Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing          

September 29, 2013

September 30th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for September 30th are Joyful.


Pray for Fr. Joe  



Introductory Price $5.00 plus postage



                Given September 28, 2013

                Jesus: I thirst, I thirst for souls –
                Your life is so short –
                Here today and tomorrow your life is

                What you see is the war in Syria,
                What happened in Bengasi,
                You see the terrorist –
                the bombing at the mall –

                What you don't see is this and I warned
                    June 26, 1995.

Excerpt from June 26, 1995

"The bloodshed in the Church will continue until the messages of My burning love are circulated."


                Jesus: You see the weapons, oh can they be
                    worse, chemical weapons,
                    yes child they can be worse –

                You won't listen to Our Lady of Clearwater


All 5ths - Our Lady of Clearwater Florida

July 5, 2000

September 5, 2000

October 5, 2000

November 5, 2000

December 5, 2000

January 5, 2001

February 5, 2001

March 5, 2001

April 5, 2001

May 5, 2001

June 5, 2001

July 5, 2001

August 5, 2001

September 5, 2001

October 5, 2001

November 5, 2001

December 5, 2001

January 5, 2002

February 5, 2002

March 5, 2002

April 5, 2002

May 5, 2002

June 5, 2002

July 5, 2002

September 5, 2002

October 5, 2002

November 5, 2002

January 5, 2003

February 5, 2003

March 5, 2003

April 5, 2003

May 5, 2003

July 5, 2003

August 5, 2003

September 5, 2003

October 5, 2003 

November 5, 2003

December 5, 2003

January 5, 2004

                         February 5, 2004

March 5, 2004


Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of Mary's Message


                Jesus: I give you a garden and you tear it
                    down and plant weeds –
                    then you try to solve the problem
                    you made.

                You are the problem –

                You won't obey God America.

                I cry blood –

                Your Mother appeared here in Clearwater,
                    who will listen when you block
                    My messages.

                They disobeyed the Lady of Fatima and
                    there was World War II

                Circulate these writings.
                Circulate the Blue Books –

                You see the outside –
                    a person can have an infectious
                    disease with a rash –

                You see the rash –

                You have to treat what is inside
                    the body – the insides
                    are sick – the rash
                    is only a sign –

\                Many people are missing this Mighty
                    Medicine in God's Blue Book
                    because you are not living the
                    messages and spreading them when
                    I have called you to tell people.

                The messages are for the world.

                The Blue Books are the Mighty Medicine –

                I give this gift to spread it –

                You don't use it and you don't
                    care if you spread it –

                I am Jesus, I tell you to live the
                    Blue Book Messages and
                    to spread the books to
                    the world needing the
                    Mighty Medicine –

Blue Book 1

Blue Book 2

Blue Book 3

Blue Book 4

Blue Book 5

Blue Book 6A

Blue Book 6B

Blue Book 6C

Blue Book 7

Blue Book 8

Blue Book 9

Blue Book 10

                Jesus: You have one life to live, when
                you go to bed tonight you will
                NEVER have your past days

                    Living a negative reality is
                    a choice and then you try to
                    force it on everybody else.

                I am God

                I am love –

                I say Rejoice, I died and rose on
                    the 3rd day –

                You tire those trying to pray
                    for renewal when you
                    live on a pity pot.

                What a waste of your life in which
                    you were created to know,
                    love and serve Me –
                    to give love –
                    to rejoice and be more perfect
                    as your heavenly Father
                    is perfect –

                I called retreats in Florida and
                    I called Sidney Rosaries in
                    Sidney, Ohio –

                How did you respond to
                    every calling –

                This is a gift

                The Blue Books are the Mighty
                    Medicine –

                I call you to unity with your
                    brothers –

                I call you to love –
                To work with others –

                To help build My Kingdom

Acts 2: 14-40

Then Peter stood up with the Eleven and addressed them in a loud voice: 

    ‘Men of Judaea, and all you who live in Jerusalem, make no mistake about this, but listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you imagine; why, it is only the third hour of the day. On the contrary, this is what the prophet was saying: 

In the last days—the Lord declares—
I shall pour out my Spirit on all humanity. 
Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, 
your young people shall see visions, 
your old people dream dreams. 
Even on the slaves, men and women, 
shall I pour out my Spirit. 
I will show portents in the sky
and signs on the earth
The sun will be turned into darkness 
and the moon into blood 
before the day of the Lord comes, 
that great and terrible Day. 
And all who call on the name of the Lord 
    will be saved.

    ‘Men of Israel, listen to what I am going to say: Jesus the Nazarene was a man commended to you by God by the miracles and portents and signs that God worked through him when he was among you, as you know. This man, who was put into your power by the deliberate intention and foreknowledge of God, you took and had crucified and killed by men outside the Law. But God raised him to life, freeing him from the pangs of Hades; for it was impossible for him to be held in its power since, as David says of him: 

    I kept the Lord before my sight always, 
    for with him at my right hand 
        nothing can shake me. 
    So my heart rejoiced 
    my tongue delighted; 
    my body, too, will rest secure, 
    for you will not abandon me to Hades 
    or allow your holy one to see corruption. 
    You have taught me the way of life, 
    you will fill me with joy in your presence.

    ‘Brothers, no one can deny that the patriarch David himself is dead and buried: his tomb is still with us. But since he was a prophet, and knew that God had sworn him an oath to make one of his descendants succeed him on the throne, he spoke with foreknowledge about the resurrection of the Christ: he is the one who was not abandoned to Hades, and whose body did not see corruption. God raised this man Jesus to life, and of that we are all witnesses. Now raised to the heights by God's right hand, he has received from the Father the Holy Spirit, who was promised, and what you see and hear is the outpouring of that Spirit. For David himself never went up to heaven, but yet he said:

    The Lord declared to my Lord,
    take your seat at my right hand,
    till I have made your enemies
    your footstool.

    ‘For this reason the whole House of Israel can be certain that the Lord and Christ whom God has made is this Jesus whom you crucified.’

Hearing this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, ‘What are we to do, brothers?’ ‘You must repent,’ Peter answered, ‘and every one of you must be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise that was made is for you and your children, and for all those who are far away, for all those whom the Lord our God is calling to himself.’ He spoke to them for a long time using many other arguments, and he urged them, ‘Save yourselves from this perverse generation.’


                R. Peter denied Christ, but he
                    was sorry because he
                    loved Jesus –

                Jesus asked him
                    "do you love Me, Peter"
                    3 times

                When we love God we are sorry
                    we offend Him –

                The greatest commandment

Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                R. To love God first

Acts 13: 16-41

Paul stood up, raised his hand for silence and began to speak:

'Men of Israel, and fearers of God, listen! The God of our nation Israel chose our ancestors and made our people great when they were living in Egypt, a land not their own; then by divine power he led them out and for about forty years took care of them in the desert. When he had destroyed seven nations in Canaan, he put them in possession of their land for about four hundred and fifty years. After this he gave them judges, down to the prophet Samuel. Then they demanded a king, and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin. After forty years, he deposed him and raised up David to be king, whom he attested in these words, "I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who will perform my entire will." To keep his promise, God has raised up for Israel one of David's descendants, Jesus, as Saviour, whose coming was heralded by John when he proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the whole people of Israel. Before John ended his course he said, "I am not the one you imagine me to be; there is someone coming after me whose sandal I am not fit to undo." 

    ‘My brothers, sons of Abraham’s race, and all you godfearers, this message of salvation is meant for you. What the people of Jerusalem and their rulers did, though they did not realise it, was in fact to fulfil the prophecies read on every Sabbath. Though they found nothing to justify his execution, they condemned him and asked Pilate to have him put to death. When they had carried out everything that scripture foretells about him they took him down from the tree and buried him in a tomb. But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had accompanied him from Galilee to Jerusalem: and it is these same companions of his who are now his witnesses before our people.

    We have come here to tell you the good news that the promise made to our ancestors has come about. God has fulfilled it to their children by raising Jesus from the dead. As scripture says in the psalms: You are my son: today I have fathered you. The fact that God raised him from the dead, never to return to corruption, is no more than what he had declared: To you I shall give the holy things promised to David which can be relied upon. This is also why it says in another text: You will not allow your Holy One to see corruption. Now when David in his own time had served God's purposes he died; he was buried with his ancestors and has certainly seen corruption. The one whom God has raised up, however, has not seen corruption.

    'My brothers, I want you to realise that it is through him that forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you. Through him justification from all sins from which the Law of Moses was unable to justify is being offered to every believer.

    'So be careful — or what the prophets say will happen to you.

    Cast your eyes around you, mockers;
    be amazed, and perish!
    For I am doing something in your own days
    that you would never believe
    if you were told of it.'


Acts 17: 22-31

    So Paul stood before the whole council of the Areopagus and made this speech:

'Men of Athens, I have seen for myself how extremely scrupulous you are in all religious matters, because, as I strolled round looking at your sacred monuments, I noticed among other things an altar inscribed: To An Unknown God. In fact, the unknown God you revere is the one I proclaim to you. 

    'Since the God who made the world and everything in it is himself Lord of heaven and earth, he does not make his home in shrines made by human hands. Nor is he in need of anything, that he should be served by human hands; on the contrary, it is he who gives everything — including life and breath — to everyone. From one single principle he not only created the whole human race so that they could occupy the entire earth, but he decreed the times and limits of their habitation. And he did this so that they might seek the deity and, by feeling their way towards him, succeed in finding him; and indeed he is not far from any of us, since it is in him that we live, and move, and exist, as indeed some of your own writers have said:

    We are all his children.

    'Since we are the children of God, we have no excuse for thinking that the deity looks like anything in gold, silver or stone that has been carved and designed by a man.

    'But now, overlooking the times of ignorance, God is telling everyone everywhere that they must repent, because he has fixed a day when the whole world will be judged in uprightness by a man he has appointed. And God has publicly proved this by raising him from the dead.'


Acts 20: 18-35

When they arrived he addressed these words to them:

'You know what my way of life has been ever since the first day I set foot among you in Asia, how I have served the Lord in all humility, with all the sorrows and trials that came to me through the plots of the Jews. I have not hesitated to do anything that would be helpful to you; I have preached to you and instructed you both in public and in your homes, urging both Jews and Greeks to turn to God and to believe in our Lord Jesus.

'And now you see me on my way to Jerusalem in captivity to the Spirit; I have no idea what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit, in town after town, has made it clear to me that imprisonment and persecution await me. But I do not place any value on my own life, provided that I complete the mission the Lord Jesus gave me -- to bear witness to the good news of God's grace.

'I now feel sure that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will ever see my face again. And so on this very day I swear that my conscience is clear as far as all of you are concerned, for I have without faltering put before you the whole of God's purpose.

    Be on your guard for yourselves and for all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you the guardians, to feed the Church of God which he bought with the blood of his own Son.

    I know quite well that when I have gone fierce wolves will invade you and will have no mercy on the flock. Even from your own ranks there will be men coming forward with a travesty of the truth on their lips to induce the disciples to follow them. So be on your guard, remembering how night and day for three years I never slackened in counselling each one of you with tears. And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace that has power to build you up and to give you your inheritance among all the sanctified.

    I have never asked anyone for money or clothes; you know for yourselves that these hands of mine earned enough to meet my needs and those of my companions. By every means I have shown you that we must exert ourselves in this way to support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, who himself said, "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving." ’ 


                Jesus: Do you see the crucifixion was not
                    the end of Jesus' story?

                Do you see that your life here
                    is not the end of your

                Are you accountable for how you
                    made problems when you
                    were to be part of the

                Look at the world – 

Excerpt from June 26, 1995

"The bloodshed in the Church will continue until the messages of My burning love are circulated."


                R. We are to be witnesses

Acts 1: 8

but you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit which will come on you, and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to earth's remotest end.'


                R. Paul was martyred –

                We look at these saints and
                    know how they loved God
                    so much they were martyred.

                David was weak and sinful and
                    yet look at his role
                    as one of Israel's
                    greatest kings.

                God wants to forgive us –
                    He is all merciful,

                But what must change is
                    the contamination of the
                    heart inside.

                Wearing a false face is like the
                    man with the rash and infectious
                    What's inside is the problem –
                        the rash is a sign –

                Jesus writes here in such wisdom –
                    who can write with the
                    wisdom of God.

                And if God gives us a gift and it
                    is obvious, why do we
                    turn our backs to Him
                    and think the folly of satan
                    is security?

                Paul was a model of how
                    faithful God is –

                We should be a model of our
                    faithfulness –
                    especially if one wears a
                    religious habit –

                I heard a song the other day
                    it said –
                    Always keep your promises –
                        so people know you
                        are dependable.

                God is faithful to His promises.

                We should say:

                "Father, into your hands I
                    commend my spirit."

                God gives us a message of hope.
                The Bible is a message of hope.

                Satan wants darkness and failure.

                Look at World War II

                Mary warned

Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima

by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.   

July 13, 1917

    "During this same July apparition, Mary showed the three children a vision of Hell. She told them:

    "You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.

    "The war (World War I, then raging) is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light [January 2, 1938], know that this is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. (12)

    "To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the five first Saturdays. If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed....

    "But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world." (13)

12. For background material on Fatima, I am particularly indebted to 
    Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
(Rockford: TAN 
    Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983). pp.4-5.
13. Ibid., p.5.


                R. Men would not listen to the Lady of Fatima.

                We see that the Trinity is the
                    most perfect community.

                The Church is to be a reflection
                    of this Love –

                We are to work with each other in

                If we lived and never loved -
                    what is that when the
                    greatest commandment

Matthew 22: 36-40

'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'


                R. God's word is encouragement,
                    hope, love

                When God writes there is
                    not limits.



Give what counts this Christmas
Call Rosie 1-888-211-3041


Give a beautiful gift to a friend

Blue Book 1

Blue Book 2

Blue Book 3

Blue Book 4

Blue Book 5

Blue Book 6A

Blue Book 6B

Blue Book 6C

Blue Book 7

Blue Book 8

Blue Book 9

Blue Book 10


God's Blue Book 1, 2 and 3 - $25 plus postage
God's Blue Book 4 and 5 - $8.00 plus postage
God's Blue Book 6A, 6B, 6C - $13.00 plus postage
God's Blue Book 7, 8, and 9 - $13.00 plus postage
God's Blue Book 10 - $5.00 Introductory Price

Blue Book CD's - $2.00 plus postage



Give a beautiful gift to a family

Special sale statue with glass

15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima
12" Infant of Prague
11" Our Lady of Fatima
12" Our Lady of Guadalupe
$50 plus shipping


18" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima
$75 plus shipping (crown not included)

12" Our Lady of Lourdes - $70


12" Sacred Heart of Jesus - $100
Holy Family statue is $125 


27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage


Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.


Rita Ring

Books written by the cofounder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Mass Book
A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00 plus postage

  Mass Book, by Rita Ring: Many of the entries in the Priestly Newsletter Volume II from a spiritual journal came from this book. These entries
  are to help people to be more deeply united to God in the Mass. This book is available in English and Spanish with the Church’s Imprimatur.

Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00  plus postage


  Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children, by Rita Ring, Short Meditations for both parents and children to be used when praying the
  rosary. These meditations will help all to know the lives of Jesus and Mary alive in their Hearts. Available in both English and Spanish with
  the Church’s Imprimatur. $10

God's Blue Book I
Teachings to Lift You Up. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book I by Rita Ring. Open Anywhere — This book will change your life. These are beautiful love letters to us from Jesus. A million books have been printed and circulated. Jesus loves us so much — He wants a personal relationship with us — He wants us to go to the Eucharist and be with Him before the tabernacle. $10

God's Blue Book II
The Fire of His Love. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book II by Rita Ring. Letters from Jesus about His on fire love — Jesus wants this great intimacy with us — On fire love — Personal love letters from Jesus about the love of His Heart — A book on surrender Fr. Carter said! $10

God's Blue Book III
Love God, Love One Another. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book III by Rita Ring. Fr. Carter's favorite book — It is about loving and forgiving each other — Being pure in heart — A book for unity in family, community, in life!! $10

God's Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Author: Rita Ring
$ 5.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book IV by Rita Ring. This book is about the love Jesus has for Mary and Mary has for Jesus and Jesus and Mary have for us — It is truly the Love of the Two Hearts. Mary appeared every day at the Holy Spirit Center — Fr. Carter was there. Mary's first apparition July 5, 1994. $5

God's Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart. Author: Rita Ring.
$ 5.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book V by Rita Ring. Jesus wants to be the bridegroom of our soul — He is our beloved — Jesus tells us about pure love — how we are to be pure of heart and love God and love others. It is a must, to hear about love from Jesus — Jesus is love — $5

God's Blue Book 6A
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 10.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book 6A by Rita Ring. Rosaries from Their Hearts during apparitions. Jesus and Mary appeared every day and I received rosaries from Them and They were transcribed from a tape. Also messages of love from Jesus on days of January, 1995 — About Baptism — writings from Fr. Carter and the Scriptures. $10

God's Blue Book 6B
He Calls Us to Action Author: Rita Ring.
$ 10.00  plus postage

God's Blue Book 6B by Rita Ring. Jesus and Mary appeared every day in February, 1995 — So beautiful — transcribed from a tape — the Stations, 7 Sorrows, prayers in the Prayer Manual, the Holy Spirit Novena Book and the Song Book. Pure love — loving and forgiving — a book about Jesus' love, baptism, grace and Fr. Carter's Newsletter. $10

Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
Red Rosary Book - Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 1. Mary appeared in Clearwater December 17, 1996 in rainbow color and these rosaries left the printer the same day from Apparitions of Jesus and Mary — transcribed from a tape. $10

Blue Rosary Book
Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
$ 12.00  plus postage

Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 2. This is a book of so many rosaries - transcribed from a tape. So many beautiful rosaries.   pages  $12

Short Rosary Meditations for the Ederly, Ill, and Homebound
From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.
$ 10.00  plus postage

Short Rosary Meditations for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This book is so important with pictures they can open it and lay it on their laps and pray the rosary. $10

  Messages From Jesus
  Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
  This book is 8 1/2" by 11" and you can open it up and sit it on your lap.

  $ 10.00  plus postage

Messages for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This is a big book of loving messages for nursing home people and homebound from Jesus and Mary — Their lives are so important — united to the Mass offering up their suffering, their lives for the souls of this earth. $10

Daily Messages From Heaven 1
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

Daily Messages From Heaven Volumes 2 thru 5 (Spiral bound)
From the Florida Apparition Site Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.

$25.00 each plus postage

Daily Messages from Heaven. First book of Daily Messages. $10

Rosary Meditations for Little People and Elderly
Short Meditations for the Rosary
$ 3.00  plus postage

Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary, Books 1 thru 5
A Coloring Book with Short Meditations on the 15 mysteries of the rosary. Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 5.00 each plus postage

Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 1 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary - really good. $5 each.

  Coloring the Lives of Jesus and Mary Books 6 and 7
  Mysteries of Light
  $ 5.00 each plus postage

  Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 6 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary - really good. $5 each.


  God's Blue Book I on CD, Disk #1
  God's Blue Book I, Disk #1 Read by author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
  $ 10.00 plus postage


  Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
  Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume I
  $ 5.00
  plus postage 


  Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
  Rosaries From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Volume II
  $ 5.00
 plus postage 


  Apostle's Manual
  Shepherds of Christ Overview: Very carefully discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter S. J.
  $ 20.00  

 Apostles Manual. About the Movement - the structure of the Movement — All Ministries - from the time 3 months before Mary appeared in Clearwater and 3 months after. Rosaries of the 13ths, Fr. Carter's Newsletters. Messages from God the Father — Reaching the priests, the Church, the schools and the world. $20

 Songs From Jesus
  Given by Jesus to His Messenger Author: Rita Ring. Discerned by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
  $ 3.00  

Songs from Jesus Songbook. These loving songs were given from Jesus. So beautiful — Love Songs from Jesus of His love - helping us have pure and loving hearts. $3



Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena
  Holy Spirit Novena by: Rita Ring
  $ 1.00
  plus postage

 Holy Spirit Novena Booklet. In four languages with the Imprimatur with 18 scripture readings for two complete novenas – this very powerful Holy Spirit Novena has prayers for prayers for Protection by the Blood of Jesus, Healing, Strength and Light, To Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One with Jesus, To Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, and the Word Alive in Our Hearts. All these prayers take about 10 minutes daily recited out loud. $1


  Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena CD
  Holy Spirit Novena Read by: Rita Ring
  $ 10.00
 plus postage

  Holy Spirit Novena CD. Prayers and scripture readings from the Holy Spirit Novena Booklet read by Rita Ring. $10

  Colorea 1 thru 5
  las vidas de Jesús y María (recibido el Imprimátur)
  $ 5.00 each plus postage 


  Para Comprender Mejor La Santa Misa
  Una Jornada Hacia el Corazón de Jesús
  $ 10.00  


  Meditaciones del Rosario
  para Pequenos y Ancianos
  $ 10.00  



Fr. Joe Robinson

Guiding Light - Reflect on the Word
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle B of the Liturgical Year
$ 15.00 plus postage

Guiding Light homily series - Reflect on the Word - Cycle B —  The Word leaves an impression on our souls. In my thoughts and reflections are born a more tangible understanding of these eternal concepts presented in the Gospels and the readings. Anyone can read a sentence, but not anyone can absorb it's true meaning. Truth, in this day and age, is almost a matter of opinion or individual entitlement. We believe that Christ's truth is our Roman Catholic Church. We, as priests, champion it's teachings; we are ambassadors for the Pope and Christ to those faces looking at us. We are the light by which our congregation reads to reflect upon real truth and we do it hand in hand. $15

Guiding Light - Steadfast to the Son
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle A of the Liturgical Year
$ 15.00 plus postage

Guiding Light homily series - Steadfast to the Son - Cycle A — The sunflower is a great example of how we should be steadfastly guided by light. What a powerful thought that this exceptional plant is not stuck in one pose day in and day out, yet adaptable and magnetized to the sun. We feel the same about our Son. Our heads turns to face Christ as each day presents its challenges to find light. We join together like plants in a field and soak up the Son through the pulpit. We are a warm circle of strength using the wind of our breath to carry our priests' words, Christ's words, to new rich soil. $15

Guiding Light - Feed My Soul
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle C of the Liturgical Year
$ 10.00 plus postage

Guiding Light - Feed My Soul
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle C of the Liturgical Year
$ 15.00 plus postage

Guiding Light - Feed My Soul - Cycle C — In a world rapidly advancing and encouraging personal gain, we are faced with modern problems. There is a challenge to find time in our busy schedules for Sunday Mass or a family meal. We are able to research, shop, bank and even work without hearing one human voice. It is no wonder that we may often feel disconnected and famished at our week's end. In Fr. Joe's third book of homilies from Cycle C, we are reminded of the charity that Christ intended us to show each other. We have a calling to turn the other cheek and be the Good Samaritan to others. We are rewarded with the Father's kingdom and love when we are not worthy. We are not left alone or hungry. $15

Guiding Light - Focusing on the Word
Inspiring Homilies Covering Cycle B of the Liturgical Year
$ 15.00 plus postage

Guiding Light - Focusing on the Word - Cycle B — At times we may feel that our path to Christ is a bit "out of focus". Like the disciples in the Book of Mark, this ordinary life clouds our vision of Christ's Divinity. We may doubt the practicality or possibility of applying His teachings and example to our modern life. Cycle B's homilies are a "guiding light" to help us realize Jesus' Messianic greatness and His promise of better things to come. $15

Guiding Light - The Word Alive in Our Hearts
Inspiring Homilies covering partial year of Cycle A by Fr. Joe Robinson
$ 10.00 plus postage

Guiding Light - The Word Alive in Our Hearts. - Cycle A (partial) Homilies by the Reverend Joe Robinson given at St. Boniface Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a tremendous honor Fr. Joe has allowed us to share these great gifts with you – for greater holiness and knowing more and more about God. $10

Fr. Edward J. Carter

Books written by the founder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Response to God's Love
–.God Himself is the Ultimate Mystery
$ 10.00  plus postage

Response to God’s Love by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. In this book Fr. Carter speaks of God as the ultimate mystery. We can meditate on the interior life of the Trinity. Fr. Carter tells us about our uniqueness in the Father's Plan for us, how the individual Christian, the Church and the world are in the state of becoming. Imprimatur. $10

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 1
Selected Writings on Spirituality—for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 10.00  plus postage

Shepherds of Christ - Selected Writings on Spirituality for all People as Published in Shepherds of Christ Newsletter for Priests. Contains 12 issues of the newsletter from July/August 1994 to May/June 1996. $15

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 2
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimatur
$ 12.00  plus postage

Shepherds of Christ - Volume 2: by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains issues 13-29 of the newsletter (September/October 1996 - Issue 5, 1999) $15

Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters 3
Selected Writings on Spirituality — for All People Editor: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage

Shepherds of Christ - Volume 3 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains Newsletter Issues 1 through 4 of 2000 including Fr. Carter’s tremendous Overview of the Spiritual Life $10

Tell My People
Messages from Jesus and Mary Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest  
$ 10.00  plus postage

Tell My People. Messages from Jesus and Mary (As given to Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.) — One of Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.'s Synopsis of the Spiritual Life — From Jesus to Fr. Carter "On Holy Saturday, 1994, Jesus told me that on the following day, Easter, I would also begin to receive messages for others. Our Lord also told me that some of these were eventually to be published in a book—and here is that book." $10

Spirituality Handbook
Shepherds of Christ Associates Spirituality Handbook - A Way of Spiritual Life
Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. Imprimi Potest

$ 3.00  plus postage

Spirituality Handbook. Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. did 3 synopsis of the spiritual life. The Spirituality Handbook, the Priestly Newsletter 20he Tell My People book. The way of spiritual life proposed to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates is centered in consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. All aspects of the spiritual life discussed below should be viewed as means to help members develop their lives in consecration to Christ, the Sacred Heart, and to Mary, the Immaculate Heart. $3

The Spirituality of Fatima
Fatima: The Setting, The Message, The Spirituality of Consecration
$ 5.00  plus postage

The Spirituality of Fatima by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. The Fatima apparitions and messages received official Church approval in 1930. In giving her official approval to the Fatima event, the Church tells us that what took place at Fatima involving the three young visionaries is worthy of our belief. $5

  Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
  Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayers
  Author: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.

  $ .50
 plus postage

Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual. The Shepherds of Christ has prayer chapters all over the world praying for the priests, the Church and the world. These prayers that Father Carter compiled in the summer of 1994 began this worldwide network of prayer. Currently the prayers are in eight languages with the Church’s Imprimatur. We have prayed daily for the priests, the Church, and the world since 1994. Associates are called to join prayer Chapters and help us circulate the newsletter centered on spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and helping to renew the Church through greater holiness. Please form a Prayer Chapter & order a Prayer Manual.



Shepherds of Christ 6:20 Prayers CD
Holy Spirit Novena, Associates Prayer Manual and the Rosary Led by: Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
$ 10.00  plus postage


Priestly Newsletter 2000 Issue 1
Audio CD - Read by Father Edward J. Carter
$ 10.00  plus postage

Priestly Newsletter - 2000 #1 - CD. - Christ is Our Strength - Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. read it the year he died. It is so beautiful. "This brief passage contains one of the greatest lessons of the spiritual life. As we progress along our spiritual journey, we become increasingly aware of how weak we are in our-selves, but how strong we are in Christ. To experience our weakness involves suffering. The degree and kind of suffering can vary. The suffering can include the experience of the classical dark night of the spirit as described by St. John of the Cross. One of the main purposes of the dark night is to make a person keenly aware of his or her helplessness without God." quote by Fr. Carter from the newsletter $10

Priestly Newsletter 2000 Issue 2
Audio CD - Read by Father Edward J. Carter
$ 10.00
 plus postage

Priestly Newsletter - 2000 #2 - CD. - Suffering: A Source of Life - Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. read it the year he died. Fr. Carter knew suffering that year. His voice is so powerful as he read each Newsletter from his heart and soul. "Every man has his own share in the redemption. Each one is also called to share in that suffering through which the redemption was accomplished. He is called to share in that suffering through which all human suffering has also been redeemed. In bringing about the redemption through suffering, Christ has also raised human suffering to the level of the redemption. Thus each man in his suffering can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering of Christ–." quote by Fr. Carter from the newsletter $10

Special 27" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
27" Statue with crown
$ 450.00 plus shipping

Special 18" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass  
$ 250.00 plus shipping

Special 15" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 200.00 plus shipping

Special 12" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 160.00 plus shipping

Special 18" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass  
Blue and Pink gown with a rosary over her hand.
$ 250.00 plus shipping

Special 11" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
Blue and Pink gown.
$ 150.00 plus shipping

Crucifix by Felix - Hand Carved
Crucifix with incredible detail!
$ 750.00 plus shipping

Imitation of Two Hearts
Giclee Art Print on Canvas
$ 150.00 plus shipping

Lucia's Vision
Giclee Art Print on Canvas by Harold Kellner
$ 150.00 plus shipping

  Mary's Image
  12 x 16
  Giclee Art Print on Canvas
of Mary's image with a sliver of glass and a little bottle of Jesus and Mary water. The glass will be fixed behind the back of the picture.
  $ 200.00
plus shipping



Blue Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm - $ 40.00 plus shipping


  Red Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
  8mm - $ 40.00
plus shipping



  Clear Crystal Rosary
  Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  6mm - $ 30.00 plus shipping
  8mm - $ 40.00
plus shipping




  Mug with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
  $ 15.00
plus shipping




Call Rosie



w/glass - 28

w/glass - 24

OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

Sorrow M
w/glass - 24

w/glass - 24

w/glass - 18

OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 18

I Heart
w/glass - 18

I Heart - Ivory
w/glass - 18

w/glass - 18

w/glass - 18

w/glass - 12


w/glass - 27

w/glass - 18

w/glass - 15

w/glass - 18

w/glass - 12

w/glass - 11

St. Padre Pio

St. Joseph

St. Therese

St. Francis

St. Anthony

St. Claire


St. Jude

Divine Mercy

Holy Family


St. Philomena

Pieta - Marble

Pieta - Color

Holy Family 12

St. Anthony - 18

St. Francis - 18

St. Joseph - 18

St. Therese - 18

St. Rita - 18

St. Clare - 12

St. Rita - 12

St. Padre Pio - 12

Divine Mercy - 12

St. Michael - 11

Limpias - 8



Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250


Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182






 Holy Family








 St. Anthony




 St. Claire




 St. Francis




 St. Joseph




 St. Jude




 St. Padre Pio




 St. Therese



 Divine Mercy 22"


 Angel 22"


 St. Philomena 20"


 St. Philomena 16"


 St. Joseph 18"


 St. Francis 18"


 St. Anthony 18"


 St. Rita 18"


 St. Therese 18"


 Pieta - Color



 Pieta - Marble



 Holy Family 12"


 St. Padre Pio - standing 12"


 St. Padre Pio - sitting 9"


 St. Michael 11"


 St. Rita 12"



 Divine Mercy



 St. Claire 12"


 Pieta - Color



 Pieta - Marble



 Limpias 8"


 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28"


 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24"



 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass




 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass




 Infant of Prague w/glass




 Our Lady of Grace w/glass




 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass  



 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass



 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass




 Sorrowful Mother w/glass



 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18"


 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18"


 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18"


 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass   18"


 Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18"



 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass



 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12"



 Fatima w/glass




 Fatima w/glass



 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27"



Call for Shipping Price (1-888-211-3041)




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 Order Total


Call Rosie


Table of Contents

Previous Daily Message

Main Shepherds of Christ Page

SofC LogoCopyright © 2012 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for
non-commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and 
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries 
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2012

Contact Information for Shepherds of Christ

Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250

Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182