! What more must I do to tell you? What more do you want? I write five books of My love. I teach you the rosary to help Our lives live in you. The rosary is so important to the hearts of those who go to the Center and the members of Shepherds of Christ. The rosary and its mysteries must live in the lives of those who pray them. My renewal will come from the two Hearts. Listen to Me. Please circulate these letters and rosary meditations. They will lead many hearts to My love and the love of Mary.


December 23, 1994

The Sorrowful Mysteries

Agonies of the heart...the greatest of all agonies

Messenger: On December 23, 1994, I received the following rosary at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. I met Harold and his family.

Agony in the Garden

1. R. Be there with our beloved Jesus in the garden. Hear the sounds of the night. See Him as He kneels in such anguish, seeing all the things that are about to happen with His coming Passion.

2. R. And He cries out to His Father. " 'Father,' he said, 'if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.' " (Luke 22:42)

3. R. Agonies of the heart...the greatest of all agonies. Jesus saw before Him the souls that He loved so dearly. Many souls would neglect Him and treat Him with such indifference.

4. R. The agonies He suffered to His Heart were so immense. The wounds in His Heart so deep.

5. R. He saw before Him all of His most beloved souls that would be condemned to eternal damnation despite all the sufferings that He was about to undergo.

6. R. His agony was so great that His sweat became as great drops of Blood upon the ground.

7. R. This is the reality: God runs the world. Jesus truly suffered for love of us. He gave His life and He suffered in the garden for all the sins that we are committing this day.

8. R. He saw before Him His entire Passion: the blows, the spitting, His death on the cross. He saw this. With greatest love of us, He endured the Passion to the end.

9. R. He was filled with such anguish and suffering that an angel of the Lord appeared to Him to comfort Him.

10. R. He waits endless hours in the tabernacle today. Jesus Christ, the Son of God in His Divinity and His humanity, waits for us to come and to be with Him. He said in the garden:

"He came back to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, 'So you had not the strength to stay awake with me for one hour? Stay awake, and pray not to be put to the test. The spirit is willing enough, but human nature is weak.' " (Matthew 26:40-41)

Can we visit Him today in the tabernacle?


Scourging at the Pillar

1. R. See Jesus as they tie Him to the pillar. He is God-made-man.

2. R. With anger in their hearts, they beat Jesus to the point of their own exhaustion.

3. R. Hear the sounds as they beat Jesus. They hit His precious back. Hear the blows over and over again as it tears at His flesh. Do you hear Jesus as He makes whimpering sounds? The men are filled with anger and hatred, and they beat Jesus with great force.

4. R. Do we have any idea what it is like to suffer as Jesus suffered for love of us?

5. R. How deep are the wounds that covered His entire Body as they stood by mercilessly and they beat Him?

6. R. Think of how Jesus suffered. Be there at the pillar and hear the sounds. See what He went through: their anger and their voices
hollering at Jesus. He was mercilessly tied to the pillar while they struck Him, God Who is all love.

7. Song: A Song from Jesus

8. Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart (verse 1)

9. Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart (verse 2)

10. Song: Teach Me to Love With Your Heart (verse 3)



The Crowning of Thorns

1. R. They pounded a piercing crown of thorns into Jesus' most precious head.

2. R. They put a dirty purple robe on Jesus and they sat Him on a throne. They mocked Him and they spit on Him, and they hollered ugly slanders against Him.

3. Song: God's Love (verse 1)

4. Song: God's Love (verse 4)

5. R. He is truly here with us, and His Heart is ablaze with love that radiates for us. We are His beloved ones. He withstood all this torture so that we might have eternal life, so that He might have the deepest union with us. And some day, if we go to heaven, we will be forever united to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit in such close union that will last forever and ever and ever. He shed and gave His last drop of Blood for love of each one of us.

6. Song: A Song from Jesus

7. R. He is present in the tabernacle with such love for each one of us as He had the day they crowned Him with thorns and poked Him and spat on Him. He is with us this day, no less present than the day He was scourged and crowned with thorns. He loves us so much. He shed His Blood and gave the last beat of His Heart.

8. Hail Mary.....
9. Hail Mary.....
10. Hail Mary.....


Jesus Carries His Cross

1. R. He carried His cross on His most precious shoulder. The weight was so heavy that it felt as if His shoulder would break. He did not give up His cross. When the weight was too heavy for Him to bear, He collapsed under the weight of it.

2. Song: Under the Weight of the Wood

3. R. Jesus traveled with His cross on His back. His Heart was in such anguish for all the souls that would reject the grace for eternal salvation that He would merit for them.

4. R. Jesus is our focus. The more we are drawn to the immense love of this most Sacred Heart, the more we realize how He is truly alive this day. He loves each one of us. We will experience the peace, the joy, and the love that He wants us to have. We will be His lights shining in this world.

5. R. He has DIVINE LIFE and DIVINE LOVE in His most Sacred Heart. He outpours HIS LIFE TO US. He merited this grace for us by His death on the cross.

6. R. As His Mother walked along side of Him on Calvary, she walks along side of each of us. She never leaves our side. She withstood all this suffering. She knew what it was like to suffer. She did not take anything to relieve the suffering and she did not leave His side. She withstood such suffering, standing by His side. She stands by our side as we walk our path, which sometimes seems like a slow Calvary. But Mary is by our side with such love. She gives us her maternal love. She mothers us as the most perfect Mother. God the Father chose Mary as Mother of Jesus and us.

7. R. When our path is so hard we must realize Mary is always with us. It is God's grace that will get us through.

8. R. Jesus' grace is sufficient for every trial that you are experiencing this day. We must go to Him, go to His most Sacred Heart through Mary's Immaculate Heart. Mary leads us to Him. He is Love.

9. Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet (verse 1)

10. Song: Little Baby Hands and Feet (verse 2)


Jesus is Crucified and Dies on the Cross

1. R. See Mary as she holds the tender feet and the tender hands of the Child Jesus. And see her as she sees them nail His precious hands and feet with big nails into the cross.

2. R. How deep are the wounds in Thy precious hands and Thy feet, oh Jesus? How deep, oh Jesus, are the wounds to Your Heart? You suffered so for souls. Oh precious Jesus, fill our hearts with Your divine love and Your divine grace so that we may never wound Thy Sacred Heart with indifference, with neglect. Fill us with Your divine life so that we will always be drawn to the source of real life which is only found in You. I am sorry for all who neglect you in the Holy Eucharist.

3. R. You gave Your very flesh, You gave all the Blood in Your veins. You spread Your arms and You gave Your all for love of us, dear Jesus. And this day, You give Yourself in Your Divinity and Your humanity, with greatest love, in the Holy Eucharist. Help us, dear Jesus, to be deeply aware that You are truly the Son of God and that when we receive You, we receive God in our hearts.

4. Song: A Song From Jesus

5. R. You ask us to love God and love one another. You were beaten for love of our brothers. Why can't we love our brothers? You call us to love as You loved us. You call us to give our lives for our brothers.

6. R. Oh Mary, as you stand under the cross, how deep is the anguish to your Heart? You have no wounds, you have no scars. You're supported by your beloved John. And this day you walk by our side and you support us as we walk what seems to be a Calvary sometimes. You forever walk by our side and hold us up with such motherly love. You gave Jesus such love as you stood under His cross. Thank you, Mary, for the love that you outpour to us.

7. Song: I Love You Jesus (verse 1)

8. Let us see, Oh Mary, through your eyes, the love that your precious Son has for us. Let us be joined ever closer to the tender Heart of Jesus through your most Immaculate Heart. Jesus gave the last drop of His Blood and the last beat of His Heart for love of us.

9. Song: I Love You, Jesus (verse 2)

10. Song: I Love You, Jesus (verse 3) 12/23/94




December 24, 1994

The Rosary Book from Jesus and Mary

Jesus: Ask Marty to help you with writing up the meditations on the rosary. You can use Harold's picture for the cover of the book.

My dear little child,

    Please write up the meditations on the rosary. Ask Marty to help you and ask Harold to use his picture for the cover.

    You are to begin recounting your experiences daily. Start with the experiences from July 5, 1994. Include Fr. Carter's part in the rosary and Marty's part in the rosary. Write down the events you see daily, by date. Write down what you see. Include October 31, 1994 rosary. Marty is your partner in publishing the rosary book.

    You should list all you both see. Include the Christmas rosary. Begin by writing down your rosary meditations. All will become clear as you begin your rosary journal.

    Your time recounting these events will lead to a closer understanding of Our lives and Our intimacy with each other.

Mary: Your union with My Son and the Father and the Holy Spirit will deepen as your understanding of the union between myself and Jesus grows.

    From this day forward you will be closely united to me, your Mother, and closely united to Jesus through the rosary. I want you to lead the rosary always. Always dim the lights and use candles. I will be there and Jesus will be there whenever you pray the rosary. We will be with you in a very special way. Your job is to promote the rosary. When you pray the rosary, tell them about my letters to them, centered around my Son in the Eucharist.

    Always pray the rosary. Always center it in the Eucharist. Ask Marty and Fr. Carter to help you. This will be a powerful tool for bringing many to the rosary and to loving My Son in the Eucharist. I am Mary, your Mother, and that is my Christmas gift to all. Pray the rosary for us.

    Get Marty's picture fixed and everywhere you pray the rosary take that picture and the extra Sacred Heart picture at the Center.

    Always start the rosary with the Holy Spirit Song.



DECEMBER 25, 1994



The Annunciation

  1. Messenger:  The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked Mary to be the Mother of Jesus.
  2. Mary always complied with the Will of the Father. She said "yes" to the angel.
  3. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh.
  4. Song: Come Holy Ghost…
  5. There was such intimacy between Mary and Jesus from the first moment of conception.
  6. She felt the life of the child Jesus grow within her womb.
  7. It was in her womb that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was formed through the Holy Spirit.
  8. It is in realizing this connection between the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that we will grow in greater union with God.
  9. The Holy Spirit forever transforms us more and more into the image of Jesus.
  10. The womb of the Virgin Mary is the holy dwelling place of our beloved Savior.

The Visitation

  1. Messenger:  Mary, being pregnant herself, but hearing through the angel that Elizabeth had conceived a child in her old age, made haste to the hill country to be with her cousin Elizabeth.
  2. When she arrived, the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy.
  3. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice the Magnificat.
  4. Mary said,
    "My soul proclaims
        the greatness of the Lord
    and my spirit rejoices
    in God my Savior." (Lk 1:46,47)
  5. "…because he has looked upon
        the humiliation of his servant.
    Yes, from now onwards
        all generations will call me blessed." (Lk 1:48)
  6. "…for the Almighty
        has done great things for me.
    Holy is his name," (Lk 1:49)
  7. Jesus is no less present this day in the Eucharist than He was in Mary's womb.
  8. How He waits and yearns for us to come and to be with Him because He loves us so much!
  9. If we realized how much He loves us, we would never fear.
  10. Song: O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appears. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel!

Birth of Jesus

  1. Messenger:  Think of the glorious night when Jesus was born in a stable. The angels sang and shepherds watched.
  2. The cows and the sheep were there to keep them warm.
  3. This is truly Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.
  4. Song: Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o'er the plains. And the mountains in reply, echoing their joyous strains.
  5. Song: Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria in excelsis Deo.
  6. Song: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. The stars in the sky looked down where He lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
  7. Song: O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
  8. Song: What child is this who lay to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthem sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping.
  9. See Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the stable and see the tenderness in the eyes of Mary as she gazes on her newborn baby child, who is truly God!
  10. The birth of Jesus is at the heart of salvation history.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

  1. Messenger: Mary and Joseph took the child Jesus to the temple.
  2. While they were there, the prophet Simeon prophesied the sufferings of Jesus and Mary to come.
  3. Simeon said to Mary, "…and a sword will pierce your soul, too..." (Lk 2:35)
  4. As he prophesied the sufferings of Jesus and Mary, he also prophesied how many souls would be saved through Jesus.
  5. Mary gazes so tenderly on her precious child and, from this moment on, every time she looked at Jesus, she remembered the prophecy of Simeon.
  6. She had a constant ache in her Heart since the prophecy of Simeon.
  7. Song: See the eyes that look at Mary, her tender infant Child…
  8. She looked at the baby Jesus. She held Him in her arms. All through their life together, she knew His Heart. There was such love from the moment of conception between her and her Son! There was such intimacy between the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary.
  9. Dear Mary, you knew the Heart of your beloved Son Jesus. Please lead us to closer intimacy with Him. It is in loving Him through your pure and tender Heart that I too will love Him more tenderly.
  10. Let us love, through your Heart, our beloved Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

  1. Messenger:  How the Heart of Mary knew the Heart of Jesus! How the Heart of Mary suffered every sorrow. How she suffered when they lost the child Jesus in the temple.
  2. She calls out to us today to pray for her little lost children of the world.
  3. "It happened that, three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies." (Lk 2:46,47)
  4. When His parents saw Him "…his mother said to him, 'My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you?' " (Lk 2:48)
  5. "He went down with them then and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart." (Luke 2:51)
  6. She was His Mother. She took care of Him. She knew Him with a deep, motherly love in her Heart.
  7. Mary:  My beloved children, pray to the child Jesus. He will answer your prayers.
  8. I see Mary before me alive many times when I pray this mystery of the rosary. I see her and hear her call out. She begs us to pray for her lost children so that they will not be condemned to hell for their sinfulness and willfulness.
  9. Mary:  I am Mary, your mother. I am urgently calling you to spread the love of My Son Jesus to the world. Make this your Christmas gift to this world: to help spread these rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Please spread them to the children and the adults.
  10. Song: O come, little children...

end of December 25, 1994 Rosary meditations


December 25, 1994

This Is My Mother’s House

Jesus: This is My Mother’s house. I was born in a stable. Her house is in need of repairs. So, too, are the hearts of men.

Messenger: Mary and Jesus will work in their hearts to restore the peace and harmony for which they were created.

Mary: As this building, which has turned shabby, is restored, men’s hearts will be restored here to the burning love of my Son.

Messenger: Take out the debris from your hearts, make them pure and restore them to vibrant life in Him.

Mary: Your building will be restored more quickly the more you help to enkindle the love of my Son in their hearts. As the progress is slow, so, too, is the restoration slow. Circulate these letters of my Son’s love this day.



December 27, 1994 - After Communion

Message for Father Carter

Jesus: My beloved priest-son,

    I have chosen you to spread My light and My love to this world. It is through this Newsletter to My beloved priests I will give My love to so many hurting souls.

    I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I thank you for responding to My call to write and publish this Newsletter. I thank all who are involved in this Movement. My blessings are forever given to all who promote this endeavor, Shepherds of Christ. I am Chief Shepherd of the Flock and I give to you My greatest love. Your prayers for the priests will turn many hearts to the love of My most Sacred Heart through My Mother's Heart.

    This Christmas season, I turn to you and thank you for responding to this call. I ask you to continue with greater fervor to support this Movement as it extends to every corner of this earth. My flock will return to the love of My most Sacred Heart through your prayers and support. Pray fervently everyday for all priests of this world. Pray fervently for the success of this Movement. Pray for all priests who read this letter to receive and cooperate with the grace I am giving to them through your prayers. Pray to the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the priests reading My Newsletter. Your prayers will help light up the dark world when My love grows ever brighter in the hearts of My priests.

    I ask you to make this commitment to pray every day in your Morning Offering for the priests and the Movement, Shepherds of Christ. Pray at Mass for priests to be drawn ever closer to My Sacred Heart. Pray that they cooperate with the grace I am giving to them.

    I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock. I thank you for your prayers and give you great graces to lead you, My beloved ones, ever closer to My most Sacred Heart. Come and dwell in My Heart. I love you so much.

end of writings from Blue Book V



Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary

This rosary was received on Sunday, October the 13th, 1996 at a International Shepherds of Christ Associates Meeting at Tom Arlinghaus's farm in Kentucky. The rosary was led by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., spiritual director of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. The meditations and messages were given to Rita Ring during the rosary. This rosary was received live and transcribed from the recording. This live recording can be obtained by writing Shepherds of Christ Publications. All of these meditations have been discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.


The Resurrection

  1. Jesus has told us how He is the vine and we are the branches. We must stay rooted in Him so that His life flows through us. We cannot become disconnected from the vine. We are one, joined with Him.
  2. Hail Mary...
  3. Jesus speaks:
    I am calling you, My special apostles, to this farm on this day of October 13th, 1996. I will fill your hearts with the fire of My love, and the fire of this love will spread across the earth and many hearts will know My love and be touched through you. Open wide your heart during this rosary that I may speak to you and tell you of My burning love for you. I am giving to you an abundant sharing in My life. Open your heart. I am knocking at the door of your heart. You must not close your heart. Open wide that I can come in and fill you with My divine love.
  4. Oh, My beloved Jesus, I see You glistening and covered in white. I know that You rose on the third day and that there is such glory in the resurrection. My life is a constant death and resurrection as I live in You.
  5. Focus on the body of a man hanging on the cross. You see this vividly before your eyes-a man covered with blood, His head crowned with thorns. He is beaten and withered. This is the Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came and gave Himself for love of us. Focus on this picture in your mind. Make it so clear as if you were there, as if you are seeing this with your eyes, at this moment, this man on the cross, with flesh covered with blood. Jesus died. He was locked in a tomb for three days. Now see next to this picture of this man the glorified body of Jesus, His glorified wounds, as He comes forth from the tomb. The Almighty God, our beloved and loving Jesus-He is alive, He is with us this day. He lives in us in a special way. When we are baptized and in the state of grace, God is alive within us and He shares with us His divine life. We are Christ to one another for He is alive in us.
    When I talk to you, I am seeing the Jesus that is alive inside of you. We are all gathered as one body. We see Jesus. We see Him dead on the cross. This is how much that He loved us. Do we not know that He died for us because of this great love, that He wants us to be one body? I see the vine and the branches and I see how they are so connected that the life and the fluid runs through the vine to the branches-it's all one. We are one in Him. He has given us a sharing in His divine life. Look at us, how separate we are with each other, how we hold ourselves at arm's length and separate ourselves from one another. We are called in the Shepherds of Christ Movement to be one flock with one shepherd.
    The Almighty God is alive and He lives in us. I went to Mass and Communion this morning and I received the Body of Christ; you receive the Body of Christ. He gives to us His life. He gives to us Himself. We must strive in this Movement to be one, to live this consecration in our lives that we are one with each other, that we put aside all of the tauntings by the devil to divide us, that we realize that division is from Satan. As we march across this United States and this world, we will carry the fire of His love, alive inside of us, for He is alive and He lives within our hearts. We are called to this special mission as His apostles to carry this message, this message of His love to the world.
    Oh, Jesus, how tenderly I love you. You are alive in my very being. You are all that I live for and I want to carry this message out to the world for you have delivered this message with such love. You are so good. Fill our hearts with the fire of Your love and give us Your abundant grace that we will have the courage to carry this message to the ends of the earth. And there was darkness. I see the darkness in the night, but the light steals across the sky and the fire of His love spreads across this earth as His life lives in us and many are touched by the fire of His love.
    Song: Spirit Song
  6. We are not like the world, we see this world and it is Godless. In many cases the world has turned away from God. It is at Fatima that Mary said that we must stop offending God. She has given to us the peace plan that we will have peace on this earth-it is in consecrating our hearts. She said until a sufficient number have consecrated their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary we will not have peace in the world. She said we must pray the rosary, that we must observe the First Saturday devotion, that we must make reparation to Their Hearts. Why-why do we not do what Mary is asking us to do. It is so simple?
  7. Mary appeared at Fatima in July, 1917 and she told the children, "You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war (World War I then raging) is going to end, but if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light (January 2, 1938) know that this is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father."1
    Mary has appeared to me, almost every day from July the 5th of 1994 until September the 5th of 1995-14 months-this same cry that came from our Heavenly Mother at Fatima, that we must quit offending God, that we must do what she is telling us to do. This is the peace plan. He is alive and He lives in us. We are being asked to go into the world and to spread His love to the far corners of the earth.
  8. He gives to us His life in the Eucharist. Who are we that the Almighty God gives to us, human persons, a sharing in His Divine Life. He is treated with such indifference and such neglect. If we knew, if we could see, the glories of the Almighty God, but we are so blind in our sight. We do not see and we do not hear. We must pray for the grace that we will see, that we will be the apostles that He is calling to carry this message out to the world.
  9. He rose from the dead and He appeared to the apostles. We see Thomas-he did not believe. How are we this day? Do we believe? The Almighty God is truly present in His Divinity and humanity in the Holy Eucharist and He is outpouring His grace, His life to us. Do we believe? Do we believe that He is truly present and that He is giving Himself to us this day? He is here! He is truly present in the Eucharist and He is alive in our hearts!
  10. He laments and laments how He is treated as a dead object. He is ignored in the Tabernacle.
    The Almighty God is here. We spend all this money and go to concerts, go to football games, all this time in recreation and the Almighty God is ignored. Mary appeared in 1917 and said that we must stop offending God. Look at our world. He has called us in the Shepherds of Christ Movement and is giving to us abundant grace that we will grow more and more in our relationship with Him and we will be His leaders going into this world carrying the fire of His love to the far corners of the earth.
    He is alive. He says, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and I am with you this day. Open your eyes and see. Open your hearts and live for I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Our Lord Ascends Into Heaven

  1. He took His apostles out to the place of His Ascension and He raised His arms and He ascended into heaven. Do we see the glories of these mysteries, that the Almighty God rose from the dead, that He ascended into heaven? We do not see the glory. We are so focused on the details in our lives. We see with such limited vision. The Almighty God is alive and He is here and He is calling us. Each one of us has been called to this farm, this day, for He knew you would answer this calling. He knew that in your heart you want the deepest love affair with Him, that you want to be one with Him. He has called you as His apostles to carry out His love to the world, to light up the darkness with His life alive within us.
  2. We look out and we see the beauty of this day, with the sun in the sky and the light, and all the colors in the trees. We see the life in each blade of grass and in each leaf on the tree and tonight the darkness will cover this earth and although the trees and the leaves are still there, and this beautiful river, we will not be able to see with this clarity. The earth this day is covered with darkness for many souls have cut themselves off from the vine. They are withering and dying in their hearts. He is calling us and giving us abundant grace that we will be one in Him, that He will live in us, and as we live on this earth, He will touch others through us. This is a tremendous calling from the Almighty God-that we have been chosen and called and given this grace to be so close to Him.
  3. Song: A Song From Jesus
  4. Song: Little Child
  5. Hail Mary...
  6. On Ascension Thursday, 1995, I went through such an experience. First, Jesus took me to the height of heaven and I experienced such ecstasy. I was at church and later that day when I went home I was given great anguish and suffering and He called out, "I am alive, I am alive, I am alive!" and He said that He wanted Fr. Carter in the Shepherds of Christ Movement to reach the souls on this earth with the fire of His love. It was in such pain and suffering that I was buckled over and hearing the Almighty God call out, "I am alive, I am alive, I am alive". How do we treat Jesus? Do we treat Him as if He is alive? Do we love Him with all our heart, our whole soul and our whole being? Do you hear the laments of our beloved Savior, the Almighty God, who gave Himself and died on the cross? He is alive. He wants this burning love affair with us. Many of the Masses, many of our prayers, are said with lack of emotion in our hearts. He wants us to love Him with the deepest burning love, not to go through the motions. Every prayer is a love affair with our beloved Savior. The Rosary we sing-(the Rosary song), and He wants us to say from our heart, the bottom of our heart, "Jesus, we love You. Mary, we love you. Oh, the Rosary, the Rosary, is the love of Their Two Hearts. Oh the Rosary, the Rosary, is the love of Their Two Hearts."
    In the September 10th rosary that we circulated to you, Jesus laments how He does not receive a drop of heartfelt love from many of His beloved religious that He has chosen and loves so much. This is why He has called us in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, to pray, to pray for His beloved religious. He loves them so much and He wants, He wants this burning love from them, His chosen ones. We are gathered here for this reason-to realize that the Almighty God really is talking to us, that He has called us, that this is an important mission, that we need to pray so fervently for our priests and our religious, that this is His instrument, the Shepherds of Christ Movement, to help in the renewal of the Church and the world.
  7. Jesus speaks:
    I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, and I live in your heart. Open your heart and let Me come inside of you. I want to touch My beloved souls this day. Will you say "yes" to this calling? Will you go to the ends of the earth and spread this movement? Will you pray, pray fervently for this intention: to lead the religious to the fires of love, found in My Most Sacred Heart?
  8. Song: Spirit Song
    Jesus speaks:
    I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, and I live in your hearts.
    Jesus no longer walks this earth, but He is alive and He lives in us.
  9. Song: "Come Unto Me All Who Are Weary.."
    Jesus speaks:
    I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, and I am the Almighty God, all powerful. You see with such limited vision. You must surrender and let go and let Me run your life. You are holding on, My beloved ones. You must realize that I am all powerful, all mighty, and that I am guarding you and I am with you in a special way this day.
  10. Jesus speaks:
    Carry My light into the darkness.
    And the light came across the dark sky and many were touched with the fire of His love.
    Because you answered this call, the call to be His apostle, to pray for the priests, to help spread the consecration as Our Lady has asked us at Fatima. We will not have peace in the world until our hearts are filled with love, and she says until a sufficient number have consecrated their hearts to the hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace. This is the good news. As the Movement spreads across this earth, as hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will have the peace that Our Lady has promised at Fatima but we must do as she has told us to do. We must consecrate our hearts and spread this to the world. We must pray the rosary, observe the First Saturday devotion, and make reparation to Their Hearts.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the Apostles

  1. "When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves." (Acts 2: 1-4)2
  2. Jesus speaks:
    I call you, I call you, I call you, My beloved apostles. I call you to go out to the ends of the earth and to preach My love. I am longing and thirsting for My beloved souls to come to Me. Bring to Me the souls, the souls I love. I am Jesus, do you hear this call? Will you bring to Me the souls of My loved ones? Will you pray for the priests and the religious, for it is through them that I will feed the hungry souls?
    Look at the priest, see the priest in the Mass, the priest that consecrates the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. He gives to us the Body and Blood of Christ. See Jesus in the priest, giving us His Body. Each one of us go to the communion rail and God gives to us Himself. We are one in Him. Jesus has told me how we sit in church, like stiffs, all separate, going through the motions. This is not love! He wants heartfelt love in our hearts, to realize that the Almighty God, in the greatest act of love gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross and this sacrifice is sacramentally made present in every Mass. The Mass is a love affair with God. The deepest union with Him is to give ourselves to Mary, for we are sinners. She is the pure and sinless one. We give ourselves to Mary and we go to Him in her pure and sinless heart, to the very depth of His Heart.
    He is alive and we are the apostles that must carry this life into the world in our hearts. He is operating through us. Will we say "yes"? Do we see the world, do we see the suffering children, do we see the babies that are murdered in the wombs of their mother, do we see what the children are being fed on television..but we hold back our tongues about the love of God? When I began to receive these messages, for six weeks before, constantly I heard, "Feed the hungry, feed the hungry!" I prayed and I prayed and I prayed to know His will. In September of 1991, He called out to me, for six weeks, constantly, " Feed the hungry!" The world is starving for the love of God! Let us feed the hungry with this love of God. Let us pray for the priests for He gives us them.
  3. We encounter Christ through the sacraments. His life is outpoured in the Mass. Grace is outpoured in part according to the disposition of the person offering sacrifice. As we become one in Their Hearts, as the priest becomes one in Their Hearts, consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, an immense amount of grace is released on the earth. It is through this that many souls will know God, that many souls will be saved. We help in the act of redemption. We must spread this Movement to the far corners of the earth. It is as Mary said: we must consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is the key-Mary's heart is the gateway to going to the deepest chamber of the Heart of Christ.
  4. We see how Peter denied Christ. We see how the apostles were afraid. We see Thomas did not believe. We see them stumble and fall and run away, and then we see them, after the Holy Spirit descended upon them. They went out into the world and thousands were converted. They were filled with the fire of God's love. Let us, God, be filled with the fire of Your love.
    Dear Holy Spirit, give us this fearlessness to go into this darkened world and to carry the light, to carry the messages of Your burning love to the souls that are starving and are longing to be fed.
  5. Song: Lady of Fatima
    Jesus speaks:
    I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, and I live in you. Open your heart that I may touch so many of My beloved souls through you. I am Jesus. Will you say "yes", My beloved apostles?
  6. Look into the eyes of the children that are suffering this day. Mary has sent us on a special mission to spread the rosaries and the consecration to the children in the schools. Do you see the children, the children in the schools today that are hard in their hearts, the children that are suffering, that do not know the love of God? Mary is giving us special help to spread these rosaries in the schools. She wants this all over the United States. For nine months Mary asked me to spread the rosary and the consecration to the children. We are the apostles that He is sending into the world this day. This is what Mary and Jesus are asking us to do. It is so little-to spread these rosaries and consecrations to the schools, but Mary said at Fatima we will not have peace in the world until we do what she has told us to do. The Shepherds of Christ Movement is a great part of the completion of the Fatima message. These rosaries are a big part of the completion of the Fatima message. We must carry these rosaries to our children in the schools.
  7. Satan presses down on us and tries to stop us. The pressure that has gone on just to have this today is unbelievable, how Satan can try to stop this. Look at the Fatima message, how it has been blocked. Why, why, why are not we paying attention to this Fatima message that Mary gave in 1917? It is the devil that has blocked this message. This is a major part of the completion of the Fatima message so we will be met with such resistance. Jesus, Jesus wants us to bring Him souls. So many souls would be saved through the First Saturday devotion. Why, why do we not talk about the Fatima message like we should-about praying the rosary and consecrating our hearts, and the First Saturday devotion, and making reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary? It is so simple but the devil has blocked this. If we want peace we should do what Mary has told us for she is the Queen of Peace and the peace of the world has been entrusted to her. We are the apostles. We are being sent into the world to carry this message.
  8. Hail Mary...
  9. Hail Mary...
  10. Hail Mary...

The Assumption of Our Lady Into Heaven

  1. We see Mary taken body and soul into heaven. We live here, we struggle everyday with so many struggles. We are so focused on the daily events. We do not realize that soon we too will go to heaven, if we love and serve the Lord, if we love and serve God. The world has turned Godless to a large degree. Mary appeared to me every day, except for a few days, for fourteen months and begged and pleaded that we spread the love of her Son to this world, that we spread these rosaries to the world, that we go to the children with the rosaries and the consecrations. It is so hard to see our heavenly Mother and to know what she is saying and to not do more. Jesus and Mary have called you here this day. You have been chosen by them. This is the message that they wish to deliver to you, that many souls are suffering and going to hell. Over and over again I heard Our Lady call out, "Please, please the souls are dropping into hell like rain. You must go out to the world and spread the love of my Son."
  2. On October 13th, Mary said, "I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord anymore for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the rosary. Let them continue saying it every day."3 This is a great gift that God has given to us-rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. For in the rosary this week Jesus said that the times ahead will be very dark and unless we discipline our minds by praying the rosary all through the day, it will be very hard for us when these dark days come. Mary is our heavenly Mother. She was taken into heaven but she is very much with us. She has told us what we must do. We must pray the rosary. She is our heavenly Mother. As a mother that tells a child what to eat and how to dress, Mary is telling us this: that we must try to pray l5 decades of the rosary every day for the times ahead will be dark and we need to have disciplined thoughts. In praying the rosary, our thoughts become disciplined. We are meditating on the lives of Jesus and Mary.
  3. Hail Mary...
  4. I saw a documentary on Fatima and in this documentary, Mary appeared to the three children and then they showed the events of World War II. The bodies were being thrown on a heap. And it just about tore my insides apart because I identified so much with watching Mary appear and then nobody listened or not a lot of people listened and World War II happened and so many people were killed. John brought a statue and asked me to read this, "One day during World War II, a group of soldiers wondered into a small French village which had been badly bombed. They stood in the village square and looked at the desolation around them. Nearly everything seemed battered and broken. Suddenly, one of the soldiers noticed something interesting close by on the ground. It looked like a statue. There were cracks and chips in it and several pieces were missing. It was badly damaged. A few of the soldiers stood it up right. Immediately they knew that it was a statue of Jesus. The men began to look for the missing parts. They put them together as best as they could and then they set the statue on a pedestal that was still standing, but the hands were missing. The men looked very carefully for the hands, but they were no where to be found. When the men were about to give up, one of them said he knew exactly what to do. He made a rough sign and hung it over the arms of the statue. The sign read, 'I have no hands but yours.'"
  5. Jesus gave me a message that we are His hands and we are His Heart beating in this world. We must truly be real lovers, lovers living in this world loving one another, one with each other. It is in going to the pure heart of Mary, that we will unite in this deep love affair with Jesus.
  6. Jesus speaks:
    You are My hands. You are My Heart beating in this world. My beloved apostles, will you say "yes"? Will you go into the world? Will you carry my light in the darkness? Will you tell the children who are suffering how I love them? Will you go to the nursing homes and tell the elderly how I am longing to be with them, to talk to them, to hear the words from their lips that they love Me? You are My apostles of love.
    This is the anniversary of the sixth apparition at Fatima. Mary appeared every day for fourteen months to me and delivered these rosaries. That is all she kept saying: that we must lead others to the love of her Son, Jesus. The message is so simple. It is love God and love one another. All the fanciness and the frills! Why can we not live this message which is the message of love God and love each other.
  7. We are so focused on the things of this earth and our heavenly Mother has appeared so many times and told us what we must do-she made it so clear at Fatima. Do we think our Blessed Mother will change, that she will change her peace plan? We must, we must carry this message into the world. We must do what Jesus and Mary are asking us to do.
  8. Hail Mary...
  9. Hail Mary...
  10. Hail Mary...

The Coronation of Our Lady

  1. Mary speaks:
    I am Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. I am asking you this day to carry these rosaries into this world. It is through the rosary that you will have peace in your hearts. My little children, you must learn to discipline your thoughts. You must come to Our Hearts and meditate on Our lives. Our lives will live in your life as you meditate on the mysteries of the rosary.
  2. Mary speaks:
    There is a time, a time of struggle. There is a time of joy. There is a time when the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign. The time for these things is near at hand. My little children, I have called you on this October 13th, 1996. I have called you to go into this world and to carry the rosary as your weapon against Satan. It is through the rosary and the scapular that I will save this world. I am Mary, your Mother. I am Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
  3. We see the angel appear to Mary and ask her to be the Mother of God. This is the Father's plan-that Mary would be the Mother of God, and we see Mary as crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. Do we see the plan of the Father unfold in our lives? That our lives are so important to help in the salvation of many? That He is truly calling us to be apostles to carry His love, His light, into the dark world?
  4. Jesus speaks:
    I am with you in a special way, My beloved apostles. I am calling you this day. This is an urgent call. You must go into the world and carry My messages of love to the souls that are hungry and suffering and in pain.
  5. Think vividly of the moment of death. There is a soul at this moment on the edge of death. How did they live their life? Think of the world today. Is the world living according to the way that God has told us that we must live? He told us that we must love God and love one another. There is a soul at this moment on the edge of death. Where will this soul go? Did the soul love God? Did it matter about his clothes and his house and all his riches? I heard Mary, Our Mother, call out time and time and time again about the souls that were going into hell. It is like the Fatima documentary-she called and people did not heed what she said and there was World War II. Mary does not appear as she once appeared and she has ceased giving messages as she once did. She still gives messages but they are not as many. She says that we are not listening to the messages that she has given and that she cannot hold back the hand of her Son any longer.
  6. This is the good news: if we do what Mary tells us at Fatima, we will have peace. There will be the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart in which souls will fervently love Jesus with the greatest love. Her plan is so simple but Satan has blocked this plan. Satan has blocked these rosary messages and meditations. We must pray that we can circulate the messages of Jesus and Mary to the world that is hungry and in need of help.
  7. One day soon we will be with God in heaven, forever and ever.
  8. Wrapped in the embrace of the Almighty God for all eternity. Heaven is a place of love for the Almighty God is love. We will be satisfied. We will know love. We will be at peace.
    But, hell is a place where there is no love, there is no community, there is isolation, there is longing for God for all eternity.
    He is alive, He is alive and He is with us this day. You must spread this message to the ends of the earth.
  9. Mary speaks:
    My little children, I call you children because you are My children, willful in your ways. I have called to you to pray My rosary and to spread the rosary to the hurting children in this world. I am asking you on this special day that you carry the rosary to as many souls as possible. I will aid you in all efforts to spread the rosaries to the world. Read these meditations to the elderly in the Nursing Homes, teach them about the power of the rosary, bring the rosary to the children, tell them about our lives, about our love for them.
    I am Mary, your Mother, I am Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
  10. Song: The Rosary

Ending Message:

Jesus speaks:
How tenderly I love you, My beloved ones. I am Jesus. I have called you this day for this special meeting. I have called you, My apostles. Will you go into the darkness? Will you spread the message of My love? Will you carry the rosary into the world? Will you touch the hearts of those that are hurting and in pain? Will you be My apostles of love? I am calling you to love God and to love one another, to be one in your hearts, to put aside all hatred and bitterness within your heart, to not give into the tauntings of Satan to divide you, to always operate in love, to focus on God. Let your hearts be filled with love.

Glory be...

"My dear friends, let us love each other, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. Whoever fails to love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4: 7-8)4

1. Edward J. Carter, S.J., Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, Faith Publishing Co. p. 14.

2. Scripture quotations are taken from The New Jerusalem Bible, Catholic Edition, Doubleday and Co.
3. Edward J. Carter, S.J., Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, Faith Publishing Co. p. 16.
4. Scripture quotations are taken from The New Jerusalem Bible, Catholic Edition, Doubleday and Co.



Two days after Mary appeared


December 19, 1996 

Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.

    I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.

    I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.

end of December 19, 1996 message


September 16, 2005 message continues

Mary speaks:        IGNORE ME NO LONGER


Mary by day
July 5, 2000

by night
July 5, 2000



September 16, 2005 message continues

Mary speaks:        God the Father sent me as a
                                messenger for God

                            Ignore me no longer
                                My Son's hand is down —

                            Circulate my image pictures —
                                these writings
                                the videos —

                            Help me get my Son's newsletter
                                on Mary and the Church
                                to the priests —
                                today —

                            Please listen to me


shipped from the printers
December 17, 1996

Mary appeared
December 17, 1996


February 5, 2004

25 days later Mary's head was removed


September 16, 2005 message continues

God the Father speaks:

                        Make reparation for such
                            an injustice done —
                            such a blasphemy
                            to the image of Mary




From the Mass Book

Excerpt from December 5, 1995

There are five types of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

  1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
  2. Blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity.
  3. Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize Her as the Mother of men.
  4. The blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children indifference or scorn, or even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
  5. The offenses of those who outrage Her directly in Her holy images.46

46Frere Michael de la Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. II,


Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary speaks:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of Mary's Message, August 27, 1996



September 16, 2005 message continues

Mary and Jesus speak:

                       Ignore Us no longer —

Jesus speaks:    My hand is down —
                         My Mother held My hand
                                from you ——

                        Tell the world of My Movement —
                                                My messages —
                                                My Mother's vision

                        Help make reparation to
                            God the Father for
                            ignoring this sign and
                            destroying it —

                        Tell the world of this
                            gift given

                        Circulate the movies, discs
                            image pictures of our Lady of Clearwater

                        Circulate the writings


Again Mary speaks:


Lady of China



January 2, 1999

Mary speaks: I am Our Lady of Snows. I come to cover the earth with a soft white blanket of my love.

I come to bring peace to the earth. I tell you to let go of the anxiety in your heart and experience my peace and His love.

I am your heavenly Mother. I come to hold you and caress you and take you to my Immaculate Heart.




January 5, 1999

God the Father speaks:  It is because of your fervor to pray here that you have held back the hand of My Son from punishing the earth with just punishment for the crimes committed against your God.

end of January 5, 1999 message


September 16, 2005 message continues

Mary speaks:

                            God the Father sent you this
                        gift and these writings —

                        He allowed me to appear here for
                            my little children and you
                            ignore me.

                        IGNORE these
                            writings and prayers
                            no longer



Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius

July 31, 1994

Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:

"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)

end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter



September 16, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:        I want My Newsletter
                        on Mary and the Church to reach
                        My priests immediately —

                        Message — the day before the
                            hurricane in New Orleans


August 28, 2005 at 10:00 a.m.

This message was delivered the day before the hurricane

Messenger:    The Titanic the "unsinkable ship"

                        Do we look at our lives like this

                        Jesus used the Ark with Noah
                            The Ark saved Noah, his family
                                and the animals.

                        Is our Church the Ark?



                            See the pillars
                            The Eucharist
                            The Virgin Mary
                            The pope is at the helm of
                                the ark.



August 28, 2005 message continues

Messenger:          Beneath the sea is life even though
                        we may be unaware of it.

                            Above the clouds there may be
                        stars we do not see.

                            Beneath our skin is a beautiful
                        network of things which function
                        that keeps us alive — yet we do not
                        see our heart beat, a woman does
                        not see the egg inside that may someday
                        be a beautiful human being.

                            Mystery is all around us, but we
                        could see matter and know it is true —
                        the stars are, the fish are creatures of
                        the sea, the egg real inside the woman
                        that can become her baby some day.

                            We are so pompous, Jesus says, and
                        prideful in our ignorant ways acting
                        like we know everything.

Jesus speaks:

                            A man working on the tiniest pieces
                        of a model ship, put in each piece with such
                        precision, carefully laying one in its proper
                        order next to the other, one morning after years
                        of work on a particular model an earthquake
                        occurred and his little ship was wrecked
                        as he worked in his hands.

                            My people I watch you build your fancy
                        jacuzzis and put in all the "jets" and
                        decorations of the most magnificent baths,
                        fancy windows in southern Florida so
                        very much money above and below the sea,
                        yachts and all your boats and homes.
                        The time is spent in pleasure and game,
                        sports —

                            I sent your Mother to you in the sunny
                        state of Florida, she appeared Our Lady
                        clothed with the sun, Mary of Miracles.
                        As she appeared the Pope declared the
                        mysteries of light. Mother of Miracles —
                        I give you My site in Florida, My waters
                        of miracles, My Jesus water and Mary
                        water. Many are being healed from
                        My water I give you — cancer no more.

                        Recognize the source.

                        My Mother appeared to tell you
                        of My Movement Shepherds of Christ
                        and the Plan of the Father to help in
                        the renewal of the Church and the

                            Now look at the Bosco Vision



August 28, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:  Ignore Me no longer.
                        Your boats can be remnants under the sea.
                        Even your little model ships can be shipwrecked
                        on your dining room table —

                        You see with the eyes of men and when I
                            impart My wisdom to you — you
                            hold onto your model ships, your
                            country clubs, golf clubs, tennis
                            matches and ignore the Lady of
                            Fatima in the Americas.

                        I have given My writings to you for over
                            a decade and My Movement was
                            formed with every detail long before
                            Fr. Carter's death.

                        Your priests are dwindling as I speak —
                            all gray haired, what are you
                            leaving the babies.

                            You who had churches on every corner
                        and locked up the tabernacle, ignored
                        My Blue Book letters of love.

                            Let Me out I call you before it is
                        too late — oh you say — we must lock the
                        church — you can have two people
                        doing adoration twenty-four hours a
                        day and keep the churches open.

                            You are at war and satan has staged
                        an attack to shipwreck many churches —
                        When Mary's head was knocked off there
                        was a night-watch for almost one year
                        to protect My face.

                            Your churches are closing, your priests
                        are dwindling, all gray haired and you
                        instead of listening to Me 11 years ago
                        through Fr. Carter and My messenger, close
                        the churches and the seminaries and
                        priest houses are dwindling (where there
                        are several priests living in community
                        and having a tabernacle) have barely
                        none before the Blessed Sacrament.

                            A clock is set at night and a person
                        wishes to wake in the morning. All
                        night the clock may tick and tick
                        silently, even though the one sleeping
                        does not hear it, but at day break the
                        alarm sounds and the buzzer goes off.

                            The hearts of old priests are ticking —
                        as they are forced at a late age to cover
                        three to five parishes and the stress
                        of the people, some irate to lose
                        their own priests — more churches will
                        close and more tickers in old priests
                        will sound an alarm and hopefully
                        move on to their eternal reward in




Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter 1998 - ISSUE FOUR

    Shortly before he was to die from cancer, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin left us these inspiring words about peace: "It is the first day of November, and fall is giving way to winter. Soon the trees will lose the vibrant colors of their leaves and snow will cover the ground. The earth will shut down, and people will race to and from their destinations bundled up for warmth. Chicago winters are harsh. It is a time of dying.

    "But we know that spring will soon come with all its new life and wonder.

    "It is quite clear that I will not be alive in the spring. But I will soon experience new life in a different way...

    "What I would like to leave behind is a simple prayer that each of you may find what I have foundGod's special gift to us all: the gift of peace. When we are at peace, we find the freedom to be most fully who we are, even in the worst of times. We let go of what is non-essential and embrace what is essential. We empty ourselves so that God may more fully work within us. And we become instruments in the hands of the Lord."

Note:  3. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, The Gift of Peace, Loyola University Press, pp. 151-153.


August 28, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:  More and more priests are dying young.
                        Do you see or have you missed the
                        stars behind the clouds and the fish in
                        the sea?

                            God the Father allowed Mary to appear
                        for a decade at the end of the second
                        millennium and into the 21 century and
                        you stopped her visits by shooting off
                        her head and you ignored the clock

                            No fancy baths in the richest condo
                        in sunny Florida can bring you the
                        Eucharist. These are not the issues, the
                        wealth and the enjoyment, it is that
                        you are a sleeping city and you have
                        ignored the message of
                        Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas.

                        I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God and I call
                        a code red.

                        Mary has appeared to you for over a decade
                            and you ignored her.
                            On July 5, 1994 Mary began her
                                daily visits as you see in the
                                Red Rosary Book — because of
                                people the visits of Mary was
                                halted 14 months later on
                                September 11, 1995 when My messenger
                                was told to quit delivering messages
                                at the Holy Spirit Center from Mary — (an old seminary)
                                she was only permitted to say
                                Our Fathers, Hail Marys etc. —
                                "good old familiar prayers"

                        On December 17, 1996, Mary appeared in
                            Clearwater, The Lady Clothed with
                            the Sun, Our Lady of Fatima in the
                            Americas. She appeared for 7½ years —
                            acid was thrown on her face —
                            her image head shot off with a sling shot.

                        This is the image sent by God the Father to
                            deliver the message of My Movement
                            Shepherds of Christ to help bring to completion
                            the mission Mary began at Fatima at the
                            beginning of the century.

                        In 1912 the "strongest" vessel, the Titanic
                            sunk and more than 1500 passengers
                            were killed.


Luke 17: 34

I tell you, on that night, when two are in one bed, one will be taken, the other left;


August 28, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:  You do not get it yet —

                        The clock is ticking and I have given
                            messages at the end of this century
                            for the world in My Blue Books and
                            Daily Messages.

                        Satan will try to drive you into the
                            ground and people do not see
                            that closing your churches so
                            people can not do adoration is
                            like leaving your arms behind
                            when going into battle.


Your Bridegroom Waits for You (excerpt) - February 11, 1994 4:00 a.m.

Jesus:  ...Oh, My sweet ones, My chosen ones, I wait for you with My love in the tabernacle. I wait for you with your arms for this cold world. Your arms in this cold war are your hearts filled with My love. You cannot be My soldiers of love in this world if you do not first seek your union with Me. It is in the silence before the tabernacle that I minister to you. Come and do not be busy. Let Me fill you with My love...

My Heart is on fire with love of you. I give this to you in the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle. I am there, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Come and get your arms, get your supplies. You are going into battle in this world. You are battling evil and hate. You need your ammunition and it is found in Me. Come and I will give you your arms--My love.

Oh, how I love you. I ache in My heart for your love. You do not know how I ache to behold each of you. Please come. It is in the greatest love that I am locked up in the tabernacle. Come, please, I beg you. I love you. I want you to come. I am Jesus, Son of God and I am waiting for you this very day.

Come to Me and I will give you all you need. I love you. Jesus.


Picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Angels Will Read the Message

December 20, 1993 - 2:40 a.m.

Jesus speaks: Who will read the message? Angels will read the message. I will be by their side. I want the messages out. I want them out, I tell you. I want My people to hear all I am telling you. I want, not a few, but all to hear these words. They are private revelations given by Me to My people. The souls are, oh, so hungry for this one. They need to get these messages.

I am one crying in the desert. Make ready the way of the Lord. Prepare ye a path for the Master. He comes as a child in a stable. His people are asleep. Where are they and what are they doing with their busy lives? The angels will read the messages. They will rock the heavens and all will know My love and My might. From the housetops, shout this. Proclaim, "The day of the Lord is approaching. Make ready a path for Him." Will you comply with this demand to deliver a message to My people?

Time, child, is so short. You must ready all with My words of love. They are half asleep and dazed. They walk this earth with blinders on their eyes. My day will rock them off their rockers and they will know it is I with Whom they deal. No mistake will be made as to what is happening. All will see My power and My might. From the heavens shall come a sign and all will know from whence it comes. And the days that follow will be days to prepare men's hearts for My coming. I will not come unannounced. I will come with My power and My might and you will know what you will behold. Men will turn their hearts to Me with these messages. Get them out, I tell you, for their need is very great. I am patient and yet I am demanding. Ready yourself for this day of the Lord. I come as a baby into your midst, the angels sing, the choirs of heaven rejoice and you will know soon that I am very close to you all. Indeed you will know!

What awaits those in their feeble hearts! They run after such useless things when I, God, am talking in these letters. They think their world is their end. What an awakening they will have-a wide awakening!

I knock to make ready for My coming. You hear Me knock on your door in the night. Make ready this path so My people will read these letters of love. I am mighty and worthy of such praise. My people must realize My love in My intense might. What sign do you need? Do you think these messages were for your ears alone? Such power and wisdom in Rita's purse? This is not the idea. They are for all! My ease goes with you in all your undertakings to get these messages out.

Slow, too slow, I tell you. Shout My message from the housetops, that I am Lord and I am coming in your midst as a baby, but, with such might! My time is at hand. You tarry too long, My little ones. Time you do not have. This world is crazy! People are so busy at the malls. Oh, what foolish ones. I come as a baby into your midst. This is My birthday and whom do you worship? You worship idols! It is all such a sick world. Make ready My path, My little ones. Time is so short and you must not tarry any longer for into your hands I place My words for the world. They are mighty, little ones. Read them! What do you do with these words? Do you want proof? Look at Me hanging on the cross. It is out of this love of you I died a brutal death! Do you think I would not go to this extent to save the souls of My loved ones? Why would I come to this earth, give My life for all My beautiful creatures, and then, at this stage of the game, not send some mighty medicine to cure My sick little ones? You possess the mighty medicine. I mixed it with such love and I hand-deliver each message to shake My people to My love. The heavens will rock and the Son of Man will appear on a cloud and the glory of the Lord will be shown on high!

Get busy, you little people. The angels declare My words are given here. This is My gift to My people-distinct, clear letters proclaiming My love. Are you listening? Do you think I would not try everything to save My beloved ones?

Oh, I will go to any extent to save these little ones, so ornery and so stupid in their ways, so sinful in this evil world, but so precious to Me. I will come in My glory and I want every last soul.

I am God. Why would I not speak to you? I wait for you. I wait, I wait, but you are all so blind and dense. What you do is so silly. Your ways here have become sick and your hearts have become hard. But shout it from the housetops! I loved you to My death! I love you all in your sickness. I want you united under the mantle of My mother, praying and honoring God.

America, turn yourselves around before it is too late. Come and heed My harkening. Come, come, My children. Time is so short and a lot of mending must be done in your hearts. You have hardened them and now they must come back to life. Only I can give you this life in your hearts.

Heed My words here. I am gentle and kind in heart. My heart is a heart of love. I have hand-delivered these messages to My people and you are My delivery boys. Get them going, little ones. You tarry too much.

My gift to My people is My love this Christmas. I am showering all at this Center with grace this season. The devotion there pleases Me, but more must flock and they will be changed from hardened hearts to hearts for God. I am God, little ones. I came and I died a brutal death. I am calling to you all to deliver this now. Make this your top priority so they will hear My message of love and know the love I have for them. Do not tarry. Do this today, little ones.

end of December 20, 1993




August 28, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:  Help Me get My Tiny Tot books to
                            the babies who will have
                            fewer and fewer priests to serve
                            them —

                        This is My Movement —

                            My hand is raised —

                            Help Me now before it is too late.


August 28, 2005 message continues

Jesus speaks:  Oh for a decade she appeared and
                            you would not listen.

                        My People do not even tithe anymore
                            many give $1, $5

                        What will you leave your babies,
                            a pot of money and very few priests!

end of August 28, 2005 message


September 16, 2005 message continues

Messenger:        Messages given January 26, 1997 —
                            one month and 9 days after
                            Mary appeared in Clearwater

                        The day of the Super Bowl in New Orleans
                            messages given late Sunday
                                afternoon in a live rosary
                                transcribed from a tape


January 26, 1997
Sorrowful Mysteries

The Scourging at the Pillar

9. Jesus speaks:

So My beloved ones, you walk this hard, hard, hard valley and you know that the devil is pressing on.  Do not ever give up for I am counting on you.  You must help to spread Mary’s message to the world.  Miracles will come from this tape, Mary’s Message.  I called at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and Falmouth.  My mother appeared there and they blocked all the messages that I gave that would lead to the reign of My Sacred Heart.  Mary appears on this building to lead men to these messages which will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart.  It is through the priestly newsletter and these messages that people will hear the messages of My love that I write on their hearts.  For I am unveiling the scriptures and they will comprehend as they have never comprehended before, insights into the love into My Sacred Heart.

The Crowning with Thorns

Message before the Glory Be:

Jesus speaks:

My children, My children, You must pray and You must sacrifice.  You must hold tight for You will be taunted beyond all belief by the evil one, for look what He did at the Holy Spirit Center and the Falmouth farm to block the messages that would lead them to My heart. 

Jesus speaks:

I am alive, I am alive, I am alive.  I am unveiling the scripture to you, My beloved ones.  You must carry the messages.  The message you have heard, the ones in the Mass that will make the difference.  You must pray for the Imprimatur.  You must pray for this book, for it will change the way that men attend the Mass and it will change the hearts of many priests. I beg you, I beg you to pray, to not give into Satan who will try to stop you at every moment.  You will suffer persecution as you have never experienced before.  You will suffer division for you will not even say a word and there will be an explosion before your face.

The Carrying of the Cross

4. Jesus speaks:

My beloved ones, I am asking you to help to get this Mass Book to the readers.  I am asking you, with your prayers and all your help, to get this book to the hands of the priests.

Jesus Dies on the Cross

2. Mary speaks:

For the time is nigh and many will be lost.  I am Mary, your Mother.  I am calling you, my beloved children of light, to go to Florida to connect this apparition with my message, to help me to circulate this message to the world.  This is my message.  I stood beneath the cross of my Son and I cried. I appeared, I appeared, I appeared, I appeared.  I appeared at the Falmouth farm and I appeared at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and I appeared as Our Lady of Light in the Sorrowful Mother statue.  And they ignored me and they would not listen.  And so today, I appear on a building in Florida and my message is given on the tape to all.  Will you help me circulate this tape?  I appeared, I appeared, I appeared and I am ignored.

9. Jesus speaks:

And I came to you, My beloved ones. I came to you in a stable in Bethlehem, in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and I left on a cross. And I give to you this day Myself in the Eucharist. I want to be so close to you and I want you to love Me. I want you to love Me too, to tell Me how much you love Me, and I want you to spread this love to the world. Look at the world. They reject Me and they do not even recognize Me.

10. Jesus speaks:

You see through the eyes of Mary. You hear her voice. For I give to you these great gifts to share with this world. I am Jesus and I am asking you to carry these messages to the far ends of the earth, for what you do will make the difference to millions and millions of souls. I have called you today and you have responded. You are My core group that I have called to spread the message of My burning love to the world.

Jesus speaks:

I am alive, I am alive, I am alive and I am ignored and forgotten.  It is through these messages that men will turn their hearts to hearts of love.  They will know Me and they will know My love.  You must carry these messages to the far corners of the earth.

end of January 26, 1997


September 16, 2005 message continues

Messenger:     Messages given from God the Father


8 days before this rosary


January 18, 1997

God the Father:  My Dear Children,

I am the Father. My plan is unfolding through you, My beloved priest, Fr. Carter, and Rita and the core group in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.

I tell you all to read the accounts concerning Noah. Nowhere in history has God been offended as He is this day by this sinful world. You will suffer a fate for the offenses against God.

Mary appeared at Fatima to warn you, the sinful children, how they were offending God, but you did not listen. The war did not change the hearts of many evil men.

I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I send you.

You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer.

My plan will unfold. Any disobedience to these messages given by Me, My Son, or your Mother Mary will cause Me great displeasure.

I am the Father, the Almighty God, the Alpha, the Omega; you are a sinful people, a chosen race sinning against a loving God.

I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways, you have run amuck, you have offended your God, you have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son who died to save you.

I will act on all who continue in such sin. The sheep will be separated from the goats; the goats will receive punishment for their deed. Heaven and earth will kiss, there will be love in all hearts, justice will prevail and My children will be children of light, children that obey as I intended from the beginning.

Oh indeed My sweet messenger, I look to the earth and see the darkness, I see the disobedience of men against their Mother. I know the deeds committed and the evil in the hearts of so many. Justice will prevail and I will wipe out the earth. Only the children of light will remain, those who have given their hearts to their Mother Mary.

Do you think I send your Mother Mary as a messenger to be disobeyed by willful children? What do you think about at night, the cat, the dog, the fish? You don't know love. You don't love God or one another. This is My command to you, to love. You are a sinful, willful race, and the devil will vanish from the hearts of the children of light for they will be under the protection of her Immaculate Heart, the other children will be wiped off the face of the earth.

Disobey My messenger, ignore your Mother, ignore the Son in these messages. Ignore My Son who died for you.

Oh you sinful people filled with pride and disobedience, I give you the directions here to turn your hearts to love.

My Son has revealed Himself as never before in history into His tremendous love for men and you treat Our gift with such indifference.

I am angered at the lack of support to spread the messages of My Son's love for all.

You worry for funds, worry more, I am God the Father, the Almighty God. You disobeyed Mary, you disobeyed Jesus, now you will disobey Me?

You must obey My directions, the directions given through My Son, Jesus for the unfolding of the Father's plan.

No longer will I wait while willful men check and deliberate and disobey.

My plan will unfold through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.

I am talking through these messages given by My Son and Mary to tell you how to accomplish this task of carrying out My plan.

You must obey. The directions are given in these messages to spread the fire of God's love across this earth, to renew the Church and the world.

Because of willful men these messages have been held in check.

I am God, the maker of all things. You have made money your god. I want obedience, the funds will come when you obey all of the directions I have given to you.

Anyone who interferes with these messages will be removed.

These are the messages I give to the world. Fr. Carter's newsletter will teach the priests, all they need to know to be holy, loving priests.

Many priests are not loving, they are cold in their hearts. I will instruct the clergy through the newsletter.

My Son is the Chief Priest and Teacher. He has taught the world the secrets of His Heart through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita, to go to men to check the value of these writings displeases Me.

You must have faith, you must study the entire revelations given here. You are not valuing My great gift to you.

I am the power, I am God, to the ends of the earth, I will be with you. My plan will unfold. You must think big, not on a human level. You must come to Me.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I am telling you to circulate the tape of January 13 (1997) as soon as possible. This tape must be released to the world. It is the message to go with the apparition on the building in Florida.

You must make every connection with Mary's message given December 12 (1996) and the messages given by Mary with the apparition of her on the building in Florida.

Time is very short and My patience is very thin. I will strike the earth and the evil men will scatter and there will be a reign of peace where men will love God as I intended. The evil men will be chastised for I sent your Mother to warn you and you disobeyed. I gave My Son as a sacrifice and you treated Him with indifference. I am angry at the creatures on this earth. I will lessen the chastisement if you make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Oh willful children, you disobey your Mother, you are unloving and willful and your ways are evil. You are a sinful race.

I am sending water, rain to quench your thirst, My beloved children of light; I am sending fire to burn the fields for the sinful children, they will suffer drought and will fall to the ground dead, they will know fire, they will know the wrath of God. For I speak and I am ignored.

I am using the Shepherds of Christ Movement to majorly carry out the plan begun at Fatima. Every day lost is a lost day. I give to you Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as your directions to help the plan unfold. Circulate these rosaries to all chapters and stress their importance.

The tape of January 13 (1997) is important to the world. The tape must be circulated with the apparition in Florida and the messages typed and put on the Internet with the rest of the messages I have given. The connection must be made between the apparition and the Shepherds of Christ Movement.

Satan will attack you strongly, he will create division and give messages through other visionaries to get you off coarse. You must obey My directions given in these messages to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message.

I will weed out anyone interfering with My plan.

I will tell you when you have deviated from My plan, do not taunt My messenger, this displeases Me. Read the messages for direction and obey them.

The directions given are strong to correct a sick world. You must quit focusing on the messenger and obey Me.

I am the Father, these are My messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.

You think of money and miss the gift given. You are men bolted to the earth. You must obey Me. I have all the power.

end of January 18, 1997


15 days before this rosary


January 11, 1997

God the Father: My plan will unfold despite the willfulness of any of My children. I am the Father. I have guided you in all of your activities.

    I am telling you that the members of the Shepherds of Christ must be made aware of the importance of living the Blue Book messages.

    Planning is up to Me. This is My plan and it will unfold. Men plan for the future. I AM.

    I am directing the Shepherds of Christ Movement through these messages.

    I am angered at the lack of response on the part of some to back these messages. You must support these messages so they are lived by man.

    These messages are given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of My beloved Mary's Immaculate Heart.

    You are given all you need. You must adhere to My plan.

    I am the Father. I AM WHO AM. I was in the beginning, I am now and I will be forever.

    I am telling you to obey the directions given by Jesus in these messages.

    My plan will unfold. The completion of the Fatima message will greatly come through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.

    You must circulate the tape, Mary's Message. You must circulate the messages given to you in God's Blue Books and Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    The renewal in the Church will greatly come through the newsletter and the books published with the imprimatur. You must publish all books on the Mass with the imprimatur. Prayer chapters must be started in the churches.

    The instructions for the priests will come from doing as I have requested. I beg you to circulate the Priestly Newsletter Book to the priests as soon as possible. The priests must be made aware of the Mass Books.

    The Children's Rosary Book must be published immediately. Your work, Fr. Carter and Rita, is to publish this material.

    Heaven has contacted the earth primarily in these messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.

    The plan will unfold. It is My plan. You must be obedient to the directions I give to you here. The Movement is a great star of light to this world. From the Movement the earth will be covered with stars of light and the earth will be lighted through your efforts, Fr. Carter.

    I will give you all you need. The plan will unfold. It is My plan to turn sinful men into obedient, loving children.

    I have delivered this message that you will know My plan is unfolding. Many will be lost because of their willfulness. I demand obedience to My requests. The plan will unfold. It pleases Me greatly that you obey My messenger. She is delivering these messages to you from the Son, My beloved Son, God-made-Man.

    The messages of the love of God will be written on the hearts of men through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita to bring about the reign of His Most Sacred Heart.

    I am displeased with those who have blocked these messages. Anyone continuing to block My messages given through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will receive a shock that will envelope them.

    The time is very urgent. The time has run out for sinful man. I am angered at the way the world has treated their Mother. Willful children must be punished. I demand obedience. Mary gave to her children her peace plan and she was ignored by the Church and her children. Mary is Mother of the Church and Mother of her children. Willful children must be admonished. Children must obey their Mother.

    Mary appeared on the building in Florida as Mother of all. You have made money your god. You have ignored God and made this world your end.

    I am God. I AM WHO AM, without a beginning, without an end. I am today, tomorrow and always. You do not comprehend My ways with your feeble minds. You must obey the messages given by My Son and His Mother. These messages I give to you as a gift and a great revelation from heaven. You must be thankful and cherish this gift given. I will not remove My gift to you for I know you will obey Me. I will admonish you when you do not respond as you should.

    I have called you and anointed you, My holy priest (Fr. Carter), to lead this world to the light. The Light of the world is My Son, Jesus. His Heart will reign and the heart of your Mother will triumph. I beg you to surrender and obey and watch My plan unfold. There will be a great era of peace very soon, My little children. All you do today will help to save many souls. Many souls will know the love of God through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Many souls will love God with burning love.

    I give you this gift. Your writings, Fr. Carter, and the writings of My messenger, Rita, will help greatly to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart.

    I am the Father. I am the Almighty God. You must believe I have chosen you. I have called each member here this day to hear this message. I have called you to be the apostles of the new era of peace. I have called you by name. You will lead men to the Heart of My Son. You must listen and focus all of your attention to this mission I have given to you.

    I am the Father. From the day you were conceived, I formed you in your mother's womb, knowing the great mission I would call you to today. My children, My children, do not be distracted by the evil one to lead you astray. I am counting on you, My beloved shepherds. You must not be led astray by doing other good works. I have called you, this is My plan, it is unfolding. You are a major part of the success of this plan for the renewal of the Church and the world.

    Your work in the Shepherds of Christ Movement greatly pleases Me.

    I AM, WHO AM. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Almighty God. You must be obedient children. It is through your obedience that the consecration will spread to many souls on the earth.

    It is through your obedience to help spread the priestly newsletter and start prayer chapters in churches that many priests will love God with the greatest love in the Mass. I am asking you to spread the Mass Book to priests and sisters. Please pray for the priestly newsletter, the quick spread of the material given in the newsletter and for the priests reading the newsletter.

    Heaven has contacted the earth. The light will shine in the dark corners of the world. Men will respond to the Shepherds of Christ Movement. You must not be afraid. You must do as I have asked you.

    I have called you by name, My chosen ones, from the beginning I formed you and I gave to you the talents needed to accomplish this mission on the earth.

    Your talents are gifts from Me to be used for this purpose. You are the Shepherds of Christ. You are the apostles of the new era.

    There will be a new earth, there will be love on this earth as I intend it to be. My children will love one another, you will walk hand in hand, loving God and one another in harmony and peace.

R. ...Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven...

Jn 1:1-18 (From The New Jerusalem Bible):

In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through Him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being except through Him.
What has come into being in Him was life,
life that was the light of men;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not overpower it.

A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness to the light,
so that everyone might believe through him.
He was not the light,
he was to bear witness to the light.
The Word was the real light
that gives light to everyone;
he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognize him.

He came to his own
and his own people did not accept Him.
But to those who did accept Him
he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believe in his name
who were born not from human stalk
or human desire
or human will
but from God himself.
The Word became flesh,
He lived among us,
and we saw His glory,
the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.

John witness to him. He proclaims:
'This is the one of whom I said:
He who comes after me
has passed ahead of me
because he existed before me.'

Indeed, from his fullness we have, all of us, received--
one gift replacing another,
for the Law was given through Moses,
grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God;
it is the only Son, who is close to the Father's heart,
who has made him known.

R. We do not even see Our Father as so important to us.

    A little child is always aware of their father. A little child knows how dependent he is on his father, always wanting to please his father.

    A little child is always aware of his mother and obeying her. A little child loves his mother. Look at how unloving we are to Mary.

    We are children of God, with God the Father as Our Father and Mary as our heavenly Mother.

end of January 11, 1997 message



Novena al Espiritu Santo  English

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Español

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Français

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Português

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Italiano

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Polska


Excerpt from November 4, 2001

Jesus speaks:  To those who pray My prayers I
                        promise the following special

                                 - A deeper understanding of the 
                                     Divine Mysteries through fervent
                                     recitation of the litanies.

                                 - I promise a deeper love in your heart
                                     for your God and a deeper love
                                     for your fellowmen.

                                 - Those who pray the prayers fervently
                                    will experience a deep union 
                                    in My Heart and My Mother's heart,
                                    they will be given special insights
                                    into My unfathomable love for men
                                    and experience a thirsting within
                                    themselves to want to help souls
                                    through intercessory prayer and sacrifices.

                                 - They will have a deeper love of the Mass
                                    through this deeper consecration.
                                    [consecration to Their Hearts]

                                 - They will know Me more intimately.

                                 - They will want to live their lives to 
                                    help save souls.

                                 - They will have a deeper love for the priests shepherds.
                                 - They will have a deeper love and dedication
                                    to the Church. (I founded)

                                 - They will want peace on the earth.
                                 - They will want peace in their own hearts.

                                 - You will experience a fearlessness the more
                                    you pray the Holy Spirit Novena prayers
                                    given to you.

                                 - As you meditate on the scriptures you will
                                    understand more fully the plan of
                                    the Father to lead the souls into the
                                    great Reign of My Sacred Heart.

                                 - You and all who pray the Holy Spirit Novena
                                    and the Shepherds of Christ Prayers will be
                                    united in a deep oneness with each other
                                    and the souls of the earth.

                                 - The more you pray these prayers (both sets)
                                    you will live in the truth as you
                                    dwell in Our Hearts.

                                  - You will be given gifts of the Holy Spirit.

                                  - You and your family will be protected by
                                    My Precious Blood and your families
                                    will receive special protection
                                    against satan from fervent recitation
                                    of the prayers. (the Holy Spirit Novena
                                    and the Shepherds of Christ Prayers)

                                 - I promise to take you and the members of
                                    your family in a special way
                                    into My Sacred Heart. I will lavish
                                    you in the fires of My love.

                                 - The priests and the people of the Church and the world
                                    will receive special graces from the fervent
                                    recitation of these prayers. (both sets)

                                 - I will unite My people in a deeper love
                                    from the graces granted from
                                    fervent recitation of these prayers.

                                 - I give these prayers from My image site
                                    in Florida.
                                   I appear there daily as the Sacred Heart.
                                   Some see Me, some do not, but there
                                    is a special presence there.
                                   My Mother appears there for her children.

                                 - In the five years of her apparitions many
                                    souls who have come have been
                                    given special graces of conversion.
                                    Many have been given grace to lead
                                    them into a deeper love union with
                                    God and the Blessed Virgin.

                                 - The image site in Florida has touched
                                    the world.

                                 - I outpour great grace to those who come
                                    to the site.

                                 - There are tremendous graces of healing
                                    granted to all who come.

                                 - People who come rarely leave unchanged.
                                 - The grace granted works in their lives and in
                                    their hearts, long after they have gone.

                                 - A reminder of their visit only need be given
                                    and they experience a memory of
                                    that moment.

                                I ask you to circulate the prayers I have
                                    given, the Shepherds of Christ Prayers 
                                    and the Holy Spirit Novena prayers.

End of excerpt from November 4, 2001



                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
                    Jack, Jean, Amanda, Special intentions
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
               11) Blue Book 14 cover; Blue Book 13 – all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple
, Rosie & all involved.
               21) 2 babies and moms.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) Jerry's garage.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.



We need money for Blue Book 13 and
Fr. Joe's new homily book
(we sent almost 40,000 to priests,
cardinals, bishops)
Can you please help us?



 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center

in a gift box

white     blue     red

and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater

$10 plus postage



Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping




Special Sale Statues with image glass


15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85

12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75

 plus shipping
while supplies last

Call Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041



In Spanish with the Imprimatur

Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?


Give the gift that counts.

                Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.

Tell My People                    $5.00
Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



    God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
        $4.00 each plus postage

Blue Book 4

Blue Book 5

Blue Book 6A

Blue Book 6B

Blue Book 6C

Blue Book 7

Blue Book 8

Blue Book 9

Blue Book 10

Blue Book 11

Blue Book 12 & 13


Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur 
$2.00 plus postage

New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
$8.00 plus postage

New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage

Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage

Give the gift that keeps on giving!

Give to your priest.

Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage


Special sale statue with glass

27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage

Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.



Shepherds of Christ Ministries   P.O. Box 627  China, Indiana 47250

Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405   FAX: (812) 273-3182

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Rights for non–commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re–typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and 
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